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Last active September 12, 2018 19:01
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Save apaskulin/22398007d0191aabb1c8976816c72247 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Hack Session # 1: Middleman

Created on September 5, 2018 for macOS High Sierra

Mac Setup


Xcode is a set of developer tools provided by Apple, but not installed by default.

To see if you have Xcode installed:

xcode-select --install


Homebrew helps us install the open-source tools we'll use.

To see if you have Homebrew installed:

brew -v

To install Homebrew:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Git Setup


Git is a command line tool that lets us version control our projects.

To see if you have Git installed:

git --version

To install git:

brew install git

Git Cola

Git Cola is a Git GUI for Mac.

To install Git Cola:

brew install git-cola

GitHub Two-Factor Authentication Setup

If you have two-factor authentication enabled for GitHub, you'll need to set up a personal access token as a special command-line version of your GitHub password. Follow GitHub's instructions to create a personal access token, and save it to your password manager.

Optionally, you can follow the longer process to set up an SSH key in GitHub and avoid using a password:


GitHub Local Setup

Choose a place where you want to keep your GitHub project folders, and navigate there in a terminal.

For example:

cd Documents

Create a local copy of the project:

git clone

Then navigate to the project folder:

cd website

Middleman Setup

Check to see if you have Middleman installed:

middleman version

Check to see if you have Bundler installed:

bundle -v

Install project dependencies:

bundle install

Run Middleman locally:

bundle exec middleman

You can now view the site in your browser at the address specified in the command output.

Use CTRL+C to exit Middleman and run other commands.

Git Workflow

Set up a new working branch

See what branch you're on:

git branch

Switch to the master branch:

git checkout master

(If it gives you trouble here, it's probably because you have changes that Git doesn't want to lose. To go ahead anyways and lose any changes, use git checkout master --force.)

Sync your local project folder with GitHub:

git fetch origin

Then reset your master branch to be the same as the one in GitHub:

git reset origin/master --hard

Finally, create a working branch and check it out:

git checkout -b branch-name

Make your changes

Use a text editor like Atom or Visual Code Studio to edit the project files.

Run the project locally and preview your changes:

bundle exec middleman

Use CTRL+C to exit Middleman and run other commands.

When you're ready to save, run Git Cola:

git cola

And user the interface to stage and commit your changes.

Open a pull request

See what branch you're on:

git branch

Make sure you're on a working branch and not the master branch.

See your recent saved changes (commits):

git log

If the recent commits look good, go ahead and push your working branch to GitHub:

git push origin branch-name

Now navigate to the main page of the project and follow the prompts to open a pull request.

Test a pull request

Get the latest copy of all branches pushed to the project on GitHub:

git fetch origin

You should see the branch that you need to test listed there. Check it out using its name:

git checkout pull-requested-branch-name

Make sure you see the recent changes you except to see:

git log

Use q to exit the log.

Run the project locally:

bundle exec middleman

If everything looks good in your browser, go ahead and approve the pull request in GitHub. Don't forget to use CTRL+C to exit Middleman when you're done.

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