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Created July 9, 2014 20:07
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"Inform 7 Assertions," a series of prose poems generated from "Writing with Inform" ( I found every indented code snippet in the book that contained the phrase "is a(n)" and sorted them in alphabetical order.
A Bee Chamber is a kind of room. The printed name of a Bee
Chamber is usually "Hexagonal Room". The description of a
Bee Chamber is usually "Waxy, translucent walls surround
you on six sides; the floor and ceiling are made of the
same material, gently uneven. There are exits in every
direction, cut into the faces or the corners."
A Bengal tiger is a kind of animal.
A DVD is a kind of artwork.
A Grassy Room is a kind of room. The printed name of a
Grassy Room is usually "Lawn". The description of a Grassy
Room is "The grass underfoot is thick and green. The lawn
extends to [grassy directions] from here."
A Scrabble piece is a kind of thing. The X, the W, the F,
the Y and the Z are Scrabble pieces in the Lounge.
A Scrabble piece is a kind of thing. The X, the Y and the Z
are Scrabble pieces.
A Zqlran date is a kind of value. 14-88 specifies a Zqlran
date with parts zqls and frbs. Current zqlran date is a
zqlran date that varies. The current zqlran date is 8-22.
Previous zqlran date is a zqlran date that varies. The
previous zqlran date is 8-20.
A basket is a kind of container. 13 baskets are on the
A bath is a kind of container. A bath is usually a fixed in
place and enterable and scenery. A tap is part of every
bath. A drain is part of every bath. Understand "bathtub"
or "shower" as a bath.
A bathroom is a kind of room.
A battery compartment is a kind of container. A battery
compartment is usually closed and openable. One battery
compartment is part of every device. Instead of inserting
something which is not a battery into a battery
compartment, say "Only batteries should go in a battery
A battery is a kind of thing. A battery has a number called
charge. The charge of a battery is usually 15.
A beverage is a kind of thing. A beverage can be openable
or unopenable. A beverage is always edible and openable. A
beverage has a heat. A beverage is usually warm. The Coke
is a beverage. The beer is a beverage. The beer is in the
A big switch is a fixed in place device in the Pumping
House. "A big switch labelled 'MAKE EVERYTHING SINK' is
mounted on one wall[if switched on]. It crackles with
electricity[otherwise]. It is currently switched off and
silent[end if]."
A black crate is in Shipping. The description is "A boring
black crate." The brown crate is a thing in Shipping. The
description is "An ordinary brown crate."
A blade is a kind of thing.
A body is a kind of thing. A body is a part of every
person. Instead of touching a body: say "[The noun] is
grotesquely inert."
A body-part is a kind of garment-element. A torso, a seat,
a head, pair of legs, and pair of feet are kinds of
A book is a kind of artwork.
A book is a kind of thing. Instead of examining a sodden
book, say "[The noun] is too soaked to read, thanks to
someone's carelessness." Understand "book" as a book.
A book is a kind of thing. Understand "book" as a book. A
book has a table name called the contents.
A bottle is a kind of container. Bottles are usually
openable, transparent, and closed. A cork is a kind of
thing. A cork is in every bottle.
A box is a kind of container which is closed and openable.
A box is a kind of container. A box is always closed and
A box is a kind of container. A box is never open and
A box is a kind of container. A box is seldom open and
A box is a kind of container. A box is usually closed and
A box is a kind of container. Understand "box in [something
related by reversed containment]" as a box.
A box is a kind of container. Understand "box of [something
related by containment]" as a box.
A box is in the Library. A metal hinge is part of the box.
The hinge is flame-retardant. The box is open, flammable,
and openable. The shroud of Laertes is a flammable thing in
the box.
A brother in law is a kind of man. The plural of brother in
law is brothers in law.
A building block is a kind of thing. A red block, a blue
block and a green block are kinds of building block.
A cabinet is a kind of container. A cabinet is usually
openable and closed. It is scenery.
A camera is a kind of thing. A camera has a number called
picture quality. The digital SLR camera is a camera in the
tote bag. The player carries a camera called the instant
one-shot camera. The picture quality of the SLR camera is
10. The picture quality of the one-shot is 2. Definition: a
camera is sharp if its picture quality is 5 or more.
A candle is a kind of thing. A candle is usually lit. The
player carries four candles.
A candle is a kind of thing. Before printing the name of a
candle while not burning or blowing out: say "[if lit]lit
[otherwise]unlit [end if]". A candle is usually lit. Before
printing the plural name of a candle while not burning or
blowing out: say "[if lit]lit [otherwise]unlit [end if]". A
candle is usually lit. Understand the lit property as
describing a candle. A candle is usually gross.
A card is a kind of thing. A card has a suit. A card has a
number called rank. Understand the suit property as
describing a card. Understand the rank property as
describing a card.
A cardboard box is in the Center. In the cardboard box is a
pile of empty envelopes. The box is openable and closed.
The description is "A recycling symbol is prominent on the
side, which makes you feel a little bit better about using
a mailing campaign for this cause."
A cask is a kind of thing. A cask is always fixed in place.
Understand "cask" or "barrel" as a cask. Understand "casks"
or "barrels" as the plural of cask.
A chair is a kind of supporter with carrying capacity 1. A
chair is enterable. A chair is usually scenery. Understand
"chair" as a chair.
A chair is a kind of supporter. A chair is always enterable.
A chair is a kind of supporter. A chair is always
enterable. A chair is usually wood. The height of a chair
is usually 4 feet 0 inches. The ordinary chair is a chair.
Every chair imitates the ordinary chair.
A chair is a kind of supporter. A chair is always
enterable. Every chair allows seated and standing. A chair
is usually seated.
A chest is a kind of container. A chest is always openable.
A chest is usually fixed in place. A chest is usually
closed. The specification of a chest is "Represents a
container with a separately implemented lid; the lid is
itself a supporter."
A chest is a kind of container. A chest is always openable.
A lid is a kind of supporter. A lid is part of every chest.
A clock is a kind of device. A clock has a time called the
current time. A clock can be analog or digital. The current
time of a clock is usually 9:01 AM. The description of a
clock is "It shows the time to be [if analog]about [the
current time to the nearest five minutes in
words][otherwise][the current time][end if]."
A cloud pattern is a kind of value. The cloud patterns are
cumulus, altocumulus, cumulonimbus, stratus, cirrus,
nimbus, nimbostratus.
A coffer is a kind of container. In the Crypt is an open
A coin is a kind of thing. The player carries three coins.
A collective is a kind of thing.
A colour is a kind of value. The colours are red, green and
A concentration is a kind of value. 200.9ppm specifies
concentration. 200.9 ppm specifies concentration.
A container is a kind of thing.
A counter is a kind of supporter. It is scenery.
A counter, a one-way mirror, and a stool are scenery in the
Facility. The stool is an enterable supporter. The counter
supports a plate.
A coupon is a kind of thing.
A crate is a kind of open container.
A crop-dusting plane is a backdrop. It is not scenery. It
is in the Deserted Road and Empty Field. The initial
appearance of the crop-dusting plane is "[one of]In the
distance[or]Approaching faster and faster[or]Flying
ominously low and directly towards you[or]Immediately
overheard[or]Circling around for another approach[cycling]
is a standard crop-dusting plane."
A dance-name is a kind of thing. Argentine tango, samba,
merengue, cha-cha, street salsa are dance-names.
A dead end is a kind of room with printed name "Dead End"
and description "This is a dead end, where crags in the
uneven rock are caught by the [brightness of the lantern]
flame you hold aloft. Despite [river sound] there is no
sign of the stream." A dead end is usually dark.
A dead end is a kind of room with printed name "Dead End"
and description "This is a dead end. You'll have to go back
the way you came, consoled only by [river sound]." A dead
end is usually dark.
A dead end is a kind of room with printed name "Dead End"
and description "This is a dead end. You'll have to go back
the way you came." A dead end is usually dark.
A dead end is a kind of room.
A demise is a kind of value. The demises are drowned,
buried by a rockfall, pierced by an arrow and slain. The
latest demise is a demise that varies.
A difficulty is a kind of value. The difficulties are easy,
moderate, hard, and fiendish.
A dime is a kind of coin. The price of a dime is $0.10. The
description of a dime is "Franklin Roosevelt, trying not to
look too annoyed that his coin is so small and thin."
A distance is a kind of value.
A distance is a kind of value. 5 miles specifies a distance.
A dog is an animal in Back Yard. The dog has some indexed
text called the nickname. The nickname of the dog is
"nothing". Understand the nickname property as describing
the dog.
A dollar bill is a kind of money. The price of a dollar
bill is $1.00. The printed name of a dollar bill is "dollar
bill". Rule for printing the plural name of a dollar bill:
say "dollar bills". The description of a dollar bill is "It
has George Washington's head on the front, which with a bit
of creative folding can be scrunched to look like a
mushroom. All important things really are learned in
A dollar is a kind of thing. The player carries three
dollars. The price of a dollar is always $1.
A drain is a kind of container. A drain is part of every
sink. Understand "plughole" as the drain. Understand
"[something related by reversed incorporation]
drain/plughole" as a drain.
A drawer is a kind of container. A drawer is always
openable and closed. The description of a drawer is "The
usual drawer of heavy wood, inadequately smoothed for ease
of use."
A fact is a kind of thing. A fact can be known or unknown.
A fact can be current or past.
A fact is a kind of thing. A fact can be known or unknown.
A fact can be ready to learn or hidden. A fact has some
text called the narration.
A fact is a kind of thing. Every fact is carried by the
player. A fact has a length called the extent. A fact has
an area called the surface.
A fact is a kind of thing. The family circumstances is a
fact. A fact can be known or unknown. A fact can be current
or past.
A five-dollar bill is a kind of money. The price of a
five-dollar bill is $5.00. Understand "five" or "five
dollar" as the five-dollar bill. The description of a
five-dollar bill is "Abraham Lincoln. He looks slightly
less dignified here than he does on the penny."
A flowerpot is a kind of thing. A flowerpot can be unbroken
or broken. Understand the broken property as describing a
A flowerpot is a kind of thing. A flowerpot has an indexed
text called pattern. Understand the pattern property as
describing a flowerpot. The printed name of a flowerpot is
usually "[pattern] flowerpot". The printed plural name of a
flowerpot is usually "[pattern] flowerpots".
A flowerpot is a kind of thing. Understand "pot" as a
A fluid container is a kind of container. A fluid container
has a volume called a fluid capacity. A fluid container has
a volume called creme de menthe volume. A fluid container
has a volume called vodka volume. A fluid container has a
volume called cacao volume.
A fluid container is a kind of container. A fluid container
has a volume called a fluid capacity. A fluid container has
a volume called current volume.
A food is a kind of thing that is edible. A food has a rule
called the food effect.
A food is a kind of thing that is edible. Food has some
text called flavor. The flavor of food is usually
A freezer compartment is a kind of container. A freezer
compartment is usually closed and openable. A freezer
compartment is part of every refrigerator.
A fruit is a kind of thing. A fruit can be citrus, berry,
melon, or pome.
A garment is a kind of garment-element. A garment can be
transparent. A pair of pants, a pair of underpants, a
foundation garment, a pair of socks, a pair of shoes, a
jacket, a hat, a dress, and a shirt are kinds of garment.
A garment-element is a kind of thing.
A gas sink is a kind of thing. A gas sink has a
concentration called the contribution. The contribution of
a gas sink is usually 30.0ppm.
A gas source is a kind of thing. A gas source has a
concentration called the contribution. The contribution of
a gas source is usually 30.0ppm.
A geographical layout is a kind of object.
A ghost is a kind of person. A man-ghost is a kind of
ghost. A man-ghost is always male. A woman-ghost is a kind
of ghost. A woman-ghost is always female.
A ghost is a kind of person. The pale figure is a ghost.
A glass dish is a kind of container. A glass dish is
transparent. Three room temperature glass dishes are on the
counter. Two hot glass dishes are on the counter. Two cold
glass dishes are on the counter. The counter is scenery in
the Test Kitchen.
A glob is a kind of number.
A glove is a kind of thing. A glove is always wearable.
Understand "glove" as a glove. The player carries a left
glove and a right glove. The left glove and the right glove
are gloves.
A grid location is a kind of value. (1,19) specifies a grid
location. A room has a grid location called coordinates.
A grooming tool is a kind of thing. Understand "use [a
grooming tool] on [something]" as grooming it with (with
nouns reversed). Grooming it with is an action applying to
two things. Understand "groom [something] with [something]"
as grooming it with.
A hammock is a kind of container. A hammock is always
enterable. Every hammock allows seated and reclining. A
hammock is usually reclining.
A handle is a kind of thing. A handle is part of every door.
A hat is a kind of thing. A hat is always wearable.
Definition: a person is hatless if he does not wear a hat.
A height is a kind of value. 10 feet 11 inches specifies a
height. 10 feet 11 specifies a height. The verb to stand
(it stands, they stand, it is standing) implies the height
property. The verb to measure (it measures, they measure)
implies the height property. A thing has a height. The
height of a thing is usually 3 feet 0.
A height is a kind of value. 3 feet 11 inches specifies a
height. A thing has a height. Definition: a thing is tall
if its height is 6 feet 0 inches or more. Definition: a
thing is short if its height is 2 feet 0 inches or less.
A height is a kind of value. 5 foot 11 specifies a height.
A help-topic is a kind of value. Some help-topics are
defined by the Table of Standard Instructions.
A high-up fixture is a kind of thing. A high-up fixture is
usually fixed in place.
A housefly is an animal in the Camp Bethel Kitchen. "A
large housefly [one of]lands on a countertop[or]flies
around noisily[or]circles Jeremy's chef hat[at random]."
A human being is a kind of mammal. A man and a woman are
kinds of human being.
A hundred-dollar bill is a kind of money. The price of the
hundred-dollar bill is $100.00. Understand "hundred" or
"hundred dollar" as the hundred-dollar bill. Understand
"dollar" as the dollar bill. The description of a
hundred-dollar bill is "It's got Benjamin Franklin, who
always gets shafted: a denomination too large for anyone to
carry conveniently, and a lot of local fame in
A jacket is a kind of thing. A jacket is always wearable.
A jersey is a kind of thing. A jersey is wearable. A jersey
has a number called year established. A jersey has a text
called citation. The description of a jersey is "Since
[year established], the Tour de France has awarded this
jersey to the [citation]."
A jotter is a kind of thing. A jotter has an external file
called the text file. A jotter can be fresh or used. A
jotter is usually fresh. A jotter has a text called the
A jug is a kind of container. A jug is usually clay. The
ordinary jug is a jug. Every jug imitates the ordinary jug.
The height of a jug is usually 0 feet 8 inches.
A kidnapper is a person. "Your kidnapper is watching you
from the corner with his arms folded. You have the
impression he's just marking time until someone more
important arrives." The description is "He does not look at
all like the kidnapping sort, but more like a sommelier at
a superior restaurant: he wears a black pinstriped suit and
has nicely-manicured hands."
A kitchen is a kind of room.
A knick-knack is a kind of thing which is fragile.
A large mattress is a mattress in the Turret. A medium
mattress is a mattress in the Turret. A small mattress is a
mattress in the Turret.
A lead pig, a feather, a silver coin and a paper bag are in
a room called the Metallurgy Workshop. The paper bag is a
container with breaking strain 2kg. The lead pig has
weight 50kg.
A length is a kind of value. 10 cm specifies a length. An
area is a kind of value. 10 sq cm specifies an area. A
length times a length specifies an area. A volume is a kind
of value. 10 cu cm specifies a volume. A length times an
area specifies a volume.
A length is a kind of value. 10m specifies a length. An
area is a kind of value. 10 sq m specifies an area.
A length is a kind of value. 10m specifies a length. An
area is a kind of value. 10 sq m specifies an area. A
length times a length specifies an area.
A length is a kind of value. 1m specifies a length scaled
at 10000.
A length is a kind of value. 1m specifies a length.
A length is a kind of value. 1m specifies a length. 1cm
specifies a length scaled down by 100.
A lense is a kind of thing.
A lentil is a kind of thing. A black-eyed pea is a kind of
thing. The closet contains 3 lentils. The Closet contains
14 black-eyed peas. The round tin is a container in the
closet. The round tin contains 17 lentils. The square tin
is a container in the Closet. The square tin contains 20
black-eyed peas.
A letter is a kind of thing. 12 letters are on the desk.
Understand "correspondence" as a letter.
A letter is a kind of thing. The description of a letter is
usually "On inspection, it turns out to be quite [tone]." A
letter has a tone. The tone of a letter is usually polite.
A lid is a kind of supporter. A lid is part of every chest.
The specification of a lid is "A supporter attached to a
chest, which can only support things when the chest is
A light source is a kind of device. Carry out switching on
a light source: now the noun is lit. Carry out switching
off a light source: now the noun is unlit.
A liquid source is a kind of fluid container. A liquid
source has a liquid. A liquid source is usually scenery.
The fluid capacity of a liquid source is usually 3276.7 fl
oz. The current volume of a liquid source is usually 3276.7
fl oz. Instead of examining a liquid source: say "[The
noun] is full of [liquid of the noun]."
A mammal is a kind of animal. A Bengal tiger is a kind of
A man is a kind of animal. A woman is a kind of animal.
A marmoset is a kind of animal.
A material is a kind of value. The materials are silk,
velvet, cotton, and wool.
A measured container is a kind of container. A measured
container has a length called interior height. A measured
container has a length called interior width. A measured
container has a length called interior depth.
A metal form is a kind of thing. A magnet is a kind of
metal form.
A model is a kind of thing. 100 models are in the
A monetary value is a kind of value. $1.99 specifies a
monetary value with parts dollars and cents (optional,
preamble optional).
A monetary value is a kind of value. $1.99 specifies a
monetary value with parts dollars and cents.
A monetary value is a kind of value. $1.99 specifies a
monetary value.
A nickel is a kind of coin. The price of a nickel is $0.05.
The description of a nickel is "A chubby coin, but you've
always liked Thomas Jefferson, and the Monticello on the
back is a nice touch."
A nose is a kind of thing. A nose is part of every person.
A nose is a kind of thing. A nose is part of every person.
Antony and Cleopatra are people.
A nose is a kind of thing. A nose is part of every person.
The description of Santa's nose is "It's a bit ruddy. You
don't like to mention it, but Santa's been dipping heavily
into the Grey Goose since Mrs. Santa left town." The
description of a nose is usually "Not terribly exciting."
The description of Rudolph's nose is "See how it glows!"
A novel is a kind of thing. Dr Zhivago and Persuasion are
novels. Before printing the name of a novel, say "[italic
type]". After printing the name of a novel, say "[roman
A one-euro coin is a thing. The description is "It's a
bimetal coin, brassy around the rim and silvery in the
center. One side shows western Europe, with unusual
prominence given to the UK, and the other side Leonardo da
Vinci's four-armed, four-legged man having a nice stretch.
It's dated 2002."
A pattern is a kind of thing. A pattern has a material. A
pattern has an area. A pattern has a price. The price of a
pattern is usually $9.99. Understand "pattern" as a
pattern. Understand "patterns" as the plural of a pattern.
A pebble is a kind of thing. The height is usually 2 cm.
The depth is usually 2 cm. The width is usually 2 cm. The
player carries 25 pebbles.
A peer is a kind of man. A peer has a title. A peer is
usually a Baron. Before printing the name of a peer, say
"[title] ". Understand the title property as describing a
A penny is a kind of coin. The price of a penny is $0.01.
The description of the penny is "A profile of Abe Lincoln.
Sometime soon they'll stop minting these, you're sure of
A perch is a kind of supporter. A perch is always
enterable. The stool is a perch in Moe's.
A permission is a kind of value. The permissions are
allowed and denied.
A photograph is a kind of thing. 36 photographs are in the
film roll.
A pizza slice is a kind of thing. 10 pizza slices are in
Pizza Limbo. A pizza slice is always edible. [After a
fashion, anyway.]
A placement is a kind of value. The placements are boxed,
perched, free. The player has a placement. The player is
A platform is a kind of supporter. A platform is always
enterable. A platform is usually scenery.
A pocket is a kind of container. A pocket is part of every
jacket. The carrying capacity of a pocket is always 2.
A posture is a kind of value. The postures are seated,
standing, and reclining.
A potion is a kind of thing. The sparkly blue potion is a
potion carried by the player.
A price is a kind of value. $10 specifies a price. A thing
has a price.
A quarter is a kind of coin. The price of a quarter is
$0.25. The description of a quarter is "One of the
old-fashioned variety, not a state quarter."
A raised supporter is a kind of supporter.
A red pencil is a kind of thing. 12 red pencils are on the
A refrigerator is a kind of container. A refrigerator is
usually closed and openable. A refrigerator is usually
fixed in place. A refrigerator is usually scenery.
Understand "fridge" as a refrigerator.
A rivery room is a kind of room. Index map with room-colour
of rivery rooms set to "Navy" and room-name-colour of
rivery rooms set to "White".
A road is a kind of room.
A road is a kind of room. Definition: a room is offroad if
it is not a road.
A rock is a kind of thing. A rock is usually stone. The
ordinary rock is a rock. Every rock imitates the ordinary
rock. The height of a rock is usually 0 feet 3 inches.
A rock is a kind of thing. A rock is usually stone. The
ordinary rock is a rock. The height of a rock is usually 0
feet 3 inches. Every rock imitates the ordinary rock.
A rope is a kind of thing.
A running time is a kind of value. 3'59 specifies a running
A scene can be bright or dim. A scene is usually dim. Dawn
is a bright scene.
A shape is a kind of thing. A square is a kind of shape. A
triangle is a kind of shape.
A shop is a kind of room. A shop has a time called the
opening hour. The opening hour of the shop is usually 8 AM.
A shop has a time called the closing hour. A shop usually
has closing hour 6 PM.
A silver coin is a kind of thing. A banking room is a kind
of room. Five silver coins are in every banking room.
A sink is a kind of container. A sink is usually fixed in
place and scenery. A tap is a kind of switch. A tap is part
of every sink. Understand "faucet" or "taps" as a tap.
Understand "[something related by reversed incorporation]
tap/faucet/taps" as a tap.
A sleepsack is an enterable container in the Campsite.
"Your sleepsack is laid out in a pocket of sandy soil and
coarse grass."
A small table is an enterable supporter in the Waiting
Suite. On the table is a copy of Dragon Pursuit Today. The
description of Dragon Pursuit Today is "Full of glossy
illustrations of dragons in various stages of capture,
captivity, and destruction. The back of the magazine
contains small black-and-white advertisements for hunting
kits and the like." Some advertisements and some
illustrations are part of Dragon Pursuit Today. The
description of the illustrations is "You have the
misfortune to look first at the photographs accompanying
'Cleaning Dragon Splanchna', and feel quite unwell." The
description of the advertisements is "Mostly terse ads and
phone numbers."
A sofa is a kind of supporter. A sofa is always enterable.
Every sofa allows seated, standing and reclining. A sofa is
usually seated.
A spray of lavender is a kind of thing. Three sprays of
lavender are in every gardening basket.
A staircase is a kind of door. A staircase is always open.
A staircase is never openable.
A staircase is a kind of door. A staircase is usually open.
A staircase is seldom openable.
A stamped envelope is a kind of thing.
A stone bench is an enterable supporter in the Croquet
Ground. It stands 3 feet 8 inches."There is a stone bench
here -- a sort of stone sofa, really, with nymphs
disporting themselves on the arms and back." The
description of the bench is "It used to be a Roman
sarcophagus -- hence the nymphs -- but someone has
thoughtfully recarved it as lawn furniture."
A storage compartment is an openable closed container. It
is part of the bench. Instead of opening the bench, try
opening the storage compartment. Instead of closing the
bench, try closing the storage compartment. Instead of
pushing or pulling or turning the cushions, try opening the
storage compartment. Understand "space" as the storage
A stove is a kind of supporter. It is usually scenery.
A strikable-match is a kind of thing. The plural of
strikable-match is s-matches.
A string is a kind of thing. A string has a length. The
length of a string is usually 36 inches.
A subject is a kind of thing.
A subject is a kind of thing. Assyrian vowel sounds,
designer handbags, and instant run-off voting are subjects.
Understand "linguistics" and "mute" and "stop" as sounds.
Understand "prada" and "tods" and "coach" and "carmen marc
valvo" as designer handbags. Understand "reform" and
"election" and "election fraud" and "two-party system" and
"Diebold" as instant run-off voting.
A subject is a kind of thing. Some subjects are defined by
the Table of Conversation Subjects.
A subject is a kind of thing. The current subject is a
thing that varies. greeting is a subject.
A subject is a kind of thing. income, love life, and
children are subjects.
A subway pass is a kind of thing. 15 subway passes are in
the cashbox. The description of a subway pass is usually "A
rectangle of thick lavender paper with a black magnetic
stripe running up the back side. It is good for one trip on
the subway."
A switch is a kind of device. A switch is part of every
stove. A switch is part of every oven.
A table is a kind of supporter. A table is usually wood.
The height of a table is usually 3 feet 8 inches. The
ordinary table is a table. Every table imitates the
ordinary table.
A telephone is a kind of thing. Understand "phone" as a
A television is a kind of device.
A television is a kind of device. A television has a number
called the channel. Understand the channel property as
referring to a television. Understand "channel" as a
A television is a kind of device. A television has an
aspect ratio. Understand the aspect ratio property as
referring to a television. Understand "European standard"
as 16:9.
A thing can be dangerous. The bag of gunpowder is a
dangerous thing.
A thing can be hard or soft. A thing can be fragile or
strong. Shape is a kind of value. The shapes are round,
flat, and linear. A thing has shape.
A thing can be large or small. A thing is usually small.
The stepladder is a large thing in the Misty Moorlands.
A thing can be spherical or lumpy. A marble is a kind of
thing. A marble is always spherical. The player carries a
marble called a red marble. The player carries a marble
called an agate marble. The player carries a marble called
a blue cloudy marble.
A thing can be spiky or smooth. The cleated left shoe is a
wearable spiky thing. It is worn by the player. The cleated
right shoe is a wearable spiky thing. It is worn.
A time period is a kind of value. The time periods are
morning, afternoon, evening, night. The current time period
is a time period that varies. The current time period is
A title is a kind of value. The titles are Baron, Viscount,
Earl, Marquess, Duke and Prince.
A toilet is a kind of supporter. Understand "john" as a
toilet. A toilet is usually fixed in place and enterable
and scenery.
A tool is a kind of thing. A spatula, a spoon, a wooden
mallet, some shears, and a ball of twine are tools in the
drawer. A butcher knife is a tool carried by the player.
Understand "scissors" as the shears.
A torso is a kind of thing. A torso is always wearable.
Understand "shirt" or "blouse" as a torso. A torso has a
garment type. Understand the garment type property as
describing a torso. A sleeve is a kind of thing. A short
sleeve is a kind of sleeve. A long sleeve is a kind of
sleeve. A collar is a kind of thing.
A used ticket is a thing. The description is "A piece of
receipt paper indicating that you have paid the one-way
fare of 9 euros from Nice. There is a hole punched through
A view is a kind of backdrop.
A view is a kind of backdrop. Instead of doing something
other than examining to a view, say "You are too far from
[the noun] to do anything but look."
A volume is a kind of value. 15.9 fl oz specifies a volume
with parts ounces and tenths (optional, preamble optional).
A volunteer is a woman in the Maison. "A volunteer from the
audience stands facing you, [if alert]skeptically awaiting
hypnosis[otherwise]her face worshipful and obedient[end
if]." The printed name of the volunteer is "volunteer from
the audience". The description is "A distracted,
susceptible woman." The volunteer wears a t-shirt and a
baseball hat.
A weapon is a kind of thing. A weapon has a number called
the maximum damage. The maximum damage of a weapon is
usually 4.
A weekday is a kind of value. The weekdays are Saturday,
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. The
current weekday is a weekday that varies. The current
weekday is Saturday.
A weight is a kind of value. 10kg specifies a weight.
A weight is a kind of value. 10kg specifies a weight. 1
tonne specifies a weight scaled up by 1000. 1g specifies a
weight scaled down by 1000.
A weight is a kind of value. 10kg specifies a weight. 10kg
net specifies a weight. 10 kg specifies a weight.
A weight is a kind of value. 10kg specifies a weight.
Everything has a weight.
A weight is a kind of value. 10kg specifies a weight.
Everything has a weight. A thing usually has weight 1kg.
A weight is a kind of value. 10kg specifies a weight.
Everything has a weight. A thing usually has weight 1kg. A
man usually has weight 80kg. A woman usually has weight
A well is a fixed in place container in the Pumping House.
A wicker cage is here. "There is a small wicker cage
discarded nearby."
A window is a kind of thing. A window is always fixed in
place. A window can be open or closed. A window is usually
closed. A window can be openable or unopenable. A window is
usually openable.
Abduction is a location-loud scene. "You check into the
Hotel Vauban and sleep deeply enough; it was a long and
sticky trip to get here.
Abstraction is a room.
Adjectival descriptor is a kind of value. The adjectival
descriptors are strong, chocolatey, minty, perfect, and
Adjusting it to is an action applying to one thing and one
Affair-with-penny is a fact.
After consulting the book about "grove", say "The Grove is
a sacred yadda, yadda. There's a tree, that sort of thing.
After deciding the scope of the player when the location is
an inter-visible room:
After looking when the location is an inter-visible room:
After looking when the location is an outdoors room:
After reading a command when target jotter is a jotter:
Al Iwan is a room. "Middle-eastern food in an environment
of dramatic black, red, and gold."
