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xquery version "3.0";
Various Date String Parser
- Parses various flavors of date strings, returns as xs:dateTime or xs:date
- Key functions: dates:parseDateTime() and dates:parseDate()
- adapted to an eXist-compatible module from date-parser.xqy from
- by Joe Wicentowski
- TODO: test against
: Various Date String Parser
: Copyright 2008 Ryan Grimm
: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
: you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
: You may obtain a copy of the License at
: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
: distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
: See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
: limitations under the License.
: @author Ryan Grimm ( and John Mitchell
: @version 0.2
module namespace dates = "";
declare default function namespace "";
: Parses various flavors of date strings and if successful returns the date
: as a xs:dateTime value. Please report all bugs (I know of some already)
: and missing date formats to the author (there are many of these as well).
: @param $date the date string to parse
: Currently suppoted date formats include:
: 30 Jun 2006 09:39:08 -0500
: Apr 16 13:49:06 2003 +0200
: Aug 04 11:44:58 EDT 2003
: 4 Jan 98 0:41 EDT
: 25-Oct-2004 17:06:46 -0500
: Mon, 23 Sep 0102 23:14:26 +0900
: For dates with time names (eg: EDT) we do our best to map these to a GMT offset.
: The date doesn't need to be at the beginning of $date. For example the string
: "Today is Aug 04 11:44:58 EDT 2003 hope it's a good one" will parse without issue.
: However, if there is more than one date in $date, only the first one is parsed.
: @return if successful, the date is cast as an xs:dateTime
declare function dates:parseDateTime(
$s as xs:string?
) as xs:dateTime?
then ()
let $i := lower-case(normalize-space(replace($s, ' ', ' ')))
let $date := dates:_tokenParse($i)
let $date := if(exists($date)) then $date else dates:_dashParse($i)
return $date
: This function can parse up a ton of different date formats.
: I'll write up some docs when I get a chance.
: @return if successful a date element.
declare function dates:parseDate(
$date as xs:string?
) as element(date)?
then ()
(: TODO - Removed try-catch here for eXist compatibility - joewiz :)
(: Remove all spaces and normalize case. :)
let $date := lower-case(normalize-space(replace($date, ' ', ' ')))
let $shortCut := dates:_convertShortcutsToTPlusMinus($date)
let $shortCut := if(exists($shortCut)) then dates:_convertTPlusMinusToDate($shortCut) else ()
let $today := format-dateTime(current-dateTime(), "yyyy-MM-dd")
let $date :=
then <date resolution="day">
<value>{ $shortCut }</value>
if(xs:date($shortCut) < xs:date($today))
then <range>
<start>{ $shortCut }</start>
<end>{ $today }</end>
else <range>
<start>{ $today }</start>
<end>{ $shortCut }</end>
let $tFormat := dates:_convertTPlusMinusToDate($date)
then <date resolution="day">
<value>{ $tFormat }</value>
if(xs:date($tFormat) < xs:date($today))
then <range>
<start>{ $tFormat }</start>
<end>{ $today }</end>
else <range>
<start>{ $today }</start>
<end>{ $tFormat }</end>
else dates:_normalizeDateFormats($date)
where $date/value castable as xs:date
return $date
declare %private function dates:_tokenParse(
$i as xs:string
) as xs:dateTime?
let $bits := tokenize($i, "[ ,]+")
let $positions :=
for $i at $pos in $bits
where $i = ("jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec")
return $pos
for $pos in $positions
let $date := dates:_tokParse1($bits, $pos)
let $date := if(exists($date)) then $date else dates:_tokParse2($bits, $pos)
let $date := if(exists($date)) then $date else dates:_tokParse3($bits, $pos)
let $date := if(exists($date)) then $date else dates:_tokParse4($bits, $pos)
return $date
declare %private function dates:_tokParse1(
$bits as xs:string*,
$pos as xs:integer
) as xs:dateTime?
