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Forked from yangchenyun/fetch_kindle.js
Last active July 7, 2020 14:47
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Get back my books from Kindle
* @fileoverview Program to free the content in kindle books as plain HTML.
* This is largely based on reverse engineering kindle cloud app
* ( to read book data from webSQL.
* Access to kindle library is required to download this book.
// The Kindle Compression Module copied from application
// The script reuses the same logic to decompress the fragments
var KindleCompression = function() {
function h(a, c, g) {
var f, g = g > 0 ? g : b;
for (f in c)
c[f] >= g && (g = c[f] + 1);
f = g;
for (var d in a)
for (var g = a[d], e = 2; e <= g.length; e++) {
var h = g.substr(0, e);
c.hasOwnProperty(h) || (c[h] = f++)
return c
function j(c, e) {
var l, h = b;
l = "";
for (var r = 0; r < e.length; ) {
var o = e.charAt(r);
o.charCodeAt(0) <= d ? c.hasOwnProperty(l + o) ? l += o : (l.length > 0 && h < f && (c[l + o] = h,
h === a && (h = g)),
l = o) : l = ""
return c
// This is called when lzExpandWithStaticDictionary doesn't have a dictionary passed in
// in our case, we always construct the dictionary before decompress
// function e() {
// if (defaultDictionary === void 0 || defaultDictionary === {})
// defaultDictionary = j({}, defaultDictionaryString);
// return defaultDictionary
// }
var d = 9983
, c = d + 1
, b = c + 100 + 1
, f = 65533
, a = 55295
, g = 57344;
return {
lzCompress: function(k) {
var e = {}, l = [], h, r = b, o, q, s;
o = h = "";
for (var t = 0; t < k.length; ) {
var u = k.charAt(t);
if (u.charCodeAt(0) <= d) {
for (; o.length > 0; ) {
q = Math.min(100, o.length);
s = o.substr(0, q);
o = o.substr(q);
l.push(c + q);
for (q = 0; q < s.length; q++)
e.hasOwnProperty(h + u) ? h += u : (h.length > 0 && (l.push(h.length === 1 ? h.charCodeAt(0) : e[h]),
r < f && (e[h + u] = r,
r === a && (r = g))),
h = u)
} else
h.length > 0 && (l.push(h.length === 1 ?
h.charCodeAt(0) : e[h]),
h = ""),
o += u
for (h.length > 0 && l.push(h.length === 1 ? h.charCodeAt(0) : e[h]); o.length > 0; ) {
q = Math.min(100, o.length);
s = o.substr(0, q);
o = o.substr(q);
l.push(c + q);
for (q = 0; q < s.length; q++)
for (i = 0; i < l.length; i++)
l[i] = String.fromCharCode(l[i]);
return l.join("")
lzExpand: function(k) {
for (var e = {}, l = [], h, r = b, o = "", q, s = 0; s < k.length; ) {
h = k.charCodeAt(s);
if (h <= d)
h = String.fromCharCode(h);
else if (h >= b)
(h = e[h]) || (h = o + q);
else {
o = h - c;
l.push(k.substr(s, o));
s += o;
o = "";
q = h.charAt(0);
r < f && o.length > 0 && (e[r] = o + q,
r === a && (r = g));
o = h
return l.join("")
lzBuildDictionary: j,
lzGetDecompressionDictionary: function(a) {
var b = [], c;
for (c in a)
b[a[c]] = c;
return b
lzAddStringsToDictionary: h,
lzAddNumbersToDictionary: function(a, b) {
for (var c = [], g = 100; g < 1E3; g++)
c.push("" + g);
return h(c, a, b)
lzCompressWithStaticDictionary: function(a, b) {
if (b === void 0 || b === {})
b = e();
var g = [], f, h, o, q;
h = f = "";
for (var s = 0; s < a.length; ) {
var t = a.charAt(s);
if (t.charCodeAt(0) <= d) {
for (; h.length > 0; ) {
o = Math.min(100,
q = h.substr(0, o);
h = h.substr(o);
g.push(c + o);
for (o = 0; o < q.length; o++)
b.hasOwnProperty(f + t) ? f += t : (f.length > 0 && g.push(f.length === 1 ? f.charCodeAt(0) : b[f]),
f = t)
} else
f.length > 0 && (g.push(f.length === 1 ? f.charCodeAt(0) : b[f]),
f = ""),
h += t
for (f.length > 0 && g.push(f.length === 1 ? f.charCodeAt(0) : b[f]); h.length > 0; ) {
o = Math.min(100, h.length);
q = h.substr(0, o);
h = h.substr(o);
g.push(c + o);
for (o = 0; o < q.length; o++)
for (i = 0; i < g.length; i++)
g[i] = String.fromCharCode(g[i]);
return g.join("")
lzExpandWithStaticDictionary: function(a, g, f) {
// NOTE: g is always defined in our case
// if (g === void 0 || g === []) {
