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Created September 3, 2012 01:19
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import json
import urllib.request
import time
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import http.cookiejar
def _isVideo(submission):
'''Returns video author name if this is a video'''
if 'media' in submission:
if submission['media'] is not None:
if 'oembed' in submission['media']:
if 'author_name' in submission['media']['oembed'] is not None:
return submission['media']['oembed']['author_name']
def _checkProfile(user):
opener = urllib.request.build_opener()
opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', ' v2')]
'{}/comments/.json?limit=100&sort=new'.format(user)) as w:
comments = json.loads('utf-8'))['data']['children']
'{}/submitted/.json?limit=100&sort=new'.format(user)) as w:
submitted = json.loads('utf-8'))['data']['children']
video_count = 0
video_authors = set()
video_submissions = set()
comments_on_self = 0
for item in submitted:
item = item['data']
video_author = _isVideo(item)
if video_author:
video_count += 1
for item in comments:
item = item['data']
if item['link_id'] in video_submissions:
comments_on_self +=1
# debug print
print({'vc': video_count, 'va': len(video_authors), 'vs': len(video_submissions), 'cos': comments_on_self,
'total': (((video_count + comments_on_self) / (len(comments) + len(submitted))) * 100)})
if len(video_authors) == 1 and video_count >= 3:
print(video_count, comments_on_self)
return ((video_count + comments_on_self) / (len(comments) + len(submitted))) * 100
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