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Created January 7, 2015 13:20
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### TODOs
# TODO: Enforce CamelCase constant names all the way
# TODO: don't chain on multiline blocks (do/end and {})
# TODO: while 120 column lines are fine, there should be a threshold of <=10% being >80 columns
# TODO: only enforce _ in integer literals every 3 digits when no _ is present, but if at least one is present, assume they're correct (to enable e.g. date integers: 2014_05_10)
# TODO: map > collect
# TODO: inject > reduce
- "ruby_gems/*/development/**/*"
- "ruby_gems/*/documentation/**/*"
- "ruby_gems/*/docs/**/*"
- "ruby_gems/vendor/**/*"
# Rationale:
# Duck-typing all the way. It does not matter whether a constant is a class/module
# or an arbitrary object.
# See TODOs with regards to enfocing CamelCase
Enabled: false
# Rationale:
# do/end blocks should not be used for return values, therefore we should not chain either.
Enabled: true
# Rationale:
# Multiline {} are fine, but don't chain on them (see TODOs)
# We use {} for return value (map, select, inject), do/end for side-effects (each, DSLs)
Enabled: false
# Rationale: fail is an alias of raise. Avoid aliases, it's more cognitive load for no gain.
EnforcedStyle: only_raise
# Rationale: We check this using yard, so this is superfluous
Enabled: false
# Rationale:
# Arrays should look like arrays, therefore array-literals use []
# For scalar literals, {} is preferred over () (not final)
"%": "{}"
"%q": "{}"
"%Q": "{}"
"%r": "{}"
"%s": "{}"
"%x": "{}"
"%w": "[]"
"%W": "[]"
"%i": "[]"
"%I": "[]"
# Trailing comma in multiline literals are recommended.
# Rationale: makes adding values easier and less error prone
EnforcedStyleForMultiline: comma
# I want this, but collides with alignments in DSLs. I weight that higher.
# Might be a case for strict, to catch offenders which are not offending due to being aligned.
Enabled: false
# With `ExactNameMatch: false`, rubocop complains about foo? style readers, and about readers
# which return ivars of a different name (the latter might be a code smell, not sure about that yet)
ExactNameMatch: true
# This is just silly. Calling the argument `other` in all cases makes no sense.
Enabled: false
# This one seems uninformed to me. raise Klass, "message" is the default.
# But a specialized exception class will take one or more arguments and construct the message from it.
# So both variants make sense.
Enabled: false
### TEMPORARILY DISABLED (until jacob reaches a more stable phase)
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# I want this, but it fails with date integers e.g. 2014_05_10, therefore currently disabled
Enabled: false
# Rationale:
# I want those two, but rubocop can't deal with deindented public/protected/private/module_function
Enabled: false
Enabled: false
# Rationale:
# Less is more. Just always use double quotes. Only use single quotes or % literal
# when the string should explicitely not be interpolated.
# Contra: An argument in favor of single_quotes is that some consider it easier on the eye.
# IMO not an argument is "less overhead". This is parse time and the difference is academic at best.
EnforcedStyle: double_quotes
# Can't decide on a style. I see three uses in my code:
# A)
# attr_accessor :foo,
# :bar
# B)
# sprintf "#<%s:%x %p>",
# self.class,
# object_id >> 1,
# @attribtues
# C)
# some_method(
# arg1,
# arg2,
# )
# I think all three have their place. Not sure a) whether to pick one and go with it, and b) if so, which one.
# I'd venture for C at the moment. Rationale: less chance of overlength lines. Contra: ugly with DSLs due to required
Enabled: false
# I like to use multiple newlines to separate "topical" content, and to separate the require "header" from the code body.
# However, I'll activate this for now and see how it goes.
Enabled: true
# Not sure about this. Especially with constructors, it's sometimes very hard to do well.
# I'll settle at the moment to enforce moving too many arguments to kwargs
Max: 5
CountKeywordArgs: false
# Not sure about this. I like giving the body space. I find it more legible. Especially with nested classes.
# However, I'll activate this for now and see how it goes.
Enabled: true
# Reducing aliases is good. But sprintf is non-OO and % is sometimes annoying to use because you have to construct
# an array first. Kernel#format is IMO the worst choice, as it is neither OO, nor is it as widely known as sprintf.
# (Though I admit that sprintf is an archaic and ugly name)
# Keeping it currently disabled.
Enabled: false
EnforcedStyle: percent
# Style preference
EnforcedStyle: no_space
# Style preference
EnforcedStyle: no_space
# Style preference
IndentWhenRelativeTo: end
IndentOneStep: true
Enabled: true
## VALUES WHICH SHOULD DIFFER IN .rubocop-strict.yml
# Rationale:
# We are not in the dark ages of 80 column terminals any more.
# Short lines are good for readability, but occasional longer lines are not damaging.
# See TODOs with regards to thresholds.
Max: 120 # strict: 80 - check against threshold
# Rationale:
# We assume jacob devs know the proper use of .nil?, and jacob itself has legitimate uses of it
Enabled: false # strict: true - find illegitimate uses of .nil?
# Rationale:
# Too short methods lead to extraction of single-use methods, which can make the code easier to read (by naming things),
# but can also clutter the class
Max: 50 # - strict: 20 - find candidates for refactoring
# Rationale:
# The guiding principle of classes is SRP, SRP can't be accurately measured by LoC
Max: 1500 # strict: 250 - find candidates for refactoring
# Rationale:
# We assume jacob devs know the proper use of ===, and jacob itself has legitimate uses of it
Enabled: false # - strict: true - find illegitimate uses of ===
# I need more experience with this.
# I think this too should be threshold based. If e.g. 1 in 50 methods has high complexity, so be it.
# In strict, it may be valuable to have it low to find refactoring candidates.
Max: 20 # strict: 6 - find candidates for refactoring
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