// if (defaultDeDictionary === void 0 || defaultDeDictionary === []) {
// e();
// defaultDeDictionary = [];
// for (var h in defaultDictionary)
// defaultDeDictionary[defaultDictionary[h]] = h
// }
// g = defaultDeDictionary
// }
h = d;
var r = b;
f !== void 0 && (h = f - 1,
r = f);
for (var f = [], o = 0; o < a.length; ) {
var q = a.charCodeAt(o);
q <= h ? f.push(String.fromCharCode(q)) : q >= r ? f.push(g[q]) : (q -= c,
f.push(a.substr(o, q)),
o += q)
return f.join("")
function s(metadata) { // a is bookinfo.metadata
var b = {};
if (metadata.cpr !== void 0) {
KindleCompression.lzAddStringsToDictionary(metadata.cpr, b),
return KindleCompression.lzGetDecompressionDictionary(b);
if (metadata.cprJson !== void 0) {
KindleCompression.lzAddStringsToDictionary(metadata.cprJson, b, 256),
KindleCompression.lzAddNumbersToDictionary(b, 256);
return KindleCompression.lzGetDecompressionDictionary(b);
var os = require('osenv');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose();
// stores the ebook with webSQL, which is a sqlite accessible in Chrome
// in this case, kindle cloud reader :
// => was opened with google-chrome
// => the os is linux
// => and i used the french app : hence the ""
// the english version is alon ""
var KINDLE_DB = os.home() + '/.config/google-chrome/Default/databases/';
var db = new sqlite3.Database(KINDLE_DB);
// regex to locate and replace javascript fragments in the generated html
var rawGotoRegex = /<a href="#" onclick="KindleContentInterface\.gotoPosition\(\d+,(\d+)\); return false;" class="filepos_src" tabindex="-?\d+" id="a:.{1,4}">/g;
var rawDestRegex = /<a name="(\d+)" class="filepos_dest" id="a:.{1,4}">/g;
var modifiedGoto = '<a href="#$1" class="filepos_src">';
var modifiedDest = '<a id="$1" class="filepos_dest">';
// The following hack is from reverse engineering how kindle cloud app reads data
db.all("select metadata from 'bookinfo'", function(err, rows) {
rows.forEach(function (row) {
var metadata = JSON.parse(row.metadata);
var title = metadata.title;
var authors = metadata.authorList.join(',');
// used for dictionary request at<asin>&word=<word>
var asin = metadata.asin;
var ca = s(metadata);
console.log('staring process book: ' + title);
var HtmlHeader = '<html><head>' +
'<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">' +
'<meta name="author" content="' + authors + '">' +
'</head><body id="' + asin + '">';
var HtmlFile = path.join(os.tmpdir(), title.replace(/\s+/g, '-') + '.html');
fs.writeFile(HtmlFile, HtmlHeader);
console.log("created the file with HTML headers.");
db.all("select id, piece, other from 'fragments' where asin='" + asin + "' order by id", function(err, rows) {
rows.forEach(function (row) {
var id =;
var compressedFragmentData = row.piece;
var uncompressedFragmentData;
var imageDataMap = JSON.parse(row.other).imageData || {};
uncompressedFragmentData = KindleCompression.lzExpandWithStaticDictionary(
row.piece, ca);
// replace the javascript links with hard coded html anchors
uncompressedFragmentData = uncompressedFragmentData.replace(rawGotoRegex, modifiedGoto);
uncompressedFragmentData = uncompressedFragmentData.replace(rawDestRegex, modifiedDest);
// replace image path with base64 encoded string
for (var image in imageDataMap) {
uncompressedFragmentData = uncompressedFragmentData.replace(
'dataUrl="' + image + '"',
'src="' + imageDataMap[image] + '"');
fs.appendFile(HtmlFile, uncompressedFragmentData);
fs.appendFile(HtmlFile, '</body></html>');
console.log("created the file at: " + HtmlFile);
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apehex commented Oct 2, 2016

The javascript function that handled internal links (fragment to fragment) was replaced with hard coded html anchors.

So now the table of content and other links work in the output html file.

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