Al Mahara is a room. "After the elevator, you must take a
three-minute virtual submarine voyage to reach this seafood
restaurant. A magnificent oval aquarium, full of sharks, is
visible from every table."
Al Muntaha is a room. "A top-floor restaurant with a
magnificent view: the name means the ultimate or the
highest, suitable for a place that stands at 200 metres
above the Arabian Gulf. It offers modern European cuisine;
and just off to the south is the Skyview Bar."
Aladdin's Cave is a room. The genie's lamp is a container.
Aladdin's lamp is a shiny thing in Behind the Waterfall.
Alexandria is a room. Eratosthenes is a man in Alexandria.
"The haughty Greek mathematician, Eratosthenes, glowers at
Already gave at the office is a truth state that varies.
Altitude is a kind of value. 200 ft specifies an altitude.
A room has an altitude. The altitude of a room is usually
50 ft. The altitude of the Lighthouse is 100 ft.
Amid the Cheering Throng is a room.
An Old Master is a kind of thing. An Old Master has a
figure name called appearance. Figure 1 is the file
"Giaconda.jpg". The Mona Lisa is an Old Master. The
appearance of the Mona Lisa is Figure 1.
An action is a simulated task for the fictional protagonist.
An activity is a real task for the computer program doing
the simulation.
An altitude is a kind of value. 1000 feet specifies an
altitude. A room has an altitude.
An apple is a kind of thing. Consumption is a kind of
value. The consumptions are pristine and bitten. An apple
has a consumption. The description of an apple is "It is
An artwork is a kind of thing. Before printing the name of
an artwork, say italic type. After printing the name of an
artwork, say roman type. An artwork can be submitted or
An aspect ratio is a kind of value. 16:20 specifies an
aspect ratio with parts width and height (without leading
An aspect ratio is a kind of value. 16:20 specifies an
aspect ratio with parts width and height.
An aspect ratio is a kind of value. 16:9 specifies an
aspect ratio.
An electric lamp is a kind of device.
An electric light is a kind of device. Carry out switching
on an electric light: now the noun is lit. Carry out
switching off an electric light: now the noun is unlit.
An electric light is a kind of device. Carry out switching
on an electric light: now the noun is lit. Carry out
switching off an electric light: now the noun is unlit.
Understand "light" as an electric light.
An electric noisemaker is a kind of device. An electric
noisemaker has some text called usual sound. The usual
sound of an electric noisemaker is usually "beepbeepbeep".
Carry out switching on an electric noisemaker: now the
sound of the noun is the usual sound of the noun. Report
switching on an electric noisemaker: say "[The noun] goes
[usual sound of the noun]!" instead. Report switching off
an electric noisemaker: say "You switch off [the noun],
silencing the [usual sound of the noun]." instead.
An enclosure is a kind of thing. A container is a kind of
enclosure. A supporter is a kind of enclosure.
An ice cream cone is a kind of thing. An ice cream cone is
always edible. An ice cream cone has an infection color. An
ice cream cone can be half-eaten or fresh. Understand the
infection color property as referring to an ice cream cone.
An individual solar cell is a fact. The surface is 8 sq cm.
An ingredient is a kind of thing.
An on/off button is a kind of thing.
An oven is a kind of container. An oven is usually openable
and closed. One oven is a part of every stove.
Analysing something is an activity on objects.
Analysing something is an activity.
Analysing something is an activity. The analysing activity
has a text called first impression. Instead of examining
something (called the sample), carry out the analysing
activity with the sample.
Announcing something is an activity on numbers.
Answer mode is a truth state that varies.
Antarctic Research Station is a room. "Though not always
the most stimulating of environments, the station is far
from your ex-wife and most of the things in the world that
annoy you, namely the other 6+ billion people. There is a
second room to the south." The station contains a radio.
The radio is a device. It is fixed in place.
Antony is a man in Movie Rental. Antony carries a coupon.
Antony carries a stamped envelope called a postcard.
Appearance is a kind of value. The appearances are muddy,
scruffy, fluffy, and dapper. The brown llama has an
appearance. The brown llama is muddy. Before printing the
name of the brown llama, say "[appearance] ". Before
printing the name of the brown llama while grooming: say
"now-[if appearance of the brown llama is less than
dapper]merely-[end if]".
Appraisal rules is a rulebook.
Approaching is an action applying to one thing.
Approaching is an action applying to one visible thing.
Aptitude is a rulebook. The aptitude rulebook has a number
called the aptitude mark.
Arcane list is a list of objects which varies. Arcane list
is { left glove, twig, pear }.
Area is a kind of value. 5 sq yards specifies an area.
Armfay is a room.
Arrival is a location-silent scene. "After many days[']
journey, you have arrived at last in Entrevaux, a walled
medieval town now chiefly of interest to tourists and
crusade re-enactors."
Arrival is a scene. "There's a flourish of trumpets."
Artemis is a woman in Corinth.
Artemis is a woman in Thebes.
Asking for help is an action out of world.
Asking for help is an action out of world. Understand
"help" or "hint" or "hints" as asking for help.
Asking it about the matter of is an action applying to one
thing and one visible thing.
Asking it about the subject is an action applying to one
thing and one visible thing.
Asking it about the subject is an action applying to two
visible things.
Assaying is an activity.
Athena is a woman in Athens.
Athens is a room.
Atmosphere is a kind of value. The atmospheres are normal,
melancholy, and creepy.
Attacking it with is an action applying to one visible
thing and one carried thing. Understand "attack [someone]
with [something preferably held]" as attacking it with.
Attacking the drum is a loud action.
Attic is a room. The unused coffin is in the Attic. The
coffin is enterable and openable and open. Raskolnikov is a
man in the coffin.
Aunt Fiona is a woman in the Kitchen. Aunt Fiona can be
inflated or deflated. Aunt Fiona is inflated. "[if Aunt
Fiona is inflated]Aunt Fiona stands nearby. Or perhaps
'stands' is the wrong word: she has been sort of puffed up
in her own skin like a balloon, and is now propped in a
corner of the room with her head lolling
back[otherwise]Aunt Fiona stands -- on her own two slender
legs -- at the center of the room[end if]."
Aunt Martha is a woman in the Empyrean Shuttle Bay. A
gleaming shuttle and a stack of rations are in the Shuttle
Bay. The shuttle is a vehicle. "Your shuttle awaits."
Awning is a room. "A tan awning is stretched on tent poles
over the dig-site, providing a little shade to the workers
here; you are at the bottom of a square twenty feet on a
side, marked out with pegs and lines of string. Uncovered
in the south face of this square is an awkward opening into
the earth."
Backstage is a room. "A muffled black room with felt on the
floors and walls. A glowing sign over the stage door says
Backward is a direction. Backward has opposite forward.
Understand "b" and "back" as backward.
Backward left is a direction. Backward left has opposite
forward right. Understand "bl" as backward left.
Backward right is a direction. Backward right has opposite
forward left. Understand "br" as backward right.
Base of Puncak Jaya is a room. Temple, Kippax, and Huizenga
are men in Base. Peak of Puncak Jaya is above Base of
Puncak Jaya.
Before doing something when the second noun is a person:
now the second noun is occupied.
Before going to the Hôtel: now the wallpaper is a random
Behind the Waterfall is a room. "Though one wall of the
cave is open to the waterfall, the quantity of water is so
great that barely any light comes through from the
outside." Behind the Waterfall is dark.
Berkeley's report is a thing in the Archive. The
description is "A report from Governor Sir William Berkeley
of Virginia, in 1671, in answer to the queries sent by the
Commissioners of Plantations the year previous. Of this
report the better part is burned and only a tail fragment
remains." The printing of Berkeley's report is "I thank
God, [italic type]there are no free schools[roman type] nor
[italic type]printing[roman type], and I hope we shall not
have these hundred years; for [italic type]learning[roman
type] has brought disobedience, and heresy, and sects into
the world, and [italic type]printing[roman type] has
divulged them..."
Blank Room is a room.
Blank is a room. The destination of the player is Blank.
Blank contains 15 ice cream cones.
Blinking is an action applying to nothing. Scraping it with
is an action applying to two things.
Blistering Cold is a room. "It is white out here and very
very very cold." The white door is a door. "[The white
door] leads to [the other side of the white door]." It is
west of the Blistering Cold and east of the Antarctic
Research Station.
Blowing on is an action applying to one thing. Understand
"breathe on [something]" or "blow on [something]" as
blowing on.
Board Room is a room. Mark is a man in the Board Room.
"Russia (played by Mark) is also hovering over the board."
Boathouse is a room. "A boathouse circa 1915, which --
though in poor repair -- still suggests Sunday afternoon
jaunts taken by women in white gowns and men in straw hats."
Brief Encounter is a scene. Brief Encounter begins when
Train Stop ends.
Brightness is a kind of value. The brightnesses are dim,
shining, and blazing. A lamp is a kind of thing. A lamp has
a brightness. A lamp is usually blazing. The hurricane lamp
is a lamp.
Brightness is a kind of value. The brightnesses are
guttering, weak, radiant and blazing.
Brightness is a kind of value. The brightnesses are
guttering, weak, radiant and blazing. The torch has a
brightness. The torch is blazing. The torch is lit.
Broughton Hall is a room. Lady Uckfield is a woman in
Broughton Hall. "Lady Uckfield sits at her desk, looking
wholly composed."
Building description is a truth state that varies. Building
description is false.
Buying the flavor is an action applying to one infection
Calling it by name on is an action applying to one visible
thing and one thing.
Calling it on is an action applying to one visible thing
and one thing.
Camp Bethel Kitchen is a room.
Campsite is a room. "It is solid night now, and the stars
have come out. Unfamiliar stars. On the other side of the
valley -- a valley round-bottomed but shallow, like a soup
bowl -- burn other campfires, most likely bandits. Their
voices do not carry, but the smoke rises and obscures the
starlight over that way."
Candyland is a room. "A fizzing, popping wonderland of
sugary delights -- from which you are unable to escape."
Candyland is a room. The lollipop tree is an edible thing
in Candyland. The genuine rock is a thing in Candyland.
Capital City is a room. East is Lower Caissons. South of
Lower Caissons
Casting xyzzy is an action applying to nothing.
Causing trouble is a scene. Causing trouble begins when
play begins. Causing trouble ends when the player is
embarrassed. When Causing trouble ends: say "Just at this
inopportune moment, you hear a throat being cleared behind
you. 'We can see you now within,' says a dry voice."; end
the story saying "To be continued..."
Challenger's Waiting Room is a room. "The challenge is
this: to wait as long as you can endure to do so in a room
with no features and no clock. If you wait longer than all
the other contestants, you win."
Changing the channel of it to is an action applying to one
thing and one number.
Charles, Thomas, and Larry are men in Seventh Avenue.
Patricia is a woman in Seventh Avenue.
Chateau Marmont is a room. Tom, Jack, Zsa-Zsa, and
Wilma-Faye are people in the Chateau. Zsa-Zsa and
Wilma-Faye are women.
Check spinning: if the noun is an open container which
contains something, say "[The list of things in the noun]
would fly out." instead.
Chosen direction is a direction that varies.
Christopher is a man in the Library. Christopher owns the
Cinco de Mayo Fundraiser is a room.
Clapping is an action applying to nothing. Understand
"clap" as clapping.
Clark Gable is a man in the Sound Stage. "Clark is here,
carrying [the list of things carried by Clark][if Clark
wears anything] and wearing [the list of things worn by
Clark][end if]." Clark carries a swagger stick. Clark
carries an open openable player's holdall called a
briefcase. The briefcase contains a signed contract. Clark
wears a fedora and a pair of pants. A handle is part of the
Clark Kent is a man in the Newsroom. "Clark [if Clark can
see the kryptonite]looks a bit ill[otherwise]is here,
frowning as he revises his latest article[end if]."
Clark is a man in the Resort. A persuasion rule: persuasion
Claudia is a woman in the Test Kitchen. "Your assistant
Claudia stands by with [a list of things carried by
Claudia]." The description of Claudia is "Infinitely
patient and a very good stenographer. She is studiously
avoiding giving you any sort of look that might be
construed as mocking." Claudia carries a notepad, a brined
chicken breast, a blowtorch, and a cup of heavy cream.
Cleft is a room. "You're backed into a cleft in the
granite: behind you are only steep, high faces of stone,
and before you a narrow passage."
Cleopatra is a woman in Alexandria. The player is Cleopatra.
Cliff Edge is a room. "This narrow strip overlooks a gorge
many hundreds of feet deep, at whose bottom is a river of
molten lava. The walls of the gorge are lined with
poison-tipped spikes. Furthermore, the birds that inhabit
this valley spit balls of fire. Good thing you're safe up
Collecting something is an activity.
Color is a kind of value. The colors are red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, black, brown, and
white. A thing has a color. A thing is usually white.
Colour is a kind of value. Red, green and blue are colours.
Colour is a kind of value. The colours are blue, red and
Colour is a kind of value. The colours are red, blue and
green. A block is a kind of thing. A block has a colour. A
block is usually blue.
Colour is a kind of value. The colours are red, blue and
green. A block is a kind of thing. A block has a colour. A
block is usually blue. Before printing the name of a block:
say "[colour] ". Before printing the plural name of a
block: say "[colour] ".
Colour is a kind of value. The colours are red, blue and
green. A block is a kind of thing. A block has a colour. A
block is usually blue. Before printing the name of a block:
say "[colour] ". Before printing the plural name of a
block: say "[colour] ". Understand the colour property as
describing a block.
Colour is a kind of value. The colours are red, blue and
green. A building block is a kind of thing. A building
block has a colour.
Colour is a kind of value. The colours are red, green and
Colour is a kind of value. The colours are red, green and
blue. Understand "colour [a colour]" or "[a colour] shade"
as "[tint]".
Colour is a kind of value. The colours are red, green and
Colour is a kind of value. The colours are red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
Colour is a kind of value. The colours are red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. A colour can be
found or unfound.
Colour is a kind of value. The colours are white, red, blue
and green.
Colour is a kind of value. The fashionable shade is a
colour that varies.
Comprehension is a kind of value. The comprehensions are
vague, erroneous, and correct.
Compromise proposal is a scene. Compromise proposal begins
when Dramatic Revelation ends in success. When Compromise
Proposal begins: now Beauty is passive.
Confiscating is an action applying to one thing.
Considering that he woke you from a sound slumber to beg
you to bring this thing over, his attitude is a bit much.
You stare dubiously at the awkward crystal sculpture in
your hands.";
Corinth is a room. Athens is east of Corinth. Epidaurus is
southeast of Corinth and east of Mycenae. Mycenae is south
of Corinth. Olympia is west of Mycenae. Argos is south of
Mycenae. Thebes is northwest of Athens. Pylos is south of
Olympia. Sparta is east of Pylos and south of Argos. Delphi
is northwest of Thebes.
Corking is an action applying to one thing.
Corking it with is an action applying to one thing and one
carried thing.
Cost is a kind of value.. $1.99 per sq yard specifies a
cost. A cost times an area specifies a price.
Count Dracula is a man in the Attic.
Count of sentences is a number that varies.
Country Lane is a room. West of Country Lane is Outside the
Farmhouse. East of Country Lane is Village Center. North of
Country Lane is Open Field.
Country is a kind of value. The countries are
Czechoslovakia, Georgia, Sweden, Italy, Spain.
Courting Roxane is a scene. Courting Roxane begins when
play begins. Courting Roxane ends in success when Roxane is
wooed. Courting Roxane ends in failure when Roxane is
Cratered Landscape is a room. "The ground here is [if Night
is happening]dim silver, with the craters visible as darker
splotches[otherwise]the color of dried blood; here and
there it is also rippled by impact craters[end if]. The
horizon curves visibly."
Current conversation table is a table name that varies.
Current conversation table is Table of Job Queries.
Current marker is a number that varies.
Current question is an interrogative that varies.
Current state is a text that varies.
Current year is a number that varies. The current year is
Cutting it with is an action applying to two things.
Dance is a kind of value. The dances are waltzes, polkas,
cha-chas, charlestons, fox-trots, tangos, lambadas, and
Dancing is an action applying to one visible thing.
Understand "dance [any dance-name]" as dancing. Understand
"dance" as dancing.
Dawn is a recurring scene. Dawn begins when Night ends.
Dawn ends when the time since Dawn began is 1 minute.
Day is a recurring scene. Day begins when Dawn ends. Day
ends when the time since Day began is 3 minutes.
Death Valley is a room. Luckless Luke and Dead-Eye Pete are
men in the Valley. A cactus is in the Valley. Persuasion
rule: persuasion succeeds.
Death Valley is a room. The Guide is in the Valley.
Definition: a direction (called thataway) is viable if the
room thataway from the location is a room.
Definition: a direction is viable if the room it from the
location is a room.
Del Floria's Tailor Shop is a room. "Only trained
anti-THRUSH agents recognise the booth in the east wall as
a secret elevator."
Depositing it in is an action applying to two things.
Describing the interior of something is an activity.
Destination is a kind of value. The destinations are
London, Abingdon, Luton, Weston-super-Mare, Runnymede,
Hell, and Low Noon.
Detail is a kind of value. The details are fine, ordinary,
and gross. A thing has detail.
Detailing is an action applying to one limb and one visible
thing, requiring light. Check detailing: if the camera is
not carried then say "You can hardly photograph without a
camera, now can you?" instead. Report detailing: say
"Click! You take a detail photograph of the [limb
understood] of [the second noun]."
Detective Havers is a woman in the Damp Hillside. The
description is "She gives you a weak smile when you look at
her: you know she hasn't slept more than three hours any of
the last few nights." Havers is scenery.
Detective Havers is a woman in the Vestry. The description
is "She looks glumly back. There's still a purple-ish
bruise on her cheekbone from the disaster Thursday
afternoon." Havers is scenery.
Diagnosing is an action applying to one visible thing.
Understand "diagnose [something]" as diagnosing.
Dialing it to is an action applying to one thing and one
Difficulty is a kind of value. The difficulties are easy,
moderate, hard. The player has a difficulty. The difficulty
of the player is easy.
Digging is an action applying to one thing. Understand "dig
[something]" or "dig in [something]" as digging.
Disallowed-all is a truth state that varies. Disallowed-all
is false.
Discovery is a scene. Discovery begins when play begins.
Discovery ends when Sleeping Beauty is awake. Marriage
Proposal is a scene. Marriage Proposal begins when
Discovery ends.
Discussing is an action applying to one topic.
Distance is a kind of value. 10km specifies a distance.
Does the player mean doing something when the noun is a
selfish nose or the second noun is a selfish nose: it is
very unlikely.
Dome is a room. North of Dome is North Chapel. South of the
Dome is South Chapel. West of the Dome is Western End.
Quiet Corner is northwest of the Dome, north of Western
End, and west of North Chapel. Loud Corner is east of North
Chapel, northeast of Dome, and north of Eastern End.
Eastern End is north of Dim Corner and east of Dome. Dim
Corner is southeast of Dome and east of South Chapel.
Ruined Corner is southwest of Dome, west of South Chapel,
and south of Western End.
Dramatic revelation is a recurring scene. Dramatic
revelation begins when attempting confidence.
Drum summons rules is a rulebook.
Drum summons rules is an action based rulebook producing
Ducking is an action applying to nothing. Report ducking:
say "You duck!" Understand "duck" as ducking.
Dune is an outdoors room. "Hundreds of feet of dune stretch
west to the beach, crisscrossed with dune-buggy tracks and
the footprints of birds. To the east is a low-lying, boxy
concrete installation."
Dusk is a recurring scene. Dusk begins when Day ends. Dusk
ends when the time since Dusk began is 1 minute.
Dusty Path is below Entrance. "A dusty path, with
grey-brown thorny bushes on either side. Immediately to
your right is a sheer drop; far below you can see the
rusting remains of a Model T that some fool tried to drive
by here."
Dynasty is a kind of value. The dynasties are Stuart,
Hanover, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and Windsor.
E1 is forward of E2. "Open farmland." E2 is forward of E3.
"The edge of woods." E3 is forward of E4. "Deep woodland."
E4 is forward of E5. "Deep woodland." E5 is forward of E6.
"The rear edge of woods." E6 is forward of E7. "The start
of a road leading forward right." E7 is a room. "Grassland."
East is a dead end. South is a dead end with printed name
"Collapsed Dead End".
East of Water Lane is a room called Thames Street at the
Wherry Bridge. Thames Street at the Wherry Bridge has the
description "To the southwest is the fishmarket; directly
across the street is the entrance to a private alley
through a brick archway."
East of the Garden is the Gazebo. Above is the Treehouse. A
billiards table is in the Gazebo. On it is a trophy cup. A
starting pistol is in the cup.
East of the Garden is the Gazebo. Above is the Treehouse. A
billiards table is in the Gazebo. On it is a trophy cup. A
starting pistol is in the cup. In the Treehouse is a
container called a cardboard box.
Eight-Walled Chamber is a room. "A perfectly octagonal room
whose walls are tinted in various hues."
Emerald City is a room. "All the buildings are spires and
none of them have doors." The Vast Desert is west of
Emerald City. "[if the player is in a vehicle]Outside,
a[otherwise]A[end if] trackless waste stretches as far as
the eye can see in every direction."
Empty Street is a room. "No one is about at this hour, all
alone under a pale moon."
Ennobling is an action applying to one thing and one title.
Enthusiasm is a kind of value. The enthusiasms are pumped,
wired and languid.
Entrance to Devil's Canyon is a room. "You are at the top
of a steep road, which proceeds down into the canyon
proper." A sign is in Devil's Canyon. It is fixed in place.
"An ominous sign has been put up by the local sheriff's
office." The description is "PROCEED AT OWN RISK - NO
Entrevaux Station is a room. "The station building consists
of a waiting room and a ticket-selling office so small that
only one person can buy a ticket at a time. On the outside
wall is a clock that runs twelve minutes late; but since
the trains also run twelve minutes, give or take, behind
their published schedule, this clock is helpful in
establishing reasonable expectations. [paragraph
break]Painted on the door is the logo of the Chemin de Fer
de Provence, the only railway in France that is not part of
the SNCF."
Episode is a scene. Episode begins when Parodos ends.
Equilibrium is a room. "A perfectly smooth chamber sealed
from the outside world. You can't at this moment work out
where the exit is, though possibly that is just because the
lighting is so very very even and diffuse. And doesn't come
from anywhere that you can see, either."
Escalating Danger is a scene. Reviewing Possessions ends
when Escalating Danger begins. Escalating Danger begins
when preparations near completion.
Escaping is an action applying to nothing.
Eurydice is a woman in the Wedding Procession. Eurydice
carries a torch.
Every turn when the location is a shop:
Every turn: now the current round is a random dance.
Examining as a book is an action applying to one topic.
F1 is forward of F2. "The edge of farmland." F2 is forward
of F3. "The edge of woods." F3 is forward of F4. "Clearing
in woods." F4 is forward of F5. "Deep woodland." F5 is
forward of F6. "A road runs backward left to forward
right." F6 is a room. "The edge of grassland."
Facing is an action applying to one visible thing.
Fate is a woman. After deciding the scope of the player:
place Fate in scope. The description of Fate is "Not
smiling." Instead of doing something other than examining
to fate: say "As if."
Feature is a kind of value. The features are snub-nosed,
gangly, comely, bright-eyed, and sulky.
Feeding is an action applying to one visible thing.
Filing is an action applying to one thing.
Filling it with is an action applying to two things. Carry
out filling it with: try pouring the second noun into the
noun instead.
Film Set is a region. Duck Pond, Stately Lawn, and Stately
Home are in Film Set.
Finding is an action applying to one visible thing.
First Class Cabin is a room. Dr Tweedy is a man in First
Class. Ms Finch and Ms Clarion are women in First Class.
Fish variety is a kind of value. The fish varieties are
salmon, albacore, mackerel.
Flame-state is a kind of value. The flame-states are burnt,
flaming, and new. Understand "burning" or "lit" as flaming.
Understand "unused" as new.
Fluffy is an animal in the Camp Bethel Kitchen. "[one
of]Fluffy is chasing its tail[or]Fluffy is staring out the
window[or]Fluffy is rubbing itself against your leg[purely
at random]."
Following is an action applying to one visible thing.
Food is a kind of thing. Food is always edible. In the Yurt
are a yam and a dish of yakitori. The yam and the yakitori
are food. The description of food is "Well, at least it's
not [a random edible thing which is not the item
Food is a kind of thing. Food is usually edible. Food has a
time called the satisfaction period. The satisfaction
period of a food is usually 5 minutes.
Footnotes mentioned is a number that varies.
Forest Clearing is a room. "It's mid-autumn in your memory,
the pool clear and cold, gold and red leaves floating on
the surface."
Forest is a room. It contains a deer and a daisy. The deer
is an animal.
Fort James is a room.
Fort James is a room. "The enclosure of Fort James is a
large, roughly hexagonal court walled with heavy stone.
The walls face the entrance to Port Royal Harbour, and the
battery of guns is prepared to destroy any enemy ship
Forward is a direction. Forward has opposite backward.
Understand "f" as forward.
Forward left is a direction. Forward left has opposite
backward right. Understand "fl" as forward left.
Forward right is a direction. Forward right has opposite
backward left. Understand "fr" as forward right.
Foyer of the Opera House is a room. "You are standing in a
spacious hall, splendidly decorated in red and gold, with
glittering chandeliers overhead. The entrance from the
street is to the north, and there are doorways south and
Francine is a woman in the Public Library. Francine carries
a book called Phlox for Phyllis. Francine carries a stamped
envelope called a pink stamped envelope.
Fred is a man.
Fred is a man. Fred is open.
Free Time is a scene. Free Time begins when Clown
Performance Ends.
Frince is a man in the Casino. The description is "Frince
is a friend of yours -- if you reckon friendship on the
same terms that one reckons a cat as a pet. He spends time
with you when he wants to, but if your wishes or
convenience ever run counter to a whim of his, it's the
whim that wins. Always. [paragraph break]He's also wearing
a somewhat ludicrous shirt."
Fruit list is a list of objects which varies. Fruit list is
{ apple, pear }.
Functional relation is a kind of value. The functional
relations are overpayment, underpayment, or irrelevant.
Money has a functional relation.
G1 is forward of G2. "Grassland." G2 is forward of G3. "The
edge of farmland." G3 is forward of G4. "A copse of trees."
G4 is forward of G5. "The backward edge of woodland." G5 is
forward of G6. "A bend in the road, from backward left to
backward right." G6 is forward of G7. "Open farmland." G7
is a room. "Open farmland."
Garment type is a kind of value. The garment types are
vest, t-shirt, polo shirt, mandarin blouse, button-down,
shell, experiment.
Gawking at something is an activity.
Gender is a kind of value. The genders are masculine,
feminine, and unknown. Understand "male" or "man" or "M" as
masculine. Understand "female" or "woman" or "F" as
Gene is a man in Nancy Johnson Memorial Square. Gene
carries a stamped envelope. Gene carries a DVD called
Casablanca. Gene carries a coupon.
George is a man in the Farewell Bend Cafe. The conversation
of George is the Table of George's Chatter. "There is also
a large man at table five. The tattoo on his arm says
George. For the moment we will assume that it is his own
name and not someone else's."
Getting Started is a room.
Getting help about is an action applying to one topic.
Glove list is a list of objects which varies. Glove list is
{ right glove, left glove }.
Go is a room. "A giant square area, where you and your
other pewter ornament friends gather before setting out to
purchase London."
Going by name is an action applying to one thing.
Going state is a truth state that varies. Going state is
Going to by name is an action applying to one thing.
Going toward is an action applying to one thing.
Going vaguely is an action applying to one visible thing.
Grading is a number based rulebook.
Grand Central Station is a room. "Here you are in New York,
New York. Any minute now someone is going to burst into
Grooming is a kind of value. A person has grooming. The
groomings are messy and tidy.
Group-description-complete is a truth state that varies.
Growler is a Bengal tiger in the Savannah.
Growler is an animal in the Savannah.
Growler is an animal. Growler is male. The description of
Growler is "What immortal hand or eye could frame thy
fearful symmetry?".
Guessing is an action applying to one topic.
Guest Bathroom is south of Board Room. Lena and Rob are in
the Guest Bathroom. Lena is a woman. Rob is a man.
H1 is forward of H2. "Grassland, bordered by a hedge to the
right." H2 is forward of H3. "The edge of farmland, with a
hedge to forward right." H3 is forward of H4. "A copse of
trees." H4 is forward of H5. "Open farmland." H5 is forward
of H6. "A passing place on the road, which bends forward
left to forward right." H6 is a room. "Open farmland."
Hair color is a kind of value. A person has hair color. the
hair colors are red-headed, brunette, blonde.
Hanging around until is an action applying to one time.
Hanging up is an action applying to one thing.
He really looks upset. You start wondering whether apoplexy
is an ailment common to fish."
Hearing the Kettle Whistle is a scene. Hearing the Kettle
Whistle begins when Heating Kettle ends. Hearing the Kettle
Whistle ends when the kettle is not hot.
Heat is a kind of value. The heats are cold, cool, room
temperature, and warm.
Heat is a kind of value. The heats are frosty, cold, cool,
room temperature, warm, hot, and scalding. Everything has a
heat. The heat of a thing is usually room temperature.
Heat is a kind of value. The heats are hot, warm, room
temperature, or cold. A thing has a heat.
Heat is a kind of value. The heats are luke-warm, cold, and
scalding. Everything has a heat. Understand the heat
property as describing a thing.
