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Created May 25, 2018 14:42
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require(['dojo/topic'], function(topic) {
* Custom Javascript to be executed while the application is initializing goes here
// function to get the query params from the URL
var getQueryStringValue = function(key) {
return decodeURIComponent( RegExp('^(?:.*[&\\?]' + encodeURIComponent(key).replace(/[\.\+\*]/g, '\\$&') + '(?:\\=([^&]*))?)?.*$', 'i'), '$1'));
// function to update the query params in the URL address bar
var updateQueryStringParameter = function(uri, key, value) {
var re = new RegExp('([?&])' + key + '=.*?(&|$)', 'i');
var separator = uri.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? '&' : '?';
if (uri.match(re)) {
return uri.replace(re, '$1' + key + '=' + value + '$2');
} else {
return uri + separator + key + '=' + value;
// function to remove a query parameter from the URL address bar
var removeQueryParam = function(sourceURL, key) {
var rtn = sourceURL.split('?')[0];
var param;
var params_arr = [];
var queryString = (sourceURL.indexOf('?') !== -1) ? sourceURL.split('?')[1] : '';
if (queryString !== '') {
params_arr = queryString.split('&');
for (var i = params_arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
param = params_arr[i].split('=')[0];
if (param === key) {
params_arr.splice(i, 1);
rtn = rtn + '?' + params_arr.join('&');
return rtn;
// The application is ready
topic.subscribe('tpl-ready', function() {
* Custom Javascript to be executed when the application is ready goes here
// console.log('Cascade is ready');
// function to get a bookmark object by name
var getBookmarkByName = function(name) {
var bookmarks = app.Controller.getBookmarks();
return bookmarks.filter(function(bm) {
return (bm.title === name);
// check for incoming URL params to go right to a bookmark or section index number
var bookmark = getQueryStringValue('bookmark');
var sectionIndex = getQueryStringValue('sectionIndex');
// check for a bookmark name first
if (bookmark) {
var sectionObject = getBookmarkByName(bookmark);
if (sectionObject) {
var index = sectionObject.index;
index: index,
animate: true
} else if (sectionIndex) {
// if there is no bookmark name in the URL, check for a section index number
index: sectionIndex,
animate: true
// This is the function that will be called when one of our `inlink` links is clicked
var linkToSection = function(eventData) {
// prevent the default click event
// set the index, assume it's the section index number
var index =;
// set URL bar to your new section. now you can copy/paste/share easily!
var currentUrl = window.location.href;
var newUrl = currentUrl;
if ( === 'bookmark') {
// if we are dealing with a bookmark name, get the proper index
var bookmarkObject = getBookmarkByName(;
index = bookmarkObject.index;
// set the URL address bar
newUrl = updateQueryStringParameter(currentUrl, 'bookmark',;
newUrl = removeQueryParam(newUrl, 'sectionIndex');
} else {
// set the URL address bar
newUrl = updateQueryStringParameter(currentUrl, 'sectionIndex',;
newUrl = removeQueryParam(newUrl, 'bookmark');
// this actually refreshes the URL address bar
window.history.pushState({}, '', newUrl);
// scroll to the section (finally!)
index: index,
animate: true
// scan the entire story map and get all the `inlink-*` links
var els = document.querySelectorAll('a[href^=\'inlink-\']');
// loop through each link element we have and make some adjustments
els.forEach(function(linkElement) {
// split up the href value; examples values are:
// `inlink-bookmark-Learn` ==> navigate to the bookmark titled "Learn"
// `inlink-index-9` ==> navigate to the 9th element in your story
var linkIdentifier = linkElement.href.substr(linkElement.href.indexOf('inlink-'), linkElement.href.length);
var splits = linkIdentifier.split('-');
// get section type; either `bookmark` (name) or `index` (number)
var sectionType = splits[1];
// grab the section index
var section = splits[2];
// reset the `href`
linkElement.href = '#';
// set the onlick event (with jQuery's help) to the function above
section: section,
sectionType: sectionType
}, linkToSection);
* Custom Javascript to be executed when a section becomes active
topic.subscribe('story-navigated-section', function(cfg) {
// console.log('The section', cfg, 'is now active');
// as we scroll through the story, we can set the URL address bar with a shareable link directly to the section we want
// var url = new URL(window.location.href);
var currentUrl = window.location.href;
var incomingIndex = getQueryStringValue('sectionIndex');
var newUrl = currentUrl;
if (cfg && && === 'cover') {
newUrl = removeQueryParam(newUrl, 'bookmark');
newUrl = removeQueryParam(newUrl, 'sectionIndex');
window.history.pushState({}, '', newUrl);
// if we are at the Cover page, remove all the parameters and update the URL address bar
// but if we have an incoming bookmark or sectionIndex param, we want to make sure that gets passed in
var shouldRemoveUrlParams = false;
if (cfg.index === 0 && incomingIndex === '') {
shouldRemoveUrlParams = true;
if (shouldRemoveUrlParams) {
newUrl = removeQueryParam(newUrl, 'sectionIndex');
window.history.pushState({}, '', newUrl);
// get the bookmark object for the current section and update the URL address bar with it
var bookmarkObject = app.Controller.getBookmarks().filter(
function(bm) {
return (bm.index === cfg.index);
if (bookmarkObject) {
var bookmarkName = bookmarkObject.title;
newUrl = updateQueryStringParameter(currentUrl, 'bookmark', bookmarkName);
newUrl = removeQueryParam(newUrl, 'sectionIndex');
window.history.pushState({}, '', newUrl);
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