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Created December 4, 2018 13:38
Advent of Code day 4
module Day4 =
open Day1
open Day2
open Day3
open System.IO
open System.Text
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open Utils
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Linq
// We want:
// The guard who has the most minutes slept
// The minute they slept the most.
// They are asleep on the minute they fall asleep, awake includes the minute they wake up.
// guard #num begins shift - sets that Guard ID as the context for all events that follow.
// Steps:
// 1 - Parse input
// 3 - Process input
// 4 - Conclusions
type GuardEvent =
| StartShift of System.DateTime * int
| Sleep of System.DateTime
| Wake of System.DateTime
// Message types -
// [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM] falls asleep
// [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM] wakes up
// [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM] Guard #(num) begins shift
let rawEvents = File.ReadAllLines("Day4input.txt")
let sleepPattern = new Regex(@"\[(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d)\] falls asleep");
let wakePattern = new Regex(@"\[(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d)\] wakes up");
let shiftPattern = new Regex(@"\[(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d)\] Guard #(\d+) begins shift");
let eventToDT (ge : GuardEvent) =
match ge with
| StartShift(dt, ident) -> dt
| Sleep(dt) -> dt
| Wake(dt) -> dt
let parseLogDate (logStamp : string) =
System.DateTime.ParseExact(logStamp, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)
let toEvent (line : string) =
let shiftMatch = shiftPattern.Match(line)
let sleepMatch = sleepPattern.Match(line)
let wakeMatch = wakePattern.Match(line)
if shiftMatch.Success then StartShift(parseLogDate shiftMatch.Groups.[1].Value, parseInt shiftMatch.Groups.[2].Value)
elif sleepMatch.Success then Sleep(parseLogDate sleepMatch.Groups.[1].Value)
elif wakeMatch.Success then Wake(parseLogDate wakeMatch.Groups.[1].Value)
else failwith "Unmatched Guard Event"
let orderedEvents =
|> List.ofArray
|> toEvent
|> List.sortBy eventToDT
// We need to keep track of Guard, Minute pairs for sleeping
// Keep track of the active Guard on Duty, and whether he is currently sleeping.
// Sequential processing
// if Current State is Guard#, Awake then do nothing, but update current state
// if Current State is Guard#, Asleep, then from Sleep Minute to Wake Minute - 1, add to the sleep bank.
// if Guard shift start, set Guard#, Awake
// Reduce
type SleepTracker =
GuardID : int;
Minute : int;
type GuardState =
| Awake of int * System.DateTime * SleepTracker list
| Asleep of int * System.DateTime * SleepTracker list
let guardFold (gs : GuardState) (ge : GuardEvent) =
match gs with
| Awake(id, dt, stl) ->
match ge with
| StartShift(shdt, gid) -> Awake(gid, shdt, stl)
| Sleep(sldt) -> Asleep(id, sldt, stl)
| Wake(wkdt) -> failwith "Do not expect waking up from Awake. Wakeception"
| Asleep(id, dt, stl) ->
match ge with
| StartShift(shdt, gid) -> failwith "Do not expect next shft without Waking first"
| Sleep(sldt) -> failwith "Do not expect sleeping from Asleep. Sleepception"
| Wake(wkdt) ->
let newstl =
[dt.Minute .. wkdt.Minute - 1]
|> (fun i -> { GuardID = id; Minute = i; })
Awake(id, wkdt, stl @ newstl)
let finalGuardState =
List.fold guardFold (Awake(0, System.DateTime.MinValue, [])) orderedEvents
let sleepTrackers =
match finalGuardState with
| Awake(_, _, stl) -> stl
| Asleep(_, _, _) -> failwith "Unexpected sleeping at end"
let guardMinutes =
|> Seq.ofList
|> Seq.countBy (function | { GuardID = gid; Minute = m;} -> gid)
|> Seq.sortBy snd
|> Enumerable.Last
let sleepyGuard = fst guardMinutes
let sleepyGuardMinute =
|> List.filter (fun st -> st.GuardID = sleepyGuard)
|> Seq.ofList
|> Seq.countBy (function | {GuardID = gid; Minute = m;} -> m)
|> Seq.sortBy snd
|> Enumerable.Last
|> fst
let guardMinute = sleepyGuard * sleepyGuardMinute
let sleepiestGuardMinute =
|> Seq.ofList
|> Seq.countBy (function | { GuardID = gid; Minute = m; } -> (gid, m))
|> Seq.sortBy snd
|> Enumerable.Last
|> fst
let (sGuard, sMinute) = sleepiestGuardMinute
let sGuardMinute = sGuard * sMinute
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