Heat is a kind of value. The heats are whole, damp, or
flaming. A thing has a heat. A thing is usually whole.
Heathrow Baggage Claim is a room. The carousel is a
container in Heathrow. "The luggage carousel, a scaly
rubbered ring, does for the roundabout what Heathrow
Airport does for the dream of flight: that is, turns the
purest magic into the essence of boredom, only with extra
stress. [if the number of entries in the circle of misery
is 0]For once it stands idle. Perhaps it's
broken.[otherwise]The baggage approaching you now: [the
circle of misery with indefinite articles]."
Heating Kettle is a scene. Heating Kettle begins when the
hot kettle contains cool water.
Height guessing is an action applying to one thing and one
height. Understand "guess [someone] is [height]" as height
Height is a kind of value. 5 feet 11 inches specifies a
height. 5'11 specifies a height. A person has a height.
Height is a kind of value. A person has height. The heights
are tall, medium-height, short.
Heracles is a man. The description is "Hard to mistake in
his lion skin and boots, and carrying a formidable club."
Heracles wears a lion skin and boots. He carries a
formidable club. Heracles can be placid or annoyed.
Heracles is placid. Heracles can be satisfied, intrigued,
or unsatisfied. Heracles is unsatisfied.
Hercules is a demigod.[* We're using Greek spellings so he
ought to be Heracles, but players are so much more familiar
with Hercules.]
Hercules is a demigod.[1]
Here is a lovely, secluded fold in the mountains, far from
civilization: as though to prove it, Rip Van Winkle is
sleeping under a tree.
Hermes is a man in Corinth. The destination of Hermes is
Corinth. [So he is initially happy where he is.] Persuasion
rule for asking Hermes to try going vaguely: persuasion
succeeds. [But he is open to suggestions.]
Hiding it under is an action applying to one carried thing
and one thing. Understand "put [something preferably held]
under [something]" as hiding it under. Understand "hide
[something preferably held] under [something]" as hiding it
under. Understand the commands "shove" and "conceal" and
"stick" as "hide".
High Street Stationer is a room.
Highlighting is a setting that varies. Highlighting is dull.
Hint usage is a permission that varies. Hint usage is
Hinting about is an action applying to one visible thing.
Understand "hint about [any thing]" as hinting about.
Hotel Stechelberg is a room. "The wooden hiking inn at the
end of the road, with flowerboxes, canton flags, outdoor
tables and a triangular paddock for the cows contesting the
annual Miss Stechelberg competition. Otto and Marianne do
cheerful innkeeper things, while the sun blazes from a
gentian-blue sky."
Hubwards is a direction. The opposite of hubwards is
Humiliation Chamber is a room. "A grim, grey-walled room.
Cameras watch you from every angle; convex mirrors reflect
your actions; and up near the ceiling, where you can't
disable it, is a loudspeaker."
Hypnotizing is an action applying to one thing.
I1 is forward of I2. "The end of a forward road, blocked by
hedges on all sides except backward." I2 is forward of I3.
"A straight road runs forward to backward, with long hedges
to left and right." I3 is forward of I4. "A straight road
runs forward to backward, alongside a long hedge to right."
I4 is forward of I5. "A straight road runs forward to
backward, alongside a long hedge to right." I5 is forward
of I6. "Where three roads, forward, backward left and
backward right, meet. Forward right is a thick hedge." I6
is forward of I7. "Open farmland." I7 is a room. "Open
Ichiro's Dubious Sushi Hut is a room. "Despite the allure
of the dusty plastic sushi models in the window, you're
beginning to have second thoughts about the selection of
this particular restaurant for your rendezvous with Agent
Fowler. There are no other patrons, for one thing.
Afternoon sunlight filters lazily through the window and
illuminates a number of empty glass-topped tables, at each
of which is a chopstick dispenser (in form of cute ceramic
cat) and a pitcher of soy sauce (sticky).
Idling is a scene. Idling begins when play begins. Idling
ends when Sauteeing Onions begins.
Ignition is a kind of value. The ignitions are whole,
fading, glowing, flaming. A thing has an ignition.
In the Ballroom is a man called Mr Darcy.
In the Belfry is a man called the vicar. The indefinite
article of the vicar is "your local".
In the Cloakroom is a supporter called the small brass
hook. The hook is scenery. Understand "peg" as the hook.
In the Counting House is a device called the clockwork
In the Crypt is an open coffer.
In the Garage is a vehicle called the red sports car.
In the Garden is a sunflower.
In the Grove is a book of sybilline verses.
In the Herb Garden is a china pot.
In the House are a table, two chairs, a basket, and a
hearth. On the table is a loaf of bread.
In the House are a table, two chairs, a basket, and a
hearth. On the table is a loaf of bread. Some shoes are on
the table.
In the Safe is a silver florin. The Safe is closed and
fixed in place. Understand "dial" as the Safe.
In the Treehouse is a cardboard box.
In the Treehouse is a container called the cardboard box.
In the Undertomb is a lantern. It is lit. The lantern has a
brightness. The lantern is blazing. The description of the
lantern is "The lantern shines with a flame at [temperature
of the brightness of the lantern]."
In the Yurt is an animal called a yapok.
In the chest is a heavy dagger. The description of the
dagger is "Set with red jewels and of a wicked aspect."
Infection color is a kind of value. The infection colors
are french vanilla, whole-bean vanilla, mint, chocolate,
dark chocolate, chocolate chip, chocolate fudge, mint
chocolate chip, chocolate chocolate chip, triple chocolate,
white chocolate, white chocolate chip, aztec cocoa-chili,
raspberry ripple, neapolitan, rum raisin, dulce de leche,
strawberry chunk, rocky road, blackberry sorbet, lemon
sherbet, lime ice, caramel swirl, mango, saffron silk, and
cookie dough cream.
Infidelity is a subject. Infidelity suggests marriage and
divorce. Marriage suggests love. Marriage, love, and
divorce are subjects.
Injecting it with is an action applying to two things.
Inland is a region. Queen Street End, Queen Street Middle,
Queen Street East, Private Alley, Lime Street, and Queen
Street at the Prison are in Inland.
Inserting it into is an action applying to two things.
Instead of doing something other than examining when the
noun is a view:
Instead of doing something other than examining when the
second noun is a view:
Instead of doing something when the second noun is a ghost:
Instead of going nowhere, say "[i]Don't spend time beating
on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.[/i] ([b]Coco
Chanel[/b]) This one is a wall.".
Instead of opening the manhole cover when the location is
an accessible road:
Interlocutor is a person that varies.
Internal position is a kind of value. The internal
positions are nowhere at all, over by the window, under the
shelf and near the bed.
Interrogative is a kind of value. The interrogatives are
who, what, when, where, how, and why.
Inventory listing style is a kind of value. The inventory
listing styles are tall, wide, curt, minimal, divided tall,
and divided wide. Current inventory listing style is an
inventory listing style that varies.
J1 is forward of J2. "Dense woodland, with a hedge to
left." J2 is forward of J3. "Grassland, with a hedge to
left." J3 is forward of J4. "The edge of farmland, with a
hedge to left." J4 is a room. "Open farmland, with a long
hedge blocking movement forward left, backward left or
backward." J5 is forward of J6. "A road running forward
left to backward right, alongside a hedge." J6 is a room.
"Open farmland."
Jail is a room. "This is Jail, and not the Just Visiting
periphery, either."
Janine is in the Interrogation Chamber. "Janine toys
nervously with a laptop bag." Janine carries a chocolate
biscuit, a laptop bag, and a microfilm. The microfilm is
secret. The laptop bag is wearable. In the bag is a laptop
Jed is a man in the Red Door Saloon. "At 8:30 AM the only
person around is old Jed, collecting his hangover cure."
Jenna is a woman in the Volunteer Center. "Your daughter
Jenna is here, barely visible through the cloud of
resentment." The description is "Jenna [if jenna carries
something]has [the list of things carried by
Jenna][otherwise]returns your stare, with added
hostility[end if]."
Jeremy carries white onions, celery, carrots, and herbs.
Jeremy's station is scenery in the kitchen. It is a
Jeremy is a man in the Camp Bethel Kitchen. "Jeremy stands
at his station, [one of]peeling white onions[or]briskly
dicing onions[or]chopping celery[or]peeling
carrots[or]tying fresh herbs together with
string[or]putting all the vegetables into a large stock
pot[or]watching over his boiling vegetable stock[cycling]."
Joanne's Fabrics is a room. Joanne's Fabrics contains a
pattern bin.
Joey is a man in the Lounge. "Joey is hunkered over the
foosball handles on his side of the table." Joey can be
active or inactive.
Joey's score is a number that varies.
Josh is a man in The Northstar Cafe. "Josh is on his way
past your table." The description of Josh is "He is a
waiter here, but you also know him socially, so he tends to
be more chatty than the other waiters." A persuasion rule:
persuasion succeeds.
Juggling is an action applying to one thing.
Just the tiniest smidge off magnetic north is a direction.
The opposite of
Just the tiniest smidge off magnetic south is a direction.
The opposite of
K-Klak the Pterodactyl is an animal. "K-Klak, leader of the
Jupiter Pterodactyls, menaces you. A terrifying creature of
scaly wings, with a dragon's tail, K-Klak stands... about
1/8th of an inch tall." Instead of doing something to
K-Klak, say "K-Klak makes a frankly panicky noise and leaps
backwards, out of your way."
Kermit the Frog is a man in Grand Central Station. "Kermit
the Frog stands nearby, enjoying being green." Kermit is
wearing a hat and a trenchcoat. He is carrying a microphone.
Kweepaing is an action applying to nothing. Understand
"kweepa" as kweepaing.
LC50 is a concentration that varies. LC50 is 300.0ppm.
[Concentration at which 50 percent of test subjects die of
exposure, usually expressed in terms of time and body
weight; in our LC50 these are factored in for the player's
weight for one minute.]
Laboratory is a room. The cannon ball is in the Laboratory.
"A cannon ball perches delicately on a lab bench." The mass
of the cannon ball is 2kg.
Last score is a number that varies. Every turn: now the
last score is the score.
Lecture is a scene. Lecture begins when play begins.
Leforge is a man in the Mud Village. Lolita is a woman in
the Mud Village.
Length is a kind of value. 30 inch specifies a length. 20
in specifies a length. 50 inches specifies a length.
Level 3 is a room.
Lewis is a man in the Alfred Cralle Pool Hall. Lewis
carries 3 stamped envelopes. Lewis carries a book called
Idiot's Guide to Dating. Lewis carries a book called How to
Meet Women. Lewis carries a book called Seduction in Three
Easy Steps. Lewis carries a DVD called Sleepless in Seattle.
Limb is a kind of value. The limbs are left leg, left arm,
right leg and right arm.
Limbo is a container. Limbo contains a hookless fishing
pole, a hooked line, and a complete fishing pole.
Limbo is a room.
Linear Algebra Class is a room. "The blackboard is covered
with square arrangements of numbers. These are supposed to
convey something to you, but mostly you're finding them
Linnea is a woman in the Alfred Cralle Pool Hall. Linnea
owns the Alfred Cralle Pool Hall.
Liquid is a kind of value. A fluid container has a liquid.
Liquid is a kind of value. The liquids are water, absinthe,
and iced tea. A fluid container has a liquid.
Liquid is a kind of value. The liquids are water, milk,
lemonade, and iced tea. A fluid container has a liquid.
Lise Fitzwallace is a woman in the Dining Hall. "Lise is at
the nearest table, not apparently paying any attention to
you." The description of Lise is "A capella singer, women's
rugby champion, general object of attention from all
genders. Unlikely to notice you unless fate smiles
broadly." Lise carries a fork, a napkin, an empty glass,
and a plate of half-eaten eggplant parmesan.
Listing available exits is an activity.
Looking toward is an action applying to one visible thing.
Looking up a footnote is an action applying to one number.
Lower Level is a region. The Rock Pool and the Ledge are in
the Lower Level.
Lucy is a woman in the Zorb.
Luggage Trouble is a scene. Luggage Trouble begins when
Brief Encounter begins.
Luggage item is a kind of thing. The blue golf bag, the
leopardskin suitcase, the green rucksack and the Lufthansa
shoulder-bag are luggage items.
Lying down is an action applying to nothing.
Lying down is an action applying to nothing. Report lying
down: say "You lie down for a while in the middle of the
Laundry, wondering about the point of existence, then get
up again."
Lying near is an action applying to one thing. Report lying
near: say "You lie down next to [the noun] for a while,
mumbling to yourself."
Lying on is an action applying to one thing.
Maggie is a woman in the Drawing Room.
Maison de la Magie is a room. "In a darkened room, a few
hundreds of paces from the chateau of Blois, you give to
tourists three shows a day: displaying to them power they
do not comprehend and spectacles they do not deserve."
Making a mess is an action applying to nothing.
Maleska is a man in the Hay-Strewn Corridor. "Maleska
watches you from eyes entirely black." Maleska carries a
Manner is a kind of value. The manners are insouciantly,
sheepishly, and defiantly.
Manner is a kind of value. The manners are swiftly, primly,
energetically, suavely, seductively, elegantly, and badly.
Marcus Tullius Cicero is a person.
Martin is a man in Main Street. Martin carries a DVD called
The Lifecycle of the South Sea Tortoise. Martin carries a
Marvellous reasoning is a rulebook.
Material is a kind of value. The materials are wood and
metal. A thing has a material.
Material is a kind of value. The materials are wood, glass,
stone, cloth, paper, clay, and metal. A thing has a
Maxwell is a man in Equilibrium. "Maxwell perches
awkwardly on a stool across from you[if Maxwell has
something], holding [a list of things carried by
Maxwell][end if]." He is carrying a box of Chinese food.
The Chinese food is scalding. "A discarded [item described]
lies on the floor." The description of Maxwell is "He has
the faintly peevish look of one who has not been properly
Maya is a woman in the Office. "Your coworker Maya sits at
her own computer, diligently modifying all the [one of]pay
rates in the database down from $9.00 an hour to
$8.96[or]billing rates in the database up from $25.00 an
hour to $25.04[purely at random]." She wears a trenchcoat.
She carries a chihuahua. The description of Maya is "[if
Maya is wearing the trenchcoat]She's wearing a trenchcoat,
in a bizarre bid to keep your boss unaware of the chihuahua
in her pocket. 'Because petsitters are really expensive!'
she explained to you in an urgent hiss this morning over
the coffeemaker. [otherwise]She looks cold. [end if]To all
appearances, she is carrying [a list of unconcealed things
carried by Maya]."
McQuerry Dining Hall is a room.
Meet Market is a room.
Meriwether Lewis is a man in the Trading Post. He carries a
fluffy handmade quilt and a bag of beans. The beans are
Midnight is a visited room. The Diamond City is west of
Military Holdings is a region. Fort Carlisle and Fort James
are in Military Holdings.
Mission is a scene. Mission begins when the player is in
the Long Hallway. When Mission begins: end the story saying
"The game is afoot"
Mixing it with is an action applying to two things.
Mode is a kind of value. The modes are idle, recording, and
playing back. The video camera has a mode. The video camera
is idle.
Modesty is a kind of value. The modesties are positively
prim, buttoned up, modest, flirty, revealing and downright
immodest. Every woman has a modesty. Alice is positively
prim. Beth is downright immodest. Gemma is modest. Delia is
flirty. Eliza is revealing.
Moe's Tavern is a room. The bar is an enterable supporter
in Moe's. A drink is a kind of thing. On the bar is a drink
called a flaming Homer.
Mom is a woman in the Patio.
Money is a kind of thing. Coin is a kind of money.
Monica's Bedroom is a room. The Living Room is south of
Monica's Bedroom. Rachel's Bedroom is south of the Living
Mood is a kind of value. The moods are bemused, bored,
attentive, rapt, and blushing. A person has a mood. A
person is usually attentive.
Mood is a kind of value. The moods are hostile, suspicious,
indifferent, friendly, and adoring. An animal has a mood.
An animal is usually indifferent.
Mr Spruce is a man in the Conservatory. Mr Spruce can be
apprehensive or calm. Mr Spruce is calm. Mr Spruce can be
handsome or ugly.
Mr Steed's Flat is a room.
Mrs Lovett's Meat Pies is a room. Mrs Lovett is a woman in
Meat Pies.
Named page is a kind of value. The named pages are first
page, last page, next page, previous page.
Naming it with is an action applying to one thing and one
topic. Understand "name [something] [text]" as naming it
with. Check naming it with: say "You can't name that."
Neatness is a kind of value. The neatnesses are neat,
scuffed, and trampled. The message has a neatness. The
message is neat.
Ned is a man in the Movie Rental Store. Ned owns the Movie
Neptune is a region.
New New Prison is a room. "You have a not very interesting
room. Through the window you see passing [current denizen]."
Newsroom is a room. "This is the secret nerve-centre of
FNN, the Flathead News Network."
Night is a recurring scene. Night begins when play begins.
Night begins when Dusk ends. Night ends when the time since
Night began is 3 minutes.
No is a room. Where is west of No.
Noah's Bagels is a shop. It is north of the Parking Lot.
The opening hour of Noah's Bagels is 6:00 AM. The closing
hour of Noah's Bagels is 11:00 AM. "The selection has been
somewhat picked over, leaving you with your choice of
Pumpernickel, Asiago, or Everything."
Nominal descriptor is a kind of value. The Nominal
descriptors are creme de menthe, vodka, creme de cacao,
grasshopper, chocolate vodka, mint vodka, chocolate
martini, mintini, chocolate mint martini.
Nook Obscure is a room. "Above the College kitchens, which
make a humming sound, less tuneable than bees, but hardly
less industrious, with shrill notes of sharp command and
scolding intermixed: and below Trinity's loquacious clock,
who never lets the quarters, night or day, slip by him
unproclaimed, and tells the hours twice over with a male
and female voice. In short, the kind of rubbish room they
give to a northern villager. But you get a bed and a high
shelf all of your own. And you long to find some Romantic
way to look out of the window."
Northern Oxfordshire is a region. Hampton Poyle and Steeple
Barton are in Northern Oxfordshire. Index map with
room-name-font of Northern Oxfordshire set to
Northwest is a dead end called the Tortuous Alcove. The
Tortuous Alcove has river sound "a gurgle of running water".
Novice mode is a truth state that varies. Novice mode is
Ocean Shores Military Installation is east of the Dune. It
is an outdoors room. "The World War II emplacements, built
in case of Japanese invasion, have never been destroyed,
though with all the weapons and furnishings gone it is
difficult to make much sense of the original structure. A
doorway leads west into concrete-lined darkness; a rusty
but reliable ladder ascends to a walkway overlooking the
Offering it for is an action applying to one price and one
visible thing.
Ogg is a man in the Donut Shop. "Ogg is slumped in the
corner[if Ogg carries something] with [a list of things
carried by Ogg][end if]. He wears a nametag which says
'HELLO MY NAME IS OG.'" Understand "og" as Ogg. Ogg wears a
nametag. The description of the nametag is "Sadly
Ogg is a man in the Donut Shop. "Ogg is slumped in the
corner[if Ogg carries something] with [a list of things
carried by Ogg][end if]. He wears a nametag which says
'HELLO MY NAME IS OG.'" Understand "og" as Ogg. Ogg wears a
nametag. The description of the nametag is "Very neatly
Old Chicago is a room.
Olive Tree Gyro Shop is inside from Street in Kolonaki.
Kostis is a man in the Gyro Shop. In the Shop is a stand.
On the stand is a rotating column of cooking lamb flesh. In
the shop is a closed, openable container called a drinks
refrigerator. The refrigerator contains a can of Mythos
beer and a can of Coke Light.
Oodville is a visited room.
Orchard is a room.
Ordering is an action applying to one visible thing.
Ordinariness is a kind of value. The ordinarinesses are
longest, medium, shortest. A string has an ordinariness.
Understand the ordinariness property as referring to a
Orpheus is a man in the Wedding Procession. Orpheus carries
a torch.
Our Household Kitchen is a kitchen.
Our Own Company is a room. It contains courage. The player
carries names.
Painting is an action applying to one thing and one colour.
Check painting: if the noun is not the canvas, say
"Centuries of tradition suggest that canvas is the natural
home of paint." instead. Carry out painting: now the colour
of the canvas is the colour understood. Report painting:
say "You splash away at the now [canvas]."
Painting it the colour is an action applying to one thing
and one colour.
Paradise City is a room. The description of Paradise City
is "The grass is green and the girls are pretty."
Paradise is a room. Paradise has altitude 5400 feet. "A
handsome parking lot, a picnic ground, and the Henry M.
Jackson Memorial Visitor Center. The latter offers, for
serious climbers, a hot shower; for nature enthusiasts, an
interpretive museum; and for car-trippers, a gift shop
selling canned slugs. All of which is a largely
unsuccessful distraction from the peak of Mt. Rainier
Paradise is a room. The description is "Well, it might just
be one of the posh upper rings of purgatory, if you're
entirely honest with yourself."
Paraguay is a room. Bolivia is north of Paraguay. Lydia is
a woman in Paraguay. "Lydia is, as usual, here." The
description of Lydia is "Long, long legs and a sarcastic
attitude." Instead of touching Lydia: say "'Watch it,
sailor,' she snaps."
Parodos is a scene. Parodos begins when Prologue ends.
Peeling is an action applying to one thing.
Penmanship is a subject. Penmanship suggests education.
Education is a subject. Class status and money are
subjects. Class status suggests education. Money suggests
class status and marriage.
Penny is a woman in the Casino. The description is "Loud.
Brash. Hot, probably, if you can look past the loud and
Penny-annoying is a fact.
Pere Blanchard's Hut is a room. Percival Blakeney is a
known man in the Hut. Marguerite is a woman in the Hut.
Percival is married to Marguerite. Outside from the Hut is
the Garden. Louise is a woman in the Garden. The Road to
Paris is west of the Garden. Armand St Just is a man in the
Road. Louise is married to Armand. Monsieur St Just is a
man. He engenders Armand and Marguerite.
Perry White's Office is west of the Newsroom. In Perry
White's Office are a desk and a poster of Elvis. On the
desk is a lead-lined box. The box is openable. In the box
is the green kryptonite crystal.
Philippe is a man in the Botanical Garden.
Phineas is a man.
Phobos is a backdrop. Instead of doing something to Phobos,
say "Phobos orbits a mere 6000km above you, which is
practically touching range for astronomy. On the other
hand, astronomy isn't all that practical."
Photographing is an action applying to one visible thing
and requiring light.
Photographing is an action applying to one visible thing
and requiring light. Understand "photograph [something]" as
Pigs are an animal in the shack. The pigs are scenery. The
description is "They really are very grubby, dirty animals,
but what's worse than that, the value of pigs has declined
a lot over the last few decades. This is hard to explain to
someone who has been out of touch with the world for a
while, but keeping pigs for meat is a dubious prospect when
there's less and less for them to forage on." Instead of
smelling the pigs: say "They smell the way animals do, when
they live among their own refuse."; increase the pity of
Beauty by 2.
Pinewood Brewing Supply is a shop. It is east of Parking
Lot. The opening hour of Pinewood Brewing Supply is 10:00
AM. The closing hour of Pinewood Brewing Supply is 3:30 PM.
"Shelves and shelves of malt and hops; large glass carboys,
and plastic tubing; empty bottles; bottle-caps;
bottle-labeling kits; starters for vinegar, sourdough, root
Pisa is a room. Leonardo Fibonacci is a man in Pisa. "The
modest Italian mathematician, Leonardo Fibonacci
(1170-1250), beams at you."
Place Vendôme is a room. "[i]Fashion fades, only style
remains the same[/i] ([b]Coco Chanel[/b]). And this elegant
drawing-room, once a milliner's shop, is a case in point."
Planning it for is an action applying to one material and
one thing.
Plant Cell Wall is a room.
PlayThisThing ( a blog devoted to
critiques of independent games, which primarily focuses on
works the reviewers think *are* worth playing; there are
few negative reviews. There is a suggestions page for
submitting review requests, and it is allowable for an
author to recommend that his own game be reviewed. Not all
suggestions are accepted, but many are.
Plaza View is a room. "Your uncle's apartment, on loan to
you for viewing the parade and celebrations today. This
would be more of a sacrifice on his part if he weren't
currently yachting around Corfu."
Plover Room is a room. "You're in a small chamber lit by an
eerie green light. An extremely narrow tunnel exits to the
west. A dark corridor leads northeast."
Possessing is an action applying to one thing. Carry out
possessing: now the player is the noun; say "You swap
Potter's Pizza is a room. The pizza delivery boy is a known
man in Pizza. A telephone called the saucy telephone is in
Pizza. Understand "8885" as the saucy telephone.
Pouring it into is an action applying to two things.
Poverty flashback is a recurring scene. Poverty flashback
begins when family circumstances is current. When poverty
flashback begins: strip the player; move the player to the
Woodcutter's Shack.
Praying is an action applying to nothing. Understand "pray"
as praying.
Preheating the Oven is a scene. Preheating the Oven begins
when the oven's dial is heating.
Price is a kind of value. $1.99 specifies a price with
parts dollars and cents (optional, preamble optional).
Price is a kind of value. $1.99 specifies a price with
parts dollars and cents.
Price is a kind of value. $1.99 specifies a price.
Price is a kind of value. $1.99 specifies a price. [default
Price is a kind of value. $10.99 specifies a price with
parts dollars and cents (optional, preamble optional).
Price is a kind of value. $10.99 specifies a price with
parts dollars and cents. A thing has a price. The price of
a thing is usually $0.00.
Price is a kind of value. $10.99 specifies a price. A thing
has a price. The price of a thing is usually $0.00. After
examining something for sale, say "It can be yours for [the
price of the noun]."
Price is a kind of value. $100.99 specifies a price.
Printing the description of something is an activity.
Printing the room-description of something is an activity.
Probability inverse is a number that varies. [This is
expressed as an inverse of the actual probability of
diffusion from one room to another, to avoid error.]
Probability inverse is 20. [That is, any given molecule of
gas has a 5% chance of leaving by a given doorway at any
given minute. Probability inverse should never drop below
10, the maximum number of exits from the room.]
Professor Wilderspin is a man.
Prologue is a scene. Prologue begins when play begins.
Putting out something is an activity.
Quizzing it about is an action applying to one thing and
one visible thing. Understand "ask [someone] about [any
thing]" as quizzing it about.
R-name is a kind of value. The R-names are dwarf, guy,
dude, and man-thing. Rumpelstiltskin has an R-name.
Understand "[R-name]" as Rumpelstiltskin.
Railway Meeting is a scene. Railway Meeting begins when
play begins.
Ralstons Ad is a scene. Ralstons Ad begins when score is
not the last score. Ralstons Ad ends when the Ricechex is
Ransacking is an action applying to one thing.
Recalling conversations is an action applying to nothing.
Reconstituting the Apricots is a scene.
Red Spot is a room. "You are in the middle of a vast red
oval plain. Overhead, the thick Jovian clouds swirl
menacingly, and a fine acrid dust falls instead of rain."
Some acrid dust is scenery in the Red Spot. The description
of the dust is "The rust-colored dust coats every surface.
You've no idea how deep it goes."
Red is a region. Blue is a region. Idaho is in red.
Washington is in blue.
Remembering is an action applying to one topic.
Requesting the full score is an action out of world.
Understand "full" or "full score" as requesting the full
Requesting the room tally is an action out of world.
Resolving is an action applying to one thing.
Retreating is an action applying to nothing.
Reviewing Possessions is a scene. Reviewing Possessions
begins when play begins.
Rhoda is a woman in Marciony Street. Rhoda carries a book
called The Marciony Street Murders. Rhoda carries a DVD
called Unsolved Serial Killings XVIII. Rhoda carries a
stamped envelope called a squashy package.
Ridgefield is a room.
Rimwards is a direction. The opposite of rimwards is
Rip Van Winkle is a man in the Catskills. Rip Van Winkle is
Riverside Drive is a room. "There's a pleasant
late-afternoon view of the Hudson, and a snap in the air,
and you would rather be here than anywhere."
Robo is a man in the Experimentation Chamber. "Robo, your
prototype tin companion, stands awkwardly beside you[if
watching], watching[end if]." Robo can be watching,
replaying, or standing by. Robo is standing by. Robo has a
program called the current program. Robo has a number
called the stage.
Rock Garden West is west of Rock Garden East. Rock Garden
East contains a rake. Rock Garden West contains a bench and
a maple leaf. The bench is an enterable supporter.
Rolling is an action applying to one carried thing.
Understand "roll [something preferably held]" as rolling.
Room description style is a kind of value. The room
description styles are Brief, Verbose and Superbrief.
Roxane is a woman in the Balcony. "Above you in the night
is Roxane." Roxane can be wooed, skeptical, confused, or
annoyed. Roxane is skeptical. The description of Roxane is
"The brightest, the most radiant of women -- and in love
with an utter fool."
Rule for asking which do you mean when everything matched
is a nose:
Rule for implicitly taking the noun when the second noun is
a thing and the second noun is not carried by the player:
Sahn Eddar is a room. "At the base of the world's tallest
atrium, the Sahn Eddar restaurant offers light fine fare
and Afternoon Tea. At the center, a 32-meter water column
leaps toward the roof of the atrium."
Sainsbury's is a room.
Saint-Germain-des-Prés is a room. "Haunt of artists, of the
coffee-drinking sort, and of cafés, of the artist-haunted
sort, you once again find yourself outside M. Melmoth's
hotel. Today [one of]the recently-fallen rain runs down the
gutters of the 6th[or]sunlight glints even off the
blackened windows of the Abbey[or]crowds of vulgar children
play chase around the lampposts[at random], and you long to
be indoors."