(: 30 Jun 2006 09:39:08 -0500 :)
let $year := dates:_processYear($bits[$pos + 1])
let $month := dates:_monthNameToNumber($bits[$pos])
let $day := dates:_processDay($bits[$pos - 1])
let $zone := dates:_processZone($bits[$pos + 3]) (: optional time zone :)
let $date := concat($year, "-", $month, "-", $day, "T", $bits[$pos + 2], $zone)
where $date castable as xs:dateTime
return xs:dateTime($date)
declare %private function dates:_tokParse2(
$bits as xs:string*,
$pos as xs:integer
) as xs:dateTime?
(: Apr 16 13:49:06 2003 +0200 :)
let $year := dates:_processYear($bits[$pos + 3])
let $month := dates:_monthNameToNumber($bits[$pos])
let $day := dates:_processDay($bits[$pos + 1])
let $zone := dates:_processZone($bits[$pos + 4]) (: optional time zone :)
let $date := concat($year, "-", $month, "-", $day, "T", $bits[$pos + 2], $zone)
where $date castable as xs:dateTime
return xs:dateTime($date)
declare %private function dates:_tokParse3(
$bits as xs:string*,
$pos as xs:integer
) as xs:dateTime?
(: Aug 04 11:44:58 EDT 2003 :)
let $year := dates:_processYear($bits[$pos + 4])
let $month := dates:_monthNameToNumber($bits[$pos])
let $day := dates:_processDay($bits[$pos + 1])
let $zone := dates:_processZone($bits[$pos + 3])
let $date := concat($year, "-", $month, "-", $day, "T", $bits[$pos + 2], $zone)
where $date castable as xs:dateTime
return xs:dateTime($date)
declare %private function dates:_tokParse4(
$bits as xs:string*,
$pos as xs:integer
) as xs:dateTime?
(: 4 Jan 98 0:41 EDT :)
let $year := dates:_processYear($bits[$pos + 2])
let $month := dates:_monthNameToNumber($bits[$pos + 1])
let $day := dates:_processDay($bits[$pos])
let $zone := dates:_processZone($bits[$pos + 4])
let $date := concat($year, "-", $month, "-", $day, "T", dates:_processTime($bits[$pos + 3]), $zone)
where $date castable as xs:dateTime
return xs:dateTime($date)
declare %private function dates:_dashParse(
$i as xs:string
) as xs:dateTime?
(: 25-oct-2004 17:06:46 -0500 :)
let $raw := replace($i, ".*(0\d| \d|\d\d)-(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)", "$1 $2")
let $bits := tokenize(normalize-space($raw), " ")
let $dateBits := tokenize($bits[2], "-")
let $year := dates:_processYear($dateBits[2])
let $month := dates:_monthNameToNumber($dateBits[1])
let $day := dates:_processDay($bits[1])
let $zone := dates:_processZone($bits[4])
let $date := concat($year, "-", $month, "-", $day, "T", dates:_processTime($bits[3]), $zone)
where $date castable as xs:dateTime
return xs:dateTime($date)
declare %private function dates:_processYear(
$year as xs:string?
) as xs:string?
if($year castable as xs:integer)
if(xs:integer($year) < 100)
if(xs:integer($year) > 50)
then concat("19", xs:string(xs:integer($year)))
else if(xs:integer($year) = 0)
then "1900"
else concat("20", dates:string-pad("0", 2 - string-length($year)), $year)
else if(xs:integer($year) >= 100 and xs:integer($year) < 200) (: 102 = 2002 in Java :)
then xs:string(1900 + xs:integer($year))
else if(xs:integer($year) > 9999)
then "9999"
else $year
else $year
declare %private function dates:_monthNameToNumber(
$month as xs:string?
) as xs:string?
let $months := (
"jan", "january", "enero", "janvier", "januar", "gennaio",
"feb", "february", "febrero", "fevrier", "februar", "febbraio",
"mar", "march", "marzo", "mars", "marz", "marzo",
"apr", "april", "abril", "avril", "april", "aprile",
"may", "may", "mayo", "mai", "mai", "maggio",
"jun", "june", "junio", "juin", "juni", "giugno",
"jul", "july", "julio", "juillet", "juli", "luglio",
"aug", "august", "agosto", "aout", "august", "agosto",
"sep", "september", "septiembre", "septembre", "september", "settembre",
"oct", "october", "octubre", "octobre", "oktober", "ottobre",
"nov", "november", "noviembre", "novembre", "november", "novembre",
"dec", "december", "diciembre", "decembre", "dezember", "dicembre"
let $monthSansDiacritics := $month
for $i at $pos in $months
let $pos := ceiling($pos div 6)
where $i = $monthSansDiacritics
return concat(dates:string-pad("0", 2 - string-length(string($pos))), $pos)
declare %private function dates:_processDay(
$day as xs:string?
