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Created March 11, 2015 10:56
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Improved double ampersand mixin for Sass

The double ampersand -- or as A list apart called it "lobotomized owl selector" -- is a CSS rule that looks like the following:

* + * {
	/* some declarations */

You can also use it with a specific selector:

p + p {
	margin-top: 1.5rem;

This article now looks at implementing this functionality in Sass using a mixin.

The simple implementation

@mixin double-ampersand {
	& + & {

Usage is like this:

p {
	@include double-ampersand {
		margin-top: 1.5rem;

The problem

The issue with this mixin will be apparent as soon as you use nested selectors. In a nested selector the CSS should look like this:

.content p + p {
	margin-top: 1.5rem;

If you now go to your Sass file and write:

.content p {
	@include double-ampersand {
		margin-top: 1.5rem;

it will not produce the desired output. Instead it will produce

.content p + .content p {
  	margin-top: 1.5rem;

Improved mixin

The improved mixin will only duplicate the last selector. So let's first look at the desired output and afterwards discuss the implementation

It should support simple selectors, ...

p {
	@include better-double-ampersand {
  		margin-top: 1.5rem;

// ... should produce ...

p + p {
	margin-top: 1.5rem;

... multiple selectors, ...

p {
	@include better-double-ampersand {
  		margin-top: 1.5rem;

// ... should produce ...

a + a,
p + p {
	margin-top: 1.5rem;

... nested selectors, ...

.content p {
	@include better-double-ampersand {
  		margin-top: 1.5rem;

// ... should produce ...

.content p + p {
	margin-top: 1.5rem;

... multiple nested selectors, ...

.test p,
.content p {
	@include better-double-ampersand {
  		margin-top: 1.5rem;

// ... should produce ...

.test p + p,
.content p + p {
	margin-top: 1.5rem;

... and multiple nested selectors with different last selectors.

.test p,
.content a {
	@include better-double-ampersand {
  		margin-top: 1.5rem;

// ... should produce ...

.test p + p,
.content a + a {
	margin-top: 1.5rem;

So, here goes. This is the commented code that solves all requests (it is a bit verbose, sorry about that). It tries to use the existing & behaviour and only breaks out of it, if it would produce invalid selectors.

// This function will return the last item in a list
@function last ($list) {
	@return nth($list, length($list));

// This function implements the improved double ampersand algoithm
@mixin better-double-ampersand {
	// at first we need to reference the list of selectors for which
	// this mixin is called (we will call that "caller selectors" from now on)
	// For
	// p .test, a { @include better-double-ampersand { /* ... */ }; }
	// this will be
	// (p .test, a)
	$caller-selectors: &;

	// We need to track whether the last selector for all caller selectors
	// is the same. If it isn't we need to perform some special handling
	$has-same-last-caller-selector: true;

	// For checking whether all last selectors are the same. Store the first one
	// and compare all other last selectors to it.
	$previous-last-selector: last(nth($caller-selectors, 1));

	// A list of prepared separators. If the last selectors are not the same,
	// we need to create our own block with the prepared selectors.
	$prepared-selectors: ();

	// Loop through all caller selectors to
	// - check for the last
	// - generate prepared selectors
	@each $selector in $caller-selectors {
		$last: last($selector);
		@if ($previous-last-selector != $last) {
			$has-same-last-caller-selector: false;

		// generate prepared selector
		$prepared-selectors: append($prepared-selectors, #{$selector} + #{$last}, comma);

	@if ($has-same-last-caller-selector) {
		// if all selectors have the same last selector
		// we can just use the regular `&` functionality
		& + #{$previous-last-selector} {
	} @else {
		// If not all selectors are the same, we need to render a completely
		// own block
		@at-root #{$prepared-selectors} {

Please note that this code currently doesn't work in libsass. :( You can inline the last() function, if you want to keep it all inside of one mixin.

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