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Created November 24, 2014 16:57
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Rough nanogenmo attempt, constructed by isolating actions from dreams in "Ten Thousand Dreams Interpreted, OR, WHAT'S IN A DREAM"
I was abandoned.
I abandoned others.
I abandoned.
I abandoned my sweetheart.
I abandoned a mistress.
I abandoned.
I abandoned children.
I abandoned my business.
I saw myself or friend abandon a ship.
I saw an abbey in ruins.
I got into an abbey.
I was an abbot.
I saw this pious man in devotional exercises.
I talked with an abbot.
I saw my abdomen.
I saw my abdomen shriveled.
I saw it swollen.
I saw blood oozing from the abdomen.
I abhorred a person.
I thought myself held in abhorrence by others.
I was abject.
I saw others abject.
I caed n't find my abode.
I had no abode.
I changed my abode.
I saw anything hanging above me.
I was abroad.
I grieved over the absence of any one.
I rejoiced over the absence of friends.
I had an abscess which seemed to have reached a chronic stage.
I came under the influence of absinthe.
I resisted his persuasions to illicit consummation of their love ..
I was possessed with an abundance ; foretells that I will have no occasion to reproach Fortune.
I felt myself abused.
I was looking into an abyss.
I visited an academy.
I thought me owned.
I returned to an academy after having finished there.
I avoided any mode of travel for a short period.
I befell stock.
I held accounts against others.
I accused any one of a mean action.
I was accused.
I had aches.
I drank any acid was an adverse dream.
I drank aciduous liquors.
I saw poisonous acids.
I picked them from the ground.
I ate them.
I shook them from the trees.
I saw green-growing acorns.
I pulled them green from the trees.
I met an acquaintance.
I seemed to be disputing.
I felt ashamed of meeting an acquaintance.
I thought that she had an extensive acquaintance.
I was acquitted of a crime.
I saw others acquitted.
I saw myself acrobating.
I saw women acrobating.
I saw an actress.
I saw one in distress.
I thought myself one.
I saw a dead actor.
I saw them wandering and penniless.
I saw them in the garden.
I saw or heard Eve conversing with the serpent.
I saw an adder.
I found some error in addition.
I added figures with a machine.
I failed to read the figures.
I bid adieu to home and country.
I threw kisses of adieu to loved ones.
I was an object of admiration.
I admonished my child.
I saw my adopted child.
I committed adultery.
I had successfully resisted any temptation ..
I sought adulation.
I offered adulation.
I saw others advancing.
I met or engage with an adversary.
I overcame an adversary.
I was victimized by an adventurer.
I thought she was an adventuress.
I was in the clutches of adversity.
I saw others in adversity.
I was getting out advertisements.
I received advice.
I sought legal advice.
I advocated any cause.
I felt that I was afraid to proceed with some affair.
I saw others afraid.
I was in Africa surrounded by Cannibals.
I saw others afflicted.
I was affrighted.
I saw others affrighted.
I was in affluence.
I saw agate.
I was in agony over the loss of money.
I saw others thus affected.
I felt cold air.
I felt oppressed with humidity.
I heard a bell in my sleep.
I was an alien.
I wandered through an alley after dark.
I lied in ambush to revenge myself on others.
I lost an amethyst.
I saw clear bottles of ammonia.
I was amorous.
I saw others amorous.
I heard anecdotes related.
I dreamt that friends or relatives was angry with me.
I saw an antelope missed its footing and fall from a height.
I saw hot iron with sparks flying.
I saw a small ape cling to a tree.
I saw fine apparel.
I rejected out-of-date apparel.
I saw myself or others appareled in white.
I walked with a person wearing white.
I saw myself.
I saw yellow apparel.
I saw green apparel.
I saw many colored apparel.
I saw old or young in appropriate apparel.
I admired the apparel of others.
I noted whether the objects was looking natural ..
I ate them was not as good.
I served as an apprentice.
I ate them signified the near approach of calamitous influences ..
I saw a fallen arch.
I saw an architect.
I saw respectable-looking strangers arrested.
I visited an art gallery.
I reached the extreme point of ascent.
I saw an ass.
I saw donkeys carrying burdens.
I unwillinglied ride on one.
I was the one to receive the assassin 's blow.
I saw another.
I was looking at an atlas.
I was in an attic.
I saw an attorney at the bar.
I was married in August.
I saw augured.
I rode in an automobile.
I found myself escaping from the path of one.
I looked for one.
I was awake.
I passed through green.
I saw one.
I abimeleched by night.
I saw a person turn and walk away from me.
I back-bited me.
I was defeated in the game.
I went bail for another.
I saw a bald-headed man.
I ascended in a balloon.
I saw negroes with their banjos.
I saw vacant tellers.
I saw silver and bank-notes accumulated.
I ate them.
I saw them decaying.
I traded in them.
I saw one 's country 's banner floating in a clear sky.
I saw inharmonious influences.
I saw bantam chickens.
I was an applicant.
I saw John the Baptist baptizing Christ in the Jordan.
I saw the Holy Ghost descending on Christ.
I was being baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire.
I wandered in the night barefoot with torn garments.
I saw a barometer.
I saw baseball.
I was in a basement.
I had a bass voice.
I went in bathing with others.
I saw white roses in a bathroom.
I was defeated in battle.
I saw a beacon-light.
I killed a bear.
I saw beard on women.
I pulled my beard.
I admired a beard.
I beat a child.
I was sleeping on a bed in the open air.
I saw a friend looking very pale.
I saw bedbugs simulating death.
I destroyed them.
I did not like my bed fellow.
I had a strange bed fellow.
I saw one newly furnished.
I saw.
I habitueed 's of this beverage.
I saw them growing abundantly.
I saw an old.
I gave to a beggar.
I saw others beheaded.
I saw one.
I saw one.
I heard one.
I heard bells tolling.
I saw anything moving on the belly.
I saw a healthy belly.
I had a new style belt.
I saw others doing so.
I committed bigamy.
I saw a wounded bird.
I saw flying birds.
I caught birds.
I killed than with a gun.
I saw an empty bird 's nest.
I saw a bishop in his dreams.
I saw writing in white chalk on a blackboard.
I saw a blacksmith.
I saw children blowing up bladders.
I was cursing myself.
I heard young animals bleating.
I saw others blind.
I was playing at blind man 's buff.
I saw blood flowing from a wound.
I saw blood on my hands.
I defended myself.
I saw worn blotting paper.
I heard boasting.
I saw my bones protruding from the flesh.
I saw a pile of bones.
I saw a woman tying her bonnet.
I saw children at their books.
I saw a bookcase.
I visited a book store.
I saw my boots on another.
I wore new boots.
I saw it soiled or shrunken.
I saw a withered bouquet.
I saw full money boxes.
I saw a bracelet encircling my arm.
I found one.
I saw my own brain.
I ate them.
I saw a lot of impure bread.
I broke a window.
I was eating alone.
I came close to a person ing with a pure and sweet breath.
I saw myself caught among briars.
I saw a long bridge dilapidated.
I crossed a bridge safely.
I saw a bridge give way before me.
I willed be deceived by some wily enemy.
I saw bridle bits.
I saw fires of brimstone.
I was affected with bronchitis.
I suffered with bronchitis.
I saw a fowl with her brood.
I made broth.
I saw my brothers.
I was busy brushing my clothes.
I heard joyous blasts from a bugle.
I saw large and magnificent buildings.
I saw one pursuing me.
I saw a bull goring a person.
I carried a heavy burden.
I attended the burial of a relative.
I was buried alive ..
I saw them slaughtering cattle and much blood.
I ate rancid butter.
I sold butter.
I saw a butterfly among flowers and green grasses.
I saw them flying about.
I gave it away.
I was drinking buttermilk made into oyster soup.
I heard a buzzard talking.
I saw one sitting on a railroad.
I saw buzzards.
I rode in a cab.
I rode in a cab at night.
I rode in a cab with a woman.
I was in in{sic } a dream ..
I heard the cackling of hens denoted a sudden shock produced by the news of an unexpected death in my neighborhood.
I saw a cageful of birds.
I saw wild animals caged.
I deceived and injure me through the unconscious abetting of friends ..
I heard my name called by strange voices.
I heard the voice of a friend or relative.
I heard the voice of the dead may be a warning of my own serious illness or some business worry from bad judgment may ensue ..
I saw a calendar.
I saw calm seas.
I felt calm and happy.
I was the subject of calumny.
I saw this beast of burden.
I owned a camel.
I saw a herd of camels on the desert.
I saw a camping settlement.
I saw cane growing.
I had one successfully treated.
I saw the water of a canal muddy and stagnant-looking.
I glided in a canoe across a canal.
I saw them burning with a clear and steady flame.
