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Last active February 6, 2021 17:38
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Display basic info about recent unbreak-now tasks from Phabricator projects
I needed a script to show me all the ubns in the last few days on a couple
projects, on demand. So, here it is.
import getopt
import os
import sys
import json
import time
import requests
# pylint: disable=broad-except
# PHID-PROJ-va37kiwzbgywahiczwjk Platform Team Workboards (Clinic Duty Team)
# PHID-PROJ-4uc7r7pdosfsk55qg7f6 Wikimedia-production-error
# PHID-PROJ-2b7oz62ylk3jk4aus262 Platform Engineering
PROJECTS = ["PHID-PROJ-va37kiwzbgywahiczwjk", "PHID-PROJ-2b7oz62ylk3jk4aus262",
class TaskRetriever():
assemble conduit queries, make requests, check the output, display it
def __init__(self, phaburl, projects, days, verbose):
looking for every ubn in the given projects created no more than <days> ago
self.verbose = verbose
self.token = TaskRetriever.read_phab_token()
self.phaburl = phaburl
self.sess = TaskRetriever.setup_session()
self.days = days
self.projects = projects
def read_phab_token():
token file consists of lines
blank lines and comments will be skipped
This token is required for access to the Conduit API for Phab
tokenfile = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), '.phabenv')
contents = open(tokenfile).read()
lines = contents.splitlines()
# skip comments, empty lines
lines = [line for line in lines if line and not line.startswith('#')]
if not lines:
sys.stderr.write('no phab token found in file {tf}\n'.format(tf=tokenfile))
return None
return lines[0].split(':')[1]
except Exception:
sys.stderr.write('failed to read phab token from {tf}\n'.format(tf=tokenfile))
return None
def setup_session():
we probably don't need a session since we only do one request. but
for the future, there's always feeping creaturism.
sess = requests.Session()
{"User-Agent": " (WMF atg testing)",
"Accept": "application/json"})
return sess
def string_convert(items):
turning params into printable things: mixed lists become lists of strings
return [str(item) if isinstance(item, int) else item for item in items]
def flatten(items):
turning params into printable strings: single ints become strings,
and lists are converted by another method
if isinstance(items, str):
return items
if isinstance(items, int):
return str(items)
items = TaskRetriever.string_convert(items)
return ','.join(items)
def printable_params(params):
turn params into printable strings for display
return '|'.join([param + '=' + TaskRetriever.flatten(params[param])
for param in params])
except Exception:
print("params are", params)
return 'woops (failed to format params)'
def display_task_info(task):
show the bare minimum about a task: id, title, description
print("task id:", task['id'])
print("title:", task['fields']['name'])
print("description:", task['fields']['description']['raw'])
def project_search(self):
this was going to be how I found the proj id but in the end this is broken, see
so instead, I found some show all or some feed button on the project page and copied
the proj id from the url :-P
constraints = {'constraints[watchers][0]': 'PHID-USER-gpb2ynmxbgmy4ld2555w'}
results = self.query('', constraints)
if results is None or not results['result']['data']:
print('no project info. sad!')
def remove_dup_tasks(tasks):
grab only one copy of each task in the list, and
return the new list
no_dups = []
task_ids = []
for task in tasks:
if task['id'] not in task_ids:
return no_dups
def task_search(self):
find all the tasks more recent than x days ubns for the given projects
and display info about them in no particular order
to_return = []
epoch = int(time.time()) - (60 * 60 * 24 * self.days)
constraints = {'constraints[statuses][0]': 'open',
'constraints[priorities][0]': '100',
'constraints[createdStart]': str(epoch)}
for project in enumerate(self.projects):
constraints['constraints[projects][0]'] = project
# when phab is given a list of projects as a constraint,
# it expects the task to be in ALL of them instead of ONE
# of them, grrrr. so, one query per project >_<
results = self.query('', constraints)
if results and results['result']['data']:
if results is None or not results['result']['data']:
print('no UBN tasks today!')
return self.remove_dup_tasks(to_return)
def query(self, module, params):
run a query against a given phab conduit module, get the results as json,
and return the results
url = self.phaburl + '/' + module.lstrip('/')
params['api.token'] = self.token
if self.verbose:
print("query:", module, TaskRetriever.printable_params(params))
response =, data=params, timeout=15)
if response.status_code != 200:
sys.stderr.write("failed to get content with response code %s (%s) for %s, %s\n" %
(response.status_code, response.reason, module,
contents = response.content
json_contents = json.loads(contents)
except Exception:
print("failed to get json contents back for %s, %s\n" % (module, '|'.join(params)))
print("got: ", contents)
return None
if 'error_code' in json_contents and json_contents['error_code'] is not None:
# example:
# {"result":null,"error_code":"ERR-INVALID-SESSION",
# "error_info":"Session key is not present."}
print("error reported for request for %s, %s\n" % (
module, TaskRetriever.printable_params(params)))
print("got: ", contents)
return None
if self.verbose > 1:
print("json contents from query:", json_contents)
return json_contents
def usage(message=None):
display a helpful usage message with
an optional introductory message first
if message is not None:
usage_message = """
Usage: [--phaburl phaburl] [--projects <name>[,<name>...]]
[--days <num>] [--verbose] | --help
This script shows unbreak now tasks from specified projects.
--phaburl (-p): url to phabricator instance
--projects (-P): comma-separated list of project ids
default: PHID-PROJ-va37kiwzbgywahiczwjk,PHID-PROJ-2b7oz62ylk3jk4aus262
--days (-d): number of days back to search
default: 5
--verbose (-v): print a few progress messages while running
--help (-h): display this help message
This script needs a phabricator api token in order to run.
Create the file .phabenv in the directory where you run this script;
it should contain the single line
def get_args():
read, parse and return command line options
phaburl = PHAB_URL
days = '5'
projects = None
project_list = PROJECTS
verbose = 0
(options, remainder) = getopt.gnu_getopt(
sys.argv[1:], "d:p:vh", ["days=", "phaburl=", "projects=", "verbose", "help"])
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
usage("Unknown option specified: " + str(err))
for (opt, val) in options:
if opt in ["-d", "--days"]:
days = val
elif opt in ["-p", "--phaburl"]:
phaburl = val
elif opt in ["-P", "--projects"]:
projects = val
elif opt in ["-v", "--verbose"]:
verbose += 1
elif opt in ["-h", "--help"]:
usage("Help for this script")
if len(remainder) > 0:
usage("Unknown option(s) specified: <%s>" % remainder[0])
if not days.isdigit():
usage("days must be a number")
if projects:
project_list = projects.split(",")
return phaburl, int(days), project_list, verbose
def do_main():
entry point
display all UBN tasks of a given project
phaburl, days, projects, verbose = get_args()
phaburl = phaburl.rstrip('/')
getter = TaskRetriever(phaburl, projects, days, verbose)
if not getter.token:
usage("Where is your token, silly person?")
# results = getter.project_search()
# print(results)
results = getter.task_search()
for task in results:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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