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Created September 5, 2013 09:34
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Haskell Apache Log Analyse
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Control.Applicative
import System.Environment
import Data.Function
import Data.List
data LogLine = LogLine {
getIP :: String
, getIdent :: String
, getUser :: String
, getDate :: String
, getReq :: String
, getStatus :: String
, getBytes :: String
, getRef :: String
, getUA :: String
} deriving (Ord, Show, Eq)
valueBetween:: Char -> Char -> Parser String
valueBetween o c = between (char o) (char c) (Control.Applicative.many $ noneOf [c])
plainV, bracketedV, quotedV, finalQuote :: Parser String
plainV = many1 (noneOf " \n") <* space
bracketedV = valueBetween '[' ']' <* space
quotedV = valueBetween '"' '"' <* space
finalQuote = valueBetween '"' '"'
logLine :: Parser LogLine
logLine = do
ip <- plainV
ident <- plainV
user <- plainV
date <- bracketedV
req <- quotedV
status <- plainV
bytes <- plainV
ref <- quotedV
ua <- finalQuote
return $ LogLine ip ident user date req status bytes ref ua
parseLine :: String -> Either ParseError LogLine
parseLine input = parse logLine "(unknown)" input
main = do
args <- getArgs
ln <- readFile (args!!0)
mapM_ (\(hit, user) -> putStrLn $ "User : " ++ user ++ "\taction : " ++ show hit) $ reverse . sort . map (\r -> (length r, head r)) $ group . sort . map (\l -> case parseLine l of Right res -> getUser res)$ lines ln
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Useful for pre-caching right ?

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