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Last active May 15, 2023 22:49
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Fully typesafe and secure way to access properties in an object using string paths
/** @author Vinzent Zeband - you will need (./types imports)
* */
import type { RecursiveRecord, SplitToTuple, SplitToUnion } from './types';
// <==================================>
// <==================================>
/** Non-specific property key that can be used to represent a path segment. */
export type GenericPathSegment = string | number;
/** Equivalent to union with `GenericPathSegment`, but undefinable. */
type _OptPathSeg = GenericPathSegment | undefined;
// prettier-ignore
/** Object of which all keys are `GenericPathSegment`s. */
export type TraversableObject<TValues = unknown> =
RecursiveRecord<GenericPathSegment, TValues>;
/** Returns the values used in `TObject` if it is a `TraversableObject`. */
export type InferTraversableValues<TObject extends object> =
TObject extends TraversableObject<infer TValues> ? TValues : any;
export type DefaultPathDelimiter = '.';
/** Concatenates `TSegment` and `TAppend` if defined using `TDelimiter`. */
export type PathConcat<
TSegment extends _OptPathSeg,
TAppend extends _OptPathSeg,
TDelimiter extends string = DefaultPathDelimiter
> = TSegment extends undefined
? TAppend extends undefined
? never
: `${TAppend}`
: TAppend extends undefined
? `${TSegment}`
: `${TSegment}${TDelimiter}${TAppend}`;
/** Union of possible paths to all valid leaves in `TObject`, using `TDelimiter`. */
export type ObjectPath<
TObject extends TraversableObject<TValues>,
TDelimiter extends string = DefaultPathDelimiter,
TLeavesOnly extends boolean = true,
TValues = InferTraversableValues<TObject>
> = _ObjectPath<TObject, TDelimiter, undefined, TLeavesOnly, TValues>;
/** ObjectPath that only allows for leaves to be referenced. */
export type LeafObjectPath<
TObject extends TraversableObject<TValues>,
TDelimiter extends string = DefaultPathDelimiter,
TValues = InferTraversableValues<TObject>
> = ObjectPath<TObject, TDelimiter, true, TValues>;
/** ObjectPath that also allows for non-leaves to be referenced. */
export type AnyObjectPath<
TObject extends TraversableObject<TValues>,
TDelimiter extends string = DefaultPathDelimiter,
TValues = InferTraversableValues<TObject>
> = ObjectPath<TObject, TDelimiter, false, TValues>;
type _ObjectPath<
TNode extends TraversableObject<TValues>,
TDelimiter extends string,
TLocation extends string | undefined,
TLeavesOnly extends boolean = true,
TValues = InferTraversableValues<TNode>,
_TKey extends keyof TNode = keyof TNode
> = _TKey extends GenericPathSegment
? TNode[_TKey] extends TraversableObject<TValues>
| _ObjectPath<
PathConcat<TLocation, _TKey, TDelimiter>,
| (TLeavesOnly extends false
? PathConcat<TLocation, _TKey, TDelimiter>
: never)
: PathConcat<TLocation, _TKey, TDelimiter>
: never;
// <==================================>
// <==================================>
export type ResolveObjectPath<
TObject extends TraversableObject<TValues>,
TPath extends ObjectPath<TObject, TDelimiter, TLeavesOnly, TValues>,
TDelimiter extends string = DefaultPathDelimiter,
TLeavesOnly extends boolean = true,
TValues = InferTraversableValues<TObject>
> = _ResolveObjectPath<
SplitToTuple<TPath, TDelimiter>,
type _ResolveObjectPath<
TNode extends TraversableObject<TValues>,
TSegments extends GenericPathSegment[],
TLeavesOnly extends boolean = true,
TValues = InferTraversableValues<TNode>
> = TSegments extends [
infer TNext extends GenericPathSegment,
...infer TAfter extends GenericPathSegment[]
? TNext extends keyof TNode
? TNode[TNext] extends TraversableObject<TValues>
? _ResolveObjectPath<TNode[TNext], TAfter, TLeavesOnly, TValues>
: TAfter extends []
? TNode[TNext]
: never
: never
: never;
export type ResolvePathErrorHandler<
TObject extends TraversableObject<TValues>,
TPath extends ObjectPath<TObject, TDelimiter, TLeavesOnly, TValues>,
TDelimiter extends string = DefaultPathDelimiter,
TLeavesOnly extends boolean = true,
TValues = InferTraversableValues<TObject>
> = (
data: ResolvePathErrorData<TObject, TPath, TDelimiter, TLeavesOnly, TValues>
) => undefined | never | void;
export type ResolvePathErrorCode = 'NOT_FOUND' | 'NOT_A_LEAF';
export type ResolvePathErrorData<
TObject extends TraversableObject<TValues>,
TPath extends ObjectPath<TObject, TDelimiter, TLeavesOnly, TValues>,
TDelimiter extends string = DefaultPathDelimiter,
TLeavesOnly extends boolean = true,
TValues = InferTraversableValues<TObject>
> = Omit<
ResolvePathInput<TObject, TPath, TDelimiter, TLeavesOnly, TValues>,
> & {
code: ResolvePathErrorCode;
errorPath: SplitToTuple<TPath, TDelimiter, true>;
errorSegment: SplitToUnion<TPath, TDelimiter>;
export type ResolvePathInput<
TObject extends TraversableObject<TValues>,
TPath extends ObjectPath<TObject, TDelimiter, TLeavesOnly, TValues>,
TDelimiter extends string = DefaultPathDelimiter,
TLeavesOnly extends boolean = true,
TValues = InferTraversableValues<TObject>
> = {
object: TObject;
path: TPath;
delimiter: TDelimiter;
/** If true only allows leaf properties (so non-object values) to be referenced. */
leavesOnly: TLeavesOnly;
onError?: ResolvePathErrorHandler<
export type ResolvePathOutput<
TObject extends TraversableObject<TValues>,
TPath extends ObjectPath<TObject, TDelimiter, TLeavesOnly, TValues>,
TDelimiter extends string = DefaultPathDelimiter,
TLeavesOnly extends boolean = true,
TValues = InferTraversableValues<TObject>
> =
| ResolveObjectPath<TObject, TPath, TDelimiter, TLeavesOnly, TValues>
| undefined
| never;
export function resolvePath<
TObject extends TraversableObject<TValues>,
TPath extends ObjectPath<TObject, TDelimiter, TLeavesOnly, TValues>,
TDelimiter extends string = DefaultPathDelimiter,
TLeavesOnly extends boolean = true,
TValues = InferTraversableValues<TObject>
input: ResolvePathInput<TObject, TPath, TDelimiter, TLeavesOnly, TValues>
): ResolvePathOutput<TObject, TPath, TDelimiter, TLeavesOnly, TValues> {
const { onError, } = input;
// prettier-ignore
const segments = (input.path as string).split(input.delimiter);
let tail: unknown = input.object;
let i = 0;
for (; i < segments.length; ++i) {
if (!tail || typeof tail !== 'object' || Array.isArray(tail)) break; /*ERR*/
const segment = segments[i] as SplitToUnion<TPath, TDelimiter>;
if (!((segment as string) in tail)) break; /*ERR*/
tail = (tail as any)[segment];
const errorCode: ResolvePathErrorCode | false =
i !== segments.length
: !Array.isArray(tail) && typeof tail === 'object' && input.leavesOnly
: false;
if (errorCode) {
// prettier-ignore
return input.onError?.({,
code: errorCode,
errorSegment: segments[i - 1] as any,
errorPath: segments.splice(0, i) as any,
}) ?? undefined;
return tail as any;
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aparx commented May 15, 2023