I saw a candle wasting in a draught.
I snuffed a candle.
I saw a candlestick bearing a whole candle.
I heard or see cannons.
I interpreted dreams of this character by the influences surrounding him.
I received a box of bonbons.
I saw a prisoner 's cap.
I saw a miner 's cap.
I was a captive.
I missed one.
I got off of one.
I saw street-cars.
I rode on a car.
I stood on the platform of a street-car while it was running.
I saw a cardinal in his robes ..
I lost at cards I will encounter enemies ..
I was participating in a carnival.
I saw a cart.
I rode together in a cart.
I saw a carpet.
I walked on a carpet.
I bought carpets.
I saw carpenters at their labor.
I saw a carriage.
I rode in one.
I was looking for a carriage.
I saw one filled.
I had plenty of cash.
I saw a cashier.
I saw an old and vine-covered castle.
I was leaving a castle.
I met a thin.
I heard the scream or the mewing of a cat.
I saw a caterpillar.
I saw cattle lean and shaggy.
I saw cattle stampeding.
I saw a herd of cows at milking time.
I saw young calves.
I saw this vegetable in a garden.
I saw a division of cavalry.
I walked in a cave with her lover or friend.
I saw them dead or blighted.
I saw it decaying.
I ate it.
I ate it with her lover.
I saw a cellar stored with wines and table stores.
I saw an old bramble grown and forgotten cemetery.
I carried fresh flowers to a cemetery.
I saw little children gathering flowers and chasing butterflies among the graves.
I saw chaff.
I saw chains.
I saw a chair.
I saw a friend sitting on a chair and remaining motionless.
I saw the chairman of any public body.
I was a chairman.
I held hands full of chalk.
I was challenged to fight a duel.
I accepted a challenge of any character.
I found myself in a beautiful and richly furnished chamber implied sudden fortune.
I saw a chambermaid.
I saw a broken or ill-kept one.
I was in a chapel.
I fell or saw others fell from one.
I administered chastisement to another.
I payed out checks.
I won the game.
I saw cherubs.
I saw them looking sorrowful or reproachful.
I lost at chess.
I saw chickens going to roost.
I ate them.
I saw or search through a chiffonier.
I saw children working or studying.
I saw a fire burning in a chimney.
I was attacked by it.
I saw him in the temple scourging the traders.
I gathered white chrysanthemums.
I saw them in bouquets.
I entered one wrapt in gloom.
I saw an empty one.
I was in a strange city.
I sent for a clergyman to preach a funeral sermon.
I climbed a ladder to the last rung.
I saw myself climbing the side of a house in some mysterious way.
I saw a clock.
I had plenty.
I saw bright transparent clouds with the sun shining through them.
I saw them with the stars shining.
I saw bright coals of fire.
I saw a new coat.
I lost my coat.
I heard one at night was despair.
I drank a cocktail while dreaming.
I saw my own coffin.
I saw my corpse in a coffin.
I found myself sitting on a coffin in a moving hearse.
I saw ground coffee.
I saw a coffee mill.
I saw or visit a coffee house.
I saw coke ovens burning.
I was a colonel.
I saw a collision.
I heard comic songs.
I was engaged in commerce.
I saw one pointing awry.
I had bad and dark complexion.
I saw a composing stick.
I was in a hypnotic state or under the power of others.
I was the object of a conspiracy.
I had consumption.
I was held in contempt by others.
I cooked a meal.
I saw a cooking stove.
I saw a cooling board in her dreams.
I saw her brother.
I was corking bottles.
I saw young corn newly ploughed.
I saw shelled corn.
I saw a corpse placed in its casket.
I saw a corpse in black.
I saw a battle-field strewn with corpses.
I saw the corpse of an animal.
I saw the corpse of any one of my immediate family.
I put money on the eyes of a corpse.
I saw cornmeal.
I saw persons talking in a corner.
I saw others corpulent.
I saw cotton in bales.
I saw cotton cloth.
I saw them in full bloom.
I saw them fly to the ground.
I saw a person dressed in crape.
I assailed me in my affairs of the heart.
I was crawling on the ground.
I crawled over rough places and stones.
I crawled in mire with others.
I leaved port.
I saw a crew working to save a ship in a storm.
I heard a cricket in one 's dream.
I saw them.
I heard cries of distress.
I heard a cry of surprise.
I heard the cries of wild beasts.
I heard a cry for help from relatives.
I saw a criminal fleeing from justice.
I was in a crockery store.
I saw cross-bones as a monogram on an invitation to a funeral.
I saw a crowd in a church.
I saw a crowd in the street.
I tried to be heard in a crowd.
I saw a crowd was usually good.
I hypnotized others.
I wore a crown.
I saw a crucifix.
I possessed one.
I went on crutches.
I saw others on crutches.
I saw others crying.
I heard a cuckoo.
I saw a cupboard.
I saw a cuspidor.
I spit in one.
I entered a custom-house.
I leaved one.
I saw dahlias.
I placed this rose in my hair.
I saw older people dancing.
I lost my friend.
I watched the day break.
I saw my mother.
I was conversing with a dead relative.
I heard of any friend or relative being dead.
I saw the graves or caskets of the dead decorated with white flowers.
I was decorating.
I killed a deer.
I was delayed.
I felt delight when looking on beautiful landscapes.
I saw him at work on a young woman 's teeth.
I found herself alone in a desert.
I was using a desk.
I was in despair.
I saw others in despair.
I was innocent of charges preferred.
I felt the dew falling on me.
I was referring to a dictionary.
I dug a hole and find any glittering substance.
I ate my dinner alone.
I was one of many invited guests at a dinner.
I saw my clothes soiled with unclean dirt.
I was not a participant.
I was diseased.
I was worried over the disgraceful conduct of children or friends.
I saw shelves of polished dishes.
I was disinherited.
I saw others diving.
I saw a divining rod.
I heard the barking of dogs.
I saw fancy pet dogs.
I felt much fright upon seeing a large mastiff.
I heard the growling and snarling of dogs.
I heard the lonely baying of a dog.
I saw dogs and cats seemingly on friendly terms.
I killed a snake in my presence.
I was in the dome of a building.
I beheld a dome from a distance.
I was the winner of the game.
I heard the distant braying filling space with melancholy.
I saw myself riding on a donkey.
I saw others riding donkeys.
I drove a donkey.
I was kicked by this little animal.
I led one by a halter.
I saw children riding and driving donkeys.
I fell or be thrown from one.
I saw one dead.
I saw a strange donkey among my stock.
I was living on.
I saw others go through a doorway.
I attempted to close a door.
I heard or ring a door bell.
I heard the lonely.
I saw a dead dove.
I saw white doves.
I failed to receive a dowry.
I saw a drama.
I was bored with the performance of a drama.
I wrote one.
I was given to dram-drinking.
I saw or use a draw-knife.
I thought me was having trouble in dressing.
I caed n't get dressed in time for a train.
I saw others drowning.
I saw her sweetheart drowned.
I heard the muffled beating of a drum.
I saw a drum.
I was drunk on heavy liquors.
I saw others in a drunken condition.
I saw them shot.
I saw them flying.
I heard a duet sung.
I received a dun.
I saw a dungeon lighted up.
I saw my friends dwarfed.
I saw the dyeing of cloth or garments in process.
I saw others dying.
I was going to die.
I saw animals in the throes of death.
I naturallied assumed these forms of agonizing death.
I saw dynamite.
I saw one soaring above me.
I saw one perched on distant heights.
I saw young eagles in their eyrie.
I killed an eagle.
I saw a dead eagle killed by others than myself.
I rode on an eagle 's back.
I saw earrings.
I saw or feel the earthquake.
I saw an earwig or had one in my ear.
I was done eating.
I was anxious to obtain an education.
I was in places of learning.
I saw an eel in clear water.
I saw a dead eel.
I ate eggs.
I saw broken eggs and they was fresh.
I saw a crate of eggs.
I saw bird eggs.
I saw elbows.
I was at an election.
I saw live electrical wire.
I saw many elephants.
I did not approve.
I thought me was eloquent of speech.
I failed in impressing others with my eloquence.
I saw embalming in process.
I embraced relatives.
I embraced a stranger.
I saw an emerald or emeralds on the person of his affianced.
I bought an emerald.
I saw one of my employees denoted crossed and disturbances if he assumed a disagreeable or offensive attitude ..
I resisted enchantment.
I enchanted others.
I was defamed by my enemies.
I overcame my enemies in any form.
I saw an engineer.
I tore the entrails of another.
I entertained envy for others.
I satisfied an epicure.
I wore this beautiful and costly raiment.
I saw others thus clothed.
I saw his sweetheart clothed in ermine.
I went on errands.