Salvation earned is a truth state that varies.
Sandy Beach is a room.
Santa is a man in the North Pole. "Santa is pacing around
in the snow and trying to psych himself up for the big
Sauteeing Onions is a scene. Sauteeing Onions begins when
the diced onions are in a hot container.
Saved location is a room that varies. Locker is a
container. Wardrobe is a container.
Scorching Onions is a scene.
Scraping it with is an action applying to two things.
Scratched windows offer a view of the surrounding bay, and
there is a door south to the deck. A sign taped to one wall
announces the menu of tours offered by the Yakutat Charter
Boat Company."
Scullery is a room. A sack is carried by the player. The
sack contains a yellow onion. The player carries a cork.
Seducing is an action applying to one thing.
Seeding is an action out of world. Understand "seed" as
seeding. Carry out seeding: seed the random-number
generator with 5681.
Selecting is an action applying to one number.
Selling it for is an action applying to one price and one
Sequencing is an action applying to one number. Understand
"sequence [number]" as sequencing.
Setting action variables when the noun is a body which is
part of a person (called owner):
Setting action variables when the noun is a dead person and
the noun is owner of a visible body (called the mortal
Setting action variables when the second noun is a body
which is part of a person (called owner):
Setting is a kind of value. The settings are bright and
dull. Understand "on" as bright. Understand "off" as dull.
Seven Dials is a room. The description of Seven Dials is
"There is a signpost, on which seven hands swivel and
swing, freely as weathercocks. They make your present road
now London, now Abingdon; now Weston-super-Mare, or now
Seventh Avenue is a room. "The bars are all closed now, and
there aren't any good clubs to go to, so you're on your own
for open-air entertainment."
Shaking is an action applying to one thing.
Shaking is an action with past participle shaken, applying
to one carried thing.
Shari is a subject. The description is "Look, let's just
not go into it, okay? I don't really want to relive all
that right now. I still have a six-inch [scar] shaped like
a banana in the middle of my back".
Shelby is a man in the Town Hall. Shelby carries a DVD
called Conducting An Orderly Meeting. Shelby carries 5
stamped envelopes. Shelby carries an ice cream cone. Shelby
carries a coupon.
Shooting it with is an action applying to two things.
Showing action of something is an activity.
Sieving is an action applying to one number. Understand
"sieve [number]" as sieving.
Since both fields are important, you keep the meter set to
SUM mode. The meter has its own optional backlighting, so
that you can see the reading even if your flashlight is
off. Currently it is reading at [meter setting]." A Tone
Alarm is part of the Meter. It is a device. The description
of the Tone Alarm is "The Tone Alarm will make a noise, if
the EMF picks up a spike."
Singing is a loud action.
Sip volume is a volume that varies. Sip volume is 0.5 fl oz.
Sir Humphrey is a man in the Gents' Loo.
Sitting down is an action applying to nothing.
Sitting on is an action applying to one thing.
Size is a kind of value. The sizes are small, medium, and
large. A thing has a size. A thing is usually small.
Sleeping Beauty is an asleep woman in the Spinning Tower.
"[if asleep]Sleeping Beauty lies here, oblivious to your
presence[otherwise]Sleeping Beauty stands beside you,
looking [attitude][end if]." The description is "She is
even more magnificent than the rumors suggested."
Understand "woman" or "girl" or "princess" or "lady" as
Sleeping Beauty.
Sleeping Beauty is an asleep woman in the Spinning Tower.
"[if asleep]Sleeping Beauty lies here, oblivious to your
presence[otherwise]Sleeping Beauty stands beside you,
looking a little confused[end if]." The description is "She
is even more magnificent than the rumors suggested."
Understand "woman" or "girl" or "princess" or "lady" as
Sleeping Beauty.
Smug Ramble is a scene. Smug Ramble begins when Courting
Roxane ends in failure. Smug Ramble ends when the time
since Smug Ramble began is 2 minutes. When Smug Ramble
ends: record "Wandering the Streets, Exultant" in the Table
of Events; say "Of course, you will regret this soon
Social clump is a kind of value. The social clumps are
vacancy, lone person, couple, cluster, group.
Solar distance is a kind of value. 1000 AU specifies a
solar distance. Planet is a kind of value. The planets are
defined by the Table of Outer Planets.
Some air is a backdrop. Air is everywhere. Instead of doing
something other than examining or smelling to air: say
"It's just air." Understand "smoke" as the air when the
location is smoky.
Some re-enactors are a person. "Milling about one end of
the station is a crowd of medieval re-enactors." The
description is "They're dressed in a somewhat aimless range
of styles roughly honoring the period of 900-1500 AD. One
gentleman is wearing a knobby leather cap; which is a good
thing, because there is a rooster standing on his head."
Understand "men" or "man" or "gentleman" or "rooster" or
"reenactors" or "crowd" or "medieval" or "woman" or "women"
as the re-enactors.
Some tiny men on sticks are part of the game. Understand
"handles" as the tiny men. The description is "Okay, a
couple of the tiny men have had their feet broken off, and
the table surface itself is a bit warped, and the ball
resembles a quail egg in respect of shape and color. This
makes for a game of unusual randomness, but skill is
Sort-debugging is a truth state that varies.
Sorting is a scene. Sorting begins when play begins.
Sorting ends when all the lentils are in the round tin and
all the black-eyed peas are in the square tin. When Sorting
ends, end the story finally.
South of Spring Rolls is a room called Hot and Sour Soup.
South of Thames Street before Fort Carlisle is a room
called Fort Carlisle. The description of Fort Carlisle is
"Handsomely arrayed with cannons which you could fire at
any moment -- though of course there are ships at dock
which might be in the way."
South of the Hut is a room called South of the Hut.
South of the Hut is a room. South of the Hut is south of
the Hut.
South of the Supply Closet is the Furnace Room. The
incinerator is a thing in the Furnace Room. It is a
container. "The incinerator is here, working full blast."
Spinning is an action with past participle spun, applying
to one thing.
Spinning it to is an action applying to one thing and one
number. Check spinning it to: if the noun is not the Safe,
say "[The noun] does not spin." instead. Report spinning it
to: say "Click! and nothing else happens."
Spying on is an action applying to one visible thing.
Squicking is an action with past participle squacked,
applying to one thing.
Stabbing it with is an action applying to two things.
Standing up is an action applying to nothing.
Standing up on is an action applying to one thing.
Started printing is a truth state that varies. Started
printing is false.
Starting novice mode is an action out of world.
Stopping novice mode is an action out of world.
Streamside is a room. The player carries a stick, a wire
hook, and a string.
Street in Kolonaki is a room. "There is a single round
table out on the street here, and a window more or less at
knee level looks down into the Olive Tree Gyro Shop, which
is partly basement."
Studying the vicinity is an action applying to nothing.
Substance is a kind of value. The substances are silver,
gold, and lead. Everything has a substance. A thing is
usually lead.
Suit is a kind of value. The suits are hearts, clubs,
diamonds, and spades.
Suit is a kind of value. The suits are hearts, clubs,
diamonds, and spades. Understand "heart" as hearts.
Understand "club" as clubs. Understand "diamond" as
diamonds. Understand "spade" as spades.
Suit is a kind of value. The suits are hearts, clubs,
diamonds, and spades. Understand "heart" as hearts.
Understand "club" as clubs. Understand "diamond" as
diamonds. Understand "spade" as spades. [Providing the
singular forms means that Inform will also understand
Sulky Ramble is a scene. Sulky Ramble begins when Courting
Roxane ends in success. Sulky Ramble ends when the time
since Sulky Ramble began is 2 minutes. When Sulky Ramble
ends: record "Wandering the Streets, Sulking" in the Table
of Events.
SuperDuperMart is a room. SuperDuperMart contains some
shelves and a cash register.
Surface is a kind of value. The surfaces are shiny and
dull. A thing has a surface. A thing is usually dull.
Swimming is an action applying to nothing. Understand
"swim" or "dive" as swimming.
TLV is a concentration that varies. TLV is 30.0ppm.
[Long-term exposure maximum, safe for 8 hours a day.]
TLV-C is a concentration that varies. TLV-C is 150.0ppm.
[Absolute exposure ceiling.]
TLV-STEL is a concentration that varies. TLV-STEL is
50.0ppm. [Short-term exposure maximum, safe for fifteen
minutes max.]
Taking inventory is an action applying to nothing.
Taking position is an action applying to one posture.
Target jotter is an object that varies. The target jotter
is usually nothing.
Tavern is a region. It is in Inland. Feathers and Feathers
Bedroom are in Tavern.
Ted's Lawn is outside from the Porch. Ted is a man in Ted's
Lawn. "Ted has taken off his shirt, but still seems a bit
oppressed by the sun." The description of Ted is "He looks
hot. In all senses."
Temperature is a kind of value. 100C specifies a
Temperature is a kind of value. The temperatures are hot
and cold. A potato has a temperature. A potato is usually
Tent is a room. "A dome made of two flexible rods and a lot
of bright green ripstop nylon. It bills itself as a one-man
tent, but you'd call it a two-dwarf tent: there is no way
to arrange yourself on its square floor so that you can
stretch out completely."
Teresa is a woman in the Hay-Strewn Corridor. "Teresa
stands opposite you[if Teresa carries something], her
fingers wrapped tightly around [a list of things carried by
Teresa][end if]." Teresa carries a bulb of garlic and a
Terrifying Basement is a room. The light switch is a
switched on device in the Terrifying Basement. It is fixed
in place.
Test me with "x me / x troll / !this game is a bit dull so
far / kiss troll / ? does this troll do anything? / :yawn".
Test rank is a number that varies. Definition: a card is
matching if its rank is the test rank.
Texture is a kind of value. The textures are rough, stubbly
and smooth. Everything has a texture.
Thames Street End is a room.
The Actor's Studio is a room. Lucas is a man in the Actor's
Studio. Persuasion rule: persuasion succeeds.
The Addams Wine Cellar is a room. It contains a closed
lockable locked container called a safe.
The Al Falak Ballroom is a room. "A palatial, two-tiered,
domed ballroom crowned with a unique crystal chandelier."
The Alfred Cralle Pool Hall is a room. "The town's most
popular gathering-place, the pool hall is decorated in
honor of the inventor of the ice cream scoop." The air
conditioner is a device in the Pool Hall. "[if switched
off]An air conditioner sits in the corner, unhappily
inert[otherwise]The air conditioner hums briskly[end if]."
The Ancient Cambodian Temple is a room. "A vast space built
for ancient and forgotten rituals. The stone floor crawls
with vermin. Well above the floor, and separated by some
feet, are twin platforms built into the wall: the one
carved of jointed wood, the other of sheets of graven
The Antechamber is a room. The tattered copy of Women's
Wear Daily is in the Antechamber. Instead of taking the
Daily, say "It is stamped NOT TO BE TAKEN AWAY."
The Archive is a room.
The Arena is a room. "Sand, blood, iron. These festivals
are normally held on hot days, but the sun has gone behind
a cloud and fat drops of rain now and then spatter the
arena floor." The gladiator is a man in the Arena. "A
bare-chested Scythian gladiator faces you, wielding [a list
of weapons carried by the gladiator]."
The Arena is a room. "Sand, blood, iron. These festivals
are normally held on hot days, but the sun has gone behind
a cloud and fat drops of rain now and then spatter the
arena floor." The gladiator is a man in the Arena. "A
bare-chested Scythian gladiator faces you, wielding a
The Ark is a room. A bearded man is in the Ark.
The Assawan Spa is a room. "Treatment rooms, hydrotherapy
baths, oriental massage, stand-up solarium, sauna, steam
rooms and jacuzzi, two swimming pools, squash court, two
fully equipped fitness studios and an aerobics floor. To
the south is a shopping area, for those who do not find
exercise adequately therapeutic."
The Assembly Room is a room. "On most days, this room is
used for elementary school assemblies; at the moment, it
serves as a voting place." The ballot is on the desk. The
desk is in the Assembly Room.
The Atelier is a room. "The floridly untidy loft space used
by a moderately unsuccessful artist (you, that is)." The
canvas, palette and paint brush are here. Understand
"painting" as the canvas.
The Attic is a room. The old blue rucksack is a player's
holdall. The player is wearing the rucksack.
The Back Garden is a room. The Back Garden contains a pond.
The pond is a waterfilled container. In the pond is the
ziploc bag. A carp is in the pond. The carp is an animal.
Instead of taking the carp, say "You're not fast enough."
The Back Yard is a room.
The Balcony is outside from the Resort. In the Balcony is a
tomcat. The sound of the tomcat is "yowling".
The Ballroom is occupied. The bucket is a large container.
The Banquet Hall is a room. "A large cheery banner over the
door (which, incidentally, vanishes when you approach it)
The Barren Lavender Surface of Zql is a room. "It is late
twilight on Zql. Overhead, two crescent moons, both green,
mark the sluggish passage of time. A cold wind is blowing
over the pale purplish ground cover, but it does not
penetrate your airtight suit."
The Base Camp Larder is a room. "This room has been
reinforced after each incident -- and there have been
dozens in the last two months -- so that it now rivals Fort
Knox. Only your new skill and speed enabled you to dodge
the motion sensors, knock out the computerized security
system, fool the retinal scanner, and punch a hole in the
steel containment grating. But you're inside now."
The Beach is a room. "The Atlantic stretches east to the
horizon, though it is at low tide at the moment. It is
dawn: time to pack up and go home."
The Beekeeper's Palace is a room. Wasp is a woman in the
palace. Drone is a man in the palace.
The Belfry is a room. A bat is in the Belfry. The bell is
in the Belfry. Some woodworm are in the Belfry. A man
called William Snelson is in the Belfry. A woman called the
sexton's wife is in the Belfry. A man called a bellringer
is in the Belfry.
The Beyond is a room. Johnny Depp is a man in the Beyond.
The Big Treasure Chamber is a room. It contains a ruby, an
emerald, a gold tooth, an antique katana, and a silver coin.
The Billiards Room is a room. Colonel Mustard and Professor
Plum are men in the Billiards Room. Miss Scarlet and Mrs
White are women in the Billiards Room.
The Black Chamber is a room. "Despite its menacing name, it
is quite an ordinary room, underlying the post office
above. Here letters are brought each day, unsealed,
transcribed, resealed, and sent again on their way; their
contents then analyzed and recorded."
The Blasted Heath is a room. "Merely an arena for the play
of witches and kings, my dear, where the [prevailing wind]
wind blows."
The Boise Memorial Library is a room. "A concrete box of a
room, roughly eight feet by fourteen, which contains all
the fallout shelter has to offer by way of entertainment.
Someone with a grim sense of humor has tacked a READ!
literacy poster to the door, as though there were anything
else to do while you await the calming of the Geiger
counters." The shelf is a supporter in the Library. "A
battered utility shelf stands against the south wall."
The Bose speaker is an electric noisemaker. The usual sound
of the speaker is "soothing whalesong". The sound of the
speaker is "soothing whalesong". The speaker is switched on.
The Bottom of the Nursery is a room. "Ever since you ate
that mysterious cake, you've been even shorter than usual."
The Boutique is a room. "Still festively strewn with the
confetti and streamers of the Grand Opening party, and
still almost totally customer-free."
The Break Room is a room. Vanessa, Tina, and Lisa are women
in the Break Room. Mark and Holman are men in the Break
The Broad Lawn is a room. "A sort of fun fair has been set
up on this broad lawn, with the House as a backdrop: it's
an attempt to give local children something to do during
the bank holiday. In typical fashion, everyone is doing a
very good job of ignoring the House itself, despite its
swarthy roofline and dozens of blacked-out windows."
The Burj al-Arab Lobby is a room. "The 202-suite Burj
al-Arab - or Tower of the Arabs - stands 321 metres (1,060
feet) high, and floats on its own man-made island. It is
shaped like the sail of a boat; just crossing the private
bridge to reach this place set you back $55."
The Cabin contains a glass case. In the glass case is a
collection of fishing rods.
The Cabin contains a glass case. In the glass case is a
collection of fishing rods. The case is closed,
transparent, and openable. The case is scenery.
The Cabin contains a glass case. In the glass case is a
collection of fishing rods. The case is closed,
transparent, openable, lockable, and locked. The case is
scenery. The small silver key unlocks the case.
The Cabin contains a glass case. In the glass case is a
collection of fishing rods. Understand "rod" as the
collection. The case is closed, transparent, openable,
lockable, and locked. The case is scenery. The small silver
key unlocks the case.
The Cabin is a room. "The front of the small cabin is
entirely occupied with navigational instruments, a radar
display, and radios for calling back to shore. Along each
side runs a bench with faded blue vinyl cushions, which can
be lifted to reveal the storage space underneath. A glass
case against the wall contains several fishing rods.
The Cabin is a room. "The front of the small cabin is
entirely occupied with navigational instruments, a radar
display, and radios for calling back to shore. Along each
side runs a bench with faded blue vinyl cushions[if the
compartment is closed], which can be lifted to reveal the
storage space underneath[otherwise], one of which is
currently lifted to allow access to the storage compartment
within[end if]. A glass case against the wall contains
several fishing rods.
The Captain is a man in the Cabin. "The captain sits at the
wheel, steering the boat and occasionally checking the
radar readout."
The Captain is a man in the Cabin. "The captain sits at the
wheel, steering the boat and occasionally checking the
radar readout." The captain wears a baseball cap. The
description of the cap is "It says, THE WORST DAY FISHING
the silver key. The description of the captain is "[The
captain] is wearing [a list of things worn by the
captain][if the captain carries something] and carrying [a
list of things carried by the captain][end if]."
The Caribou Lodge is a room. "Hundreds of expectant faces
are turned your way from every table." A lottery drum is in
the Lodge. "Before you is the lottery drum[if we have spun
the drum], ready to disgorge a ticket[otherwise], waiting
to be spun[end if]." In the drum are a red ticket, an
orange ticket, a yellow ticket, a green ticket, a blue
ticket, a purple ticket, and a ticket of pure gold. The
drum is closed and openable.
The Carousel Room is a room.
The Carousel Room is a room. The spinning machine is a
switched on device in the Carousel Room.
The Casino is a room.
The Catskills is a room. "Here is a lovely, secluded fold
in the mountains, far from civilization[if Rip Van Winkle
is asleep]: as though to prove it, Rip Van Winkle is
sleeping under a tree[end if]."
The Cave is a room.
The Cave is a room. The Ming vase is carried by the player.
The vase is fragile.
The Cavern is north of Hairpin. "Really not much more than
a little hollow in the side of the canyon." In the cavern
are a snake and a diamond stick pin. The snake is an
animal. The description of the snake is "You're no expert,
but it looks like a rattler."
The Cell is a room. "Ah, [if unvisited]the unknown cell.
[otherwise]the usual cell."
The Cell is a room. "Ah, [if unvisited]the unknown
cell.[otherwise]the usual cell."
The Cell is a room. Rumpelstiltskin is an improper-named
man in the Cell. Rumpelstiltskin can be identified or
unidentified. Rumpelstiltskin is unidentified.
The Center Ring is a room.
The Center Ring is a room. The cage is in the Center Ring.
A lion is an animal in the cage. The cage is enterable,
openable, transparent, and closed.
The Chamber is a room.
The Champs du Mars is a room. The great Eiffel Tower is
here. "The great Tower stands high over you." The souvenir
model Eiffel Tower is here. "Comparatively tiny is the
souvenir version."
The Champs du Mars is a room. The great Eiffel Tower is
here. "The great Tower stands high over you." The souvenir
model Eiffel Tower is here. "Comparatively tiny is the
souvenir version." The great Eiffel Tower is fixed in
place. Does the player mean taking the great Eiffel Tower:
it is very unlikely.
The Champs du Mars is a room. The great Eiffel Tower is
here. "The great Tower stands high over you." The souvenir
model Eiffel Tower is here. "Comparatively tiny is the
souvenir version." The great Eiffel Tower is fixed in
place. Understand "actual" as the great Tower.
The Chapel is a room. Elizabeth, Wickham and Darcy are
people in the Chapel. Mr Bennett and Mrs Bennett are people
in the Chapel. Georgiana is a person in the Chapel.
The Cheez Factory is a room. "All around you are squares of
pressed orange polymer, or possibly cheez. Your only hope
is the magic word your uncle taught you: XYZZY." The
squares of pressed orange polymer are scenery in the
Factory. The description is "You see nothing special about
the squares of pressed orange polymer. Nothing special at
all." Understand "square" or "cheez" as the squares.
The Chequers Inn is a room. "The room is panelled and
ceilinged in oak, with blue curtains to the windows and
blue cushions on the high-backed settle by the fire."
The China Shop is a room. [Remember to work out what
happens if the bull gets in here!]
The Churchyard is a room. The printed name of the
Churchyard is "Łodz Churchyard".
The Circle in the Grass is a room. "No one is looking at
you, except for the secretary, if that is what she is."
The City of Angels is a room. The incriminating photograph
is carried by the player. The printed name of the
incriminating photograph is "incriminating photograph of a
woman with blonde hair".
The Classroom is a room. Dr Freitag is a man in the
Classroom. "Dr Freitag paces before the blackboard."
The Clinic is a room. Fred is a man in the Clinic. The
player carries a tongue-depressor.
The Cloakroom is a room. "This is just a cloakroom, but
through a vague, misty mirror-window you can make out the
Beyond." After looking in the Cloakroom, say "In the mirror
you can see [list of things in the Beyond]."
The Cloakroom is west of the Foyer. "The walls of this
small room were clearly once lined with hooks, though now
only one remains. The exit is a door to the east."
The Clock Chamber is a room. "The dark chamber behind the
clock face, a mill-room of gears which grind down the
seconds. Through the glass you can see the reversed hands
reading [the time of day to the nearest five minutes in
The Clock Chamber is a room. "The dark chamber behind the
clock face, a mill-room of gears which grind down the
seconds. Through the glass you can see the reversed hands
reading [the time of day]."
The Cloister is a room. Lady Teresa is a woman in the
Cloister. Mother Margaret is a woman in the Cloister.
The Closet is a room.
The Clown Performance is a restricted scene. Clown
Performance begins when the turn count is 3.
The Cobble Crawl is a room. "You are crawling over cobbles
in a low passage. There is a dim light at the east end of
the passage."
The Cobbled Alley is a room. "The Alley has never been made
into a proper street: the buildings on either side are
simply too important to tear down. For all that, there
isn't much sign of the magnificence nearby. The entrance
you seek is set below street level, four grimy steps down
to a half-basement."
The College of Mixology is a room. The bar is a supporter
in the college.
The Confectionary Workshop is a room. The Chocolate Machine
is here. "The Chocolate Machine has pride of place. A lever
and two buttons, one white, the other brown, seem to be the
only controls. On top is a hopper."
The Conservatory is a room. "You are in a room full of
The Control Center is a room. "Here you are at the Control
Center of the universe."
The Costumery is a room. Larry, Curly, and Moe are men in
the Costumery. Janine is a woman in the Costumery.
The Crew Lounge is a room. "Deliberately spartan: the crew
feels weight restrictions here first, so there aren't any
chairs, just a few thin pads on the ground."
The Crypt is a room. "This squat, barrel-vaulted chamber
runs roughly north-south. Along either side are the graves
of Saxon kings and early bishops of the church long since
gone to dust -- one [tomb] in particular looks undisturbed."
The Cubist Lab is a room. "A laboratory which, as the art
critic Louis Vauxcelles said about Braque's paintings in
1908, is full of little cubes: everyday objects rendered as
if cuboidal."
The Curved Beach is a room. "White sand stretches away both
northeast and northwest, enclosing this attractive little
bay. Gentle waves lap at the beach."
The Customs Hall is a room. "With infinite slowness, with
ledgers and quill pens, the clerks ruin their
eyesight.[unless the player is a woman] They barely even
glance in your direction."
The Customs House is a room. The smuggler is a man in the
Customs House. The smuggler wears a leather jacket. He
carries a bottle of Altairan rum, some raspberries, and a
laser pistol. The pistol is large. The jacket is large. The
rum and the raspberries are contraband. The description of
the smuggler is "He has a bestubbled chin and a sinister
The Customs Wharf is a room. "Amid the bustle of the
quayside, [if the cask is open]many eyes stray to your
broached cask. [otherwise]nobody takes much notice of a man
heaving a cask about. [end if]Sleek gondolas jostle at the
plank pier."
The Daily Planet Newsroom is a room.
The Daily Planet is a room. Clark is here. He is a man.
The Damp Hillside is a room. "It is just after dawn: among
the trees there is misty and pale blue light. [if Havers is
in the location]The only saturated color in view is the
orange-and-yellow jacket of [Detective Havers]. She is
trying unsuccessfully to light a cigarette. [end
if][paragraph break]The body itself is further down, closer
to the bottom of the ravine. It would be foolish to
speculate before seeing it, but the odds are that the
corpse was rolled down after death. The ground is not steep
enough for the fall itself to be deadly."
The Dark Forest is a room. "You are mostly aware that you
are not as alone here as you would like, and that the
ground is uneven."
The Daunting Dungeon is a room.
The Deathbot Assembly Line is a room. "Here is the heart of
the whole operation, where your opponents are assembled
fresh from scrap metal and bits of old car." The dangerous
robot is a thing in the Assembly Line. "One dangerous robot
looks ready to take you on!" A robotic head, a drill arm, a
needle arm, a crushing leg and a kicking leg are parts of
the dangerous robot.
The Deck of the Helene Marie is a room. "The two crews are
embattled all around you, but your attention is reserved
for your particular enemy: Don Pedro."
The Decomposition Ray Gun is a thing carried by the player.
The Desert Isle is a room. "A pale expanse of sand, here
and there developing into hillocks of grass, and a small
clump of palms. The water is shallow here, and there are
other islands within swimming distance -- or even wading
distance, perhaps -- but none of them is any larger than
your island, so it doesn't seem worth the trouble of
The Dessert Parlor is a room. "An underlit, over-crowded
room campily furnished with a lot of gilt-frame mirrors and
twinkle lights: it is essentially a brothel of food. The
service is slow at best, and on Saturday nights glacial.
However. The wares on display more than make up for these
trivial inconveniences."
The Dining Car is a room. Lord Peter is a man in the Dining
Car. Sherlock Holmes is a man in the Dining Car. Miss
Marple is a woman in the Dining Car. Adam Dalgliesh is a
man in the Dining Car.
The Dining Room is a room. "A room of handsome proportions,
with an octagonal dining table on a fine parquet floor. The
original set of chairs has been taken away, leaving only a
red velvet dining chair and a blue suede armchair."
The Docking Bay is a room. The inner airlock is a door. It
is north of the Docking Bay and south of the Zocalo. The
inner airlock is lockable and unlocked. The outer airlock
is lockable and locked. It is a door. It is south of the
Docking Bay and north of Space.
The Doctor's Cabin is a room. "A dark, cramped triangle,
like a slice of cake, except that its sharp end has been
cut off: and so low that a moderately tall man would strike
his head on the deck above if he were to stand upright.
Every free surface is covered with sheets of best Venetian
looking-glass, to increase the light filtering in. Long use
and the carpenter's ingenuity have packed in a folding cot
and table, and lockers are built into unlikely places:
lockers filled with specimens, skeletons, sketches, drafts
and serial letters." The jug is a bottle in the Doctor's
Cabin. The jug contains a beetle. The description of the
beetle is "The doctor assures you that it is a nondescript."
The Doll-like House is a room. The Postage-Stamp-Sized
Garden is outside from the House.
The Dome is a room. The Hutch is north of the Dome. The
rabbit is in the Hutch. Before going to the location of the
rabbit, say "You pick up a scent!"
The Dome is a room. The Hutch is north of the Dome. The
rabbit is in the Hutch. Definition: a room is
rabbit-infested if it is the location of the rabbit. Before
going to a rabbit-infested room, say "You pick up a scent!"
The Donut Shop is a room. "Vibrantly decorated in donut
colors: pink, brown, and cream."
The Downstairs Hallway is a dark room. "The only room in
the house with no furniture and almost nothing on the
walls. At times like this you always notice the crack in
the plaster, originating near the light fixture and running
almost all the way to the wall."
The Drawbridge is a room. North of the Drawbridge is the
Immensely Enormous Entry Hall. West of the Entry Hall is
the Vast Dining Area. North of the Vast Dining Area is the
Colossal Kitchen. The Spooky Guano-filled Attic is above
the Entry Hall.
The Drawing Room is a room. "The company is assembled here
for champagne. Most of it, anyway: Mary is on the phone to
her babysitter, Roger is keeping her anxious company, and
Carol doesn't drink. But everyone else."
The Dressing Room is a room.
The Dusty Lot is a room. "A few miles up the road from the
concert venue, but at least it's cheap to park here."
The East Jungle is a room. The plank bridge is west of the
East Jungle and east of the West Jungle. The plank is an
open unopenable door. "A precarious plank bridge extends
[if the location is West Jungle]east[otherwise]west[end if]
across the chasm." The description of the plank is
"Extremely fragile and precarious."
The Editor's Office is a room. The desk is a supporter in
the Editor's Office.
The Empire Builder Train is a room. The Train has a room
called the station. The station of the Train is Seattle.
The Empty Field is a room. "It's an ordinary empty field.
Nothing to see here at all-- yet. Wait until 11:45 PM,
The Empty Room is a room. "It has come to this: sitting on
the bare floor of Lulu's apartment with nothing to amuse
you but a deck of cards and the top hat from last year's
act. You reckon [the number of filled rows in the Table of
Cards in words] cardtosses are all that stand between you
and the utter pointlessness of existence.