) as xs:string?
concat(dates:string-pad("0", 2 - string-length($day)), $day)
declare %private function dates:_processTime(
$time as xs:string?
) as xs:string
let $bits := tokenize($time, ":")
let $hours :=
then concat(dates:string-pad("0", 2 - string-length($bits[1])), $bits[1])
else "00"
let $min :=
then concat(dates:string-pad("0", 2 - string-length($bits[2])), $bits[2])
else "00"
let $sec :=
then concat(dates:string-pad("0", 2 - string-length($bits[3])), $bits[3])
else "00"
return string-join(($hours, $min, $sec), ":")
declare %private function dates:_processZone(
$zone as xs:string?
) as xs:string
if(matches($zone, "[+\-]\d\d\d\d"))
then concat(substring($zone, 0, 4), ":", substring($zone, 4))
else if(matches($zone, "\w\w\w"))
then dates:_zoneLookup($zone)
else ""
declare %private function dates:_zoneLookup(
$s as xs:string
) as xs:string
let $s := upper-case($s)
if ($s = "MIT") then "-11:00" else
if ($s = "HST") then "-10:00" else
if ($s = "AST") then "-09:00" else
if ($s = "PST") then "-08:00" else
if ($s = "MST") then "-07:00" else
if ($s = "PNT") then "-07:00" else
if ($s = "CST") then "-06:00" else
if ($s = "EST") then "-05:00" else
if ($s = "IET") then "-05:00" else
if ($s = "PRT") then "-04:00" else
if ($s = "CNT") then "-03:00" else
if ($s = "AGT") then "-03:00" else
if ($s = "BET") then "-03:00" else
if ($s = "GMT") then "+00:00" else
if ($s = "UCT") then "+00:00" else
if ($s = "UTC") then "+00:00" else
if ($s = "WET") then "+00:00" else
if ($s = "CET") then "+01:00" else
if ($s = "ECT") then "+01:00" else
if ($s = "MET") then "+01:00" else
if ($s = "ART") then "+02:00" else
if ($s = "CAT") then "+02:00" else
if ($s = "EET") then "+02:00" else
if ($s = "EAT") then "+03:00" else
if ($s = "NET") then "+04:00" else
if ($s = "PLT") then "+05:00" else
if ($s = "IST") then "+05:00" else
if ($s = "BST") then "+06:00" else
if ($s = "VST") then "+07:00" else
if ($s = "CTT") then "+08:00" else
if ($s = "PRC") then "+08:00" else
if ($s = "JST") then "+09:00" else
if ($s = "ROK") then "+09:00" else
if ($s = "ACT") then "+09:00" else
if ($s = "AET") then "+10:00" else
if ($s = "SST") then "+11:00" else
if ($s = "NST") then "+12:00" else
if ($s = "PDT") then "-07:00" else
if ($s = "MDT") then "-06:00" else
if ($s = "CDT") then "-05:00" else
if ($s = "EDT") then "-04:00" else
Converts the shortcut dates ('yesterday', 'today', 'tomorrow', 'last year',
'last month', 'last week', 'last day', 'next year', 'next month', 'next
week', 'next day') into the t format. If the date doesn't contain any of
these shortcuts the date itself is returned.