I scaped from some place of confinement.
I scaped from any contagion.
I came into the ownership of a vast estate.
I saw stars shining out clear.
I walked in the evening.
I was about to be executed.
I saw the air filled with smoke and de'bris.
I thought me was enveloped in the flames.
I saw a one-eyed man.
I heard.
I saw happy and bright faced.
I saw a strange and weird-looking face.
I saw my face in a mirror.
I walked on burning fagots.
I burnt me at the stake.
I was a failure.
I sustained a fall.
I saw my enemies perishing by famine.
I was famishing.
I saw a fan.
I bid her lover farewell.
I was living on a farm.
I was buying a farm.
I was visiting a farm.
I was getting fat.
I saw others fat.
I felt fatigued.
I asked favors of anyone.
I felt fear from any cause.
I saw eagle feathers.
I saw chicken feathers.
I washed my feet.
I saw my feet swollen and red.
I fell from a fence.
I was seated on a fence with others.
I climbed through a fence.
I threw the fence down and walk into the other side.
I saw stock jumping a fence.
I saw ferns.
I waited at a ferry for a boat and see the waters swift and muddy.
I crossed a ferry while the water was calm and clear.
I was stricken with this malady.
I saw green fields.
I saw newly plowed fields.
I saw fields freshly harrowed and ready for planting.
I played one myself.
I engaged in a fight.
I saw fighting.
I saw her lover fighting.
I was defeated in a fight.
I whipped my assailant.
I saw two men fighting with pistols.
I was on my way home and negroes attacked me with razors.
I was fighting negroes.
I saw figs growing.
I saw a file.
I saw files.
I saw beautiful hands.
I saw well-kept nails.
I saw a large conflagration.
I saw a fire-engine.
I saw a fireman.
I saw fireworks.
I saw the firmament illuminated and filled with the heavenly hosts.
I saw people me knew in the firmament.
I saw fish in clear-water streams.
I waded in water.
I visited a fish market.
I saw decayed fish.
I fell into a clear pond.
I saw others in this plight.
I saw flax.
I saw a large fleet moving rapidly.
I saw anything fleeing from me.
I received a bouquet of mixed flowers.
I saw flowers blooming in barren soil without vestage of foliage.
I flew low.
I flew over muddy water.
I flew over broken places.
I flew with black wings.
I saw a fly-trap.
I fell from a foot-log into clear water.
I found myself in a dense forest.
I saw a forest of stately trees in foliage.
I passed my hand over the forehead of my child.
I saw anything ill formed.
I attacked a fort and take it.
I was confined in a fortress.
I put others in a fortress.
I saw a clear fountain sparkling in the sunlight.
I saw a sparkling fountain in the moonlight.
I saw a fox slyly coming into my yard.
I killed a fox.
I was defrauding a person.
I was defrauded.
I accused some one of defrauding me.
I saw my friend troubled and haggard.
I saw my friends dark-colored.
I saw my friend who dressed in somber colors in flaming red.
I saw a friend standing like a statue on a hill.
I saw a friend with a white cloth tied over his face.
I was shaking hands with a person who had wronged me.
I was frightened at anything.
I saw frogs in the grass.
I saw a bullfrog.
I saw frogs in low marshy places.
I saw frost on a small sunlit landscape.
I saw a friend in a frost.
I bought or sell fruit.
I saw or eat ripe fruit.
I saw a funeral.
I attended a funeral in black.
I was dressed in fur.
I saw fine fur.
I was on a gallows.
I rescued any one from the gallows.
I hung an enemy.
I was gambling and win.
I saw any one afflicted with gangrene.
I saw heaps of garbage.
I saw a garden.
I saw vegetables.
I ate garlic.
I found his lady 's garter.
I extinguished gas.
I saw a gas lamp.
I saw a closed gate.
I was annoyed by the quacking of geese.
I saw them in grassy places.
I was picking them.
I saw the ghost of a dead friend.
I spoke to me.
I saw an angel or a ghost appear in the sky.
I saw a female ghost on my right in the sky and a male on my left.
I saw a female ghost in long.
I saw the ghost of a living relative or friend.
I received gifts from any one.
I sent a gift.
I ran a gig.
I saw others wearing velvet.
I received one.
I was looking through glass.
I saw my image in a mirror.
I broke a mirror.
I received cut glass.
I made presents of cut glass ornaments.
I saw her lover in a mirror.
I saw her husband in a mirror.
I looked clearly through a glass window.
I saw glass-blowers at their work.
I saw a glass house.
I saw gleaners at work at harvest time.
I was surrounded by many gloomy situations.
I wore old or ragged gloves.
I lost my gloves.
I found a pair of gloves.
I fastened a lady 's glove.
I pulled my glove off.
I drank water from a silver goblet.
I saw goblets of ancient design.
I gave a man a glass goblet full of water.
I handled gold.
I found gold.
I lost gold.
I contemplated working a gold mine.
I was playing golf or watching the game.
I heard the sound of a gong while dreaming.
I was eating green gooseberries.
I saw gooseberries.
I was the object of gossip.
I was in my nightgown.
I was studying grammar.
I ate grapes.
I saw a rugged mountain beyond the green expanse of grass.
I was a perfect dream.
I saw grasshoppers between me and the sun.
I saw a newly made grave.
I visited a newly made grave.
I looked into an empty grave.
I saw a person in a grave with the earth covering him.
I saw my own grave.
I returned for a corpse.
I saw a graveyard barren.
I saw my own corpse in a grave.
I saw gravel mixed with dirt.
I was in grease.
I saw ..
I was sharpening tools.
I dealt in grindstones.
I heard groaned.
I saw a grotto.
I had a guitar.
I played on a guitar.
I shot a person with a gun.
I was shot.
I found articles of value in a gutter.
I had a gypsy tell her fortune.
I held any conversation with a gypsy.
I saw a haggard face.
I saw my own face haggard and distressed.
I watched hail-stones fell through sunshine and rain.
I heard hail beating the house.
I saw my hair turning gray.
I saw myself covered with hair.
I saw brown hair.
I saw well kept and neatly combed hair.
I cut my hair close to the scalp.
I saw the hair growing out soft and luxuriant.
I compared a white hair with a black one.
I saw tangled and unkempt hair.
I caressed the hair of a woman.
I saw flowers in my hair.
I saw one 's hair turn perfectly white in one night.
I visited a hair-dresser.
I put a halter on a young horse.
I saw other things haltered.
I ate ham.
I saw beautiful hands.
I had an injured hand.
I saw a detached hand.
I saw my hands covered with hair.
I saw my hands enlarged.
I saw my hands soiled.
I washed my hands.
I admired her own hands.
I admired the hands of others.
I found myself handcuffed.
I saw handcuffs.
I lost one.
I saw torn ones.
I saw them soiled.
I saw pure white ones in large lots.
I saw them colored.
I saw silk handkerchiefs.
I saw myself handsome-looking.
I saw others appearing handsome.
I saw and recognize my own handwriting.
I saw a large concourse of people gathering at a hanging.
I saw a hare escaping from me.
I made pets of them.
I saw hares chased by dogs.
I shot a hare.
I maintained a harem.
I was dressed as a harlequin.
I heard the sad sweet strains of a harp.
I saw a broken harp.
I played a harp myself.
I was eating hash.
I willed probably be troubled with various little jealousies and contentions over mere trifles.
I blew my hat off.
I hated a person.
I was hated for unjust causes.
I saw a dead hawk.
I saw fields of newly cut hay.
I was hauling and putting hay into barns.
I saw loads of hay passing through the street.
I saw a person 's head.
I saw a head severed from its trunk.
I saw myself with two or more heads.
I washed my head.
I saw the heart of an animal.
I ate the heart of a chicken.
I was oppressed by heat.
I ascended to heaven.
I fell heir to property or valuables.
I saw my friends in hell.
I saw hemp seed.
I was a hermit myself.
I found myself in the abode of a hermit.
I had hidden away any object.
I found hidden things.
I admired well-formed hips.
I admired her hips.
I was reading history.
I saw strange children thus affected.
I saw a sow and litter of pigs.
I was dealing in hogs.
I was taking part in the Holy Communion.
I was refused the right of communion and feel worthy.
I was in a body of Baptists who was taking communion.
I saw my old home in a dilapidated state.
I went home and find everything cheery and comfortable.
I committed homicide.
I saw honey.
I saw strained honey.
I saw or gather.
I heard the sound of a horn.
I saw a broken horn.
I saw children playing with horns.
I saw myself riding a fine bay horse.
I rode or see passing horses.
I rode a runaway horse.
I saw a horse running away with others.
I saw fine stallions.
I saw brood mares.
I rode a horse to ford a stream.