The Empty Room is a room. "Nothing to see here."
The Empyrean Shuttle Bay is a room. "From here you have an
excellent view of the colony world, which looks... well, it
looks discouragingly orange. But terraforming is in
The Evidence Room is a room. Some shelves are scenery
supporters in the Evidence Room. A box is a kind of
container which is open and not openable. On the shelves is
a box. It contains a deformed bullet and a driver's
The Exhibition Room is a room. It contains a closed locked
lockable transparent openable container called the display
case. The display case contains a priceless pearl. The
display case is scenery. The description of the Exhibition
Room is "By far the finest thing in the room is a priceless
pearl in a glass display case. It should of course be
yours[if key is not visible], if only you can remember
where you hid the key[end if]."
The Experimentation Chamber is a room.
The Experimentation Chamber is a room. Robo is a man in the
Experimentation Chamber. "Robo, your prototype tin
companion, stands awkwardly beside you. In the middle of
his chest is a red enamel button[if the red button is
switched on], currently depressed[otherwise], currently
un-depressed[end if]."
The Exquisitely Narrow Defile is a dead end.
The Fairground is a region. Park Entrance, By the Wheel,
and Candy Stand are in Fairground. Candy Stand is north of
By the Wheel. Park Entrance is west of Candy Stand and
northwest of By the Wheel.
The Fallow Field is a room. "The very land is gloomy, the
earth plowed into untended rows that yield no fruit,
shadowed by the castle to the north. A chasm, no doubt the
product of some upheaval of the earth, opens before your
feet.". An oak stump is fixed in place in the Field. "From
an oak stump, a few hopeful shoots grow." A hempen rope is
a rope in the field. It is stuck to the oak stump and the
wooden chest. The stump is unevenly shaped.
The Fancy Party is a room. The player carries a sword, a
strawberry stem, and 20 credits worth of platinum. The
player wears a sash indicating lordhood.
The Flat is a room. "A small [one of]but
cozy[or]depressing[or]imprisoning[by atmosphere] flat.
Outside the window, the sun is [one of][or][or]apparently
[by atmosphere]shining and there is a brisk breeze through
the leaves of the birch trees. [one of]It would be quite
nice weather for a walk[or]The rest of the world apparently
has no appreciation of what you suffer[or]It all looks
deceptively normal[by atmosphere]."
The Flea Market is a room. The crotchety man is a man in
the Market. "A crotchety man here is selling [the list of
things carried by the crotchety man]." The crotchety man
carries a broken television set, a Victorian rhinestone
brooch, and a cracked shaving mug.
The Foothills is a room. "The land has become hilly; though
the soil is still mostly coarse yellow sand, clumps of
grass are able to grow in the shadier places. Deep wagon
ruts running from the southwest towards the mountains in
the northeast show where generations of caravans have
already passed."
The Foyer is a room. "A mirror hangs over the table,
tempting you to check your appearance before going in with
all the others."
The Fur-Lined Maze is a room. "This seemingly endless
sequence of rooms is decorated in a tasteful selection of
exotic furs and gilded fixtures."
The Garage is a room. "Above the street door is a
spectacular art nouveau fanlight, wherein a stained-glass
Spirit of Progress bestows the gift of Transportation on
The Garden of Excess is a room. The gilded lily is an
edible thing in the Garden of Excess.
The Gateway is a room. "For the foolhardy adventurer, the
perilous labyrinth lies north, east or south." The
coordinates are (6,6). The Tomb is east of the Gateway. The
coordinates are (7,6). The Rockfall Cave is north of the
Gateway. "This partly fallen cave may perhaps extend
further north." The coordinates are (6,5). Instead of going
north in the Rockfall Cave, have the player buried by a
rockfall. The Archery Canyon is south of the Gateway. "No
telling why this canyon is named after archery, but perhaps
if you wait around you'll find out." The coordinates are
(6,7). Instead of waiting in the Archery Canyon, have the
player pierced by an arrow. The Rock Pool is east of the
Tomb. The coordinates are (8,6). The cold mountain pool is
in the Rock Pool. The cold pool is fixed in place. Instead
of entering the cold mountain pool, have the player drowned.
The Gazebo is a room.
The Gazebo is a room. "A white canvas parasol raised up on
stakes driven into the grass."
The Gazebo is a room. A billiards table is in the Gazebo.
On it is a trophy cup. A starting pistol is in the cup.
The Generic Floor is a room. The Generic Floor has a number
called current level. The printed name of the Generic Floor
is "Floor [current level of the Generic Floor]". "A long
hallway between suites, some of which run up to $15,000 a
The Geometry Lab is a room. In the Geometry Lab are three
triangles and two squares.
The Ginger Beer Factory is a room. "In the center of the
room is an enormous pot filled with crushed ginger, which
seems to be bubbling slightly on its own. The fumes are
The Graduate Lounge is a room. "Shabby sofas; plastic cups
remaining from the afternoon's pre-lecture espresso; a
collection of Xena and Hercules figurines posed for ironic
effect. It's somewhat depressing at this hour, when
everyone has gone home."
The Grove is a room. In the Grove is a woman called the
The Guard House is a room. "Here you spend all your nights.
Bullet-proof windows offer a panoramic view of serene
cliffs, palm trees, and a moonlit ocean. Occasionally
someone is foolish enough to try a cliff ascent or even an
attack by helicopter, but lately things have been pretty
The Guide Lodge is a room. "A very spacious room capable of
containing several hundred girls while they eat, talk, or
do crafts. It is constructed in a not-unappealing rustic
style, with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the lake
below, and a fieldstone hearth at the center." The Guide
Lodge is smoky.
The Guide to Central American Birds is a book carried by
the player. The contents of the Guide is the Table of
Listed Birds.
The Guide to Desert Fauna is a book. The contents of the
Guide is the Table of Critters.
The Guild is a room. The ninja is an unknown man in the
Guild. A telephone called the black telephone is in the
Guild. Understand "4431" as the black telephone.
The Hall is a room. Miss Wicket is a woman in the Hall.
The Hall is a room. The grandfather clock is a fixed in
place analog clock in the Hall. The travel clock is a
switched on digital clock in the Hall. When play begins:
now the right hand status line is "[time of day]".
The Hall of Almug Tree Pillars is a room. "The pillars of
the room are made of almug tree, the ceiling made of silk
and the floor of glass." Solomon is a man in the Hall of
Almug Tree Pillars. Solomon has a number called wisdom. The
wisdom of Solomon is 0.
The Hall of Plywood Boards is a room. "The Hall of Mirrors
is under reconstruction: it is currently a dank tunnel
enlivened only by short placards about the history of the
The Hall of the Gnome King is a room. The emerald cow is a
thing in the Hall of the Gnome King. The ivory chessman is
a thing in the Hall of the Gnome King. The book of
incantations is a thing in the Hall of the Gnome King.
The Haunted House is a room. The squeaky cupboard is an
openable enterable closed fixed in place container in the
House. The ghost is a man in the cupboard. The Lawn is
outside from the Haunted House.
The Hay-Strewn Corridor is a room. "[if the player is
Maleska]The horse stalls are empty: you have already
drained the animals, and carried off their corpses. The
house will not long sustain you now.
The Herb Garden is a room. "Along this side of the house
run your great-aunt's herb beds."
The Herb Garden is a room. In the Herb Garden are ten
unbroken flowerpots.
The Herb Garden is a room. In the Herb Garden is a
flowerpot with pattern "blue willow". In the Herb Garden is
a flowerpot with pattern "striped". In the Herb Garden is a
flowerpot with pattern "striped".
The Hexagonal Temple is north of the Sand-Floored Chamber.
"The temple walls are great ashlar blocks rising to a
hundred feet overhead, perhaps more; the roof is a scarlet
awning only, through which the sun filters down in blood
hues. Overseeing all is a sculpture in stone and ivory[if
the sparkling diamond is in the idol's eye], in whose
single eye a vast diamond gleams[end if][mat-and-incense
The Hillside Tower is a room. "It's very dark in here,
lacking artificial lighting, but from the rough rectangular
window you can see a slice of hillside and a little of the
river Var."
The Hilly Place is a room. "The grassland gives way to a
somewhat more hilly area, though there is still very little
to guide you any particular way."
The Hollow Core is a room. "Truly a magnificent sight: the
land curves up away from you in every direction, covered
with the cities and fields of the Core People. Molten rock
runs in the canals, bringing heat and light to every home.
The Horological Workshop is a room. The marble table is
fixed in place in the Workshop.
The House is a room. The mouse is an animal in the House.
The House of Lords is a room. Maltravers, Pollifax, Omnium
and St Vincent are peers in the House of Lords. Omnium is a
Duke. St Vincent is an Earl.
The House of a Mortal Farmer is a room. "Having two
separate rooms, this house testifies to considerable wealth
and success at agriculture."
The Inadequate Shelter is a room. "A piece of corrugated
tin, leaned on two sticks, and pathetically augmented with
a tire (on one side) and a cardboard box (on the side
towards the wind). And that's what you've got between you
and the driving rain.
The Incan Palace Compound is a room. "After numerous false
leads through the jungles of Peru, and an arduous trek
along the Amazon, you have arrived, at last, here: at
Atagon, the lost city of untold treasure."
The Industrial Kitchen is a room.
The Industrial Pantry is east of the Kitchen.
"Awe-inspiring quantities of food line every shelf, from
the three-gallon tub of mayonnaise to the 50-pound tub of
rice. Perhaps the most astonishing item is a bag of
marshmallows big enough to double as a futon."
The International Boardgame Championship is a room. Lucy is
a woman in the Championship.
The International Convention of Mimes is a room. Lester,
Harold, Geoff, Kwame, and Peter are men in the Convention.
Elouise is a woman in the Convention. The Invisible Box is
an enterable container in the Convention. "You can detect,
from the way people keep leaning on it, an invisible box in
the middle of the room."
The Interrogation Chamber is a room. "Despite its gothic
name, this room is a rather civilized place for your work,
with large plate-glass windows and a fitted carpet."
The Juggling Equipment Catalog is a thing in Backstage.
The Juna Lounge is a room. "Two humidors that offer one of
the largest selections of the finest Havana cigars in
The Kitchen is a room. "A small kitchen tucked into a
corner of the vacation house. There is storage space for
five or six cups, a sink, a two-ring stove; nothing else to
speak of."
The Kitchen is a room. "Your Aunt Fiona's kitchen looks as
though it has been at the eye of a glitter storm. Fine,
sparkling grit dusts every surface. The appliances are
slightly askew, too, as though they hadn't quite settled
after a vigorous earthquake."
The Kitchen is a room. "[if the player is wearing the
sunglasses]Are ants coming out of the sink? No, probably
no.[otherwise]A small kitchen tucked into a corner of the
vacation house. There is storage space for five or six
cups, a sink, a two-ring stove; nothing else to speak
of.[end if]"
The Kitchen is a room. "[kitchen-description]"
The Kitchen is a room. The cat is an animal in the Kitchen.
In the Kitchen is a bowl, a ball of wool, a newspaper. The
bowl contains a quantity of cream.
The Kitchen is a room. The description of the Kitchen is
"Equipped with many familiar friends: refrigerator, stove,
oven; countertop; cabinet for pans and bowls, and a drawer
for your tools."
The Kitchen is west of the Banquet Hall. "Dominated by a
pile of dirty plates which you imagine it will be someone's
privilege to wash, later." Vanessa is a woman in the
Kitchen. Vanessa carries a tray. On the tray is a salmon
roll. The roll is edible.
The Lab is a room. Sam is a man in the lab.
The Laboratory is a room. In the Laboratory is a conical
flask. The flask is closed and transparent. In the flask is
an antibumping granule.
The Lake is a room. A duck is a kind of animal. Four ducks
are in
The Lakeside is a room. The Lakeside swing is an enterable
supporter in the Lakeside. "Here you are by the lake,
enjoying a summery view."
The Latin Studio is a room. Rick is a man in the Studio.
The Laundry is a room. "An old Limehouse haunt, the Chinese
laundry used by the down-trodden wives of the Tong of the
Black Scorpion." The vast marble sink is here. "There is
nothing obviously oriental about the vast marble sink,
which is large enough to lie down inside. A wooden-rack
floor, equipped for easy drainage, turns out also to be
equipped for snagging the shoes of passers-by." The sink is
an enterable container, fixed in place.
The Leaf Face is above the branch. "The smooth and shiny
surface of the leaf extends forward from here, but you have
lost the scent-trail. This is not the way home." The pear
fragment is an edible thing in Leaf Face. The dead aphid is
a thing in Leaf Face.
The Leafy Branch is a room. "You stand on smooth bark
dappled by sunlight. The scent-trail runs forward to home.
The Library is a room. The sinister book is carried by the
player. The sinister book has a number called the last page
read. The sinister book has a number called the length. The
length of the sinister book is 50.
The Library of the Dead is a room. "This room -- little,
dank, stone -- is filling with some miasma you do not quite
dare breathe. It is imperative that you get out."
The Lift is a room. "This is not a mere elevator: it is an
express panoramic lift, traveling six meters a second, and
capable of taking you from lobby to the rooftop restaurant
in an astonishingly short time. The illuminated number
above the door says [current level of the Lift] - though
you can make it move by pressing a numbered button."
The Lighthouse is a room. "A lonely place, but in these
tense times, no one but the lighthouse keeper and a few
trusted agents are allowed on the grounds at all, for fear
of sabotage."
The Limestone Cave is a room. "Not very big, and it doesn't
go back far, but you'd hoped to find some shelter here.
Outside it is raining exceptionally hard."
The Living Room is a room. "A long couch, set up so you can
see your wireless set. Not that you need to see it, of
The Living Room is a room. It contains a somewhat muddy
Persian rug. Your mother is a woman in the Living Room.
The Llama Pen is a room. North of the Pen is the gate. The
gate is a door. North of the gate is the Rocky Path. The
brown llama is an animal in the Llama Pen.
The Lot is a room. The ten-speed bike is a rideable vehicle
in the Lot.
The Lounge is a room. "The Lounge is appointed with
everything necessary to rest and relaxation: a vending
machine, a potted palm, a stack of Entertainment Weekly
issues from 1993, and -- your pride and joy -- a foosball
The Mailroom is a room. "Usually a thrumming hive of
bee-like workers, but you got in early to get a jump on the
day's work."
The Main Office is a room. The boss is a known woman in the
Main Office. A telephone called the red telephone is in the
Main Office. Understand "2802" as the red telephone.
The Masochism Deli is a room. "Recent restructurings of
corporate policy restrict the 'lunch hour' to exactly
thirty-two minutes, which means that no one has time to go
out. Instead, you and your coworkers eat here, in the
company's very own themed lunch room."
The Minivan is a room. The Open Road is outside from the
Minivan. Pete is a man in the Minivan. "Pete [if the player
has been in the Minivan for 3 turns]is starting to look
bored[otherwise]is playing with his travel activity
book[end if]."
The Missile Base is a room. "[security notice]Seems to be a
futuristic missile base." M's Office is east of the Missile
Base. "[security notice]Admiral Sir M.- M.- glares up from
his desk."
The Model Shop is a room. A model train is a fixed in place
device in the Model Shop. A toy elephant is a device in the
Model Shop.
The Monkey House is a room. The African Grasslands Exhibit
is north of the Monkey House. The bird door is north of the
African Grasslands Exhibit and south of the Aviary. The
Ostrich Enclosure is west of the Aviary. The bird door is a
door. It is closed, lockable, and locked. The silver key is
a passkey. It unlocks the bird door. The player carries the
silver key.
The Morgue Attendant is a man in the Morgue Office. "The
Attendant has seen you come through a number of times, and
is becoming suspicious of your abiding interest in dead
people." The description is "The Morgue Attendant is
fifty-four years, six months, five days, and three minutes
old." The price of the Morgue Attendant is $3.
The Morgue Office is a room. "This is not the Morgue
itself; this is only its outer office. The familiar room
full of silver drawers and cold air lies beyond."
The Mount Pisgah Station is a room. "The rocky peak of Mt.
Pisgah (altitude 872m) is graced only by an automatic
weather station. The clouds, close enough almost to touch,
are [a random cloud pattern]. Temperature: [a random number
from 7 to 17] degrees, barometric pressure: [950 + a random
number from 0 to 15] millibars."
The Movie Rental Store is west of a glass door. The glass
door is a door. It is west of Marciony Street. The glass
door is lockable and unlocked. The key to the city unlocks
the glass door.
The Movie Set is a room. Clark Gable is a man in the Movie
Set. "Clark leans on a polystyrene pillar, wearing [a list
of unconcealed things worn by Clark] with his usual
aplomb." Persuasion rule for asking Clark to try doing
something: persuasion succeeds.
The Mud Village is a room. "You stand at the center of a
[show to yourself]quaint[to Lolita]thrilling[to everyone
else]squalid[end show] mud village."
The Nameless Advisor is a woman in the Black Chamber. "A
woman whose name has never been disclosed to you sits at
the window, writing numbers on a sheet of paper." The
Advisor carries a sheet of paper. Understand "woman" as the
nameless advisor.
The National Gallery is north of Trafalgar Square. The
Strand is east of Trafalgar Square. The Strand is a road.
The Nearly Empty Living Room is a room. "Nearly everything
is out, all of Helen's possessions and most of yours." A
man called Mr Zero is in the Nearly Empty Living Room. "Mr
Zero, despite being heavily paid to assist in this
operation, is giving you a look that clearly conveys his
lack of interest in budging even one more item." The
description of Mr Zero is "Many muscles, no hair."
The New Idahoan Encyclopedia Set is a collective. Volume
A-Aalto fits the Encyclopedia. It is part of the Set.
Volume AAM-Aardvark fits the Encyclopedia. It is part of
the Set. Volume Aarhus-Aaron fits the Encyclopedia. It is
part of the Set. Volume AARP-Gnosis fits the Encyclopedia.
It is part of the Set. Volume Gnu-Zygote fits the
Encyclopedia. It is part of the Set. The Set is on the
The North Pole is a room. "Here it is: the famous Pole.
From here you can go south (or south-south, or
south-south-by-south); or, alternatively, take refuge
inside a red-and-white-striped cabin." The cabin is scenery
in the North Pole. Instead of entering the cabin, try going
The Northstar Cafe is a room. "The Northstar is crammed
with its usual brunch crowd, and you were lucky to get a
table at all. You are now awaiting the arrival of your
ricotta pancakes."
The Nursery is a room. In the Nursery are six red blocks,
four blue blocks and a green block.
The Office is a room.
The Office is a room. The widescreen TV is a television in
the Office. The fifties TV is a television in the Office.
The Open Field is a room. "At this end of the field is a
wire fence separating farm country from the government
testing grounds beyond." The wire fence is an electrified
thing in Open Field. It is scenery. The description of the
wire fence is "Built into the fence is [a list of things
which are part of the fence]." The scary box is an
electrified container. It is part of wire fence. In the
scary box is an alluring prize.
The Open Plain is a room. "A wide-open grassy expanse, from
which you could really go any way at all."
The Orchard is a room. "Within this quadrille of pear
trees, a single gnarled old oak remains as a memory of
centuries past." The gnarled old oak tree is fixed in place
in the Orchard.
The Orchard is a room. "Within this quadrille of pear
trees, a single gnarled old oak remains as a memory of
centuries past." The gnarled old oak tree is scenery in the
The Outdoors Area is a region. The Moon is a backdrop. The
Moon is in the Outdoors Area. The Moon is in the Skylight
The Oval Office is a room. Josh and Toby are men in the
Oval. A height is a kind of value. 5 foot 11 specifies a
height. A person has a height. Josh is 5 foot 8. Toby is 5
foot 10.
The Pacific Ballroom is a room. "A rather utilitarian space
at the moment, since this is a class and not a party."
Timmy, Tommy, Joey, George, Mary, Martha, Yvette, McQueen,
Linus, and Patricia are people in the Pacific Ballroom.
The Palace is a room. "The Duke is out; the way is clear.
East is Saralinda's Chamber; north, a hallway zigs and zags
down to the gate that leads out." A finely-written placard
is in the Palace. "A finely-written placard is on the wall
next to this exit." The placard is fine. The description of
the placard is "You read: 'Beware the Todal: its bite is
worse than its gleep.
The Palm Chamber is a room. Sarissa is a woman in the Palm
The Paris Theatre is a room. An instrument is a kind of
thing. The violin, the tuba, the xylophone and the triangle
are instruments. The violin is inside the case. The tuba,
the xylophone, the radish, the case, the bust of Nicholas
Parsons, the purple felt hat and the triangle are in the
Paris Theatre.
The Parlor is a room. Granny Blue is a woman in the Parlor.
A china lamb, a porcelain milkmaid, a frolicking Dutch cow,
and a crystal unicorn are knick-knacks in the Parlor.
The Patio is a room. The Patio contains a grill and an ice
chest. The ice chest contains a cold beer. On the grill are
a steak and a hot dog.
The Pharmaceutical Testing Facility is a room. "A [if the
player is short]large [end if][if the player is
tall]cramped [end if]white space with sterile counters and
a[if the player is tall]n uncomfortable little[end if]
stool. There is also a mirror, behind which someone must be
watching you. But you can't see through to that."
The Pharmacy is a room. A desk and a trash can are in the
Pharmacy. The pill-counter, a prescription, and a computer
are on the desk. The computer is fixed in place. The
pill-counter contains some Vicodin. The trash can contains
an empty box.
The Pizza Prince is a room.
The Planetarium is a room. "[if we have examined the
sinister message]A dark room where it seems something is
about to jump out at you![otherwise]A tranquil dark room
with a ceilingful of stars.[end if]"
The Planetarium is a room. "[if we have listened to the
sinister message]A dark room where it seems something is
about to jump out at you![otherwise]A tranquil dark room
with a ceilingful of stars.[end if]"
The Pleasure Garden is a room. "At the riverbank, a
pleasing garden, having many curving paths and one
The Porch is a room. The player carries the Halloween bag.
The Porch is a room. The porch swing is an enterable
supporter in the Porch. "An inviting swing hangs here at
the end of the porch, allowing you to enjoy the summer with
a cool beverage, and watch your neighbor Ted mowing his
lawn with the very last manual powerless lawnmower on the
The Poseur Club is a room. "Lady Mary is laid out on a
sofa, her wrists bandaged importantly[if the manner
understood is insouciantly] -- and she looks all the more
depressed by your indifference to her state[end if];
Salvatore is at the gaming table, clutching his hair with
both hands[if the manner understood is defiantly] -- though
he looks up long enough to snarl in response to that
expression of yours[end if]; Frackenbush is muttering lines
from another of his works in progress, as though poetry has
nearly made him mad[if the manner understood is
sheepishly]. But he spares you a reassuring smile. He's not
a bad fellow, Frackenbush[end if].
The Post Office is northwest of Nancy Johnson Memorial
Square. "Service at the post office is on the slow side
since everything went automated." The slot is scenery in
the post office. The slot is a container. Carry out
inserting something into the slot: remove the noun from
play. Report inserting something into the slot: say "[The
noun] falls out of sight, and you know you will never see
it again."
The Presidential Suite is a room. "Astonishingly, this is
not the most elaborate or expensive of suites; there is
another, the Royal, upstairs of here."
The Priority Lab is a room. The early bird, the worm, the
leaf, the unseen object, the pebble, the twig, and the late
edition are things in the Priority Lab.
The Public Area is a region. The Arboretum and Gardens are
in the Public Area.
The Pumping House is a room.
The Quai is a room. "An attractive park at the edge of the
river Aude: here you can wander among palm trees, and watch
cyclists go by on the bike path; in the water there are
ducks. In the cafe to your north, patrons sip their pastis;
and above you is the medieval walled city and its castle."
The Rain Forest is a room. If the player is in the Rain
Forest, say "Rain falls steadily on your hat and rucksack."
The Rambling Warren is a room.
The Realm of Terribly Unjust Puzzles is a room.
The Red Door Saloon is a room. "This old place is in pretty
bad shape since the mine shut down. Now there's not much to
see but the pair of deep gouges in the floorboards where
they dragged away the Sheriff's corpse with the spurs still
The Resort is a room.
The Room of Hidden Objects is a room. It contains a sofa,
an easy chair, and a rug. The sofa supports a lime-green
pillow and an innocent-looking Chinese finger toy. The rug
is fixed in place. The chair is a supporter.
The Room of Mystery is a dark room. The bearskin rug is a
large thing in the Room of Mystery. Instead of touching the
rug: say "It feels furry!"
The Room of Self-Knowledge is a room. "Mirrors cover every
available wall-surface of this hexagonal chamber, allowing
you to examine yourself from all angles."
The Rose Garden is southwest of the Lower Terrace. The
thicket of red roses is a fixed in place thing in the Rose
Garden. The thicket stands 4 feet 2 inches."Heavy red roses
grow over a roughly horseshoe-shaped wall around you. Over
this barrier, the head of [the marble anteater] is visible
to the northwest, and the tip of [the obelisk] in the
The Round is a scene. The Round begins when play begins.
The Round ends when the turn count is 10.
The Royal Suite is a room. "The brochure described this as
'the last word in luxury,' and you have to admit that it is
certainly the last word in [italic type]something[roman
type]. A vast carpet of patterned red and gold stretches
from you to the sofa; beyond which, in the distance, you
make out several bedrooms and bathrooms outfitted in
Carrera marble. There is also, of course, a private cinema."
The Ruins is a room. "You find this clearing in the
rainforest oddly familiar." The camera is in the Ruins.
"Your elephantine camera hangs from a convenient branch."
The Russian Gift Shop is a room. In the Russian Gift Shop
is a large wooden doll. It is closed and openable. In the
large wooden doll is a medium wooden doll. It is closed and
openable. In the medium wooden doll is a small wooden doll.
It is closed and openable. In the small wooden doll is a
tiny solid wooden doll.
The Safehouse is a room.
The Sahara is a room. North of the Sahara is More Sahara.
North of More Sahara is Yet Further Sahara.
The Sand-Floored Chamber is a room. "The constant wind has
filled this chamber with a layer of fine red sand, as soft
as powder snow[if the diamond is in the Sand-floored
Chamber]. Something sparkling is half-buried in the
corner[end if]. A doorway lies open to the north."
The School for Gifted Youngsters is a room. Kitty Pryde is
a woman in the School for Gifted Youngsters. "Kitty Pryde
waits for you to say why you summoned her out of class."
The description is "You see nothing special about Kitty
Pryde. But that is only because she has learned to conceal
her mutant powers: in fact she has the alternative name
Shadowcat, and the ability to phase through solid objects."
The Schoolhouse is a room. "Though normally comfortable,
the room is dark and menacing during the storm; rain sheets
on the windows, and you can barely see the flash of the
lighthouse only a few miles away."
The Science Journalism Desk is a room. "From here you, the
Science Anchor, have the privilege of reporting the latest
and most fascinating stories to an eager public."
The Scissors Room is a room.
The Secluded Alley is a room. The Capricorn Killer is a man
in the Secluded Alley.
The Sewer Beneath St Denis is a room. "A narrow,
stone-lined passageway, with only a little ledge to walk
above the level of the refuse that flows down towards the
The Sewer Junction is a room.
The Sharper Image is a room. The pet rock is a thing in the
Sharper Image. The toy car is a thing in the Sharper Image.
The sound of the car is "whirring and zooming". The plastic
widget is a thing in the Sharper Image. The sound of the
plastic widget is "bleeps and bloops". The pointless gadget
is a thing in Sharper Image. The sound of the pointless
gadget is "buzzbuzzbuzz".
The Ship Inn is a room. "Here you are in a lovely pub which
your guidebook assures you is extremely authentic. [1 as a
The Ship's Bridge is a room.
The Shipping Room is a room. The red sticky label is a
thing carried by the player. The description of the red
sticky label is "It reads: AIRMAIL[if the label is part of
something (called the parent)]. It is stuck to [the
parent][end if]."
The Sickbay contains a wobbly pedestal, a table, and a
sickbed. Understand "bed" as the sickbed. The pedestal, the
table, and the sickbed are supporters. Nathan is a man on
the sickbed. The sickbed is scenery. The initial appearance
of the wobbly pedestal is "A wobbly pedestal near the door
has sometimes been known to support vases of flowers, but
is currently bare." The initial appearance of the table is
"There is also a table of a more ordinary sort."
The Sickbay is a room. "A place arranged for Nathan's
comfort, since his sickness has been prolonged and because
he becomes so irritating when not comfortable." The Hallway
is outside from the Sickbay.
The Sinister Cave is a dark room. "A profoundly disquieting
rock formation, apparently sculptured by some demonic hand,
this is not a cave in which to relax."
The Situation Room is a room.
The Solitary Place is a room. "A glittering, shimmering
desert without either locusts or honey." The pillar is an
enterable supporter in the Solitary Place. "The broken
pillar is short enough to climb and sit on." The
description of the pillar is "Once it was a monument: a
long frieze of battles and lion-hunts spirals up the side,
in honor of an earthly king." The player is on the pillar.
The Sorcerer's Workshop is a room. "The sorcerer's den is a
dusty, whispering place. A grandfather clock with skeletal
hands reads [the time of day in words]. The floorboards are
stained where that porridge just wouldn't come out."
