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Created April 14, 2022 15:58
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Demonstration of fitting a toy model for subhalo mass loss to itself
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from jax import jit as jjit
from jax import numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from jax.experimental import optimizers as jax_opt
from jax import value_and_grad
DEFAULT_PARAMS = OrderedDict(t0=3.0, k=2.0, frac_loss_final=0.2)
def get_default_params(**kwargs):
pars = OrderedDict(
[(key, kwargs.get(key, DEFAULT_PARAMS[key])) for key in DEFAULT_PARAMS.keys()]
p_init = np.array(list(pars.values()))
return p_init
def get_adam_opt_funcs(step_size=1e-3, **kwargs):
"""Retrieve the three functions used by the JAX implementation of Adam
step_size : float, optional
Step size parameter defining the Adam configuration.
Default is 0.01
**kwargs : floats, optional
All parameters of the DEFAULT_PARAMS dictionary are accepted
opt_state : state of the optimizer
Used to carry the parameters from one step to the next
opt_update : update function
Used by the train_step function to take the next step down the gradient
get_params : function to retrieve the parameter array
Operates on opt_state, so that get_params(opt_state) returns the parameter array
opt_init, opt_update, get_params = jax_opt.adam(step_size)
p_init = get_default_params(**kwargs)
opt_state = opt_init(p_init)
return opt_state, opt_update, get_params
def jax_sigmoid(x, x0, k, ylo, yhi):
return ylo + (yhi - ylo) / (1 + jnp.exp(-k * (x - x0)))
def predict_frac_mass_loss(params, tarr):
t0, k, frac_loss_final = params
frac_mass_loss = jax_sigmoid(tarr, t0, k, 1, frac_loss_final)
return frac_mass_loss
def _mse(pred, target):
diff = pred - target
return jnp.mean(diff * diff)
def _loss_function(params, loss_data):
(tarr, target_mass_loss) = loss_data
pred = predict_frac_mass_loss(params, tarr)
return _mse(pred, target_mass_loss)
_loss_and_grad_func = jjit(value_and_grad(_loss_function))
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