I swam on a horse 's back through a clear and beautiful stream of water.
I saw a wounded horse.
I saw spotted horses.
I rode a horse in a race.
I mounted a horse bareback.
I rode bareback in company with men.
I curried a horse.
I saw horses pulling vehicles.
I was riding up a hill and the horse fell but I gained the top.
I saw a horse with a tender foot.
I attempted to fit a broken shoe which was too small for the horse 's foot.
I rode a horse down hill.
I saw a horse in human flesh.
I saw them broken.
I found a horseshoe hanging on the fence.
I picked one up in the road.
I ate horseradish.
I was trading horses.
I was a patient in a hospital ..
I visited women in a hotel.
I was the proprietor of a hotel.
I worked in a hotel.
I owned an elegant house.
I was a housekeeper.
I was overcome with humidity.
I was hungry.
I hurt a person.
I was hurt.
I heard the roar and see a hurricane heading towards me with its frightful force.
I was in a house which was being blown to pieces by a hurricane.
I saw dead and wounded caused by a hurricane.
I saw him dead.
I saw him pale and careworn.
I saw him gay and handsome.
I was in love with another woman 's husband.
I saw my husband depart from me.
I was sleeping in a hut.
I saw a hut in a green pasture.
I saw.
I was afflicted with hydrophobia.
I saw others thus afflicted.
I saw a hyena.
I was a hypocrite.
I passed in the last days.
I saw ice floating in a stream of clear water.
I walked on ice.
I walked on ice.
I saw icicles on the eaves of houses.
I saw icicles on the fence.
I saw them on trees.
I saw them on evergreens.
I made ice.
I was eating ice cream.
I upset her ice cream in the presence of her lover or friend.
I saw icicles falling from trees.
I was an idiot.
I saw idiotic children.
I saw my friends in idleness.
I saw others worshiping idols.
I was denouncing idolatry.
I saw strange and weird illuminations.
I saw the heavens illuminated.
I saw children in the lighted heavens.
I saw illuminated human figures or animals in the heavens.
I saw illuminated snakes.
I saw images.
I set up an image in my home.
I saw imps.
I was an imp.
I was using incantations.
I supported me.
I was very independent.
I gained an independence of wealth.
I saw indigo.
I saw objects indistinctly.
I was industrious.
I saw others busy.
I leaved an infirmary.
I saw others infirm.
I saw friends in high positions.
I received an inheritance.
I saw ink spilled over one 's clothing.
I had ink on my fingers.
I made ink.
I saw bottles of ink.
I saw them filled with ink.
I was at a dilapidated and ill kept inn.
I was brought before an inquisition on a charge of wilfulness.
I saw others insane.
I saw an inscription.
I was insolvent.
I was intemperate in love.
I interceded for some one.
I saw human beings swept away in an inundation.
I saw a large area inundated with clear water.
I invited persons to visit me.
I was invited to make a visit.
I attended a party.
I felt an iron weight bearing me down.
I struck with iron.
I manufactured iron.
I sold iron.
I saw old.
I saw red-hot iron.
I was on an island in a clear stream.
I saw an island.
I saw people on an island.
I saw persons with the itch.
I had the itch myself.
I itched.
I saw huge pieces of ivory being carried.
I saw a jackdaw.
I killed one.
I saw others in jail.
I saw negroes in jail.
I saw a jailer.
I saw a mob attempting to break open a jail.
I looked for a janitor and fail to find him.
I saw them full.
I bought jars.
I saw broken jars.
I had the jaundice.
I saw others with jaundice.
I was pierced by a javelin.
I saw others carrying javelins.
I was in the jaws of a wild beast.
I caught a jay-bird.
I saw a dead jay-bird.
I was jealous of my wife.
I had transactions with a Jew.
I argued with them.
I wore them.
I saw others wearing them.
I inherited jewelry.
I bought them.
I danced a jig.
I saw negroes dancing a jig.
I saw my sweetheart dancing a jig.
I saw ballet girls dancing a jig.
I felt jolly and was enjoying the merriment of companions.
I went on a journey.
I saw my friends started cheerfully on a journey.
I made a long-distance journey in a much shorter time than I expected.
I felt joy over any event.
I appeared before the judgment bar and heard the verdict of ` ` Guilty.
I drank wine from a jug.
I took an unpleasant drink from a jug.
I jumped down from a wall.
I thought that vegetation was decaying.
I ate.
I was on the jury.
I was cleared from a charge by the jury.
I demanded justice from a person.
I saw a kangaroo.
I killed one.
I saw a kangaroo 's hide.
I saw them.
I saw kettles.
I saw a kettle of boiling water.
I saw a broken kettle.
I found keys.
I cannotted find the keyhole.
I killed one in defense.
I was crowned king.
I was censured by a king.
I was in the presence of a king.
I saw children kissing.
I saw my rival kiss my sweetheart.
I saw the kite thrown upon the ground.
I saw children flying kites.
I saw snakes kill kittens.
I saw a knapsack while dreaming.
I saw rusty knives.
I was wounded with a knife.
I was in a kniting-mill.
I heard knocking.
I tied a knot.
I saw Krishna.
I watched domestic animals laboring under heavy burdens.
I saw men toiling.
I thought myself an alchemist.
I was in a labyrinth of night or darkness.
I bought lace.
I sold laces.
I toed ascend to some height.
I ascended a ladder.
I fell from one.
I saw a broken ladder.
I descended a ladder.
I scaped from captivity.
I grew dizzy as I ascend a ladder.
I saw a ladle.
I saw myself reflected in a clear lake.
I saw foliaged trees reflected in the lake.
I saw slimy and uncanny inhabitants of the lake rise up and menace me.
I saw a dead lamb.
I saw lamb skins.
I ate lamb chops.
I saw lambs taking nourishment from their mothers.
I heard the bleating of lambs.
I saw them in a winter storm.
I carried lambs in my arms.
I saw lamps filled with oil.
I saw lighted lamps burning with a clear flame.
I dropped a lighted lamp.
I lighted a lamp.
I carried a lamp.
I was much affrighted.
I ignited my apparel from a lamp.
I saw a lamp-post.
I fell against a lamp-post.
I saw a lamp-post across my path.
I was wounded by a lance.
I broke a lance.
I saw land from the ocean.
I rode in a landau.
I carried a lantern.
I cleaned a lantern.
I lost a lantern.
I bought a lantern.
I saw a serpent in her lap.
I lost one.
I saw larks flying.
I heard them singing as they flew.
I saw them fell to the earth and singing as they fell.
I killed a lark.
I caught them in traps.
I saw them eating.
I took laudanum.
I prevented others from taking this drug.
I saw my lover taking laudanum through disappointment.
I gave it.
I heard the happy laughter of children.
I heard mocking laughter.
I saw pretty girls at this work.
I saw laundry wagons.
I joined a merry party upon a lawn.
I waited upon a green lawn for the coming of a friend or lover.
I saw serpents crawling in the grass before me.
I thought her lover was lazy.
I hunted for lead.
I melted lead.
I entered halls.
I saw learned men.
I dealt in leather.
I made wrong entries on my ledger.
I put a ledger into a safe.
I got my ledger misplaced.
I had a woman to keep my ledger.
I saw them applied to others.
I was a member of a legislature.
I saw misshapen legs.
I had a wooden leg.
I had three.
I caed n't use my legs.
I had a leg amputated.
I admired her own legs.
I drank lemonade.
I ate lemons.
I saw shriveled lemons.
I was lending money.
I lent other articles.
I refused to lend things.
I offered to lend me articles.
I killed one.
I saw one caged.
I saw leopards in their native place trying to escape from me.
I was infected with this dread disease.
I saw others afflicted thus.
I saw a registered letter.
I wrote one.
I failed to read the letter.
I had my letter intercepted.
I concealed a letter from my sweetheart or wife.
I received a letter written on black paper with white ink.
I wrote a letter.
I received a letter by hand.
I heard his whistle.
I gave him letters to mail.
I conversed with a letter-carrier.
I saw a letter-file.
I saw lettuce growing green and thrifty.
I ate lettuce.
I gathered it.
I bought lettuce.
I thought her sweetheart a liar.
I was in a library.
I found myself in a library for other purpose than study.
I had lice on my body.
I saw a life-boat sinking.
I was lost in a life-boat.
I saw life-insurance men.
I saw a dim light.
I saw a lighthouse through a storm.
I saw a lighthouse from a placid sea.
I saw livid lightning parting black clouds.
I saw the lightning above my head.
I saw lightning in the south.
I saw a lightning-rod.
I was having one put up.
I had them taken down.
I saw little children among the flowers.
I breathed the fragrance of lilies.
I limped in my walk.
I saw others limping.
I saw linen.
I dressed in linen garments.