The Sound Stage is a room. The description is "A somewhat
creaky and unconvincing reproduction of the docks of San
The Space Patrol Kitchen is a room. "The nerve center of
the Space Patrol! This is where cadets fill up with their
SUPER-FUEL. North leads to the astro control room, while
back south is the cargo hold." A breakfast bowl is in the
Kitchen. In the bowl is Ricechex. Ricechex is edible. The
Ricechex can be consumed or uneaten. The Ricechex is
The Spaceport is a room. North of the Spaceport is the
Rocket Launch Pad. The player carries a stuffed bear, a
chocolate cookie, and a book.
The Specialist's Office is a room. The secretary is a woman
in the Office. Instead of asking the secretary about
"[appointment]", say "'Hang on just five more minutes,' she
says, in a distracted manner."
The Spinning Tower is a room. "A remote corner of the old
castle, reserved for spinning and weaving tasks."
The Square Chamber is a room. "A sunken, gloomy stone
chamber, ten yards across. A shaft of sunlight cuts in from
the steps above, giving the chamber a diffuse light, but in
the shadows low lintelled doorways to east and south lead
into the deeper darkness of the Temple."
The St Bernard is an animal in the Monastery Cages.
The Stadium is a room. The Hot Dog Stand is west of the
Stadium. The Women's Restroom is south of the Stadium.
The Staff Break Room is a room.
The Stage is a room.
The Stage is a room. Rule for printing the name of the
stage: say "[current weekday] [current time period]"
The Staging Area is a room. A jersey is a kind of thing. A
jersey is wearable. Some jerseys in the Staging Area are
defined by the Table of Honorary Jerseys. The description
of a jersey is "Since [year established], the Tour de
France has awarded this jersey to the [citation]."
The Stairwell is above the Kitchen. "Halfway up and halfway
down." The airing cupboard is a container in the Stairwell.
"An airing cupboard here contains the heating system, and
is the ideal place for restoring wet items to a dry state."
The airing cupboard is fixed in place.
The Station is a room. "Eynforme Halt is a raised platform
fringed with cowslip: a whistle-stop with no more than a
signal and a water-tank."
The Steep Hill is a room. The Crest is above Steep Hill.
The Valley is below Steep Hill.
The Stooped Corridor is a room. "A low, square-cut
corridor, running north to south, stooping you over."
The Storage Unit is a room. The shipping trunk is a closed
chest in the Storage Unit. The trunk contains some garlic,
a loaf of moldy sourdough, a mildewy bathtowel, a pair of
unwashed socks, two dead trout, and a box of baking powder.
The garlic, trout, sourdough, bathtowel, and socks are
smelly. The baking powder is innocent.
The Stream is a room. "This is the third place you've been
today, and so the stream is welcome. How refreshing!"
The Street contains a round table. The table is scenery. On
the round table is a plate. On the plate are a gyro and a
mound of fresh potates. The plate is portable. The potates
and the gyro are edible. The description of potates is
"They'd be called french fries, at home, but these are
steak-cut and fried in olive oil." The description of the
gyro is "Dripping garlic-yogurt sauce."
The Strip-mall Parking Lot is a room. "Dead Christmas trees
are heaped outside the bagel shop. Strips of dirty ice
survive along the curb, and in the shadows of the
lamp-posts. A wet, almost illegible sheet of algebra
homework is plastered to the asphalt.
The Studio is a room. "The unreal world of the photographic
studio, full of fake furniture, cantilevered stands and
silver-white shades like miniature parachutes." The lumpy
black camera is in the Studio. "A lumpy black camera hangs
from a tripod."
The Studio is a room. "[if visited]Decorated with Britney's
signature flair. It was her innate sense of style that
first made you forgive her that ludicrous name. And here it
is displayed to the fullest: deep-hued drapes on the walls,
the windows flung open with their stunning view of old
Vienna, the faint smell of coffee that clings to
everything. Her easel stands over by the windows, where the
light is brightest.[otherwise]This is Britney's studio. You
haven't been around here for a while, because of how busy
you've been with work, and she's made a few changes -- the
aquarium in the corner, for instance. But it still brings
back a certain emotional sweetness from the days when you
had just met for the first time... when you used to spend
hours on the sofa...
The Studio is a room. Sally is a woman in the Studio. A
foam-lined tote bag is in the Studio.
The Stuffy Office is a room. "The windows are closed,
making the sultry air even more unbearable. A narrow slice
of Caribbean blue is visible between the scuba gear rental
shop and the recreated 17th century pirate tavern.
The Subway Station is a room.
The Supply Closet is a room. A supply of red pens is in the
Supply Closet. Understand "pen" as the supply of red pens
when the red pen is not visible.
The Table Office is a room. The Succession is in the Table
Office. "The Succession, a ponderous list of English
monarchs, takes pride of place."
The Tea Room is a room. The player carries a black lacquer
tray. The lacquer tray is portable. On the lacquer tray are
a celadon teapot and a napkin.
The Temple Of A Thousand Mightily Peeved Deities is a room.
Rule for printing the name of the Temple while constructing
the status line: say "Temple".
The Temporal Hot Spot is a room.
The Temporal Prism is a room. "A room of angled mirrors, in
whose surfaces you can see what is now; what just was; what
has always been. A final mirror is broken and its frame
gapes blackly."
The Temporary Employment Office is a room. "'Tomorrow's
Temporary Workers - Today!' proclaims the logo over the
door. The office is divided into two areas, the inner
sanctum where you take calls and fiddle with the computer,
and the outer area where workers take skill exams and watch
inspirational videos ('Earn your way to partial benefits!',
'Vacation days and you!', 'Temping the Tomorrow Way',
The Test Kitchen is a room. "Your own personal lab, ready
for scrupulously scientific recipe research. You hope. The
previous three runs of this did not go well." The pair of
infrared goggles is carried by the player. The description
is "A pair of head-mounted IR goggles which look very
foolish when worn." The goggles are wearable.
The Theater of Dionysus is a room.
The Tidy Kitchen is south of the Dining Room. Alison is a
woman in the Tidy Kitchen. The kettle is a scalding thing.
The ceramic tile is a cold portable supporter. It has
carrying capacity 1. The platter is a scalding portable
supporter. It has carrying capacity 1. The glass of ice
water is a cold, drippy thing.
The Tiny Bathroom is a bathroom. It is west of Our
Household Kitchen.
The Toilet is a room. "The walls are painted an
unattractive green; the fixtures are a bit old. But it is
the only place in the hostel with any privacy." The Long
Hallway is outside from the Toilet.
The Tomb of Angels is a room. "This ancient underground
tomb is lightless but for a few shafts from the surface.
Everywhere in the shadows are carved angels, their faces
worn away by water and pollution, their wings little more
than nubs."
The Topmost Turret is a room. A mattress is a kind of
supporter. A mattress is always enterable. A mattress is
The Town Square is a road. North of the Town Square is
Candle Street. Candle Street is a road. East of Town Square
is Mortar Street. Mortar Street is a road.
The Toyshop is a room. The crate and the hammock are in the
Toyshop. In the crate is a box. In the hammock is a box.
The Toyshop is a room. The red box is a box in the Toyshop.
Some crayons are in the red box.
The Trading Post is a room.
The Trailer is a room. "A full-length mirror is the main
amenity in here, and that suits you just fine." The
full-length mirror is scenery in the Trailer. Instead of
examining or searching the mirror, try taking inventory.
The Transporter Room is a room.
The Treasure Room is a room. "Despite the fancy name, this
is no more than a closet -- albeit a closet with its own
special circuit on the house alarm."
The Treasury is a room. The vault is a lockable locked
closed openable container in the Treasury. It is fixed in
place. "A massive vault fills up one wall." The description
is "The vault's system includes [a list of things which are
part of the vault]."
The Turret is a room. "A cramped little room distinguished
chiefly by the spiral staircase that descends from it. The
windows look out over the rooftop."
The Twinkie is a thing.
The U-Stor-It Facility is a room. The sea trunk, the
shipping crate, and a metal box are chests in the U-Stor-It
Facility. The metal box contains a sapphire, a gold coin,
and a signed photograph of Babe Ruth.
The Undertomb is a dark room. "From this dim cross-groined
room, exits depart east, south, and northwest."
The Undertomb is a dark room. East is a dead end. South is
a dead end with printed name "Collapsed Dead End".
Northwest is a dead end called the Tortuous Alcove.
The Undertomb is a dark room. East is a dead end. South is
a dead end with printed name "Collapsed Dead End".
Northwest is a dead end called the Tortuous Alcove. In the
Undertomb is the lantern. It is lit.
The Undertomb is east of the Orchard. The heavy iron
grating is east of the Orchard and west of the Undertomb.
The grating is a door.
The Universe Management Computer is a fixed in place thing
in the Control Center. "The Universe Management Computer
sits directly before you, unguarded." The description of
the Universe Management Computer is "The computer is so
large that you would be unable to operate it all from one
position. Alas, it does not come with a manual."
The University Parks is a region. The Public Area is in the
University Parks.
The Upper Cave is above the Rock Pool. The Ledge is east of
the Pool. The stream is a backdrop.
The Upper Deck is a room. Lucius is a man in the Upper Deck.
The Vault is a room. "Snug yet paranoid, this represents
the state of the art in cheerless security." The Safe is
here. "A mammoth safe, with a dial which can spin to any
number, has pride of place. It must weigh about the same as
a small car, so don't get any ideas." Instead of opening
the safe, say "The safe opens only when turned to the
correct combination."
The Veranda is a room. "From here you can see a
considerable expanse of dense-growing jungle plants, and
eventually the open water beyond."
The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a hostile animal in the
Leafy Branch. "[The Caterpillar] looks [mood]." Instead of
examining the Caterpillar, say "[The caterpillar] appears
The Vestry is a room. "[Havers] hangs back by the door: the
forensics expert is not finished with a preliminary
examination of the body. From here you can't see much,
except that the expert has peeled back and laid to one side
a liturgical vestment that someone at the church used to
cover the corpse until the police came. What was once a
cream silk with festive Easter embroidery is now stained
with blood-colored handprints."
The Victorian Car is a device in the Garage. A cast-iron
steering wheel, a leather bucket seat, a horn, and a
combustion engine are part of the Victorian Car. The seat
is an enterable supporter.
The Volunteer Center is a room. "A fairly spartan office,
though there are a few attractive posters from advertising
campaigns of the past, and an ominous map charting the
deforestation of Brazil."
The Wabe is a room. The blue peacock and the sundial are in
the Wabe.
The Waiting Room is a room. The waiting room door is west
of the Waiting Room and east of the Gents' Loo. The Waiting
Room door is an open door. "The waiting room door [if
open]stands open[otherwise]is shut firmly[end if]."
The Waning Moon Resort is a dark room. "A spacious room
with a flagstone floor, and a dreamcatcher hung over the
king-size bed." The dreamcatcher is scenery in the Resort.
The description is "The usual web of threads and crystals,
feathers and beads." Instead of taking the dreamcatcher,
say "Ah, ah -- you might be tempted to take it as a
souvenir, except that the price list in the minibar clearly
states they charge $65 apiece if you walk off with one.
Cheaper than stealing the Frette bathrobes, but still
probably not a good idea."
The Wasteland is a room. "In its more distant reaches, the
Wasteland has a kind of austere beauty, but here beside the
Secure Zone it is the worst of all possible worlds. Barrels
of toxins are stacked the regulation hundred and fifty feet
out; more traditional garbage has simply been flung over
the wall, and this category includes one or two corpses
roughly and inadequately disguised by black plastic bags.
The wall itself has become a canvas for outcasts and
exiles, and is covered with obscene paintings, lewd remarks
about the inhabitants of the Secure Zone, and a few maudlin
The Watery Room is a room. The player carries a snorkel and
a waterproof sack. The waterproof sack contains an undersea
map, a diving guide, a cup, and 500 Argentine pesos. The
cup contains a worm. The player wears a swimsuit and a pair
of flippers. The sack is openable and open.
The Wawa is a room. "A convenience store, if you like to
call it that, vending the usual assortment of chips,
donuts, soda, and beer. There is something of a line at the
sandwich counter."
The Wedding Chapel Dressing Room is a room. "The bride's
dressing room is a lavish suite with closets, hangers,
dressmaker's dummies, boxes of straight pins and sewing
notions, combs, lotions, brushes, and hair fixatives, plus
room for fifteen female attendants and a photographer.
Before they shoved you out of the room you even got a
glimpse of a small reference library including '1001 French
Braids' and 'Corset-Lacing For Beginners.'
The Wedding Procession is a room.
The Weighbridge is a room.
The Weighbridge is a room. "A sign declares that the
maximum load is [100kg multiplied by 3]."
The Weighbridge is a room. "A sign declares that the
maximum load is [maximum load]."
The West Ballroom is a room. "A handsome sweep of chequered
floor beckons the eye into the [printed name]."
The Western Hemisphere is a dark room. "The cloud mass
covers much of the land on this side of the planet, and a
particularly nasty storm is brewing off to the south."
The Wilkie Memorial Research Wing is a room. "The research
wing was built onto the science building in 1967, when the
college's finances were good but its aesthetic standards at
a local minimum. A dull brown corridor recedes both north
and south; drab olive doors open onto the laboratories of
individual faculty members. The twitchy fluorescent
lighting makes the whole thing flicker, as though it might
wink out of existence at any moment.
The Wine Emporium is a room. "Set aside, you rather
suspect, for tourists: this chamber is barrel-vaulted
stone, lined on each side with casks of aging wine.
Discarded brochures here and there advertise Wine Tours of
the Loire Valley in three different languages, none of them
The Woodcutter's Shack is a room. "Your family lives in a
shack in the forest. There are holes in the roof, and in
the winter the snow comes in -- rain, too, for that matter.
The walls aren't very well-boarded, and don't keep out the
wind, and even though you live in the middle of dense
woods, you can never gather enough fuel to keep this place
fully heated. And then there's the stench. Pigs wander
freely in and out, and your three youngest brothers play on
the floor."
The Workroom is a room. The desk is in the Workroom. The
brilliant lamp is a device on the desk.
The Yard is a room.
The Yurt is a room.
The Zorb is a transparent open enterable container in the
Steep Hill. "[if the player props the Zorb]The Zorb rests
here, kept from further rolling by your
support[otherwise]The Zorb is here[end if].". It is
pushable between rooms. The description of the Zorb is "A
giant plastic inflatable ball, like a hamster ball for
humans[if someone is in the Zorb]. Inside [is-are list of
people in the Zorb][end if]."
The acceleration due to gravity is an acceleration that
varies. The acceleration due to gravity is usually 9.807
m/ss. A thing has a mass. The mass of a thing is usually
The action requester is an object that varies. The action
requester variable translates into I6 as "act_requester".
The aft is a direction. The aft has opposite fore.
Understand "a" as aft when the location is nautical.
The afterthought is a thing in the Priority Lab.
The amulet of elocution is a wearable thing. It is carried
by the player. The description is "A heavy gold ring on a
chain. If heated in an ordinary house fire, it glows with
the words, 'Moses Supposes His Toeses Are Roses.'"
The ant colony is a fixed in place thing. "A busy group of
ants are crawling to and fro in the unaccustomed sun." Rule
for deciding whether all includes the ant colony while
taking: it does not.
The apple is an edible thing carried by the player.
The aquarium contains an animal called an evil fish. The
description of the fish is "Even if you had had no prior
experience with him, you would be able to see at a glance
that this is an evil fish. From his sharkish nose to his
razor fins, every inch of his compact body exudes hatred
and danger."
The aquarium is a transparent open container in the Studio.
It is not openable. "In one corner of the room, a large
aquarium bubbles in menacing fashion." The description of
the aquarium is "A very roomy aquarium, large enough to
hold quite a variety of colorful sealife -- if any yet
survived." Understand "tank" as the aquarium.
The attempted-sequence is a list of stored actions that
The audience is a person in the Theater. "The usual
audience looks on: the priests and judges in the front row,
and then Athenians, metics, and foreigners." The audience
can be prepared or unprepared. The description is "Have you
ever seen such a company of perjurers, pathics, and
thieves?" Understand "priest" or "priests" or "priest of
dionysus" or "judge" or "judges" or "athenians" or "metics"
or "foreigners" as the audience.
The axis-ward is a direction. The opposite of axis-ward is
hub-ward. Understand "aw" or "axisward" as axis-ward.
The backpack is a player's holdall.
The backpack is a player's holdall. The carrying capacity
of the player is 3. The backpack is wearable.
The bag of jelly beans is an edible thing.
The balance platform is a supporter in the Weighbridge.
"The balance platform is 10m by 8m, giving it an area of
[10m multiplied by 8m], currently weighing [the list of
things on the platform]. The scale alongside reads: [total
weight of things on the platform]. [if two things are on
the platform]Average weight is: [the total weight of things
on the platform divided by the number of things on the
platform]. Heaviest item is [the heaviest thing on the
platform], at [weight of the heaviest thing on the
platform]. Lightest item is [the lightest thing on the
platform], at [weight of the lightest thing on the
platform].[otherwise]It seems to be able to weigh several
things at once."
The balance platform is a supporter in the Weighbridge.
"The balance platform is currently weighing [the list of
things on the platform]. The scale alongside reads: [total
weight of things on the platform]."
The banana hammock is a hammock in the Resort. The stone
bench is a sofa in the resort.
The basket is a large container in the Shop. The thimble is
a small container in the Shop. The matchbox is a standard
container in the Shop.
The beam is a lit thing. Understand "light" or "brilliant"
as the beam. "Brilliant light from the lighthouse floods
the whole area." It is fixed in place. Instead of doing
something other than examining to the beam: say "The light
is, of course, intangible." The description is "The light
is coming from the lighthouse, since the lamp is apparently
pointed this way."
The behavior rules is a rulebook.
The besotted expression is a wearable thing. The
description is "It looks foolish, doesn't it?"
The best idea yet is a stored action that varies.
The black crow is an animal in Country Lane.
The blue door is a door. It is south of Notting Hill.
Through it is the Flat Landing.
The bodice is a pattern. The material of the bodice is
silk. The area of the bodice is 2 sq yards. The price of
the bodice is $11.99.
The book box is a horribly heavy thing in the Living Room.
The clothing box is a manageable thing in the Living Room.
A broom, a dustpan, some packing tape, and a discarded
newspaper are light things in the Living Room.
The book trolley is in the Musicology Section. "The book
trolley, a sort of motorised tractor for trundling around
through the stacks, is parked here." The trolley is a
vehicle. Instead of going nowhere by the trolley, say
"Don't go crashing the trolley into walls."
The bottle is a fluid container carried by the player. The
cacao volume of the bottle is 10.0 fl oz.
The box is a container.
The box is a measured container. The interior height is 10
cm. The interior depth is 5 cm. The interior width is 6 cm.
The player carries the box.
The box is an enterable supporter in Nook Obscure. The
current box position is an internal position that varies.
The current box position is near the bed. "Your packing
case, stamped W. WORDSWORTH (KENDAL), is [current box
position]." Instead of taking the box, say "It is filled
with your peerless rock collection and too heavy to lift,
but could be pushed." Instead of opening the box, say "It
is securely nailed shut."
The box of enrobed cakes is in the Wawa. "A box of
Tastykake Enrobed Cakes has fallen off its shelf." The
description is "'Enrobed Cakes' is a fancy term for
'strange sponge-like baked good, covered in a thin shell of
waxy chocolate'. They are addictive, but not in a way that
lets you respect yourself in the morning." The box is a
closed openable container. In the box is a cake.
The breakage is a subject. The description is "It's not a
big deal. I'll just buy a new [mental wave generator].' A
slight awkward pause. 'I mean, this one was a [gift], but
don't worry about it". Understand "accident" or "smashing"
or "breaking" or "shard" or "mishap" or "shards" or
"mistake" as the breakage. Understand "sculpture" as the
breakage when the player is not carrying the sculpture.
The broken flower pot is a thing. The description of the
broken flower pot is "It contains the remains of some
abused petunias."
The bronze platform is a metallic platform in the Temple.
Lara is a woman. She is on the bronze platform. She wears
safari pants and a tank top. She carries a gun and a map.
The gun is heavy.
The broth is a food. The indefinite article of the broth is
"some". The food effect of broth is the filling rule. This
is the filling rule: now the player is full.
The broth is in the kettle. The kettle is on the fire. The
fire is in the Clearing. The Clearing is a room.
The bucket is a fluid container carried by the player. The
liquid of the bucket is seawater. The current volume of the
bucket is 64.0 fl oz.
The buffet table is a supporter in Pizza Prince.
The burly guard is a man in Diamond Market. "A burly guard
patrols quite close to you, but even he is more sumptuously
dressed than the average burly guard, and his buttons
The button is fixed in place in the Challenger's Waiting
Room. "The only item in view is a black recessed button."
The cabin door is south of the Cabin and north of the Deck.
It is a door and scenery.
The cabin door is south of the Cabin and north of the Deck.
It is a door and scenery. The description of the Deck is
"The whole back half of the boat is open, allowing you to
view the surroundings without intervening windows -- if you
can stand the cold."
The cabinet is a closed openable container in the kitchen.
It is scenery. It contains an open unopenable container
called a mixing bowl. It contains a portable supporter
called a platter. An open unopenable heatproof container
called a Calphalon baking dish is in the cabinet. The
baking dish has the description "One of those marvelous
pieces of kitchen equipment which goes on the stove or in
the oven, as you will. The chief thing is never ever to
touch it when it is hot, since the handles are metal and
the heat retention excellent."
The cabinet is a fixed in place openable container in the
Schoolhouse. The hurricane lantern is a thing in the
Schoolhouse. "A hurricane lantern hangs from a peg." The
lantern is lit.
The cabinet is a scenery container in the Kitchen. In the
cabinet is a book of matches, a bottle of descaling
solution, a fish hook, and a rusty knife. It is openable
and closed.
The cabinet is an openable closed container in the Studio.
It is fixed in place. "A huge cabinet, in the guise of an
armoire, stands between the windows." The description is
"Large, and with a bit of an Art Nouveau theme going on in
the shape of the doors." Understand "armoire" as the
The can of chicken broth is a closed container on the
counter. The bottle of white cooking wine and the bottle of
Thurston Wolfe PGV are a closed containers in the
The can of root beer is a closed openable container carried
by the player. The can of root beer is either agitated or
The candle-stand is a supporter in the Palace. Understand
"stand" as the candle-stand. The description of the
candle-stand is "The candle-stand is a tall metal branch
for holding lights, but someone has quite practically added
casters to the bottom." It is pushable between rooms. Three
candles are on the candle-stand. Instead of removing
something from the candle-stand: say "[The noun] is fixed
quite firmly in place." Instead of taking something which
is on the candle-stand: say "[The noun] won't come out of
the holder." Instead of putting something on the
candle-stand: say "[The candle-stand] is full."
The cape is a pattern. The material of the cape is velvet.
The area of the cape is 9 sq yards.
The car is a vehicle in Trafalgar Square. The ignition is a
device. The ignition is part of the car. Instead of going
by the car when the ignition is switched off: say "The
ignition is off at the moment." Instead of switching on the
car, try switching on the ignition. Instead of switching
off the car, try switching off the ignition.
The cardboard box is a closed container. The glass bottle
is a transparent open container. The box is fixed in place
and openable.
The cargo trunk is an openable container.
The cashbox is a container. The cashbox contains 10
pennies. The cashbox contains 10 nickels. The cashbox
contains 10 dimes. The cashbox contains 10 quarters. The
cashbox contains 10 dollar bills. The cashbox contains 10
five-dollar bills.
The cassette recorder is a device. Every turn: if the
cassette recorder is switched on, say "The cassette
recorder hisses faintly."
The cat behavior rules is a rulebook producing an object.
The chapter counter is a number that varies.
The chest is a locked lockable container in the cave.
The chorus is a person. The description is "They are
dressed in exaggerated rural costume and feminine masks, as
they are meant to represent a company of female
cheese-makers from the Spartan-occupied deme of Dekeleia."
Understand "cheesewives" or "cheese-makers" or
"chorus-leader" as the chorus.
The chronometer is in the Clock Chamber. "On one wall is a
terribly self-important chronometer showing the time in
major world cities. London: [time of day]. Paris: [one hour
after the time of day]. Tokyo: [9 hours after the time of
day]. Cupertino, California: [7 hours before the time of
The church door is east of Eastern End and west of the
Courtyard. The church door is a door.
The circle of misery is a list of objects that varies.
The clock error is a number that varies. To thump the
mechanism: now the clock error is a random number from -10
to 10.
The clown is a man. "A clown wearing [a list of things worn
by the clown] stands nearby." The description is "He winks
back at you."
The cocktail dress is a dress.
The cocktail glass is a fluid container carried by the
player. The fluid capacity of the cocktail glass is 4.0 fl
The coffin is an openable container in the Undertomb. "[if
open]The lid of a plank coffin yawns open.[otherwise]A
plank coffin lies upon the dirt floor of the Tomb."
The command chair is an enterable supporter in the Control
Center. It is pushable between rooms. "Because the computer
is too large for you to reach all of the front panel from a
standing position, there is a command chair on casters
which allows you to push back and forth." The description
of the command chair is "Quite ordinary, really, but for
the heady rush of power that comes of sitting in it.". Some
casters are part of the command chair.
The complaint rules is a rulebook.
The concept-repository is an open unopenable transparent
container. It is part of the air. The air is a backdrop. It
is everywhere.
The copy of The Last Man is a book. The description of The
Last Man is "Mary Shelley's very own original copy, loaned
to you under the strictest of agreements[if the pond
encloses the copy]. How it came to be in its present
position is a long story, and not important at the moment:
the critical thing is not to blame oneself - who could have
anticipated the cricket bat, anyway? - but to fix it
immediately, before anything worse occurs[end if]." The The
Last Man is in the ziploc bag. The ziploc bag is waterproof
and empty. It is openable, transparent, and closed.
The counter is a scenery supporter in the Kitchen. On the
counter is an espresso machine, a blender, and a mortar.
The blender and the mortar are containers. In the mortar is
a pestle. Understand "countertop" as the counter.
The counter is a supporter in the kitchen. It is scenery.
The kettle is a heatproof openable closed container on the
counter. Some water is in the kettle.
The crane is a person in the Garden. The height of the
crane is 4 feet 0 inches.
The creamy envelope is an openable container. The
description is "There is no return address on the outside
of the envelope, just the address of the Doctor's office --
but the legs of the capital A are rubbed down in a
characteristic way, and the top of every R is open. There's
no question that it comes from the same typewriter as the
blackmail note." In the envelope is a letter. The envelope
can be found or lost. The envelope is lost.
The current actor is a person which varies. The current
owner is a person which varies.
The current atmosphere is an atmosphere that varies.
The current horse is an animal that varies.
The current instruction name is some indexed text that
varies. The current instruction set is a list of stored
actions that varies.
The current instruction set is a list of stored actions
that varies.
The current room description style is a room description
style that varies.
The current round is a dance that varies.
The currently erased jotter is an object that varies.
The decanter is a fluid container on the bar. The fluid
capacity of the decanter is 32.0 fl oz. The creme de menthe
volume of the decanter is 20.0 fl oz.
The deck of cards is in the Empty Room. It is a closed
unopenable container. The description is "A standard poker
The deli queue is a list of objects that varies.
The description of the Endless Tower is "From up here the
Plain of the Skull seems only a small bald patch: the world
is round and most of it is covered with trees. Far off to
the southwest is a shimmering surface that might be water;
but there are no signs of cities or civilizations, only the
The description of the Spirit Room is "Despite its ghostly
name, this is little more than a closet down at the very
navel of the ship, in which alcohol is kept: both for
purifying wounds and for drinking. Under normal
circumstances there is a guard posted here at every hour,
lest anyone take to raiding the larder. The current absence
of the guard marine strikes you as a very bad sign indeed.
[paragraph break]The only way out is aft."
The description of the flashlight is "You bought a new one
just for this occasion, because you were worried about
bringing something too small or light. This is a heavy-duty
flashlight with an adjustable-focus beam. The case is made
of metal, rather than plastic, and there is a spare
light-bulb inside as well. You've put a band of masking
tape around the handle and written in your initials in red
The description of the map is "È is a province in the
People's Republic of China."
The desk is a flammable supporter in the Library. A drawer
is part of the desk. The drawer is a flammable closed
container. It is openable, lockable, and locked. The desk
is scenery.
The desk is scenery in the Volunteer Center. "Your standard
metal desk, with a drawer for postal supplies and the
like." On the desk is a pile of leaflets and a pile of
business cards. The power stapler is a device on the desk.
A drawer is part of the desk. It is openable and closed. In
the drawer are a sponge and a roll of bulk-mail stamps.
The digital recorder is a device. The description is "A
noise-activated recorder, which time-stamps each recording
segment. It has space for about 60 short recordings."
The discard pile is a closed unopenable container. The
description is "Cards in this game are discarded face-down,
so the discard pile is not very interesting to see. All you
can observe is that it currently contains [if the number of
cards which are in the discard pile is less than ten][the
number of cards which are in the discard pile in
words][otherwise]about [the rounded number of cards which
are in the discard pile in words][end if] card[s]."
The display table is a supporter in the Chamber. A twig of
rowan wood is on the table.
The doubles count is a number that varies.
The drawer is an openable closed container. It is part of
the counter.
The dreams is a subject. The description is "They're not
the kind of dream you want to have.' He closes his eyes and
contemplates these undesirable dreams. 'Have you ever woken
up convinced you were dead? No, probably not. Well... At
any rate, I need the [generator]. Oh, don't worry, they're
expensive but not so expensive that I won't be able to save
up for another, in a few months".
