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Created September 8, 2010 10:38
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game of life
;;;; Conway's game of life
;;; certainly not the best implementation, but it works...
(ns life.core
(:import (java.awt Color Dimension)
(javax.swing JPanel JFrame Timer JOptionPane)
(java.awt.event ActionListener KeyListener)))
(def width 50)
(def height 50)
(def point-size 10)
(def turn-millis 1000)
(def colors
[(Color. 0 255 0) ; green
(Color. 255 0 0) ; red
(Color. 0 0 255) ; blue
(Color. 0 255 255) ; cyan
(Color. 255 255 0)]) ; yellow
(defn random-color []
(rand-nth colors))
(defn make-board [w h]
"Returns a 2d vector of false"
(vec (for [_ (range h)]
(vec (for [_ (range w)] (> (rand) 0.4))))))
(defn point-at [b x y]
((b y) x))
(defn point-to-screen-rect [pt]
(map #(* point-size %)
[(pt 0) (pt 1) 1 1]))
(defn next-generation [current pred? width height]
(vec (for [y (range height)]
(vec (for [x (range width)]
(pred? current x y width height))))))
(defn count-neighbors [board x y w h]
(let [pts (fn [xs ys]
(apply concat (for [y ys]
(for [x xs :when (not (and (= x 0) (= y 0)))]
[x y]))))]
(count (filter (fn [pt]
(let [ax (mod (+ (pt 0) x) w)
ay (mod (+ (pt 1) y) h)]
(point-at board ax ay)))
(pts [-1 0 1] [-1 0 1])))))
(defn survives? [board x y w h]
"Tests whether or not current thing survives"
(let [status (point-at board x y)
neighbors (count-neighbors board x y w h)]
(if status
(if (or (< neighbors 2) (> neighbors 3)) false true)
(if (= neighbors 3) true false))))
(defn fill-point [g pt color]
(let [[x y width height] (point-to-screen-rect pt)]
(.setColor g color)
(.fillRect g x y width height)))
(defn paint-buffer [g buffer w h]
(doseq [y (range h) x (range w)]
(when (point-at buffer x y)
(fill-point g [x y] (random-color)))))
(defn game-panel [frame onsb paused]
(proxy [JPanel ActionListener KeyListener] []
(paintComponent [g]
(proxy-super paintComponent g)
(paint-buffer g @onsb width height))
(actionPerformed [e]
(alter onsb next-generation survives? width height))
(.repaint this))
(keyPressed [e]
(if @paused
(ref-set paused false)
(ref-set paused true))))
(getPreferredSize []
(Dimension. (* width point-size)
(* height point-size)))
(keyReleased [e])
(keyTyped [e])))
(defn game []
(let [board (ref (make-board width height))
paused (ref false)
frame (JFrame. "Life")
panel (game-panel frame board paused)
timer (Timer. turn-millis panel)]
(doto panel
(.setFocusable true)
(.addKeyListener panel))
(doto frame
(.add panel)
(.setVisible true))
(.start timer)
[board paused timer]))
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