This function can return pretty much anything. If garbage characters were
passed in, you'll get the same garbage back out.
declare %private function dates:_convertShortcutsToTPlusMinus(
$date as xs:string
) as xs:string?
let $isLast := starts-with($date, "last")
let $isNext := starts-with($date, "next")
let $adjustment := if($isNext) then "+" else ""
let $unit := normalize-space(replace($date, "last|next", ""))
where not($isLast and $isNext)
if($date = "yesterday")
then "t1d"
else if($date = "today")
then "t0y"
else if($date = "tomorrow")
then "t+1d"
else if($unit = ("year", "month", "week", "day"))
then concat(
if("year" = $unit)
then "1y"
else if("month" = $unit)
then "1m"
else if("week" = $unit)
then "7d"
else if("day" = $unit)
then "1d"
else ""
else ()
Converts any t date into a string that looks like an xs:date. If the date
isn't a t date, then it is just handed back.
declare %private function dates:_convertTPlusMinusToDate(
$date as xs:string
) as xs:string?
let $now := current-dateTime()
let $TPMFormat := "t(\+)?([0-9]{1,3}y)?([0-9]{1,3}m)?([0-9]{1,5}d)?"
let $isTPlusMinus := matches($date, $TPMFormat)
let $junk := replace($date, concat("(^.*?)", $TPMFormat), "$1")
where $date != "t" and $date != "t+"
if($date = ("t0y", "t+0y"))
then format-dateTime(current-dateTime(), "yyyy-MM-dd")
else if(not($isTPlusMinus) or $junk != "")
then ()
(: Extract plus sign, if any. :)
let $adjPlus := replace($date, $TPMFormat, "$1")
(: Extract and construct the appropriate durations :)
let $adjYear := replace($date, $TPMFormat, "$2")
let $adjMonth := replace($date, $TPMFormat, "$3")
let $adjDay := replace($date, $TPMFormat, "$4")
let $ymAdjustment := concat(
if("" = $adjYear)
then ()
else upper-case($adjYear),
if("" = $adjMonth)
then ()
else upper-case($adjMonth)
let $ymDuration :=
if("" = $ymAdjustment)
then ()
else xs:yearMonthDuration(concat("P", $ymAdjustment))
let $dayAdjustment :=
if($adjDay != "")
then upper-case($adjDay)
else ""
let $dayDuration :=
if("" = $dayAdjustment)
then ()
else xs:dayTimeDuration(concat("P", $dayAdjustment))
(: Skip over "t\+?" :)
let $date :=
if(starts-with($date, "t+"))
then substring($date, 3)
else if(starts-with($date, "t"))
then substring($date, 2)
else $date
(: Adjust the current date by given duration :)
let $date :=
then $now
else if(empty($adjPlus) or "" = $adjPlus)
then $now - $ymDuration
else $now + $ymDuration
let $date :=
then $date
else if(empty($adjPlus) or "" = $adjPlus)
then $date - $dayDuration
else $date + $dayDuration
return format-dateTime($date, "yyyy-MM-dd")
Takes in the various date formats and returns a string that can be cast
into a xs:date. The date formats can look like:
December 20, 2005
Dec 20th, 2005
December 2006
September 1st, 2007
declare %private function dates:_normalizeDateFormats(
$date as xs:string
) as element(date)?
if(contains($date, " ") or contains($date, ", "))
let $bits := tokenize($date, " |, ")
let $year :=
if(count($bits) = 2)
then dates:_expandYear($bits[2])
else dates:_expandYear($bits[3])
let $month := dates:_expandMonth($bits[1])
let $day :=
if(count($bits) = 2)
then dates:_expandDay(())
else dates:_expandDay(replace($bits[2], "st|nd|rd|th", ""))
where count($bits) <= 3 and count($bits) > 0
return <date resolution="{ dates:_getDateResolution($month, $day) }">
{ dates:_calculateRange($year, $month, $day) }
), "-")
else if(contains($date, "/") or contains($date, "-"))
let $bits := tokenize($date, "/|-")
let $type :=
if(string-length($bits[1]) = 4 and $bits[1] castable as xs:integer)
then "year first"
else "year last"
let $year :=
if($type = "year first")
then $bits[1]
else $bits[3]
let $month :=
if($type = "year first")
then $bits[2]
else $bits[1]
let $day :=
if($type = "year first")
then $bits[3]
else $bits[2]
let $year := dates:_expandYear($year)
let $month := dates:_expandMonth($month)
let $day := dates:_expandDay($day)
where count($bits) <= 3 and count($bits) > 0
return <date resolution="{ dates:_getDateResolution($month, $day) }">
{ dates:_calculateRange($year, $month, $day) }
), "-")
else if(string-length($date) <= 8)
let $year := dates:_expandYear(substring($date, 1, 4))
let $month := dates:_expandMonth(substring($date, 5, 2))
let $day := dates:_expandDay(substring($date, 7, 2))
return <date resolution="{ dates:_getDateResolution($month, $day) }">
{ dates:_calculateRange($year, $month, $day) }
), "-")
else ()
Because the parser can parse things like "Dec 2005" in some cases we need
to know the resolution or accuracy of the given date. In the case of
"Dec 2005", the resolution would be set to "month" because the date doesn't
contain any informaiton about the day. If the date was "2005" the resolution
would be "year". If a full date of "2005/12/20" is given then the resolution
is set to "day".
