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Last active March 5, 2021 07:48
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* Contains Class Settings_Abstract
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
header( 'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found' );
exit( 'You shall not pass' );
* Class Settings_Abstract
abstract class Settings_Abstract {
* Settings Version, needs to be incremental integer (either counting up, or using some timestamp)
* @var int
protected $settings_version;
* The basename(s) of the corresponding plugin
* @var string|array
protected $plugin_basename;
* Settings Key for this set of settings
* @var string
protected $settings_version_key;
* Action Key, will be preset automatically
* @var string
protected $action_key;
* Registered Settings
* @var array
private $registered_settings = [];
public function __construct() {
$this->action_key = $this->action_key ?? strtolower( get_class( $this ) ) . '_updates';
$this->settings_version_key = $this->settings_version_key ?? strtolower( get_class( $this ) ) . '_version';
abstract protected function init_register() : void;
public function update_settings() : void {
if ( ! is_admin() ) {
if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
if ( $this->plugin_basename && ! $this->is_plugin_active( (array) $this->plugin_basename ) ) {
$last_update_version = get_option( $this->settings_version_key );
if ( $this->settings_version <= $last_update_version ) {
foreach ( $this->registered_settings as $settings ) {
if ( $settings['version'] <= $last_update_version ) {
// Already done this, so skip this.
add_action( $this->action_key, $settings['callable'], $settings['version'] );
do_action( $this->action_key );
update_option( $this->settings_version_key, $this->settings_version );
private function is_plugin_active( $basenames ) : bool {
foreach ( $basenames as $basename ) {
if ( ! function_exists( 'is_plugin_active' ) ) {
require_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' );
if ( is_plugin_active( $basename ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* @param int $version
* @param callable $callable
protected function register_setting( $version, $callable ) : void {
$this->registered_settings[] = [
'version' => $version,
'callable' => $callable,
* Preset Option
* @param string $key Options key.
* @param callable $callable Callback
* @param int $priority Filter Priority.
* @param int $args Number of arguments presented to the callback.
protected function preset_option( $key, $callable, $priority = 99, $args = 1 ) : void {
add_filter( "pre_option_{$key}", $callable, $priority, $args );
* Filter Option
* @param string $key Options key.
* @param callable $callable Callback
* @param int $priority Filter Priority.
* @param int $args Number of arguments presented to the callback.
protected function filter_option( $key, $callable, $priority = 99, $args = 1 ) : void {
add_filter( "option_{$key}", $callable, $priority, $args );
* Example use
* Contains Class Settings_WordPress
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
header( 'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found' );
exit( 'You shall not pass' );
class Settings_WordPress extends Settings_Abstract {
* Settings Version, needs to be incremental integer (either counting up, or using some timestamp)
* @var int
protected $settings_version = 6;
* Init all the registered settings and presets
protected function init_register() : void {
$this->preset_option( 'blog_public', [ $this, 'blog_public' ] );
$this->register_setting( 3, [ $this, 'register_default_user' ] );
$this->register_setting( 5, [ $this, 'permalink_structure' ] );
$this->register_setting( 6, [ $this, 'set_autoincrement' ] );
* Preset Callback for: get_option( 'blog_public' );
* Automatically block search engines when not in production mode
* @param mixed $value the Value from the filter.
* @return mixed
public function blog_public( $value ) {
if ( defined( 'PRODUCTION_MODE' ) && PRODUCTION_MODE ) {
return $value;
return 0;
* Defines: wp_options: permalink_structure
public function permalink_structure() : void {
update_option( 'permalink_structure', '/%category%/%postname%-%post_id%/' );
* Registers a default user.
public function register_default_user() : void {
$result = wp_insert_user(
'user_login' => 'Default',
'user_pass' => wp_generate_password( 32 ),
'user_nicename' => 'Default',
'display_name' => 'Default',
'role' => 'contributor',
if ( ! $result instanceof WP_Error ) {
update_user_meta( $result, '_my_custom_meta', true );
* Set the Auto Increment to 1 000 000 000 or above to make sure post ids and web story ids are distinct.
public function set_autoincrement(): void {
global $wpdb;
$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->posts AUTO_INCREMENT = 1000000000;" );
new Settings_WordPress();
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