I was apparelled in clean.
I saw linseed oil.
I subdued the lion.
I saw caged lions.
I saw a man controlling a lion in its cage.
I saw young lions.
I heard the roar of a lion.
I saw a lion 's head over me.
I saw a lion 's skin.
I rode one.
I was defending my children from a lion with a pen-knife.
I drank some.
I saw liquor in barrels.
I killed a lizard.
I carried a load.
I fell under a load.
I saw others thus engaged.
I saw loaves multiplied phenomenally.
I ate them.
I put a lock upon my fiance'e 's neck and arm.
I had lockjaw.
I saw one completely demolished.
I heard one coming.
I heard it whistle.
I saw good-looking women attending the loom.
I saw an idle loom.
I saw others winning in a lottery.
I lost in a lottery.
I saw my own fair loveliness.
I was carrying my own luggage.
I lost my luggage.
I saw piles of lumber burning.
I was surrounded by luxury.
I was lying to escape punishment.
I protected a friend from undeserved chastisement.
I saw or travel on a macadamized road.
I saw old machinery.
I saw others suffering under this malady.
I saw a madstone applied to a wound from the fangs of some mad animal.
I saw others practising this art.
I looked through a magnifying-glass.
I met people with affable manners.
I was in a mansion where there was a haunted chamber.
I saw a mansion from distant points.
I was at work on manuscript.
I lost it.
I saw it burnt.
I saw it broken.
I was a mariner.
I saw my vessel sailing without me.
I was in a market.
I saw an empty market.
I saw decayed vegetables or meat.
I was an attendant at a wedding.
I felt myself drawn up toward the planet.
I was a martyr.
I was wearing a mask.
I saw others masking.
I saw a mask.
I saw a mason plying his trade.
I saw the masts of wrecked ships.
I had a master.
I was a master.
I struck a match in the dark.
I slept on a new mattress.
I found myself inside a mausoleum.
I had measles.
I lost a medal.
I gave medicine to others.
I felt melancholy over any event.
I saw others melancholy.
I ate them.
I saw them growing on green vines.
I made memoranda.
I saw others making a memorandum.
I lost my memorandum.
I found a memorandum.
I killed mice.
I let them escape me.
I saw a midwife.
I saw or passed a mile-post.
I saw milk in large quantities.
I gave milk away.
I spilt milk.
I drank milk.
I saw a dilapidated mill.
I saw clear water pouring over a mill-dam.
I saw a miller.
I owned a mine.
I saw mining.
I heard a minister exhort.
I was a minister.
I danced it myself.
I killed one.
I saw a broken mirror.
I saw others in a mirror.
I saw animals in a mirror.
I broke a mirror.
I was miserly.
I was enveloped in a mist.
I saw others in a mist.
I saw or hear a mocking-bird.
I saw moles.
I payed out money.
I received gold.
I lost money.
I counted my money and find a deficit.
I stole money.
I saved money.
I swallowed money.
I looked upon a quantity of money.
I found a roll of currency.
I was a monk.
I saw a dead monkey.
I slew a monster.
I saw the new moon.
I knew her fate.
I saw a blood red moon.
I visited a morgue searching for some one.
I saw many corpses there.
I saw the morning dawn clear.
I saw morocco.
I gave a mortgage on my property.
I took.
I found myself reading or examining mortgages.
I lost a mortgage.
I found myself morose.
I saw others morose.
I felt mortified over any deed committed by myself.
I saw mortified flesh.
I saw Moses.
I saw mosquitoes.
I killed mosquitoes.
I saw a moth.
I saw my mother as she appeared in the home.
I held her in conversation.
I saw one 's mother emaciated or dead.
I heard my mother call me.
I heard her cry as if in pain.
I ascended a mountain.
I wore mourning.
I saw a mouse-trap.
I saw it full of mice.
I set a trap.
I walked in mud.
I saw others walking in mud.
I saw mud on my clothing.
I saw his sweetheart wearing a muff.
I saw mulberries.
I ate them.
I was kicked by a mule.
I saw one dead.
I saw murder committed.
I committed murder.
I was murdered.
I saw musical instruments.
I saw mushrooms.
I ate them.
I had a mustache.
I saw mustard growing.
I ate mustard seed and feel the burning in my mouth.
I ate newly grown mustard.
I conversed with a mute.
I was a mute.
I saw myrrh.
I saw myrtle in foliage and bloom.
I saw it withered.
I found myself bewildered by some mysterious event.
I found myself studying the mysteries of creation.
I saw nails.
I dealt in nails.
I saw rusty or broken nails.
I was naked.
I saw others naked.
I was nearsighted.
I saw my own neck.
I admired the neck of another.
I lost a necklace.
I was in need.
I saw others in need.
I used a needle.
I looked for a needle.
I found a needle.
I broke one.
I saw a mulatto.
I saw one nude.
I met with a trusty negro in a place where he ought not to be.
I thought that I was preaching to negroes was a warning to protect my interest.
I saw my neighbors.
I saw an empty nest.
I walked among nettles without being stung.
I was stung by them.
I heard good news.
I printed a newspaper.
I unwillinglied see them.
I was a newspaper reporter.
I was surrounded by night.
I was listening to the harmonious notes of the nightingale.
I saw nightingales silent.
I played ninepins.
I heard a strange noise.
I saw my own nose.
I felt a numbness creeping over me.
I saw a dead nun.
I saw a nurse leaving my house.
I ate them.
I saw nymphs bathing in clear water.
I saw them out of their sphere.
I saw them bathing.
I passed afterward.
I saw an oak full of acorns.
I lost an oar.
I took an oath.
I saw decayed oats.
I rendered obedience to another.
I stood at the base of an obelisk.
I read one.
I listened to the teachings of an occultist.
I was far out on the ocean.
I was on shore and see the waves of the ocean foaming against each other.
I allowed wading.
I sailed on the ocean when it was calm.
I joined this order.
I smelt disgusting odors.
I gave offense.
I gave.
I brought or make an offering.
I was turned out of office.
I saw the offspring of domestic animals.
I dealt in it.
I took them from bottles.
I broke a bottle of olives.
I ate them.
I saw omelet being served.
I ate it.
I was being drawn through the streets in an omnibus.
I saw one-eyed creatures.
I ate them.
I saw them growing.
I was cutting onions and feel the escaping juice in my eyes.
I ate oranges was signally bad ..
I slipped on an orange peel.
I bought oranges at my wife 's solicitation.
I was in an orchard and see hogs eating the fallen fruit.
I gathered the ripe fruit.
I was caught in brambles.
I saw one robbed of its verdure by seeming winter.
I saw a storm-swept orchard.
I heard the music of an orchestra.
I heard the pealing forth of an organ in grand anthems.
I saw an organ in a church.
I heard doleful singing and organ accompaniment.
I saw an organist.
I wore ornaments.
I received them.
I caught one.
I saw otters diving and sporting in limpid streams was certain to bring the dreamer waking happiness and good fortune ..
I found myself luxuriously reposing upon an ottoman.
I failed to work.
I heard the solemn.
I saw a dead owl.
I saw an owl.
I saw a well-fed ox.
I saw fat oxen in green pastures.
I saw oxen well-matched and yoked.
I saw a dead ox.
I ate oysters.
I dealt in oysters.
I saw them.
I saw oyster shells.
I endeavorred to pacify suffering ones.
I saw one going out.
I saw a page.
I saw a pagoda.
I was carrying a pail.
I was in pain.
I saw others in pain.
I saw newly painted houses.
I had paint on my clothing.
I used the brush myself.
I saw and heard fine ladies and men dancing and conversing.
I saw a pall.
I raised the pall from a corpse.
I passed down an avenue of palms.
I was afflicted with palsy.
I saw my friend so afflicted.
I cooked them.
I handled a pane of glass.
I talked to a person through a pane of glass.
I saw a panther and experience fright.
I heard the voice of a panther.
I had occasion to refer to.
I was in Paradise.
I started to Paradise and find myself bewildered and lost.
I carried a parcel.
I let a parcel fall on the way as I went to deliver it.
I was endeavoring to gain pardon for an offense which I never committed.
I received pardon.
I saw my parents looking cheerful while dreaming.
I saw them while they was living.
I saw them in repose.
I taught a parrot.
I ate parsley.
I saw or eat parsnips.
I dissolved an unpleasant partnership.
I ensnared them.
I killed them.
I ate them.
I saw them flying.
I saw passengers coming in with their luggage.
I heard a passing bell.
I rung one myself.
I ate it.
I had patches upon my clothing.
I saw others wearing patches.
I did family patching.
I bought one.
I saw one.
I resorted to patent medicine in my search for health.
I saw or manufacture patent medicines.
