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Last active August 16, 2023 15:34
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homebrew bundle file ~/Brewfile
# src:
# doc:
# to install execute: brew bundle
# to check validity: brew bundle check
# examples:
# all available formulas
cask_args appdir: "/Applications"
### cli tools
brew 'mas' # MacAppStore cli interface
brew 'bash'
brew 'bash-completion'
brew 'zsh'
brew 'zsh-completions'
brew 'zsh-syntax-highlighting'
brew 'zsh-history-substring-search'
brew 'screen'
brew 'tmux'
brew 'coreutils' # GNU coreutils with "g"-prefix
brew 'binutils' #GNU binutils with "g"-prefix
brew 'gnu-sed'
brew 'ack' # Search for PATTERN in each file / current directory on down
brew 'grep' # GNU grep
brew 'findutils' # GNU find/xargs/etc
brew 'moreutils' # contains GNU parallel
#brew 'vcsh' #dotfile manager
brew 'jq' # JSON Parser
# brew 'jc' # --json shim for coreutils, etc (currently only a pip)
brew 'jp' # JSON Terminal plotter
# brew 'xidel' # HTML/XML Parser # abandonware
brew 'dos2unix' # change line endings
brew 'tree'
brew 'ncdu' # du ncurses interface
brew 'zbar' # qrcode / barcode reader
brew 'rename'
brew 'fd' # rustlang "find" replacement
brew 'exa' # rustlang "ls" replacement
brew 'fzf' # fuzzy folder search
brew 'lynx' # cli Webbrowser
brew 'thefuck'
brew 'asciinema' # share terminal 'recordings'
brew 'haste-client' # pastebin alternative
brew 'fortune'
brew 'ponysay'
brew 'wallpaper' # set wallpaper via cli
brew 'highlight' # Syntax highlighter
brew 'bat' # cat with color
brew 'mdcat' # cat for Markdown files
brew 'lesspipe' # less preprocessor
brew 'colordiff' # better diff (same syntax, more color)
brew 'icdiff' # better diff (different syntax)
cask 'beyond-compare'
cask 'iterm2'
# Process Management / Monitoring
brew 'pv' # Unix Pipe View
brew 'pstree'
brew 'htop'
brew 'nethogs' # top for networking, groups bandwidth by process
brew 'glances' # top on steroids
cask 'filemon' # show filesystem changes - cli tool
# System Management
brew 'duti' # change file associations via cli in macOS
# Archives
brew 'unar' # "The Unarchiver" universal unarchiver
brew 'unzip'
brew 'p7zip'
brew 'xz'
brew 'lz4'
brew 'lzip'
brew 'pigz' # zlib aka. .zz
brew 'par2'
brew 'rhash' # recursive hash checking
mas 'keka', id: 470158793
cask 'the-archive-browser'
# mas 'the-unarchiver', id: 425424353 # for stuffit archives
# File Management
brew 'rsync'
# brew 'hardlink-osx' # create directory hardlinks on macos: hln # hardlink-osx has been disabled because it doesn't work under APFS, using on HFS+ can cause data loss after conversion!
brew 'broot' # tree + cli file manager
# brew 'ranger' # VIM-inspired CLI File Manager
# brew 'lf' # slim terminal File Manager
# brew 'nnn' # file manager
#brew 'fdupes' # duplicate finder
#brew 'jdupes' # enhanced duplicate finder
cask 'dupeguru' # GUI Duplicate Finder
cask 'namechanger' # file rename GUIname
cask 'easyfind' # Spotlight on Steroids
# NoteTaking / Time Keeping
cask 'obsidian'
# cask 'zettlr'
#cask 'qOwnNotes'
#cask 'nvalt' # NOTATIONAL VELOCITY successor
#brew 'task' # taskwarrior
#brew 'timewarrior'
#brew 'todo-txt'
#mas 'swiftodo-desktop', id: 1143641091
brew 'git'
brew 'lazygit' # git cli-gui
cask 'sourcetree' # git GUI
#cask 'gitkraken'
#mas 'stat', id: 931063335 # Finder Git Integration
#cask 'sourcetrail' # Code analysis GUI
### Networking / Downloading
brew 'wget'
brew 'nmap'
brew 'curl'
brew 'httpie' # better "curl"
brew 'httrack' # download whole websites
brew 'aria2'
#cask 'jdownloader'
