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Created June 7, 2016 10:17
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Wiki Random Quotes
<div class="container-fluid">
<title>Random Quotes</title>
<h2>A Little Bit of Interesting Every Day</h2>
<div id="background">
<h5 class="quote col-m-6" align="center" id="quote"><b>"</b>I never said it was easy. Giving up is easy<b>"</b></h5>
<p>-<span id="author">Maria V. Snyder</span></p>
<div id="button">
<button class="btn btn-lg" id="newquote">New Quote</button>
<div id="button">
<p id="sig" > <a href="" id="sig" target="_blank">by Allen Guan</a></p>
$(document).ready(function() {
var quote = "I never said it was easy. Giving up is easy";
var author = "Maria V. Snyder";
function quoteReady(newQuote) {
quote = newQuote.quote.replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, '');
author = newQuote.titles.replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, '');
if (quote && author) {
$('#quote').replaceWith('<h5 class="quote col-m-6" align="center" id="quote"><b>"</b>' + quote + '<b>"</b></h5>');
$('#author').replaceWith('<span id="author">' + author + "</span>");
$("#newquote").click(function() {
WikiquoteApi.queryRandomTitle(function(title) {
WikiquoteApi.getRandomQuote(title, function(newQuote) {
// WikiquoteApi thanks to Nate Tyler.
var WikiquoteApi = (function() {
var wqa = {};
var API_URL = "";
* Query based on "titles" parameter and return page id.
* If multiple page ids are returned, choose the first one.
* Query includes "redirects" option to automatically traverse redirects.
* All words will be capitalized as this generally yields more consistent results.
wqa.queryTitles = function(titles, success, error) {
url: API_URL,
dataType: "jsonp",
data: {
format: "json",
action: "query",
redirects: "",
titles: titles
success: function(result, status) {
var pages = result.query.pages;
var pageId = -1;
for (var p in pages) {
var page = pages[p];
// api can return invalid recrods, these are marked as "missing"
if (!("missing" in page)) {
pageId = page.pageid;
if (pageId > 0) {
} else {
error("No results");
error: function(xhr, result, status) {
error("Error processing your query");
wqa.queryRandomTitle = function(success, error) {
url: API_URL,
dataType: "jsonp",
data: {
format: "json",
action: "query",
redirects: "",
list: "random",
rnnamespace: "0"
success: function(result, status) {
var title = result.query.random[0].title;
if (title !== undefined) {
} else {
error("No results");
error: function(xhr, result, status) {
error("Error processing your query");
* Get the sections for a given page.
* This makes parsing for quotes more manageable.
* Returns an array of all "1.x" sections as these usually contain the quotes.
* If no 1.x sections exists, returns section 1. Returns the titles that were used
* in case there is a redirect.
wqa.getSectionsForPage = function(pageId, success, error) {
url: API_URL,
dataType: "jsonp",
data: {
format: "json",
action: "parse",
prop: "sections",
pageid: pageId
success: function(result, status) {
var sectionArray = [];
var sections = result.parse.sections;
for (var s in sections) {
var splitNum = sections[s].number.split('.');
if (splitNum.length > 1 && splitNum[0] === "1") {
// Use section 1 if there are no "1.x" sections
if (sectionArray.length === 0) {
titles: result.parse.title,
sections: sectionArray
error: function(xhr, result, status) {
error("Error getting sections");
* Get all quotes for a given section. Most sections will be of the format:
* <h3> title </h3>
* <ul>
* <li>
* Quote text
* <ul>
* <li> additional info on the quote </li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <ul>
* <ul> next quote etc... </ul>
* The quote may or may not contain sections inside <b /> tags.
* For quotes with bold sections, only the bold part is returned for brevity
* (usually the bold part is more well known).
* Otherwise the entire text is returned. Returns the titles that were used
* in case there is a redirect.
wqa.getQuotesForSection = function(pageId, sectionIndex, success, error) {
url: API_URL,
dataType: "jsonp",
data: {
format: "json",
action: "parse",
noimages: "",
pageid: pageId,
section: sectionIndex
success: function(result, status) {
var quotes = result.parse.text["*"];
var quoteArray = [];
// Find top level <li> only
var $lis = $(quotes).find('li:not(li li)');
$lis.each(function() {
// Remove all children that aren't <b>
var $bolds = $(this).find('b');
// If the section has bold text, use it. Otherwise pull the plain text.
if ($bolds.length > 0) {
} else {
titles: result.parse.title,
quotes: quoteArray
error: function(xhr, result, status) {
error("Error getting quotes");
* Search using opensearch api. Returns an array of search results.
wqa.openSearch = function(titles, success, error) {
url: API_URL,
dataType: "jsonp",
data: {
format: "json",
action: "opensearch",
namespace: 0,
suggest: "",
search: titles
success: function(result, status) {
error: function(xhr, result, status) {
error("Error with opensearch for " + titles);
* Get a random quote for the given title search.
* This function searches for a page id for the given title, chooses a random
* section from the list of sections for the page, and then chooses a random
* quote from that section. Returns the titles that were used in case there
* is a redirect.
wqa.getRandomQuote = function(titles, success, error) {
var errorFunction = function(msg) {
var chooseQuote = function(quotes) {
var randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * quotes.quotes.length);
titles: quotes.titles,
quote: quotes.quotes[randomNum]
//console.log("Author: " +quotes.titles + " Quote: " + quotes.quotes[randomNum])
var getQuotes = function(pageId, sections) {
var randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * sections.sections.length);
wqa.getQuotesForSection(pageId, sections.sections[randomNum], chooseQuote, errorFunction);
var getSections = function(pageId) {
wqa.getSectionsForPage(pageId, function(sections) {
getQuotes(pageId, sections);
}, errorFunction);
wqa.queryTitles(titles, getSections, errorFunction);
wqa.getCompletelyRandomQuote = function(success, error) {
wqa.queryRandomTitle(function(title) {
wqa.getRandomQuote(title, success, error);
}, error);
* Capitalize the first letter of each word
wqa.capitalizeString = function(input) {
var inputArray = input.split(' ');
var output = [];
for (s in inputArray) {
output.push(inputArray[s].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + inputArray[s].slice(1));
return output.join(' ');
return wqa;
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Wiki Random Quotes

This is my random quote generator. The API I'm using is one that pulls data from Wikipedia and displays it in the box.

A Pen by Allen Guan on CodePen.


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