I was walking in a narrow and rough path.
I was trying to find my path.
I walked through a pathway bordered with green grass and flowers.
I saw a large paunch.
I saw a shriveled paunch.
I was a pauper.
I saw paupers.
I entered a pawn-shop.
I went to a pawn-shop.
I redeemed an article.
I saw a pawn-shop.
I saw dried peaches.
I heard their harsh voices while looking upon their proudly spread plumage.
I admired the golden fruit upon graceful trees.
I preserved them.
I saw them growing.
I gathered them.
I saw dried peas.
I ate dried peas.
I saw them growing among leaves.
I cracked and the fruit was small.
I caught one.
I killed one.
I saw them flying.
I had penalties imposed upon me.
I payed a penalty.
I lost them.
I found them.
I counted pennies.
I failed in my application for a pension.
I saw red pepper growing.
I saw piles of red pepper pods.
I ground black pepper.
I put it on her food.
I saw it growing.
I enjoyed drinks in which there was an effusion of peppermint.
I spilt perfume.
I broke a bottle of perfume.
I was distilling perfume.
I was in a perspiration.
I saw others thus worried.
I saw them soiled or torn.
I saw a phantom fleeing from me.
I ate one.
I shot them.
I saw photographs.
I received the photograph of my lover.
I was having my own photograph made.
I heard sweet and voluptuous harmony from a piano.
I found my piano broken and out of tune.
I saw an old-fashioned piano.
I made a picture.
I destroyed pictures.
I bought them.
I stood upon a pier.
I strove to reach a pier and fail.
I saw them being used in a shooting match.
I saw them flying.
I was a pilgrim.
I took pills.
I gave them to others.
I saw others with pimples on them.
I saw a pine tree.
I lost one.
I saw a bent or rusty pin.
I stuck one into my flesh.
I smoked a pipe.
I was a pirate.
I owned one.
I heard the report of one.
I was looking into a deep pit.
I fell into a pit denoted calamity and deep sorrow ..
I was descending into one.
I was attacked by some person using a pitchfork.
I was afflicted with the plague.
I used a plane.
I saw carpenters using their planes.
I had plaster fell upon me.
I saw plasterers at work.
I saw persons plowing.
I saw her lover plowing.
I plowed myself.
I saw them ripe.
I ate them.
I gathered them.
I found myself gathering them up from the ground.
I found a pocketbook filled with bills and money.
I lost my pocketbook.
I attacked any person with one of these weapons.
I fed that I was poisoned.
I sought to use poison on others.
I ridded herself of a rival in this way.
I threw the poison away.
I handled poison.
I recovered from the effects of poison.
I took strychnine or other poisonous medicine under the advice of a physician.
I played at poker.
I saw the skin of one.
I inhaled the odor of a pole-cat on my clothes.
I killed one.
I arrested me for some crime of which I was innocent.
I saw police on parole.
I engaged in political wrangling.
I ate one.
I saw a pond.
I saw ponies.
I saw a poor-house.
I saw the Pope.
I spoke to the Pope.
I stood by her lover beneath the blossoms and leaved of a tulip poplar.
I inhaled the odor of one.
I built a porch.
I saw a porcupine.
I saw a dead one.
I ate pork.
I saw a porpoise.
I imagined myself a porter.
I hired one.
I discharged one.
I tried to use cancelled stamps.
I saw torn stamps.
I cooked them.
I saw them rotting.
I saw a potter 's field.
I saw dressed poultry.
I saw powder.
I was lost on one.
I was a preacher.
I heard preaching.
I argued with a preacher.
I saw one walk away from me.
I saw a long-haired preacher.
I fell over a precipice.
I received presents.
I confessed to a priest.
I had done.
I saw a printer.
I was in a printing office.
I saw any one dismissed from prison.
I saw a prize fight.
I saw a prize fighter.
I saw or participate in a torch-light procession.
I saw others promenading.
I owned vast property.
I was in the company of a prostitute.
I rejected my manuscript.
I ate it.
I cooked.
I found myself stepping into puddles of clear water.
I was in a pulpit.
I saw a pump.
I saw a broken pump.
I worked a pump.
I was punching any person with a club or fist.
I put in a window-pane with putty.
I scaled them.
I was studying the mystery of the ancient pyramids.
I saw a quack doctor.
I took quack medicine.
I saw quails.
I shot quail.
I ate them.
I attended a Quaker meeting.
I saw or hear a quartette.
I saw vessels while standing on the quay.
I questioned the merits of a thing.
I asked a question.
I was questioned.
I found myself in quicksand while dreaming.
I was unable to overcome it.
I was rescued by her lover from quicksand.
I was putting a quill on her hat.
I saw others with it.
I saw white rabbits.
I saw rabbits frolicing about.
I was in a race.
I ate them.
I saw radishes.
I was at a church raffle.
I was in a rage and scolding and tearing up things generally.
I saw others in a rage.
I saw her lover in a rage.
I saw an obstruction on these roads.
I walked the cross ties of a railroad.
I walked the rails.
I saw a road inundated with clear water.
I was out in a clear shower of rain.
I saw and hear rain approaching.
I was sitting in the house and see through the window a downpour of rain.
I heard the patter of rain on the roof.
I found myself regretting some duty unperformed while listening to the rain.
I saw it rain on others.
I saw it raining on farm stock.
I saw a rainbow.
I saw the rainbow.
I saw the rainbow hanging low over green trees.
I saw a broken rake.
I saw others raking.
I saw one quietly grazing denoted that I will have powerful friends.
I was rambling through the country.
I imagined that I was being carried over rapids.
I saw raspberries.
I ate them.
I caught rats.
I killed one.
I saw an empty one.
I set one.
I gave a baby a rattle.
I cut myself with one.
I was engaged in reading.
I saw others reading.
I gave a reading.
I saw idle ones.
I saw a broken reaping machine.
I saw a refrigerator.
I put ice in one.
I registered under an assumed name.
I drove them.
I was self-reproached in the midst of a religious excitement.
I saw religion declining in power.
I rented a house.
I failed to rent out property.
I payed rent.
I caed n't pay my rent.
I was under sentence and receive a reprieve.
I saw a dead reptile come to life.
I handled them without harm to myself.
I saw various kinds of reptiles.
I resigned any position.
I heard of others resigning.
I was resurrected from the dead.
I was being resuscitated.
I resuscitated another.
I attended a religious revival.
I took a part in it.
I felt rheumatism attacking me.
I saw a rhinoceros.
I cooked it.
I ate it.
I saw.
I ate it.
I saw it mixed with dirt or otherwise impure.
I was possessed of riches.
I was trying to solve riddles.
I rode slowly.
I attended a riding school.
I received a ring.
I saw others with rings.
I saw them on others.
I saw a friend killed in a riot.
I found myself rising high into the air.
I had a rival.
I found that a rival had outwitted me.
I imagined that I was the successful rival.
I saw a clear.
I was water-bound by the overflowing of a river.
I saw corpses in the bottom.
I saw empty rivers.
I lost the road.
I saw or eat roast.
I saw a rocket ascending.
I saw them falling.
I saw a mother.
I saw vacant rocking-chairs.
I climbed a steep rock.
I saw or think myself a rogue.
I thought her husband or lover was a rogue.
I was in a rogue 's gallery.
I saw Roman candles while dreaming.
I imagined that I had a loaded candle and find it empty.
I found myself on a roof.
I saw a roof falling in.
I repaired.
I slept on one.
I saw a person dressed in mourning sitting on a roof corner.
I saw roosters fighting.
I used them as medicine.
I climbed one.
I was tied with them.
I broke them.
I walked a rope.
I jumped a rope.
I jumped rope with children.
I let a rope down from an upper window to people below.
I saw a rosebush in foliage but no blossoms.
I inhaled their fragrance.
I wore or saw rosettes on others while.
I saw others with it on their faced.
I saw it on my hands.
I was in a rowboat with others.
I found myself defeated in a rowing race.
I found that my limbs will stretch like rubber.
I ran from danger.
I saw stock running.
I was ruptured.
I saw rye.
I saw coffee made of rye.
I saw stock entering rye fields.
I saw or eat rye bread.
I passed at the end of the two full years.
I was trying to unlock a safe.
I found a safe empty.
I was entertaining false hopes.
I drank a tea made from saffron.
I sailed on a small vessel.
I ate it.
I ate salt.
I ate sardines.
I bought one.
I killed him.
I felt that I was trying to shield myself from satan.
I ate them.
I used a hand-saw.
I saw big saws in machinery.
I lost a saw.
I heard the buzz of a saw.
I found a rusty saw.
I carried a saw on my back.
I ascended one.
I decended one.
I fell from one.
I saw any one with a scaldhead.
I weighed her lover.
