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Created January 29, 2023 10:43
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An incomplete list of empires and their duration.
Empire Start Date End Date Duration Books of the Bible
Sumerian Empire 2334 BC - 2154 BC 2154 BC 180 years
Akkadian Empire 2334 BC - 2154 BC 224 BC 438 years Isaiah, Jonah
Minoan Empire 2000 BC - 1450 BC 1450 BC 550 years
Indus Valley Civilization 3300 BC - 1700 BC 1700 BC 1600 years
Egyptian Empire 3100 BC - 30 BC 30 BC 3,130 years Exodus, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel
Assyrian Empire 1365 BC - 609 BC 609 BC 776 years 2 Kings, Isaiah, Jonah, Nahum
Babylonian Empire 1894 BC - 539 BC 539 BC 1355 years Genesis, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel
Persian Empire 550 BC - 330 BC 330 BC 220 years Ezra, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel
Greek Empire 323 BC - 30 BC 30 BC 293 years All the New Testament books
Roman Empire 753 BC - 476 AD 476 AD 1229 years All the New Testament books
Byzantine Empire 324 AD - 1453 AD 1453 AD 1129 years All the New Testament books
Mongol Empire 1206 AD - 1368 AD 1368 AD 162 years
Ottoman Empire 1299 AD 1923 AD 624 years
Spanish Empire 1492 AD 1898 AD 406 years
British Empire 1583 AD 1997 AD 414 years
French Empire 1804 AD 1814 AD 10 years
Soviet Union 1917 AD 1991 AD 74 years
United States 1776 AD present 245 years
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