Fully typesafe object paths

const example = {
  companies: {
    count: 2,
    apple: {
      name: 'Apple',
      employees: {
        roles: ['manager', 'salesman', 'spokesperson', 'engineer'],
        count: 154000,
    samsung: {
      name: 'Samsung',
      employees: {
        roles: ['manager', 'salesman', 'spokesperson', 'engineer'],
        count: 290000,
} as const satisfies TraversableObject;

This will be our initial data that we will create paths for fully automatically by simply using a utility type called ObjectPath. Using these utilities we can alter the behaviour of the path generation. Using the resolvePath function, we can automatically receive and get typesafe information and errors for e.g. illegal paths or inputs.

function getCompanyInfo(path: ObjectPath<typeof example, '.', false>) {
  return resolvePath({
    object: example,
    /* If true, will only allow for leaves (so non-objects) to be retrieved */
    leavesOnly: false,
    /* Delimiter used between path segments (e.g. ``) */
    delimiter: '.',
    /* Optional (also fully-typed) error handling */
    onError: ({ errorPath, errorSegment, code /*, ... */ }) => {

const samsungInfo = getCompanyInfo('');
// ^? "Samsung" | "Apple"

To be more precise, you can pass path as const.

const precise = resolvePath({
   // ^? "Apple"
  object: example,
  path: '' as const,
  leavesOnly: false,
  delimiter: '.',

If example is not const you will obviously lose the precision due to the nature of possible mutability.

If leavesOnly is true (which is the default behaviour), you will only be able to access paths, that lead to a leaf within the target object (in this case example) and only leaves. This is really helpful for if you only want the leaf values and not also the possibility of accidentally retrieving TraversableObjects that themselves contain further properties.

I personally suggest to create a function that calls resolvePath, since the direct usage of resolvePath may not be a great developer experience when used very often throughout an application.

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