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Last active August 26, 2019 01:32
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package _Self.buildTypes
import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2018_2.*
import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2018_2.buildSteps.script
object CasesApp : BuildType({
name = "Cases App"
allowExternalStatus = true
maxRunningBuilds = 1
params {
param("env.ProbeEnvironmentURL", "")
param("env.LifeTimeAPIVersion", "2")
param("env.LifeTimeEnvironmentURL", "")
param("TriggeredBy", "teamcity")
param("env.BddEnvironmentURL", "")
param("env.AuthorizationToken", "ENTER_YOUR_OWN_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN")
param("env.AcceptanceEnvironment", "Testing")
param("ApplicationScope", "Cases")
param("env.DevelopmentEnvironment", "Development")
param("env.ProductionEnvironment", "Production")
param("env.ArtifactsFolder", "Artifacts")
param("ApplicationScopeWithTests", "Cases,Cases_Tests")
vcs {
steps {
script {
name = "Prepare"
scriptContent = """
echo "Create Artifacts Folder"
sudo mkdir ${'$'}{ArtifactsFolder}
// TODO install dependencies; these should be in Docker base image
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa -y && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip
// Only the virtual environment needs to be installed at the system level
echo "Install Python Virtual environments"
sudo pip3 install -q -I virtualenv
// Install the rest of the dependencies
echo "Install Python requirements"
sudo pip3 install -U outsystems-pipeline
script {
name = "Staging to QA"
scriptContent = """
echo "Pipeline run triggered remotely by '%TriggeredBy%' for the following applications (including tests): '%ApplicationScopeWithTests%'"
echo 'Retrieving latest application tags from Development environment...'
sudo python3 -m outsystems.pipeline.fetch_lifetime_data --artifacts "${'$'}ArtifactsFolder" --lt_url ${'$'}LifeTimeEnvironmentURL --lt_token ${'$'}AuthorizationToken --lt_api_version ${'$'}LifeTimeAPIVersion
echo 'Deploying latest application tags to Regression...'
sudo python3 -m outsystems.pipeline.deploy_latest_tags_to_target_env --artifacts "${'$'}ArtifactsFolder" --lt_url ${'$'}LifeTimeEnvironmentURL --lt_token ${'$'}AuthorizationToken --lt_api_version ${'$'}LifeTimeAPIVersion --source_env "${'$'}DevelopmentEnvironment" --destination_env "${'$'}AcceptanceEnvironment" --app_list "%ApplicationScopeWithTests%"
script {
name = "Run Regression"
scriptContent = """
echo 'Generating URLs for BDD testing...'
sudo python3 -m outsystems.pipeline.generate_unit_testing_assembly --artifacts "${'$'}ArtifactsFolder" --app_list "%ApplicationScopeWithTests%" --cicd_probe_env ${'$'}ProbeEnvironmentURL --bdd_framework_env ${'$'}BddEnvironmentURL
echo "Testing the URLs and generating the JUnit results XML..."
sudo python3 -m outsystems.pipeline.evaluate_test_results --artifacts "${'$'}ArtifactsFolder"
script {
name = "Accept Changes"
scriptContent = "echo 'Accept Changes: not yet support in TeamCity'"
script {
name = "Deploy to Production"
scriptContent = """
echo 'Deploying latest application tags to Production...'
python3 -m outsystems.pipeline.deploy_latest_tags_to_target_env --artifacts "${'$'}ArtifactsFolder" --lt_url ${'$'}LifeTimeEnvironmentURL --lt_token ${'$'}AuthorizationToken --lt_api_version ${'$'}LifeTimeAPIVersion --source_env "${'$'}AcceptanceEnvironment" --destination_env "${'$'}ProductionEnvironment" --app_list "%ApplicationScope%"
features {
feature {
type = "xml-report-plugin"
param("xmlReportParsing.reportType", "junit")
param("xmlReportParsing.reportDirs", "Artifacts/junit-result.xml")
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