The easel is a supporter in the Studio. It is scenery. On
the easel is a painting. Understand "portrait" or "image"
as the painting.
The east-northeast is a direction. East-northeast has
opposite west-southwest. Understand "e-ne" or "ene" as
The east-southeast is a direction. East-southeast has
opposite west-northwest. Understand "e-se" or "ese" as
The elevator exterior is a backdrop. It is not scenery. The
initial appearance of the elevator exterior is "You can
enter the elevator here." It is in Generic Floor, Al
Mahara, the Lobby, Al Iwan, Juna Lounge, Sahn Eddar, Al
Falak, Assawan Spa, Presidential Suite, Royal Suite, and Al
The encyclopedia sales brochure is a thing. The description
is "A glossy flyer indicating that you can receive a free
Volume A-Aalto of the New Idahoan Encyclopedia Set if you
send back the business reply card, and then have the option
of purchasing the remaining volumes at a very very
reasonable price."
The espresso cake is an edible thing in the Parlor. The
price of the espresso cake is $5.50. The description is "A
lethal wedge of purest blackness."
The experiment module is a fact. The extent is 1116cm.
The extremely difficult door is north of the Standing Room
and south of the Room of Walking Upside Down. It is a
locked door.
The family circumstances is a fact. The secret identity is
a fact. The printed name of secret identity is "secret".
The felt door is west of the Pool Hall. The felt door is a
door. The felt door is open. The felt door is lockable and
unlocked. The key to the city unlocks the felt door. The
description of the felt door is "It has a prominent lock,
designed for an old-fashioned key."
The fire is a fixed in place thing in the beach. "A low
fire crackles here, left over from an attempt at s'mores
much earlier in the evening."
The fire rules is a rulebook.
The fixed cost is a monetary value that varies. The fixed
cost is $5.00.
The flaming torch is in the Sandy Passage. "Stuck loosely
into the sand is a flaming torch." The flaming torch is lit.
The flashlight is a light source. A D battery is a battery
carried by the player.
The flashlight is an electric lamp carried by the player.
The description is "A shiny red flashlight." The portable
radio is a device carried by the player. The description is
"A small battery-operated radio which you received for free
with your subscription to US News & World Report. It has
served you well through many earthquakes past."
The flask is a fluid container carried by the player. The
vodka volume of the flask is 4.0 fl oz.
The flat rock is a fixed in place thing in the Steep Hill.
The foosball game is scenery in the Lounge. Understand
"table" or "football" or "foozball" or "fussball" or
"soccer" as the foosball game. The game is a supporter. On
the game is a small white ball. The ball can be still,
approaching, receding, or unreachable. The description of
the ball is "Currently [small white ball condition]."
The fore is a direction. The fore has opposite aft.
Understand "f" as fore when the location is nautical.
The former location is a room that varies.
The frilly shirt is a shirt. The description of the frilly
shirt is "She insisted."
The frying pan is a heatproof unopenable open container on
the stove.
The fussy table is a supporter in the Dining Room. It is
scenery. The description is "It's hypochondriac: the result
of a sojourn in a superior antique shop, where it picked up
the scent of almond oil, words like provenance, and a
secretive shame about being resurfaced.
The giant lollipop is a fixed in place edible thing in
Candyland. "Growing right next to the path, on a trunk of
white paper, is a giant lollipop colored green and red and
white." The description of the lollipop is "If you were
very blind, like Aunt Myrtle, you might mistake it for a
young sapling just planted: the lollipop is just that leafy
shade of green, with swirls of white and red that might be
branches or flowers."
The gift is a subject. The description is "[The mental wave
generator] was a present from a girl named [Shari].
Actually I'm not sure she'd take to being called a girl".
The gigantic stone ball is a thing in the West Jungle. It
is pushable between rooms.
The glass bottle is a container.
The glass box is a container in the School for Gifted
Youngsters. It is closed, openable, and transparent. In the
box is a quantity of poisonous gas. In the box is a thing
called the message from Magneto.
The glass is a fluid container carried by the player. The
liquid of the glass is absinthe. The current volume of the
glass is 0.8 fl oz.
The glass is a fluid container carried by the player. The
liquid of the glass is milk. The current volume of the
glass is 0.8 fl oz.
The great outdoors is a region. The Martian Balcony is east
of the Inner Court. The Court and Balcony are in the great
outdoors. Inside from the Court is the Heavy Water Swimming
The great outdoors is a region. The Spanish Balcony is east
of the Inner Court. The Court and Balcony are in the great
outdoors. Inside from the Court is the Swimming Pool.
The green baize door is east of the Catalogue Room and west
of the Clerk's Office. The green baize door is an open door.
The grey telephone is a telephone in the Guard House.
Understand "6885" as the grey telephone. "Before you is a
grey telephone. In black marker someone has written on it:
The growth pill is a kind of thing. A growth pill is always
edible. The description is usually "It is leaf-green and
has a reassuring logo of a curling vine on the side.
Nothing to worry about, nothing at all." Two growth pills
are on the plate.
The half-size Bentley is a vehicle in the Gravel Circle."A
sort of child's-toy version of a Bentley is parked [if
something parkable is in the location]beside [the tallest
parkable thing in the location][otherwise]close at hand[end
if]." The description of the half-size Bentley is "Of
beautiful and unambiguously luxurious lines, but sized down
to hold only one or (at a stretch) two people, and powered
by electricity." The half-size Bentley stands 3 feet 6
The hambone is a food. The food effect of the hambone is
the heartiness rule. This is the heartiness rule: now the
player is strong. Instead of eating the hambone: say "You
cannot just eat a bone!"
The hand-ranking rules is a rulebook. The hand-ranking
rules have outcomes royal flush, straight flush, four of a
kind, full house, flush, straight, three of a kind, two
pairs, pair, high card.
The hangover cure is a thing in the Red Door Saloon. The
description of the hangover cure is "Two yellow egg-yolks
unbroken in a red-brown liquid. Yep."
The hard drive is a container. A program is a kind of
thing. 15 programs are in hard drive. A program has some
indexed text called the starter command. A program has a
list of stored actions called the script. Understand the
starter command property as describing a program.
The heavy iron grating is east of the Orchard and west of
the Undertomb. The grating is a door.
The heavy oak desk is a supporter in the stuffy office. It
is scenery. Understand "paperwork" as the desk.
The high shelf is a high-up fixture. The skylight window is
a high-up fixture. The high shelf is in the Lumber Room.
The skylight window is in the Lumber Room.
The high shelf is a raised supporter in the Nursery. It is
scenery. On the high shelf are a kiwi-green ball and a
stuffed dodo.
The holographic projector is a device in the Crew Lounge.
"The one major source of entertainment is the holographic
projector, a top of the line Misthon 9000, on which you
view every beam you can get." Understand "holo" or
"holograph" or "Misthon" or "9000" as the projector.
The hoodie is a jacket. "Your hoodie is balled up in the
corner." The description of the hoodie is "Both elbows are
stained from yesterday's entrenching project."
The horseshoe magnet is a magnet carried by the player. The
nail is a metal form carried by the player. The Barn is a
room. In the Barn is a bucket. In the bucket is a metal
form called the iron hook.
The hover-bubble is a vehicle in the Emerald City. "Your
hover-bubble awaits." The description is "The hover-bubble
is a clear globe-shaped vehicle capable of transporting you
anywhere you could walk, but faster." Understand "bubble"
as the hover-bubble. The hover-bubble contains a chocolate
wrapper and a parking ticket.
The hub-ward is a direction. The opposite of hub-ward is
axis-ward. Understand "hw" or "hubward" as hub-ward.
The ice chest is a closed openable container in the Deck.
"A very heavy ice chest sits on the ground." It is fixed in
place and pushable between rooms.
The ice chest is a closed openable container in the Deck.
"A very heavy ice chest sits on the ground." It is fixed in
place and pushable between rooms. A quantity of ice is in
the chest. The description is "Ready and waiting just in
case there's any fish needing to be kept cool."
The idol's eye is part of the idol. It is a container. The
description is "[if the diamond is in the idol's eye]It
gleams with purpose and righteous wrath[otherwise]A round
socket in the center of the idol's forehead from which
something seems to be missing[end if]."
The industrial-strength blower is a fixed in place device
in the Llama Pen. "Attached to the nearest wall, on its own
movable boom, is an industrial-strength blower for doing
llama hair."
The infant is a man in the basket. The description of the
infant is "So strong and fat that you wonder whether one of
your fellow gods is acquainted with the mistress of the
house-- but it's no concern of yours, of course."
The iron gate is northeast of Nancy Johnson Memorial
Square. The iron gate is a door. It is lockable and
The jigger is a fluid container carried by the player. The
fluid capacity of the jigger is 1.0 fl oz.
The king-size bed is an enterable supporter in the Resort.
The description is "200-thread-count Egyptian cotton
sheets, according to the website. You would make fun, only
they really are extraordinarily comfortable." The player is
on the bed. A Lindt chocolate is on the bed. It is edible.
The scent of the chocolate is "chocolate-hazelnut smell".
The ladder is a staircase. It is above the Barn and below
the Hayloft.
The ladder is a staircase. It is above the Woodshed and
below the Scary Loft.
The lake is a liquid source. It is in the Lakeside.
The large end of the telescope is a lense in the Ginger
Beer Factory. "There is a large glass lense propped
against the wall, in which are reflected all the contents
of the room." Understand "glass" or "lense" as the large
The last command is an indexed text that varies.
The last mentioned thing is a thing that varies.
The last object offered is a thing that varies.
The last person named is a person that varies. Before
printing the name of a person (called target): now the last
person named is the target. Group size is a number that
varies. Group size is 1.
The last thing named is a thing that varies. Before
printing the name of something (called target) which is not
a person: now the last thing named is the target.
The lexicon is a table name that varies. The lexicon is
Table 1.
The light fixture is an electric lamp in the Hallway. It is
switched on, lit, and scenery. The description is "A plain
globe of frosted glass containing the light bulb. Nothing
special, and you never think about it except when, as now,
you are forced to spend hours in this room."
The light is a fixed in place thing in the Lighthouse. "At
the center of the room is the light itself, a 1000-Watt
tungsten halogen light powered by diesel generator, and
having a visible range of twenty-six nautical miles."
Understand "lamp" as the light. It is lit. The light has a
a direction called heading. The heading of the light is
The light is a fixed in place thing in the Lighthouse. "At
the center of the room is the light itself, a 1000-Watt
tungsten halogen light powered by diesel generator, and
having a visible range of twenty-six nautical miles."
Understand "lamp" as the light. It is lit. The light has a
direction called heading. The heading of the light is north.
The light-meter is a privately-named scenery thing.
The liquid distribution rules is a rulebook.
The logistics module is a fact. The extent is 421cm.
The long couch is an enterable scenery supporter in the
living room. Instead of entering the long couch when the
radio was switched off, say "Better turn the radio on
before you get comfortable." Report entering the couch: say
"You settle yourself down to listen." instead. Instead of
listening when the radio is switched on, stop the action.
The low table is a table in the Pleasure Garden. The height
of the low table is 2 feet 3 inches. On the low table is a
metal rock called a gold nugget.
The low table is a table in the Pleasure Garden. The height
of the low table is 2 feet 3 inches. On the low table is a
yellow metal rock called a gold nugget. A willow is in the
Pleasure Garden. The height of the willow is 20 feet 2
The machine is a container in the Assembly Room. "On the
ballot machine is a sign which reads 'PUT BALLOTS IN ME
:)'." Understand "ballot machine" as the machine.
The machinist is a bored man. He is in the Garage. He is
wearing a grimy pair of overalls. He carries a wrench and a
screwdriver. The current occupation of the machinist is
"[The machinist] is making some adjustments to [the random
thing which is part of the Victorian Car] with his [random
thing carried by the machinist]"
The magician's booth is a container in Center Ring. "Off to
one side is a magician's booth, used in disappearing acts.
The exterior is covered with painted gilt stars." The booth
is enterable, open, not openable, and fixed in place.
The magician's booth is a door. "[if the player is in
Center Ring]A magician's booth stands in the corner,
painted dark blue with glittering gold stars.[otherwise if
the magician's booth is closed]A crack of light indicates
the way back out to the center ring.[otherwise]The door
stands open to the outside.[end if]".
The mail wall are fixed in place in the mailroom. "Before
you is a wall of mailboxes, including [a list of mailboxes
which are part of the mail wall]."
The manhole cover is a door. "[if location is
accessible]Under the cars in the middle of the street, you
can just make out the cover of the manhole you need to get
into.[otherwise]There's a promising manhole in the middle
of the street.[end if]". It is closed and openable. It is
below the Town Square and above the Access Tunnel.
The marble anteater is a fixed in place thing in the Lower
Terrace. The height of marble anteater is 6 feet 2
inches."A marble anteater stands on a pedestal at the top
of the hill. In the bright sunlight the white marble makes
a striking contrast with [the obelisk] in the distance."
The description is "The anteater is very much more than
The mare is a female animal in the Stables.
The marshmallow, the firework and the stink bomb are in the
Scout Hut. The list of prohibited items is a list of
objects that varies. The list of prohibited items is {the
firework, the stink bomb}.
The matching key of the case is a silver key. The silver
key is carried by Ogg.
The matching key of the case is a silver key. The silver
key is in a mesh basket. The mesh basket is closed,
transparent, and openable. It is in the Donut Shop.
The maximum load is a weight that varies. The maximum load
is 8000kg.
The maze-sequence is a list of stored actions that varies.
The mental wave generator is a subject. The description is
"They're kind of expensive but I can save up. I really need
one, though, because of my [dreams]".
The metal door is a door. "A frosty metallic door separates
[the location] from [the other side of the metal door]."
The metal door is lockable and unlocked. The key to the
city unlocks the metal door.
The metal plate is a fixed in place container. It is
openable and closed. In the metal plate is some water. The
description of the metal plate is "Stamped with the
distinctive logo of the previous mission."
The meteor is a backdrop. Instead of doing something to the
meteor, say "The meteor is no longer visible, now nothing
more than a memory."
The microwave is a device in the Kitchen.
The most-recently-taken list is a list of objects that
The motorcyclist is a man in the Dusty Lot. "A man clad in
[a list of things worn by the motorcyclist] leans against
his Harley and watches you without saying anything." The
Harley is scenery in the Lot. The motorcyclist wears a
black leather jacket and shades. Understand "man" or "guy"
as the motorcyclist.
The mural is fixed in place in Thirtieth Street. "At the
north side of the station is a particularly pointless and
empty annex to the main room. It is dominated by a huge
relief of sorts, and this is what you remember." Understand
"metal" or "relief" or "huge" as the mural. The description
of the mural is "It is both stylized and confusing, but you
think it might be supposed to represent the various tasks
and occupations of Philadelphia's population. The portions
closer to the ground look as though they have recently been
subjected to a light dusting of talcum powder. No unusual
prints are evident."
The murderer is a person that varies.
The mysterious box is in the Temporal Prism. It is an
openable closed container.
The nasty letter is a thing carried by the player. The
nasty letter suggests infidelity and penmanship. The
ten-pound note is carried by the player. It suggests money.
The newspaper man is a man in the Subway Station. "A
newspaper man in a knit cap and fingerless gloves is
hopping up and down behind his stand[if the turn count is
1]. Cold weather, caffeine overdose, or mental illness? You
may never know. Welcome to New York[end if]." The
description is "Eye contact with strangers is something to
avoid around here."
The north-northeast is a direction. North-northeast has
opposite south-southwest. Understand "n-ne" or "nne" as
The north-northwest is a direction. North-northwest has
opposite south-southeast. Understand "n-nw" or "nnw" as
The novice suggestion rules is a rulebook.
The number of takes this turn is a number that varies.
Every turn: now the number of takes this turn is 0.
The obelisk of black granite is a fixed in place thing in
the Upper Terrace."Now that you are at the foot of it, you
can properly appreciate the stupid immensity of the
obelisk, pointing stonily at heaven." The height of the
obelisk is 50 feet 0 inches. The description of the obelisk
is "It stands ridiculously tall, and has an inscription on
the face."
The observation rules is a rulebook.
The orbit height is a fact.
The parcel is a closed opaque container on the marble
table. The alarm clock is a device in the parcel. The alarm
clock is switched on.
The parser error flag is a truth state that varies. The
parser error flag is false.
The passerby is a woman in Riverside Drive. The passerby is
scenery. Understand "woman" or "lady" as the passerby. The
printed name of the passerby is "[one
of]woman[or]lady[purely at random]".
The pedestal is a quiet supporter in the Hexagonal Temple.
On the pedestal is an incense stick. The incense stick is
placed on the pedestal.
The peeled grape is a small thing in the Room of Mystery.
Instead of touching the peeled grape: say "Gosh, is that an
The pillow is a portable supporter. It is carried by the
The pistol is a thing in the Red Door Saloon. The
description of the pistol is "It ain't too accurate, but
for two dollars you can't expect much."
The pitcher is a fluid container in the Lakeside. The fluid
capacity of the pitcher is 32.0 fl oz. The current volume
of the pitcher is 20.0 fl oz. The liquid of the pitcher is
The pitcher is a fluid container in the Porch. The fluid
capacity of the pitcher is 32.0 fl oz. The current volume
of the pitcher is 20.0 fl oz. The liquid of the pitcher is
The pizza selection is a fixed in place thing on the buffet
table. Understand "slice" as the pizza selection. The
description is "They are all cheese-only, and all
The plain ring is here. "Cast aside, as if worthless, is a
plain brass ring."
The plate is a portable supporter. On the plate is a very
ripe ooze. Instead of smelling the ooze, say "It smells
like socks. This is going to be wonderful." The ooze is
edible. The printed name of the plate is "plate[if the
plate supports the ooze] of cheese[end if]". The
description of the ooze is "Definitely genuinely cheese."
Understand "cheese" as the ooze.
The player carries a glass bottle and a piece of paper. The
description of the paper is "A single blank sheet." In the
glass bottle is a grain of sand. The glass bottle is
openable and open. Instead of burning the glass bottle: say
"You hold the bottle to the flame, but it grows
uncomfortably warm."
The player carries a lockpick, a smoke bomb, a grappling
hook, and a pair of gloves. The description of the lockpick
is "Effective on most kinds of key locks, it is a gift from
your mentor in the discipline, old Wheezy." The description
of the smoke bomb is "Your last of these, so you should
rely on it only when other modes of escape have vanished.
It takes effect when dropped, producing a cloud of purple
haze sufficient to fill a medium-sized room." The
description of the grappling hook is "Good for shooting at
balconies and other sorts of overhang." The gloves are
wearable. The description of the gloves is "Black and
shiny, with gripping material on the palms. Batman would be
The player carries a tinderbox. The tinderbox contains a
flint, a steel, some tinder, and a patch of carbonized
cloth. The description of the flint is "A flat grey stone
with flaked edges." The description of the steel is "Curved
so that you can hold it over the knuckles of your right
hand and strike it against the flint. There is a knack to
it. Those without the knack end up with bloody knuckles and
no fire." The steel is wearable. The description of the
tinder is "Dried grass and similar." The description of the
cloth is "The little, precious, spark-preserving scraps
without which the fire would never begin."
The player carries an open openable player's holdall called
a frilly bag. The carrying capacity of the player is 2. The
player wears a sparkly scarf and a slinky dress. A strap is
part of the bag. The tent is a portable enterable container.
The player carries two s-matches. The matchbox is an open
openable container. It contains five s-matches. The player
carries the matchbox.
The player is carrying the deck of cards. The top hat is an
open container in the Empty Room. It is scenery.
The player is in a room called Beneath Roxane's Balcony.
Christian is a man in the Balcony. "Christian stands in a
spot of moonlight and tries to avoid too obviously glancing
at the shadows that conceal you." The description of
Christian is "Like you, Christian loves Roxane. Unlike you,
he is handsome enough to receive her favor in return. He is
the beauty to your brain."
The player wears a flashlight lanyard. The flashlight
lanyard is a device.
The player wears a silver uniform and rubber boots. The
player carries a shovel and an Analscope. The description
of the Analscope is "As you recall from Space Patrol #9 -
1952-11-29 - The Electronic Burglar, the Analscope is a
device for locating buried metals. That's what guided you
all the way from the orbit of Uranus. (Oh, all right,
Neptune.) If only you hadn't crashed!"
The player's forename is a text that varies.
The player's forename is an indexed text that varies.
The player's forename is an indexed text that varies. The
player's full name is an indexed text that varies.
The plural of mailbox is mailboxes. A mailbox is a kind of
container. The CEO box is a mailbox. The Hold box is a
mailbox. The Trash box is a mailbox. Understand "mailbox"
as a mailbox.
The plural of piece of candy is pieces of candy. A piece of
candy is a kind of thing. A piece of candy is always
edible. Four pieces of candy are in the Halloween bag.
The plural of potato is potatoes. A potato is a kind of
thing. A potato is edible.
The plural of toy is toys. A toy is a kind of thing. Some
toys are defined by the Table of Juggling Equipment.
The plural of zombie wolf is zombie wolves. A zombie wolf
is a kind of animal. Four zombie wolves are in Cleft.
The pointed door is north of the Musician's Gallery and
south of the Sinister Attic. It is a closed locked openable
door. "A pointed door of particularly grim and uninviting
aspect leads north." The pointed door is lockable and
unevenly shaped. The description of the pointed door is "A
door coming to a gothic point and fitted with iron fittings
of great strength. The handle looks particularly
well-attached." The iron key unlocks the pointed door.
The poison ivy is a food. "Poison ivy grows nearby." The
food effect of poison is the illness rule. This is the
illness rule: now the player is ill.
The poisonous apple is a thing.
The policeman is a man in Seventh Avenue. "A policeman with
a very guarded expression is watching you."
The polo shirt is a shirt. The description is "Turquoise
and bright yellow, the colors selected by your golfing
The port is a direction. The port has opposite starboard.
Understand "p" as port when the location is nautical.
The portal is a door. It is inside from the Wasteland and
outside from the Secure Zone. "[if the player is in the
Wasteland]To the west, a[otherwise]A[end if] portal in the
cinder-block and barbed wire wall leads[if the player is in
the Wasteland and the Zone is visited] back[end if] [if the
player is in the Wasteland]inside[otherwise]outside[end
The pot is scenery in the Ginger Beer Factory. The
description of the pot is "Cast iron." In the pot is a
bubbling brew.
The prevailing wind is a direction that varies.
The prevailing wind is a direction that varies. The
prevailing wind is northwest.
The prevailing wind is a direction that varies. The
prevailing wind is southwest.
The previous item is a thing that varies.
The previous subject is a subject that varies.
The purple rabbit is a privately-named thing.
The quarantine seal is a door. It is west of the Zocalo and
east of Medlab. Quarantine seal is locked.
The queue is a list of objects that varies.
The race car bed is an enterable supporter in Monica's
Bedroom. It is pushable between rooms.
The radio is a device in the living room. The radio is
switched off. "[if switched on]The radio burbles
on[otherwise]The radio is off[end if]." Check switching off
the radio when the player is on the long couch: say "You
can't reach the radio from here." instead.
The rake-thin model is a woman in the Studio. "A rake-thin
model, exquisitely bored and boringly exquisite, angles
herself indolently."
The raspberry tart is an edible thing in the Parlor. The
price of the tart is $4.50. The description is "An
almond-laced shell packed with raspberries-under-glaze."
The recently-collected list is a list of objects that
The receptacle is a container that varies.
The receptacle is an open container that varies.
The red block and the blue cylinder are things in the
Experimentation Chamber. The counter is a supporter in the
Experimentation Chamber. The counter is scenery.
The red button is a device. It is part of Robo. Instead of
pushing the red button: if the red button is switched off,
try switching on the red button; otherwise try switching
off the red button.
The red rock stair is east of the Orchard and above the
Undertomb. The stair is an open door. The stair is not
The refrigerator is a closed openable container in the
kitchen. It is scenery. Understand "fridge" as the
The refrigerator is a fixed in place container in the
The rock is a thing in Foothills. Before printing the name
of the rock when the rock is not handled: say
"innocent-looking ". The dramatic potential of the rock is
The rusty nail is a thing in Foothills.
The sack is a player's holdall. The sack is carried. Rule
for printing the name of the sack while the sack is not
carried: say "your abandoned sack".
The safe box is a container in the Chamber. It is fixed in
place. It is openable and closed.
The scar is a subject.
The scarlet macaw is an animal in the veranda. "A
vibrantly-colored [scarlet macaw] perches on the rail."
The scary troll is a man in Unimplemented Room.
The secret document is a privately-named thing in the
The security guard is a man in the Treasury. The
description is "His name is Shawn, and he doesn't look
The security readout is a device. The description of the
readout is "The screen is blank."
The shabby door is a door. It is outside from the Studio
Apartment and inside from the Rickety Stairwell. The shabby
door is locked.
The shadow is a privately-named thing on the desk.
The sheet of paper is a thing in High Street Stationer. The
writing is part of the sheet of paper.
The shelf is a scenery supporter in the Kitchen. On the
shelf is a can of beans, a can of potato leek soup, and a
tin of deflating powder.
The shopowner rules is a rulebook.
The shopper rules is a rulebook.
The sinister gentleman is a man in the Cave. "Leaning
against the wall is a sinister gentleman in a threadbare
waistcoat." The description is "He looks as though he might
once have been quite well off."
The sinister message is a thing in the Planetarium. "A
message is taped to the wall." The description is
The sinister message is a thing in the Planetarium. "A
message plays very softly, so that you would have to listen
to hear it." Instead of doing anything other than listening
to the message: say "It's only a sound, after all.".
Instead of listening to the sinister message: say "A voice
whispers, 'BEWARE'."
The sky is a backdrop. The sky is everywhere.
The sliding door is a door. It is axis-ward from Bridge and
hub-ward from C Deck. The initial appearance is "There is a
door in this wall[if closed] -- or at least, the potential
for a door, since currently it is sealed, distinguishable
from the rest of the wall only by the warning stripes on
its surface[end if]."
The sliding paper screen is a door. It is north of the Moss
Garden and south of the Study. The paper screen is fragile.
The small end of the telescope is a lense in the Storeroom.
"There is a small glass lense sitting on the floor. Due
to some curious effect of the optics, it appears to be
giving a view of somewhere else entirely." Understand
"glass" or "lense" as the small end. The description is "A
gleaming lense about the size of a pound coin."
The small measure is a fluid container carried by the
player. The fluid capacity of the small measure is 0.5 fl
The smart window is a device in Plaza View. It is fixed in
place. "A vast smart window [if transparent]overlooks the
park[otherwise]has turned to a sheet of hazy blue[end if]."
The smart window can be transparent. The smart window is
transparent. The description is "An electrochromic device
which changes shade and transparency in response to the
application of current.
The sodium lamp is an electric light in the Stooped
Corridor. "[if switched on]The sodium lamp squats on the
ground, burning away.[otherwise]The sodium lamp squats
heavily on the ground.[end if]". The description is "It is
a heavy-duty archaeologist's lamp, [if switched
off]currently off.[otherwise]blazing with brilliant yellow
light.[end if]"
The solar array is a fact. The surface is 375 sq m. The
extent is 58m.
The solar lamp is an electric light in Waning Moon Resort.
The description is "Specially designed to give light in a
spectrum resembling sunlight, to improve the mood and make
a person energetic." The lamp is switched on and lit.
The soundproof case is a transparent openable container in
the Sharper Image. It is closed and fixed in place.
The south-southeast is a direction. South-southeast has
opposite north-northwest. Understand "s-se" or "sse" as
The south-southwest is a direction. South-southwest has
opposite north-northeast. Understand "s-sw" or "ssw" as
The sparkling diamond is in the Sand-floored Chamber. The
sparkling diamond is room-placed in the Sand-floored
Chamber. The description is "It is a vast diamond; the
front is faceted, the back smoothed to fit in some sort of
The staircase is an open unopenable door. It is scenery. It
is below the Turret and above the Library. The description
is "A winding stair carved out of the single trunk of a
massive tree, all in a dark wood; the outside of the stairs
left unfinished with the bark still on, but the treads worn
smooth by long and constant use."
The stand is a supporter in the Station. The stand is
The starboard is a direction. The starboard has opposite
port. Understand "s" as starboard when the location is
The startlingly intricate door is a door. It is inside from
Incan Palace Compound and outside from the Treasure Room.
"A door carved all over with figures of ancient gods, and
protected by an assortment of gears and latches, [if
open]stands open[otherwise]blocks progress[end if] towards
[the other side of the intricate door]."
The status grid is a device carried by the player. The
status grid is switched on.
The step-ladder is an enterable supporter in the Nursery.
Understand "ladder" as the step-ladder.
The sticky mess is fixed in place. "There is a sticky mess
on the ground."
The story headline is "Pushing the Limits of Unicode in
IF". The story description is "This is a demanding test for
Unicode compliance by Z-machine interpreters."
The stove is a scenery supporter in the Kitchen. The oven
is part of the stove. The oven is a closed openable
The stove is scenery in the kitchen. It is a supporter. The
oven is a container. It is part of the stove. It is closed
and openable. The stove's switch is a device. It is
switched on. It is part of the stove. The oven's dial is a
device. It is switched off. It is part of the oven.
The strange dress is a wearable thing in the glass case.
The description is "Not the sort of dress that anyone wears
now: such elaboration would be ludicrous. It drips gold --
gilt lace, ruffles of trimmed gold, shimmering golden
tracery -- dulled here and there by the sinister black of
faceted jet."
