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Last active January 20, 2025 15:22
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  • Save apfelchips/d8a6e08c1aeb79df4372096fd11c1fc1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save apfelchips/d8a6e08c1aeb79df4372096fd11c1fc1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
userscript that forces to be in english
// ==UserScript==
// @name aliexpress_en
// @version 0.2
// @description always redirect to and reset the location/language/currency settings. This script pins locale settings cookie. Please clear cookies on all "aliexpress" domains before using this userscript.
// @author
// @match *://*
// @match *://**
// @match *://*
// @match *://**
// @noframes
// @license MIT
// @icon
// @supportURL
// ==/UserScript==
// adapted from:
// doc: /
const FORCE_SITE = 'glo'
const FORCE_LOCALE = 'en_US'
const Style = {
base: [
"color: #fff",
"background-color: #444",
"padding: 2px 4px",
"border-radius: 2px",
"font-weight: bold"
green: [
"background-color: green"
red: [
"color: #eee",
"background-color: red"
blue: [
"background-color: blue"
yellow: [
"color: #444",
"background-color: yellow"
orange: [
"background-color: orange"
function log(input, extra = []) {
let style = Style.base.join(';') + ';';
style += extra.join(';');
let logmsg = input
if ( typeof(input) == 'object'){
logmsg = JSON.stringify(input, null, 2).replace(/^[\t ]*"[^:\n\r]+(?<!\\)":/gm, (x) => x.replace(/"/g, '')) // json without quoted properties
console.log(`%c${logmsg}`, style);
function getCookie(cName) {
var match = document.cookie.match(new RegExp('(^| )' + cName + '=([^;]+)'))
if (match) {
log(`found cookie: ${cName}: ${match[2]}`,
return match[2]
} else {
log(`empty/unset cookie: ${cName}: ''`, Style.yellow)
return ''
function setCookie(cName, cValue, expDays) {
let date = new Date()
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (expDays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000))
const expires = `expires=${date.toUTCString()}`
log(`setting cookie: ${cName}: ${cValue}`,
document.cookie = `${cName}=${cValue}; ${expires}; path=/`
const aepCookie = getCookie('aep_usuc_f')
const intlCookie = getCookie('intl_locale')
const xmanCookie = getCookie('xman_us_f')
if (!(aepCookie.includes(`site=${FORCE_SITE}`)
&& aepCookie.includes(`region=${FORCE_REGION}`)
&& aepCookie.includes(`b_locale=${FORCE_LOCALE}`)
&& aepCookie.includes(`c_tp=${FORCE_CURRENCY}`)
)) {
// site=deu&c_tp=EUR&ups_d=&ups_u_t=&region=DE&b_locale=de_DE&ae_u_p_s=1
const newaepCookie = `site=${FORCE_SITE}&c_tp=${FORCE_CURRENCY}&ups_d=&ups_u_t=&region=${FORCE_REGION}&b_locale=${FORCE_LOCALE}&ae_u_p_s=1`
setCookie('aep_usuc_f', newaepCookie, 9999)
if ( ! intlCookie.includes(`${FORCE_LOCALE}`)) {
setCookie('intl_locale', FORCE_LOCALE, 9999)
if ( ! xmanCookie.includes(`x_locale=${FORCE_LOCALE}`)) {
const newxmanCookie = xmanCookie.replace(/x_locale=\w{2}_\w{2}/i, `x_locale=${FORCE_LOCALE}`)
setCookie('xman_us_f', newxmanCookie, 9999)
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gene-pavlovsky commented Jul 25, 2023

This script gives me errors because await is used outside of an async function.
To fix this, I wrapped most of the code (starting from line 82) in

(async function() {

Also, these patterns:

// @match        *://
// @match        *://

are giving errors (at least when used with ViolentMonkey):

Bad pattern: missing "/" for path in *://
Bad pattern: missing "/" for path in *://

They seem to be unnecessary, I just removed them

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Hmmm, it seemed to work on my first attempt, but now it seems to be stuck in a redirect loop, once redirected to

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geek111 commented Jul 23, 2024

It works great without changes :) Wow thanks for this scrip save nerves.

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If I open a link from Google Images search and it is in hebrew, italiano or any other language, it does not work.. The links are like this:

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