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And what about if instead I am not deploying from code, but my app is already in a Docker image. No problem, the Apcera Platform can also pull images from any docker repository, and to test it out you can use this manifest file
Deploying manifest...
[manifest] -- Deploy -- execution started
[castserver] -- Pulling Docker image -- checking policy
[castserver] -- Pulling Docker image -- checking if package FQN is taken
[castserver] -- Pulling Docker image -- fetching image metadata
[castserver] -- Pulling Docker image -- creating package
[castserver] -- Pulling Docker image -- all layers downloaded
[manifest] -- Deploy -- checking if policy allows binding "job::/sandbox/simone::castclient" to "service::/sandbox/simone::nats-server"
[manifest] -- Deploy -- checking if policy allows binding "job::/sandbox/simone::castserver" to "service::/sandbox/simone::nats-server"
[manifest] -- Deploy -- checking if policy allows updates on "job::/sandbox/simone::castserver"
[manifest] -- Deploy -- checking if policy allows updates on "job::/sandbox/simone::castclient"
[manifest] -- Deploy -- skip creating "service::/sandbox/simone::nats-server" since it already exists
[manifest] -- Deploy -- updating "job::/sandbox/simone::castserver"
[manifest] -- Deploy -- updating "job::/sandbox/simone::castclient"
[manifest] -- Finish -- execution was successful
│ Job FQN │ Status │ Instances │ Subnet │ Errors │
│ job::/sandbox/simone::castclient │ started │ 1 │ N/A │ │
│ job::/sandbox/simone::castserver │ started │ 1 │ N/A │ │
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