I was an object of scandal.
I imagined that I wield a sceptre.
I visited the schoolhouse of my childhood days.
I had my scissors sharpened.
I broke them.
I lost them.
I scratched others.
I was scratched.
I scratched my head.
I heard the shrill startling notes of the screech-owl.
I saw seals.
I saw a seamstress.
I thought.
I saw or hear that the leader was dead.
I heard a serenade.
I was one of the serenaders.
I discharged one.
I was robbed by one.
I imagined me belong to them.
I shook hands with those beneath me.
I read Shakspeare 's worked.
I had my own head shampooed.
I saw a shark pursuing and attacking me.
I saw them sporting in clear water.
I saw a dead one.
I merelied contemplate getting a shave.
I was being shaved.
I shaved myself.
I saw men shaving.
I lost my shawl.
I saw shears.
I saw them broken.
I saw flocks of sheep.
I saw them looking scraggy and sick.
I ate the flesh of sheep.
I saw sheet iron.
I walked among and gather shells.
I was building a shelter.
I was seeking shelter.
I saw empty shelves.
I saw shepherds watching their flocks.
I saw them in idleness.
I imagined that I was elected sheriff or felt interested in the office.
I scaped arrest.
I lost my life in one.
I saw a ship on her way through a tempestuous storm.
I saw others shipwrecked.
I lost my shirt.
I saw a shoemaker.
I had them blacked.
I found them untied.
I lost them.
I saw or hear shooting.
I was shot.
I shot both barrels of a double-barreled shotgun.
I saw my own shoulders appearing thin.
I saw a shovel.
I was in a shower.
I saw shrouded corpses.
I saw a shrouded removed from a corpse.
I saw any of my family pale and sick.
I had a fleshy.
I was sighing over any trouble or sad event.
I heard the sighing of others.
I saw them dead.
I found silver money.
I heard singing.
I was singing while everything around I gave promise of happiness.
I was skating on ice.
I saw others skating.
I saw skates.
I saw young people skating on roller skates.
I was a skeleton.
I imagined that one haunts me.
I saw a friend 's skull.
I saw my own skull.
I saw the sky turn red.
I was slandered.
I slept in unnatural resting places.
I slept beside a little child.
I saw others sleeping.
I saw a sleigh.
I slid down a hillside covered with green grass.
I was slighted.
I saw people with smallpox.
I was overcome with smoke.
I saw them wriggling and falling over others.
I killed them.
I walked over them.
I handled them.
I saw hairs turned into snakes.
I saw or step on snakes while wading or bathing.
I saw them bite others.
I saw little snakes.
I saw children playing with them.
I hypnotized a snake.
I stepped on them.
I sneezed.
I saw or hear others sneezed.
I saw snow.
I found myself in a snow storm.
I ate snow.
I saw dirty snow.
I saw it melt.
I saw large.
I saw snow-capped mountains in the distance.
I saw the sun shining through landscapes of snow.
I was making soap.
I saw a socialist.
I treated others to this and other delectable iced drinks ; I will be rewarded in my efforts.
I saw soot.
I had sold anything.
I saw soldiers marching.
I saw wounded soldiers.
I was a worthy soldier.
I imagined while dreaming that I was a somnambulist.
I dressed a sore.
I could see the bone.
I saw his soul in another.
I imagined another 's soul was in me.
I was discussing the immortality of my soul.
I saw others taking soup.
I made soup.
I drank oyster soup made of sweet milk.
I was sowing seed.
I saw others sowing.
I saw them distressed or wounded.
I saw broken spectacles.
I saw one building its web.
I killed one.
I saw many spiders hanging in their webs around me.
I saw a very large spider and a small one coming towards me.
I saw spider-webs.
I was spinning.
I saw spirits.
I heard spirits knocking on doors or walls.
I saw them moving draperies.
I saw the spirit of my friend floating in my room.
I heard music supposedly coming from spirits.
I lived in splendor.
I saw others thus living.
I was visiting me stick a splinter in my foot.
I used one in erasing.
I saw.
I thought a spoon was lost.
I stole one.
I saw spring appearing unnaturally.
I saw others with them on.
I was a spy.
I was looking through a spy-glass.
I saw a broken or imperfect one.
I saw some person with squinting eyes.
I killed a squirrel.
I petted one.
I saw a dog chasing one.
I saw a stable burning denoted successful changes.
I saw stags.
I saw stain on my hands.
I saw a stain on the garments of others.
I fell down stairs.
I walked down.
I saw broad.
I saw others going down stairs.
I sat on stair steps.
I rode a fine stallion.
I was a standard-bearer.
I saw others acting as standard-bearers.
I saw a shooting or falling star.
I saw stars appearing and vanishing mysteriously.
I saw them rolling around on the earth.
I saw others in this condition.
I saw statues.
I was accused of stealing.
I saw a steeple rising from a church.
I climbed a steeple.
I fell from one.
I ascended steps.
I decended them.
I fell down them.
I fell from them.
I felt that any insect stings me.
I saw her stockings ragged.
I saw stones.
I walked among rocks.
I made deals in ore-bearing rock lands.
I threw a stone.
I threw a pebble or stone at some belligerent person.
I saw stone masons at work while dreaming.
I was a stone mason.
I found myself in a department store.
I sold goods in one.
I sold a pair of soiled.
I saw and heard a storm approaching.
I saw straw piles burning.
I ate them.
I dealt in them.
I was walking in a street.
I was in a familiar street in a distant city.
I passed down a street and felt alarmed lest a thug attack me.
I was a street-poster.
I saw street-posters at work.
I stumbled while walking or running.
I saw the young taking suckle.
I was suffocating.
I ate sugar.
I dealt in sugar and saw large quantities of it being delivered to me.
I saw a cask of sugar burst and the sugar spilling out.
I heard a negro singing while unloading sugar.
I committed suicide.
I saw or hear others committing this deed.
I saw sulphur burning.
I ate sulphur.
I saw the sun at noontide.
I saw the sunset.
I saw surgical instruments.
I saw a wounded or dead one.
I walked through swampy places.
I went through a swamp where I saw clear water and green growths.
I saw a black swan.
I saw them flying.
I was swearing before my family.
I thought the floors needed sweeping.
I was trying to get rid of a sweet taste.
I saw myself swollen.
I saw others swollen.
I swam under water.
I wore a sword.
I had my sword taken from me.
I saw others bearing swords.
I read the Hebrew inscription on a synagogue.
I saw empty tables.
I cleared away the table.
I ate from a table without a cloth.
I saw a table walking or moving in some mysterious way.
I saw a broken table.
I saw one standing or sitting on a table.
I saw or heard table-rapping or writing.
I drove one.
I cut off the tail of an animal.
I had the tail of a beast grown on me.
I had a misunderstanding with one.
I took my measure.
I wore a talisman.
I was a tanner.
I bought leather from a tannery.
I saw a tapeworm.
I saw tar.
I had tar on my hands or clothing.
I saw a tarantula.
I saw tassels.
I saw my body appearing tattooed.
I saw tattooes on others.
I was a tattooist.
I payed my taxes.
I was brewing tea.
I saw my friends drinking tea.
I saw dregs in my tea.
I spilt tea.
I found my tea chest empty.
I was thirsty for tea.
I saw a teakettle.
I was in tears.
I saw others shedding tears.
I found myself teasing any person while dreaming.
I had them filled.
I cleaned or wash my teeth.
I was having a set of teeth made.
I lost my teeth.
I had my teeth knocked out.
I examined my teeth.
I fell out.
I admired my teeth for their whiteness and beauty.
I pulled one of my teeth and lose it.
I received a telegram.
I sent a telegram was a sign that I will be estranged from some one holding a place near me.
I was the operator sending these messages.
I saw or be in a telegraph office.
I looked at planets and starred through one.
I saw a broken telescope.
I was surrounded by temptations.
I saw his tenant.
I saw others engaged in this dream.
I played a successful game of tenpins.
I saw a number of tents.
I felt terror at any object or happening.
I saw others in terror.
I was in a dispute about a text.
I tried to recall a text.
I was repeating and pondering over one.
I thatched a roof with any quickly.
I found that a roof which I had thatched with straw was leaking.
I saw the ground thawing after a long freeze.
I attended a vaudeville theater.
I scaped from one during a fire or other excitement.
I saw a broken one.
I was pursued by officers.
I pursued or capture a thief.
I saw wounded thighs.
I admired her thigh.
I used a thimble.
I lost one.
I received or buy a new thimble.
I used an open end thimble.
I saw others thirsty and drinking to slake it.
I saw broken threads.
I broke down or have an accident while threshing.
I felt that my throat was sore.
I descended from one.
I saw others on a throne.
I was suffering from a sore thumb.