brew 'megatools' # download from mega.dl in cli with "mega-dl"
brew 'rclone' # gdrive,etc. cli download tool
brew 'netcat'
brew 'whois'
brew 'iperf3'
brew 'speedtest-cli'
#cask 'angry-ip-scanner'
cask 'linkliar' # spoof MAC Address
mas 'lanscan', id: 472226235
mas 'discovery-dns-sd-browser', id: 1381004916
mas 'cocoa-packet-analyzer', id: 418357707 # wireshark light
mas 'vnc-connect', id:1073476141 # WOL/VNC GUI
brew 'proxychains-ng'
#brew 'wireguard-go'
#brew 'wireguard-tools'
mas 'wireguard', id: 1451685025
#mas 'outline-secure-internet-access', id: 1356178125 # shadowsocks proxy client
#cask 'viscosity' # OpenVPN client
#cask 'zerotier-one'
### Remote Computer Management
#cask 'royal-tsx'
cask 'vnc-viewer' # realvnc Viewer
cask 'anydesk' # TeamViewer alternative
brew 'wakeonlan'
mas 'microsoft-remote-desktop-10', id: 1295203466
mas 'ssh-config-editor', id: 1109319285
### Programming Languages / Runtimes / Resource Managers
brew 'python' # current python3
brew 'pipenv' # python virtual env manager
brew 'node'
brew 'yarn'
brew 'golang'
# c# / .NET
# brew 'mono'
#cask 'dotnet-sdk'
#cask 'powershell'
# brew 'ruby'
brew 'rbenv' # install multiple ruby versions (use bundler to manage project gems)
#brew 'php@7.4'
#brew 'composer'
#brew 'php-code-sniffer'
#brew 'php-cs-fixer'
brew 'perl'
brew 'rustup-init' # tool for setting up a rust development environment
brew 'openjdk@11' unless system "/usr/libexec/java_home --failfast &>/dev/null" #
# cask 'corretto' unless system "/usr/libexec/java_home --failfast &>/dev/null" # amazon's JDK
#brew 'Jadx' # Java decompiler with android support
#brew 'cfr-decompiler' # another java decompiler
cask 'android-platform-tools'
brew 'scrcpy' # mirror android device connected via ADB
#brew 'apktool'
#mas 'xcode', id: 497799835
#brew 'cocoapods'
#brew 'platypus' # macOS applictation bundler
### Building / Compiling
brew 'llvm'
brew 'gcc'
brew 'cmake'
brew 'colormake'
brew 'pkg-config'
brew 'autoconf'
brew 'automake'
brew 'gpatch' # GNU patch
brew 'doxygen'
brew 'texinfo'
brew 'clang-format'
brew 'yasm' # Modular Assembler
# Debug / Decomp[iling
brew 'gdb'
#cask 'ghidra' # NSA code decompiler
#cask 'idafree' # IDA decompiler x86_64 only
### LaTeX
#cask 'mactex-no-gui'
#cask 'tex-live-utility' # tlmgr GUI
#cask 'compositor' # LaTeX WYSIWYG Editor
### Docker
#cask 'docker'
#cask 'kitematic' # dockerHUB gui
#brew 'docker-machine' # legacy
#brew 'docker-compose' # kubernetis lite
### Filesync
#cask 'syncthing'
cask 'nextcloud'
cask 'transmission'
brew 'transmission-cli'
#cask 'nzbvortex'
### Media consumption
#cask 'mpv'
cask 'iina' # nicer mpv frontend
mas 'friendly-streaming-browser', id:553245401
cask 'vlc'
brew 'subliminal' # auto download subltitles
#cask 'MilkyTracker' # Chiptune Player
mas 'sofaplay', id: 566429668 # DLNA Sender
#brew 'shairport-sync' # Airplay Receiver cli
cask 'fstream' # Web Radio Player
#cask 'flash-player' #Standalone sfw player
## Reading
#cask 'skim' # alternative PDF viewer
#cask 'zotero' # Knoledgebase / .bib file management
mas 'clearview', id: 557090104 # pdf/epub annotator & reader
#cask 'calibre' # Book Library Management
#mas 'yet-epub-reader', id: 926658435
mas 'yet-comic-reader', id: 934751602
#mas 'epub-reader', id: 591299853
# mas 'apolloone-photo-video-viewer', id: 1044484672 # Fast Image Viewer
cask 'xnviewmp' # Image Viewer / Organizer
### Media creation
mas 'affinity-designer', id: 824171161
mas 'affinity-photo', id: 824183456
mas 'affinity-publisher', id: 881418622
cask 'drawio'
#cask 'gimp'
#cask 'inkscape'
#cask 'blender'
## cask 'audacity' f'ed by fosshub
cask 'fission'