The stream is a backdrop. It is in the Upper Cave and the
The stream is a backdrop. It is in the Upper Cave and the
Rock Pool.
The suitcase is an openable closed container in the Resort.
The sun is a backdrop. It is everywhere. The description is
"Currently out of sight."
The sun is a view. It is everywhere. The description is "A
blazing sun makes you wish you had never been born."
The syllabub is an edible thing in the Parlor. The price of
the syllabub is $4.25. The description is "Whipped cream,
alcohol, and lime juice, a substance without any redeeming
food value whatever."
The table is a supporter in the Ship Inn. On the table is a
mysterious pie. The description of the pie is "Your
waitress told you it was the specialty of the day, Steak
and Owl Pie. [2 as a footnote]." The pie is edible.
The table is scenery in the Studio. On the table is a vase.
The vase is an open container. It is not openable.
The table is scenery in the dining hall. The table is a
The taco shell is an edible thing in the Fundraiser. It is
a portable container. It has carrying capacity 1.
The tally is a list of stored actions that varies.
The target score is a number variable. The target score is
The teddy bear is a closed thing in the Safehouse. The
description is "Fluffy[if the head is part of the bear],
with an outsized head[otherwise], but headless[end if]."
The head is a closed part of the teddy bear. In the bear is
a large wad of stuffing. In the head are a small wad of
stuffing and a packet of smuggled diamonds.
The temporal vortex is an open door. It is west of
Yesterday and east of Today.
The temporal vortex is an open door. It is west of
Yesterday and east of Today. "A whirling temporal vortex
leads [if the player is in
Yesterday]west[otherwise]east[end if]."
The ticket machine is a container in the Subway Station. It
is fixed in place. The description of the ticket machine is
"An LED screen on the front instructs you to insert
[remaining ticket total] to complete your purchase. You
also notice that the NO CHANGE light is lit up." The light
is part of the ticket machine. The printed name of the
light is "no change light". Understand "no change" or "no
change light" as the light.
The tip of [the obelisk] is the only thing you can make out
from this depression, off to the southeast.". North of the
Ha-ha is the Sheep Field. In the Sheep Field is an animal
called a black sheep. The black sheep stands 4 feet 3
inches."A black sheep grazes placidly nearby." The
description of the black sheep is "It reminds you of your
Uncle Tim."
The tomb is scenery in the Crypt. The tomb is openable and
closed. The silver dagger is a thing in the tomb.
Understand "tombs" as the tomb. The description of the
silver dagger is "Gleaming in a soft light all its own. Its
blade is figured with running deer and its hilt is made of
horn." The wight requires the silver dagger. The tomb
requires the pry bar.
The top drawer is a drawer. The middle drawer is a drawer.
The bottom drawer is a drawer. The top drawer, the middle
drawer, and the bottom drawer are part of the desk. A
drawer can be explored or unexplored. A drawer is usually
unexplored. Instead of searching a closed drawer, try
opening the noun.
The torch is a flammable flaming thing carried by the
player. It has endurance 60. The asbestos sack is a
flame-retardant player's holdall in the drawer.
The tourist is a woman in the customs house. The
description is "The type who walks off home with a dozen
contraband items in her pocket not because she means to
steal things but because she's too stupid to understand
that the law applies to herself." She wears a tight-fitting
dress. The dress is large. The tourist carries a grapevine
and an archaeological artifact. The grapevine is large and
contraband. The artifact is contraband.
The traffic is a backdrop. It is not scenery. The initial
appearance is "Dense traffic snarls the streets, making it
difficult to cross even with the lights. Men on motorbikes
edge between the cars, and sometimes pull up onto the
sidewalks to go around." The description is "It is more or
less as usual for this time of day. It's a wonder it ever
dissipates, really."
The transporter pad is an enterable supporter in the
Transporter Room. "The transporter pad in the middle of the
floor is currently dull blue: powered but unoccupied."
The trapdoor is up of the Library and east of the Plaza.
The trapdoor is a door. It is flammable, closed, lockable,
and locked. "A trapdoor in the ceiling is your only hope of
escape[if flaming]. Fortunately, it is rapidly burning
through[end if]." The trapdoor has endurance 15.
The troll is a man in the cave.
The trolley is an enterable fixed in place container. "The
'train' on which you arrived is really just a single car,
more like a trolley than a proper train." Understand "car"
or "train" as the trolley. The description is "It has a
glass front, so you can see ahead while riding: an
innovation among trains."
The trousers and the shirt are wearable things. The pack is
a container. The pack contains ale, food, and skirt. A
distraction is a kind of thing. The ale, the food, the pair
of trousers, and the shirt are distractions. The
description of a distraction is usually "[The item
described] is not the point of this story." The shirt and
the trousers are wearable. The description of the trousers
is "Borrowed from your oldest brother, who is only a year
younger than you. They are too long for your legs and
overly snug at the hip, but no one around here pays much
attention to fashion, and you're getting away with it, more
or less." After examining the trousers, increment the clue
count of Beauty.
The tunic is a shirt.
The turn card image is a figure name that varies.
The turnstile is south of the Subway Station. "A turnstile
is all that separates you from the subway platform stairs."
The turnstile is north of the Platform. The turnstile is a
door. Before going down in the presence of the turnstile,
try going south instead. The turnstile is openable. The
turnstile is open.
The ungraspable concept is a privately-named thing in the
Dining Room.
The unit cost is a monetary value that varies. The unit
cost is $10.66.
The untidy bed is scenery in the Shack. Mother is a woman
on the untidy bed. The description of mother is "She is
wasting away of a slow disease, her skin stretched tautly
over bone. She hasn't been the same since your father
left." On the bed is a folded letter.
The upper drawer, the middle drawer and the lower drawer
are parts of the desk. The upper drawer, the middle drawer
and the lower drawer are openable closed containers. In the
middle drawer is a sugared almond. In the lower drawer is a
Battenburg cake. On the desk is a liquorice twist.
The vacuum thermos is an opaque closed openable container
carried by the player. In the vacuum thermos is a frosty
thing called an ice cube.
The vanilla ice cream is an edible thing in the Parlor. The
price of the ice cream is $2.45. The description is "In the
scale of ice creams, you recognize this as a very inferior
vanilla because it has no adjectives in the title."
The video camera is a thing carried by the player.
The view of the Malaspina glacier is a backdrop. It is
everywhere. The description is "The Malaspina glacier
covers much of the nearby slope, and -- beyond it -- an
area as large as Rhode Island."
The view of the Malaspina glacier is a backdrop. It is
everywhere. The description is "The Malaspina glacier
covers much of the nearby slope, and -- beyond it -- an
area as large as Rhode Island." Understand "view of the
surrounding bay" or "surrounding bay" as the view.
The virtual-context is a truth state that varies. The
virtual-context is false.
The well bottom is a container.
The west-northwest is a direction. West-northwest has
opposite east-southeast. Understand "w-nw" or "wnw" as
The west-southwest is a direction. West-southwest has
opposite east-northeast. Understand "w-sw" or "wsw" as
The widescreen TV is a television in the Office. The
fifties TV is a television in the Office.
The widescreen TV is a television in the Office. The
fifties TV is a television in the Office. The widescreen TV
is 16:9. The fifties TV is 4:3.
The wight is a man in the Crypt. "[The wight] lurks near
the south exit." The description of wight is "Old English
[italic type]wiht[roman type]: a thing, a creature. It is
little more than the memory of a life ill-lived, but it
lingers here." Understand "wiht" or "creature" or "ghost"
as the wight.
The wind chimes are fixed in place in Thirtieth Street.
"Carefully attached to the wall with a piece of duct tape
and a hook is a light-weight set of wind chimes. Someone
else has been here before you, it seems." The description
is "Several of your friends use wind chimes as a sort of
ghost alarm, since ghosts sometimes cause very localized
movements of air when there is no natural breeze."
The window is a backdrop. It is in the Street and the Shop.
The window can be openable. The window can be open. The
window is openable and closed. Instead of searching the
window in the Street: try examining the shop. Instead of
searching the window in the Shop: try examining the street.
The wine cask is a container. The printed name of the cask
is "[if open]broached, empty cask[otherwise if
transparent]sealed cask half-full of sloshing
wine[otherwise]sealed wine cask".
The wine cask is a container. The printed name of the cask
is "[if open]broached, empty cask[otherwise]sealed wine
The wood platform is an ordinary platform in the Temple.
The player is on the wood platform. The player carries a
rope, an Ancient Cambodian/English Phrasebook, a pickaxe,
and a precious idol. The idol and the pickaxe are heavy.
The wood-slatted crate is in the Gazebo. The crate is a
The wooden box is on the steel tables. It is openable and
closed. The description is "A large wooden box with a lid,
used for ingredient storage. There is a label on the lid."
The wooden chest is a unevenly shaped closed openable
container in the Chasm. The description of the wooden chest
is "A handsome, solid case not long committed to its dank
enclosure, or it would long since have rotted." Rule for
printing the name of the wooden chest when the chest is not
handled: say "deadweight". Understand "dead" or "weight" or
"deadweight" as the chest. Before pulling the wooden chest:
now the chest is handled.
The worldview is a privately-named backdrop. It is
everywhere. The spirit-world is a privately-named
transparent closed unopenable container. It is part of the
The yellow jersey is a jersey. The year established of the
yellow jersey is 1919. The citation of the yellow jersey is
"race leader". The polkadot jersey...
The young lady is a bemused woman. She is wearing a sober
grey gown and a pair of black boots. The current occupation
of the young lady is "[The young lady] is running a gloved
finger along the chassis of [the victorian car]"
There is a Spanish omelet. The description of the Spanish
omelet is "Exquisitely prepared."
There is a can of fish food. Understand "canister" as the
can. The description is "A vehemently orange canister of
fish food." The fish food can be found or hidden. The fish
food is hidden.
There is a door in the Summerhouse.
There is a feather in the East Jungle.
There is a man called Bond.
There is a marble. The marble can be found or lost. The
marble is lost.
There is a mysterious thing. The description is "A very
familiar-looking hemispherical weight of metal, goldish in
tone though perhaps not made of gold. This one has a
slight stickiness about the bottom surface."
There is a piece of red cellophane attached to the business
end of the flashlight to keep it from being overly bright."
There is a red pen.
There is a tense silence."
There is a thing called a salmon. Understand "fish" as the
salmon. The salmon can be scaly or prepared. The salmon is
scaly. The description is "[if scaly]It looks delicious,
but is still covered with scales[otherwise]The salmon has
been scaled and is ready to eat[end if]."
There is a xylose sample. The xylan sample is a thing in
Plant Cell Wall. The description of the xylan is "A
polysaccharide. Totally useless. If only you had some
xylose, instead!" The description of the xylose is
There is an endless sense of
There is an imaginary cuboid.
There is an unknown fish in the Wharf. The unknown fish has
some indexed text called supposed name. The description of
the unknown fish is "The victim of heavy mutagens, this
thing is not really recognizable as any species you know.".
Thirtieth Street Station is a room. "A huge, high,
rectangular room with coffered ceilings, which looks grand
but mostly makes you feel lonely and small. There are long
benches in rows down the middle of the room, and an
information desk with the train times, and a series of
ticket windows, none of which matters very much at the
This is a dead end, where crags in the uneven rock are
caught by the blazing flame you hold aloft. Despite a faint
whispering of running water there is no sign of the stream.
This is a modest extension, with much to be modest about.
It allows us to use a new action for ducking, as in ducking
the player's head (not as in ducking a witch). Ducking will
do nothing unless rules are added:
Thor is a stove in the Industrial Kitchen. It supports a
boiling pot.
Tijuana is a room.
Tim is a man in the Casino. The description is "You don't
know Tim well. Kind of wall-flowerish. The only thing that
seems to excite him is craps."
Tina is a woman in the Farewell Bend Cafe. The conversation
of Tina is the Table of Tina's Chatter. "Tina the waitress
is slowly pouring coffee from the pot with a black neck
into the pot with an orange neck."
Tint is a kind of value. The tints are green, aquamarine
and darkish purple.
Tiny Room is a dark room. Absurdly Long-Named Room is a
dark room. It is west of Tiny Room.
To your right is a silent, but not unappealing, young man.".
Todal is an animal in the Zig-Zag Hallway.
Tone is a kind of value. The tones are effusive,
affectionate, polite, curt, and flamingly rude.
Tossing is an action applying to nothing.
Toxicity is a kind of value. The toxicities are safe and
poisonous. A piece of candy has a toxicity. A piece of
candy is usually safe.
Trafalgar Square is a road. "The Square is overlooked by a
pillared statue of Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson (no
relation), naval hero and convenience to pigeons since
Train Stop is a recurring scene. Train Wait is a recurring
Train Stop is a scene.
Train Stop is a scene. Train Stop begins when the player is
in the Station for the third turn. Train Stop ends when the
time since Train Stop began is 3 minutes.
Trimming it by is an action applying to one thing and one
Tripping is an action applying to nothing.
Turnwise is a direction. The opposite of turnwise is
UNCLE Headquarters is a room. "The steel nerve-center of
the free world's battle against the Technological Hierarchy
for the Removal of Undesirables and the Subjugation of
Humanity. Being against technology, we have only a very
simple elevator to the east."
Uncorking is an action applying to one thing.
Understand "[text]" as a mistake ("'[the topic understood]'
is something I really wish you wouldn't say.") when the
topic understood is a topic listed in table 1.
Understand "about" as asking for information. Asking for
information is an action out of world.
Understand "admire [someone]" as admiring. Admiring is an
action applying to one thing.
Understand "announce [someone]" as announcing. Announcing
is an action applying to one visible thing.
Understand "ask [someone] about [any known thing]" as
interrogating it about. interrogating it about is an action
applying to two visible things.
Understand "ask about [any subject]" as inquiring about. A
subject is a kind of thing. The skintight catsuit is a
subject. Inquiring about is an action applying to one
visible thing.
Understand "blow out [something]" as blowing out.
Understand "blow [something] out" as blowing out. Blowing
out is an action applying to one thing.
Understand "blow out [something]" or "blow [something]" or
"extinguish [something]" as blowing out. Blowing out is an
action applying to one thing.
Understand "blow out [something]" or "extinguish
[something]" or "put out [something]" as blowing out.
Understand the command "snuff" as "extinguish". Blowing out
is an action applying to one thing.
Understand "burn [something] with [strikable-match]" as
burning it with. Understand "burn [something] with
[something preferably held]" as burning it with. Burning it
with is an action applying to one thing and one carried
Understand "call [text]" as misdialling. Misdialling is an
action applying to one topic. Carry out misdialling: say
"The phone rings and rings but no one answers."
Understand "cause chaos" as causing chaos. Causing chaos is
an action applying to nothing.
Understand "celebrate [someone]" as celebrating.
Celebrating is an action applying to one visible thing.
Understand "combine [something] with [something]" as
combining it with. Combining it with is an action applying
to two carried things. Understand the command "connect" as
Understand "commend [someone] to [someone]" as commending
it to. Commending it to is an action applying to two
visible things.
Understand "cut [something] in half" as halving. Halving is
an action applying to one thing.
Understand "debug sorting" as debugging hand sorting.
Debugging hand sorting is an action out of world.
Understand "delete [any program]" as deleting. Deleting is
an action applying to one visible thing. Understand the
command "erase" as "delete".
Understand "describe [any program]" or "list [any program]"
as requesting script of. Requesting script of is an action
applying to one visible thing.
Understand "dig" or "dig hole/here" or "dig in
ground/dirt/earth" as digging. Digging is an action
applying to one thing.
Understand "discard [card]" as discarding. Discarding is an
action applying to one thing.
Understand "distract [someone] from [someone]" as
distracting it from. Distracting it from is an action
applying to two visible things.
Understand "divorce [someone] from [someone]" as divorcing
it from. Divorcing it from is an action applying to two
visible things.
Understand "draw attention to [someone]" as drawing
attention to. Drawing attention to is an action applying to
one visible thing.
Understand "draw the attention of [someone] to [someone]"
as drawing the attention of it to. Drawing the attention of
it to is an action applying to two visible things.
Understand "draw" or "draw card" or "draw a card" as
drawing. Drawing is an action applying to nothing. The
drawing action has an object called the card drawn.
Understand "duplicate [something]" as duplicating.
Duplicating is an action applying to one visible thing.
Understand "embitter [someone] toward [someone]" as
embittering it toward. Embittering it toward is an action
applying to two visible things.
Understand "enchant [something]" as enchanting. Enchanting
is an action applying to one thing.
Understand "erase [something preferably held]" as erasing.
Erasing is an action applying to one carried thing.
Understand "examine [any room]" as looking toward. Looking
toward is an action applying to one visible thing. Carry
out looking toward a room: say "In that direction you see
[a list of other people in the noun]."
Understand "examine [things inside] in/on [something]" or
"look at [things inside] in/on [something]" as
multiply-examining it from. Multiply-examining it from is
an action applying to two things.
Understand "examine [things]" or "look at [things]" as
multiply-examining. Multiply-examining is an action
applying to one thing.
Understand "flatter [someone]" as flattering. Flattering is
an action applying to one thing.
Understand "force hand" as forcing a hand. Forcing a hand
is an action out of world.
Understand "full score" or "full" as requesting the
complete score. Requesting the complete score is an action
out of world.
Understand "give [things preferably held] to [someone]" as
multiply-giving it to. Understand "give [things] to
[someone]" as multiply-giving it to. Multiply-giving it to
is an action applying to two things.
Understand "go to [any room]" as joining. Joining is an
action applying to one visible thing. Carry out joining:
move player to the noun. Report joining: do nothing.
Understand "help [help-topic]" as asking for help about.
Asking for help about is an action out of world, applying
to one help-topic.
Understand "help" as summoning help. Summoning help is an
action applying to nothing.
Understand "help" or "hint" or "hints" or "instructions" or
"info" or "about" as asking for help. Asking for help is an
action out of world. Carry out asking for help: say "The
following commands are understood, in addition to the
Understand "highlighting [setting]" as setting
highlighting. Setting highlighting is an action out of
world, applying to one setting.
Understand "hold up [something preferably held]" or "hold
[something preferably held] up" as holding aloft. Holding
aloft is an action applying to one carried thing. Report
holding aloft: say "You hold [the noun] aloft."
Understand "home" as homing. Homing is an action applying
to nothing.
Understand "hydrolyze [something]" as hydrolyzing.
Hydrolyzing is an action applying to one thing.
Understand "infatuate [someone] with [someone]" as
infatuating it with. Infatuating it with is an action
applying to two visible things.
Understand "introduce [someone] to [someone]" as
introducing it to. Introducing it to is an action applying
to two visible things.
Understand "inventory [inventory listing style]" as
requesting styled inventory. Requesting styled inventory is
an action applying to an inventory listing style. It is an
action out of world.
Understand "learn [text]" as learning. Learning is an
action applying to one topic.
Understand "let go of [something]" or "let [something] go"
or "release [something]" or "free [something]" as
releasing. Releasing is an action applying to one thing.
Understand "list programs" as requesting program list.
Requesting program list is an action applying to nothing.
Understand "loathe [someone]" as loathing. Loathing is an
action applying to one thing.
Understand "lock [something]" as locking keylessly. Locking
keylessly is an action applying to one thing.
Understand "make [someone] adopt [someone]" as forcing it
to adopt. Forcing it to adopt is an action applying to two
visible things.
Understand "make [someone] disown [someone]" as forcing it
to disown. Forcing it to disown is an action applying to
two visible things.
Understand "marry [someone] to [someone]" as uniting it in
matrimony with. Uniting it in matrimony with is an action
applying to two visible things.
Understand "ostracise [someone]" as ostracising.
Ostracising is an action applying to one visible thing.
Understand "outshine [someone]" as outshining. Outshining
is an action applying to one visible thing.
Understand "paint [something] [colour]" as painting it.
Painting it is an action applying to one thing and one
colour. Check painting it: if the noun is not a block, say
"Paints are only for blocks." instead. Carry out painting
it: now the colour of the noun is the colour understood.
Report painting it: say "The block is now [the colour of
the noun]."
Understand "photograph [something] with [camera]" as
photographing. Understand "photograph [something] with
[something preferably held]" as photographing.
Photographing is an action applying to one visible thing
and one carried thing, requiring light.
Understand "pick [time]" or "choose [time]" or "make
appointment for [time]" or "make an appointment for [time]"
as making an appointment for. Making an appointment for is
an action applying to one time.
Understand "push [number]" as pressing button. Understand
"push [number] button" as pressing button. Understand "push
button [number]" as pressing button. Pressing button is an
action applying to one number.
Understand "push [something] to [something]" as pushing it
over to. Pushing it over to is an action applying to two
Understand "read [named page] in/from/of [something]" or
"read the [named page] in/from/of [something]" as reading
it relatively in. Reading it relatively in is an action
applying to one named page and one thing, requiring light.
Understand "read [number] in/from/of [something]" or "read
page [number] in/from/of [something]" or "look up page
[number] in/from/of [something]" or "consult page [number]
in/from/of [something]" as reading it in. Reading it in is
an action applying to one number and one thing, requiring
Understand "read [something]" or "consult [something]" or
"read in/from [something]" as reading. Reading is an action
applying to one thing, requiring light.
Understand "relieve chaos" as relieving chaos. Relieving
chaos is an action applying to nothing.
Understand "report [something]" as reporting. Reporting is
an action applying to one thing.
Understand "retreat" or "parry" as retreating. Retreating
is an action applying to nothing.
Understand "run [any program]" as running. Running is an
action applying to one visible thing.
Understand "set [camera] to [a mode]" as tuning it to.
Tuning it to is an action applying to one thing and one
Understand "set [clock] to [time]" as setting it by time.
Setting it by time is an action applying to one thing and
one time.
Understand "set [something] to [a number]" as setting it
numerically to. Setting it numerically to is an action
applying to one thing and one number.
Understand "set price to [monetary value]" as setting price
to. Setting price to is an action applying to one monetary
Understand "sew [something] to [something]" as affixing it
to. Affixing it to is an action applying to two things.
Carry out affixing something to something: now the noun is
part of the second noun. Report affixing something to
something: assign identities; say "You sew [the noun] on,
creating [a second noun]." Understand the command "stitch"
as "sew".
Understand "shuffle" as shuffling. Shuffling is an action
applying to nothing.
Understand "sit" as sitting down. Sitting down is an action
applying to nothing. Check sitting down: if the player is
spherical, say "You are already seated." Carry out sitting
down: now the player is spherical. Report sitting down: say
"You sit, ready to slide wherever fate takes you."
Understand "slander [someone]" as slandering to. Slandering
to is an action applying to one visible thing.
Understand "sneeze on [something]" as sneezing on. Sneezing
on is an action applying to one thing.
Understand "stand" or "stand up" as standing up. Standing
up is an action applying to nothing. Check standing up: if
the player is lumpy, say "You are already standing." Carry
out standing up: now the player is lumpy. Report standing
up: say "You get to your feet."
Understand "stop" as stopping. Stopping is an action
applying to nothing.
Understand "stop" or "cease" as stopping. Stopping is an
action applying to nothing. Carry out stopping: now the
destination of the player is blank. Report stopping: say
"You stop in your tracks."
Understand "strike [strikable-match]" as striking. Striking
is an action applying to one carried thing.
Understand "take shower" or "take bath" or "bathe" or
"wash" as bathing. Bathing is an action applying to nothing.
Understand "talk about [any subject]" as talking about.
Talking about is an action applying to one visible thing.
Understand "talk about [any thing]" or "discuss [any
thing]" as discussing. Discussing is an action applying to
one visible thing.
Understand "talk about [text]" as talking randomly about.
Talking randomly about is an action applying to one topic.
Carry out talking randomly about: say "Mostly you're
interested in [the list of subjects]."
Understand "talk to [someone]" as talking to. Understand
"talk to [something]" as talking to. Talking to is an
action applying to one visible thing.
Understand "thrust" or "advance" as advancing. Advancing is
an action applying to nothing.
Understand "traduce [someone] to [someone]" as traducing it
to. Traducing it to is an action applying to two visible
Understand "turn [something] [a direction]" as reorienting
it to. Reorienting it to is an action applying to one thing
and one visible thing.
Understand "turn [something] [a direction]" as reorienting
it to. Reorienting it to is an action applying to two
Understand "unflatter [someone]" as unflattering. [Okay,
okay, but it's four am.] Unflattering is an action applying
to one thing.
Understand "unlock [something]" as unlocking keylessly.
Unlocking keylessly is an action applying to one thing.
Understand "use [difficulty] puzzles" as selecting
difficulty. Selecting difficulty is an action out of world,
applying to one difficulty.
Understand "use [something]" as using. Using is an action
applying to one thing. Carry out using: say "You will have
to be more specific about your intentions."
Understand "write [text] in [something preferably held]" as
writing it in. Understand "write [text]" as writing it in.
Writing it in is an action applying to a topic and one
thing. Rule for supplying a missing second noun while
writing: if a jotter (called the pad) is carried, now the
second noun is the pad; otherwise say "You will have to
specify what to write that it."
Understand "write in [something preferably held]" as
writing in. Writing in is an action applying to one thing.
Understand "zap [something]" as zapping. Zapping is an
action applying to one thing. The Zapping action has a list
of things called the remnants.
Understand the command "read" as something new. Understand
"read [something]" as reading. Reading is an action
applying to one thing, requiring light. Check reading: if
the printing of the noun is "blank", say "Nothing is
written on [the noun]." instead. Carry out reading: say
"You read: [printing of the noun][line break]". Report
reading: do nothing.
Unimplemented Room is a room. "Room description goes
Universal opening is an action applying to nothing.
Unthinkable Solutions is a room. Sophie, Daisy, Ryan and
Owen are in Unthinkable Solutions.
Untying it from is an action applying to two things.
Utensil is a kind of thing. The knife, the fork and the
spoon are utensils. Before listing contents: group utensils
together as "utensils".
Utensil is a kind of thing. The knife, the fork and the
spoon are utensils. Before listing contents: group utensils
together giving articles.
Utensil is a kind of thing. The knife, the fork and the
spoon are utensils. Before listing contents: group utensils
Vanessa is a woman in Cold Comfort. Vanessa owns Cold
Village Exploration is a scene. Village Exploration begins
when Brief Encounter ends.
WXPQ Studio is a room. "After about 2 AM, no one is
listening anyway, so you can more or less make up whatever
you like to fill the airwaves."
Waiting Suite is a room. "You find yourself in a narrow
room, more cozy than is really comfortable, with dark
paneling on all the walls. Underfoot is a thick carpet the
color of dried blood. The head of a dragon kit is mounted
on the wall."
Waiting more is an action applying to one number.
Warning about failure of something is an activity.
Washing is an action applying to one thing. Understand
"clean [something]" or "wet [something]" or "wash
[something]" as washing.
Waterfront is a region. Thames Street before Fort Carlisle,
Thames Street by the King's House, Thames Street at the
Wherry Bridge, Water Lane, Fishmarket, Fisher's Row, and
Thames Street End are in Waterfront.
Waving it at is an action applying to one carried thing and
one visible thing.
Weight is a kind of value. 1kg specifies a weight.
Weight is a kind of value. 1kg specifies a weight. Every
thing has a weight.
Weight is a kind of value. The weights are light,
manageable, and horribly heavy. Everything has a weight.
West of the Daunting Dungeon is the Disturbing Door. The
Disturbing Door is a door. West of the Disturbing Door is
the Fallow Field.
Wharf is a room.
Whistling is an action applying to nothing.
Whole Foods is a room.
Widdershins is a direction. The opposite of widdershins is
Wide Open Field is a room. "A big field under a big sky.
The clouds are puffy, the trees are handsome."
Widget Stand is a room.
William Clark is a man in the Trading Post. He carries
leather slippers, a journal, and a loaf of bread. The bread
is edible. The slippers are wearable.
Wilma, Betty, and Frederica are women in the Eight-Walled
Chamber. Understand "lady" or "woman" as a woman. A nose is
a kind of thing. A nose is part of every person.
Winding Street is a room. Winding Street is west of Duck
Pond. Sloping Street is north of Winding Street, northwest
of Duck Pond, west of Stately Lawn, and southwest of
Stately Home. Stately Lawn is north of Duck Pond. Stately
Home is north of Stately Lawn.
Wolf Pursuit is a scene. Wolf Pursuit begins when play
Work duration is a number that varies.
Workshop is a room.
Writing a distant paragraph about something is an activity.
Your Bedroom is a room. The bedroom window is a door. It is
west of Your Bedroom and east of the Grassy Slope.
Your Bedroom is a room. The printed name of Your Bedroom is
"[player's forename]'s Bedroom".
Zeta Proximan Dig Field is a room. "During the day, the
field is massed with sweating native workers, overseers,
and officials from central command. Now the spades,
trowels, brushes, metal detectors, ground probes, plumb
lines, and sighting tripods have been laid aside.
ant-paranoia is a number that varies.
by the banquet table is a room. at the corner is a room.
next to the doorway is a room. by the window is a room.
is San Seriffe. East of San Seriffe is a dark room.
let KE be given by KE = mv^2/2 where KE is an energy;
lipstick-smudges is a fact.
penny-wears-coral is a fact.
where F is a force, m is a mass, a is an acceleration.
where F is a force, m is a mass.
where P is a monetary value, F is the fixed cost, C is the
unit cost, V is a monetary value, and n is a number.
where g is the acceleration due to gravity, v is a
velocity, and t is an elapsed time.
where m is a mass, h is a length, v is a velocity, and g is
the acceleration due to gravity.
whether or not 20 is an odd number
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