I was in a thunder shower.
I heard the terrific peals of thunder.
I tickled others.
I saw ticks crawling on my flesh.
I saw large ticks on stock.
I saw one running away from me.
I saw them in cages.
I saw rugs of tiger skins.
I saw timber.
I was tipsy.
I saw others tipsy.
I killed a toad.
I put my hands on them.
I used it.
I saw it growing.
I smoked tobacco.
I saw ripe ones.
I read the inscription on tombs.
I saw the tongue of another.
I was toothless.
I saw others toothless.
I used one.
I saw topaz.
I saw one spinning.
I saw a top.
I carried a torch.
I was in a tornado.
I was looking upon a rushing torrent.
I was torturing others.
I was trying to alleviate the torture of others.
I was a tourist.
I saw tourists.
I saw toys.
I saw children at play with toys.
I gave away toys.
I was implicated in a tragedy.
I saw a train of cars moving.
I was on a train and it appeared to move smoothly along.
I saw freight trains.
I found myself.
I saw a traitor.
I saw myself transfigured.
I was caught in a trap.
I caught game in a trap.
I saw an empty trap.
I travelled alone in a car.
I saw trays.
I found treasures.
I lost treasures.
I cut one down.
I saw green tress newly felled.
I saw trenches.
I saw filled trenches.
I saw tripe.
I ate tripe.
I heard newly-born triplets crying.
I saw trophies.
I put them on wrong side out.
I caught one with a hook.
I caught them with a seine.
I blew a trumpet.
I saw the contents of a trunk thrown about in disorder.
I checked his trunk.
I saw a truss.
I imagined me was a member of a trust.
I tumbled off of any thing.
I saw others tumbliing.
I saw a train coming towards me while in a tunnel.
I passed through a tunnel in a car.
I saw a tunnel caving in.
I looked into one.
I saw a green turf.
I saw them dressed for the market.
I saw them sick.
I ate turkey.
I saw them flying.
I saw others took a Turkish bath.
I saw turnips growing.
I ate them was a sign of ill health ..
I ate turnip greens.
I sowed turnip seed.
I drank turtle soup.
I saw tweezers.
I saw twine.
I saw type.
I was affected with this malady.
I was ugly.
I saw an ulcer.
I had ulcers.
I saw others carrying them.
I borrowed one.
I lent one.
I saw one torn to pieces.
I carried a leaky one.
I carried a new umbrella over me in a clear shower.
I saw my uncle.
I saw my uncle prostrated in mind.
I saw my uncle dead.
I had a misunderstanding with my uncle.
I was undressing.
I saw others undressed.
I was unfortunate.
I saw a uniform.
I saw people arrayed in strange uniforms.
I saw a United States mail box.
I put a letter in one.
I felt that I was unknown.
I was supporting an urgent petition.
I was urinating.
I found myself a usurer.
I was a usurper.
I usurped my rights.
I had this dream.
I was vaccinated on her leg.
I was a vagrant.
I was sending valentines.
I received one.
I found myself walking through green and pleasant valleys.
I saw others varnishing.
I drank from a vase.
I saw a broken vase.
I saw a vat.
I rode in a vehicle while dreaming.
I was thrown from one.
I bought one.
I wore a veil.
I saw others wearing veils.
I threw a veil aside.
I saw mourning veils.
I saw my veins.
I saw them bleeding.
I saw them swollen.
I saw old velvet.
I was veneering.
I thought myself one.
I was with her lover on a veranda.
I saw an old veranda.
I had vertigo.
I was vexed.
I thought some person was vexed with me.
I was favoring any vice.
I saw others indulging in vice.
I was the victim of any scheme.
I victimized others.
I won a victory.
I was in a village.
I revisited the village home of my youth.
I saw poisonous vines.
I used vinegar on vegetables.
I visited a vineyard which was not well-kept and filled with bad odors.
I did some other persons violence.
I saw violets.
I gathered them.
I saw them dry.
I saw.
I played on one in her dreams.
I played was unsuccessful.
I visited.
I visited me.
I had a strange vision.
I was warned in a vision.
I saw visions of any order.
I saw vitriol.
I threw it on people.
I had a jealous rival threw it in her face.
I heard weeping voices.
I heard the voice of God.
I heard the voice of her child.
I heard the voice of distress.
I saw a volcano.
I saw others vomiting.
I vomited.
I voted fraudulently.
I signed one.
I lost one.
I was making or listening to vowed.
I broke or ignore a vow.
I made a voyage.
I waded in clear water while dreaming.
I saw children wading in clear water was a happy prognostication.
I lost a wager.
I won one.
I was not able to put up a wager.
I payed out wages.
I had my wages reduced.
I drove one down a hill.
I drove one up hill.
I drove a heavily loaded wagon.
I drove into muddy water.
I saw a covered wagon.
I saw a wagtail.
I heard a wail.
I attended a wake.
I saw her lover at a wake.
I walked in pleasant places.
I walked in the night brought misadventure.
I found herself walking rapidly in her dreams.
I saw a walking stick.
I saw wallets.
I found a wall obstructing my progress.
I jumped over it.
I demolished one.
I walked on top of a wall.
I cracked a decayed walnut.
I saw the waltz danced.
I was in want.
I found myself contented in a state of want.
I relieved wanted.
I imagined me had a scant wardrobe.
I saw a warrant served on some one else.
I was troubled with warts on my person.
I saw them leaving my hands.
I saw them on others.
I saw a washboard.
I bathed my face and hands in a bowl of clear water.
I was washing myself.
I dropped the crystal of one.
I made a present of one.
I saw it rise up in my house.
I found myself baling it out.
I fell into muddy water.
I drank muddy water.
I had it sprayed on my head.
I saw water-carriers passing.
I thought me was a water-carrier.
I blew them out.
I lost my way.
I was possessed of much wealth.
I saw others wealthy.
I saw a weasel bent on a marauding expedition.
I destroyed them.
I thought me was reading the reports of a weather bureau.
I saw a weather witch.
I saw them conjuring the weather.
I was weaving.
I attended a wedding.
I saw wedding clothes.
I saw a wedding ring on the hand of a friend.
I was in the bonds of an unwelcome wedlock.
I was weeding.
I saw others weeding.
I saw others weeping.
I weighed with her lover.
I was employed in a well.
I fell into a well.
I saw an empty well.
I saw one with a pump in it.
I received a warm welcome into any society.
I was wet.
I was a wet nurse.
I saw a whale overturn a ship.
I saw or work with whalebone.
I saw large fields of growing wheat.
I saw large clear grains of wheat running through the thresher.
I saw it in sacks or barrels.
I saw its contents getting wet.
I rubbed wheat from the head into my hand and eat it.
I climbed a steep hill covered with wheat and think me was pulling myself up by the stalks of wheat.
I saw swiftly rotating wheels.
I saw idle or broken wheels.
I was in the path of a whirlwind.
I kept her skirts from blowing up and entangling her waist.
I drank it alone.
I destroyed whisky.
I saw or drink it.
I heard a whisper coming to me as advice or warning.
I heard a whistle.
I was whistling.
I was whitewashing.
I was a widow.
I wore a wig.
I lost a wig.
I was running about wild.
I saw others doing so.
I saw a wild man.
I was making my will.
I thought a will was against them.
I failed to prove a will.
I destroyed one.
I heard the wind soughing.
I walked briskly against a brisk wind.
I saw a windmill in operation.
I saw one broken or idle.
I saw windows.
I saw closed windows was a representation of desertion ..
I sat in a window.
I scaped by one.
I looked through a window when passing and strange objects appeared.
I saw barrels of wine.
I had wings.
I saw the wings of fowls or birds.
I saw a wire fence.
I was possessed of wisdom.
I killed one.
I argued with one.
I saw a dark-haired woman with blue eyes and a pug nose.
I saw woods on fire.
I dealt in firewood.
I saw soiled.
I was hard at work.
I saw others at work.
I looked for work.
I saw workshops.
I used them as fish bait.
I was wounded.
I saw others wounded.
I relieved or dress a wound.
I saw a wreath of fresh flowers.
I saw a bridal wreath.
I saw a wreck.
I was writing.
I saw writing.
I tried to read strange writing.
I saw a yacht.
I saw others yawning.
I felt that I was yearning for the presence of anyone.
I thought her lover was yearning for her.
I saw a yellow bird flitting about.
I visited a yew tree and find it dead and stripped of its foliage.
I yielded to another 's wished.
I received poor yield for my labors.
I was young again.
I saw her son an infant or small child again.
I saw the young in school.
I saw one wild in his native country.
I worked with or to see zinc.
I saw it appearing weird.
I studied the zodiac.
I approached it or it approached me.
I drew a map of it.
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