#mas 'audiobook-builder-2', id: 1437681957
cask 'losslesscut' # video editor
### Media download
brew 'youtube-dl'
### Media inspection
brew 'mediainfo'
mas 'MediaInfo', id: 510620098
brew 'exiftool'
#mas 'exif-sync', id: 582944801 # sync mismatched timestamps
#cask 'spek' # Waveform visualizer // official version is broken, working forked version in ~/Applications
#### Media conversion
cask 'burn' # CD burning tool
#cask 'max' # Audio Conversion GUI
#cask 'xld' # Audio Conversion GUI
cask 'handbrake'
brew 'ffmpeg'
cask 'kid3' # mp3 tag editor
brew 'mp4v2'
brew 'imagemagick'
cask 'imageoptim' # GUI for lossless image optimization
cask 'xnconvert' # Batch image manitpulation
#cask 'makemkv'
cask 'mkvtoolnix'
cask 'subler' #mp4 muxer/demuxer
cask 'mp4tools' # EmmGunn VIDEOtoolbox
cask 'mkvtools' # EmmGunn VIDEOtoolbox
cask 'avitools' # EmmGunn VIDEOtoolbox
cask 'subtools' # EmmGunn VIDEOtoolbox
### Audio Routing
#cask 'soundflower'
#cask 'soundflowerbed' # Soundflower MenuBar Configuration Utility
#cask blackhole-2ch # Soundflower successor 2 channel
#cask blackhole-16ch # Soundflower successor 16 channel
#cask 'soundsource'
cask 'audio-hijack'
### Games
mas 'milksnake', id: 448050111 # 3D Snake
#cask 'steam'
### Menubar Applications
#cask 'vanilla' # hide menubar-icons
mas 'hidden-bar', id: 1452453066 # hide menubar-icons
cask 'menubar-colors'
cask 'colorpicker-skalacolor'
# cask 'colorpicker-materialdesign' broken on 10.15
cask 'monitorcontrol'
#cask 'insomniax'
mas 'amphetamine', id: 937984704
cask 'istat-menus'
# cask 'blueharvest' # .DS_Store cleaner
### UX
cask 'bettertouchtool'
#cask 'logitech-options'
#cask 'logitech-myharmony'
### Text Processing
#mas 'libreoffice-vanilla', id: 921923693
cask 'libreoffice'
cask 'sublime-text'
#cask 'sublime-merge'
cask 'visual-studio-code'
#cask 'vscodium' # VScode FLOSS (no access to official Extension Library)
mas 'subethaedit', id: 728530824
cask 'hex-fiend'
mas 'regexrx', id: 498370702
mas 'json-editor', id: 567740330
mas 'easy-csv-editor', id: 1171346381
mas 'plist-editor', id: 1157491961
mas 'xml-notepad', id: 604275546
mas 'logseen', id:1167891130
brew 'vim'
brew 'nvim'
#cask 'macvim'
brew 'pandoc'
brew 'pdftohtml'
brew 'multimarkdown'
cask 'marked' # Markdown Renderer
### Electronics / CAD
#cask 'kicad' # PCB Designer
#cask 'ltspice' # Circuit Simulator
#cask 'autodesk-fusion360' # mas 'fusion-360', id: 868968810 # depricated by autodesk
#cask 'openscad' # CAD with description language
# cask 'ultimaker-cura' # 3D-print slicer
# cask 'prusaslicer'
### OS Tools
#cask 'vmware-fusion'
cask 'balenaetcher' # etcher dd GUI
#cask 'fedora-media-writer'
#cask 'borgbackup'
#cask 'vorta' # borgbackup GUI
#brew 'duplicity' # cloud backup with encrypted tar-archives
### Secrets / Passwords / Keys
brew 'gnupg2' # gpg cli
brew 'pwgen' # cli perl password generator
#cask 'gpg-suite' # GPG GUI + Mail integration
brew 'minisign' # dead simple signing
brew 'openssl' #, args: ['without-tests']
cask 'xca' # X.509 certificates, CSR, RSA, DSA and EC private keys GUI Mgnt
#cask 'keybase'
cask 'keepassxc'
#cask 'keeweb'
#brew 'pass'
#cask 'qtpass'
#cask 'veracrypt'
#cask '1password@6'
# mas 'enpass-password-manager', id:732710998
# Hardware Security Tokens
#mas 'yubikey-personalization-tool', id: 638161122
#brew 'ykman'
#cask 'yubioath' # doesn't exist
# Password Cracking
#brew 'john-jumbo' # jumbo => enhanced John the Ripper password cracker
#brew 'hashcat'
### Tools
#cask 'dash'
cask 'forklift'
#cask 'db-browser-for-sqlite'
#cask 'sequel-pro' # mySQL GU
