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Created September 21, 2010 13:00
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(ns samegame
(:use [clojure.set :only (union)]
[clojure.contrib.math :only (floor)]
[clojure.contrib.seq-utils :only (indexed)])
(:import (java.awt Color Dimension)
(javax.swing JPanel JFrame Timer JOptionPane)
(java.awt.event ActionListener KeyListener MouseListener)))
(def colors [(Color. 255 0 0) (Color. 0 255 0) (Color. 0 0 255)])
(def blank-color (Color. 0 0 0))
(def board-width 20)
(def board-height 10)
(def cell-size 20)
(defn rpad
"Pad coll with n ts on the right"
([coll n] (rpad coll n nil))
([coll n t]
(concat coll (take n (repeat t)))))
(defn lpad
"Pad coll with n ts on the left"
([coll n] (lpad coll n nil))
([coll n t]
(concat (take n (repeat t)) coll)))
(defn transpose
"Transpose the 2 dimensional vector"
(apply map (fn [& args] args) v))
(defn remove-indexed
"Removes from coll things at idx. Does not automatically remove nil"
[coll idx]
(map second
(filter #(not (contains? (apply hash-set idx) (first %)))
(indexed coll))))
(defn create-board
"Creates a new board given data, or not given data"
([w h]
(create-board w h
(for [y (range h)]
(vec (take w (repeat nil)))))))
([w h data]
{:width w
:height h
:data data
:cell-size 20}))
(defn print-board [b]
(doseq [a (b :data)]
(println a)))
(defn color-for [i]
(if (nil? i) blank-color (colors i)))
(defn random-board [w h]
(let [c (count colors)]
(create-board w h
(for [y (range h)]
(vec (repeatedly w #(rand-int c))))))))
(defn point-at
([board pt]
(point-at board (pt 0) (pt 1)))
([board x y]
(let [v (:data board)]
((v y) x))))
(defn expand-points
"Get list of neighbors given a point that do not exceed w h"
[pt w h]
(let [x (pt 0)
y (pt 1)]
(apply sorted-set
(for [[i j] [[0 1] [1 0] [-1 0] [0 -1]]
:when (let [nx (+ i x)
ny (+ j y)]
(and (not (= pt [nx ny]))
(and (< nx w) (>= nx 0))
(and (< ny h) (>= ny 0))))]
[(+ x i) (+ y j)]))))
(defn find-points-to-remove [board pt]
(let [kind (point-at board pt)
height (:height board)
width (:width board)]
(loop [explored? #{}
found #{}
left #{pt}]
(let [cpt (first left)]
;; base case -> nothing left to explore
(or (nil? left) (nil? cpt)) found
;; have we already explored this point?
(explored? cpt) (recur explored? found (rest left))
;; is the point we're looking at one to remove?
(= (point-at board cpt) kind)
(let [newexplored (conj explored? cpt)
newfound (conj found cpt)
; union expand-points so we get an actual #{set}
newleft (union (expand-points cpt width height)
(rest left))]
(recur newexplored newfound newleft))
:else (recur (conj explored? cpt)
(rest left)))))))
(defn remove-connected-component
"Removes the connected items of kind at x, y"
[board x y]
(let [height (:height board)
width (:width board)
points (find-points-to-remove board [x y])]
(if (> (count points) 1)
(create-board width height
(vec (for [j (range height)]
(vec (for [i (range width)]
(if (nil? (points [i j]))
(point-at board i j)
(defn find-all
[coll x]
(keep-indexed #(if (= x %2) %1) coll))
(defn collapse-left
[data width]
(let [idx (find-all (last data) nil)
rows (map #(remove-indexed % idx) data)]
(map #(rpad %1 (- width (count %1))) rows)))
(defn collapse-down
"Moves nils to the top"
[data height]
(transpose (map (fn [r]
(let [d (remove-indexed r (find-all r nil))]
(lpad d (- height (count d)))))
(transpose data))))
(defn collapse-board
(let [collapse #(collapse-left
(collapse-down (:data %1) (:height %1))
(:width %1))]
(create-board (:width board) (:height board)
(vec (map vec (collapse board))))))
(defn remove-at-point
"Removes connected component of color"
[board x y]
(let [kind (point-at board x y)]
(println (str "Kind at: " kind " x: " x " y: " y))
(if (nil? kind)
(let [removed (remove-connected-component board x y)]
(println (str "Connected component removed: " removed))
(collapse-board removed)))))
;;; make these referentially transparent
(defn point-to-screen-rect [pt cs]
(map #(* cs %)
[(pt 0) (pt 1) cs cs]))
(defn screen-to-point [pt cs]
(map #(floor (/ % cs)) pt))
(defn fill-cell [g pt color cs]
(let [[x y width height] (point-to-screen-rect pt cs)]
(.setColor g color)
(.fillRect g x y width height)))
(defn paint-board
[g board]
(doseq [y (range (:height board)) x (range (:width board))]
(fill-cell g [x y] (color-for (point-at board [x y])) (:cell-size board))))
(defn win?
(every? true? (map #(every? true? (map nil? %1)) (:data board))))
(defn losing-row?
(loop [x -1 r row]
(not (coll? row)) true
(= (first r) x) false
:else (recur (first r) (rest r)))))
(defn lose?
(defn game-panel [frame board]
(proxy [JPanel ActionListener KeyListener MouseListener] []
(paintComponent [g]
(proxy-super paintComponent g)
(paint-board g @board))
(mouseClicked [e]
(let [pt (vec (screen-to-point [(.getX e) (.getY e)] (:cell-size @board)))
item (point-at @board pt)]
(println (str "CLICK AT: " pt))
(when (not (nil? item))
(alter board remove-at-point (pt 0) (pt 1)))
(when (win? @board)
(JOptionPane/showMessageDialog frame "You Win!"))
(when (lose? @board)
(JOptionPane/showMessageDialog frame "You lose!"))
(.repaint this))))
(getPreferredSize []
(Dimension. (* (:width @board) (:cell-size @board))
(* (:height @board) (:cell-size @board))))
(actionPerformed [e]
(.repaint this))
(keyReleased [e])
(keyTyped [e])
(keyPressed [e])
(mousePressed [e])
(mouseReleased [e])
(mouseEntered [e])
(mouseExited [e])))
(defn game [b]
(let [board (ref b)
frame (JFrame. "SameGame")
panel (game-panel frame board)]
(doto panel
(.setFocusable true)
(.addMouseListener panel))
(doto frame
(.add panel)
(.setVisible true))
(game (random-board board-width board-height))
;; Download
;; Download
;; unzip and pull the jars out (local directory would be easiest): clojure.jar:clojure-contrib.jar
;; Then, run: java -cp /path/to/clojure.jar:/path/to/clojure-contrib.jar clojure.main samegame.clj
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