declare %private function dates:_getDateResolution(
$month as element(number),
$day as element(number)
) as xs:string
if($month/@type = "default")
then "year"
else if($day/@type = "default")
then "month"
else "day"
Because we can parse dates that aren't complete (eg: 'July 1979'), some
applications need to know a range of dates that the specified date covers.
For example, in the case of 'July 1979' you might want to find all documents
published for that month. So simply returning 1979-07-01 doesn't help
much. So to help out, we calculate a start and end date for these cases.
The start date would be 1979-07-01 and the end date would be 1979-07-31.
The code is smart enough to always return the last day of the month, even
if that month is Feb of a new year.
declare %private function dates:_calculateRange(
$year as element(number),
$month as element(number),
$day as element(number)
) as element(range)?
let $resolution := dates:_getDateResolution($month, $day)
let $start :=
), "-"))
let $endYear := string($year)
let $endMonth :=
if($resolution = "year")
then "12"
else string($month)
let $endDay :=
if($resolution = ("year", "month"))
then string(day-from-date(dates:_getLastDayOfTheMonth(xs:integer($endYear), xs:integer($endMonth))))
else string($month)
let $end :=
), "-"))
where $resolution != "day"
return <range>
<start>{ $start }</start>
<end>{ $end }</end>
Given a year and a month, this function will return an xs:date of the last
day of the month. For example:
(2007, 6) -> 2007-06-30
(2007, 7) -> 2007-07-31
(2007, 2) -> 2007-02-30
(2008, 2) -> 2007-02-29
Note that it's smart enough to handle leap years.
declare %private function dates:_getLastDayOfTheMonth(
$year as xs:integer,
$month as xs:integer
) as xs:date
let $nextYear :=
if($month = 12)
then string($year + 1)
else string($year)
let $nextMonth :=
if($month = 12)
then "01"
else string($month + 1)
let $nextMonth := concat(dates:string-pad("0", 2 - string-length($nextMonth)), $nextMonth)
let $nextDate :=
), "-"))
return $nextDate - xs:dayTimeDuration("P1D")
Simply a wrapper around _processYear for some consistancy.
declare %private function dates:_expandYear(
$year as xs:string?
) as element(number)
<number>{ dates:_processYear($year) }</number>
Takes in a 'month' as a string and returns it as a number. For example:
"1" -> "01"
"01" -> "01"
"february" -> "06"
"feb" -> "06"
declare %private function dates:_expandMonth(
$month as xs:string?
) as element(number)
let $parsedMonth := dates:_monthNameToNumber($month)
then <number type="value">{ $parsedMonth }</number>
else dates:_expandTwoDigits($month)
Makes sure that the day has a leading 0 if need be. Empty returns "01".
declare %private function dates:_expandDay(
$day as xs:string?
) as element(number)
declare %private function dates:_expandTwoDigits(
$num as xs:string?
) as element(number)
The first check is designed to see if the value is some bogus input, eg: 2007/foo/bar.
If $num is less than 0, isn't a number or is empty, return "01".
Else pad $num with 0's if need be.
if(exists($num) and $num != "" and not($num castable as xs:integer))
then error(xs:QName("Not a valid date"))
else if(empty($num) or not($num castable as xs:integer) or xs:integer($num) <= 0)
then <number type="default">01</number>
else <number type="value">{ concat(dates:string-pad("0", 2 - string-length($num)), $num) }</number>
declare %private function dates:string-pad($s as xs:string, $n as xs:integer) as xs:string {
string-join(for $i in 1 to $n return $s,"")
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