mas 'valentina-studio', id: 604825918 # SQL GUII
#mas 'liya', id: 455484422 # SQLite GUI
#cask 'ui-browser'
mas 'mypoint-pro', id: 519281773 # Monitor Shade / Mouse Halo Ring
# mas 'skitch-snap-mark-up-share', id: 425955336 # Screenshot Utility
#cask 'kap' # simple screen-capture utility
#cask 'obs' # open broadcaster
cask 'keyboardcleantool'
#cask 'displaycal'
mas 'babbl', id: 468801049 #TTS GUI
### binary files
#brew 'flashrom'
#brew 'binwalk', args: ['HEAD'] # last stable release 2015
### Filesystems
#cask 'disk-arbitrator' # prevent macos from mounting / set mount-options
#cask 'openzfs' # needs root
#cask 'osxfuse' # needs root
#brew 'ext4fuse'
# brew 'sshfs' # use ForkLift instead
#brew 'simple-mtpfs' # simple-mtpfs --device 1 ~/Desktop/MTP
#brew 'fuse-zip'
#brew 'squashfuse'
#brew 'btfs'
#brew 'ntfs-3g' # need to mount manually
#brew 'bindfs' # mirroring the contents of a directory to another directory
#brew 'ddrescue'
#brew 'testdisk' # data recovery
#mas 'app-language-chooser', id: 931063335
#mas 'Unformat Clipboard', id: 957288537
#mas 'auction-sniper-for-ebay', id: 608292802
### Extensions
mas 'context-menu', id: 1236813619 # Finder Context Menu
### Notification Center Widgets
mas 'just-calendar', id:934523970
### Legacy Notification Center
#mas 'nc-world-clocks-notication-center-world-clocks', id: 941013162
#mas 'monthlycal', id: 935250717
#mas 'convertos', id: 933651245
#mas 'exchange-rates', id: 718218603
#mas 'miniplay-for-itunes-and-more', id: 936243210
#### Quicklook Plugins
cask 'qlcolorcode' # SourceCode highlighting
cask 'qlstephen' # Preview plain text files without or with unknown file extension
cask 'qlmarkdown'
cask 'quicklook-json'
cask 'qlimagesize' # show image size in qicklook header
cask 'quicklookapk'
# cask 'epubquicklook' # only works mojave
### Communnication / Browsers
mas 'browser-ninja', id: 995838410 # conditional Browser Selector
#cask 'multifirefox'
#cask 'firefox'
#cask 'firefox-developer-edition'
#cask 'eloston-chromium' #ungoogled chromium
#cask 'brave-browser'
#mas 'faxbot', id: 640079107
mas 'pdfscanner-scanning-and-ocr', id: 410968114
# Safari Utilities
mas 'adblock-plus-for-safari-abp', id: 1432731683
# mas '1blocker', id: 1107421413
mas 'privatus-6', id:1370740318
cask 'fluid' #create "native" PWAs with Safari
#cask 'thunderbird'
#cask 'postbox'
# Social Media / Messaging
#mas 'tweetbot-3-for-twitter', id: 1384080005lib
#mas 'whalebird', id: 1378283354 # mastodon native client
cask 'rambox' # multi-messanger-app
#cask 'signal'
#cask 'nheko' # native-qt matrix chat client
#cask 'seaglass' # native macOS matrix chat client
# Security / Antivirus
cask 'knockknock'
cask 'TaskExplorer'
cask 'KextViewr'
mas 'bitdefender-virus-scanner', id: 500154009
cask 'launchcontrol' # launchd management
#mas 'sandkorn', id: 1377973524 # view sandbox status / permissions
cask 'suspicious-package' # Check .pkg Packages
cask 'whatsyoursign' # Check App Bundle Signatures => wys cli
### Monitoring / Cleaning
cask 'smcfancontrol'
# cask 'intel-power-gadget'
cask 'coconutbattery'
cask 'daisydisk'
cask 'AppCleaner'
cask 'onyx'
#mas 'battery-health-2-stats-info', id: 1120214373
mas 'blackmagic-disk-speed-test', id: 425264550
mas 'mactracker', id: 430255202
# Games / Emulators
#brew 'mame'
cask 'openemu'
#cask 'sameboy' # GB/GBC emulator
#cask 'dosbox'
# Wine / Windows
#cask 'winebottler' developer playes hard to get:
#cask 'wine-stable'
#cask 'wineskin-winery'
#cask 'xquartz'
# Other Applications not available as a Brew Cask are stored in $HOME/Applications
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