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Created September 6, 2019 07:21
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What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?

I am of the thought that like other human traits, empathy is a part of who we are as beings capable of feeling. It looks beyond the self, prioritizing a deeper understanding of others' feelings to the point that bonds can be made across all identities. This trait can be developed or not through our experiences, and becaue of this, I believe that modeling empathy for others, especially the young, is crucial for having a united society. Empathy was both a learned and modeled trait growing up, and as I got older, and began working with kids, I realized it's importance that much more. It helped me make connections to my students, especially to those who had a more difficult time socializing with others. It has also helped me make sense of my upbringing, which was difficult and sad at times, particularly the early years of my childhood.

How does empathy help you build better software?

This world is increasingly in need of innovative solutions for societal problems, and so software development is answering that call. However, it is not enough to just develop software to tackle an issue. Efforts made today need to be based in understanding, to be people-centered, if we are to expect positive change. For that, we need empathy. Combining empathy with software development, gives developers a better understanding of the people they are trying to provide service to, resulting in a more fitting product.

Why is empathy important for working on a team?

Wherever one goes, there will always be people, and people are necessary for coming up with new, innovative ideas that address a problem, or improve things. That said, all of these people working together, come from different walks of life, and it is essential that each fosters a sense of empathy within themselves. Empathy provides a sense of unity, even when people don't see eye-to-eye or do things differently while working together. Instead of the differences and disagreements, everyone's focus is their shared goal. Having empathy in a team, also creates a support system for the members of that team, and they can count on each other when outside factors effect their work.

Describe a situation in which your ability to empathize with a colleague or teammate was helpful.

I remember a time when a teammate was going through a difficult time in their personal life. I could sense it the moment they walked through the door, and when I went to the breakroom, they were there, clearly upset about something. I offered to sit with them for a while, and if they wanted to talk while I listened, they could. After a while, they began talking, and when they were done, both of us were in tears. All I did was to listen, but as I did, I took on their feelings of distress and powerlessness. To my surprise, my response made them feel like they were not alone, because before that, they thought they were stressing out for no reason.

When do you find it most difficult to be empathetic in professional settings? How can you improve your skills when faced with these scenarios?

I have always found it almost impossible to be empathetic when working with people who choose to oversee their position of privilege when posing solutions that are not people-centeret to problems, but rather cater to the organization's/funders' needs. I am aware that this comes from my negative view of the "savior" mentality, because I don't see vulnerable people as powerless and without voice in need of someone to tell them how they can help themselves. Because of this, I recognize that I need to take a step back, and formulate a plan as to how to address my concerns with a strengths-based approach. Assuming the best intentions, is always a good way to go, because perhaps they don't know how they are coming across, and it is unfair to assume otherwise. That said, it is still important to address these concerns when working with others, it's just a matter of approach.

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