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Created February 28, 2024 19:25
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Demonstrate optimization of a two-component Gaussian model using a loss function based on Gaussian KDE PDF estimation
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from functools import partial
from jax import jit as jjit
from jax import numpy as jnp
from jax import random as jran
from jax.scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
def _mse(pred, target):
diff = pred - target
return jnp.mean(diff * diff)
@partial(jjit, static_argnames=["npts"])
def mc_double_gaussian(params, ran_key, npts):
mu1, mu2, sig1, sig2, frac1 = params
pop1_key, pop2_key = jran.split(ran_key, 2)
pop1 = jran.normal(pop1_key, shape=(npts,)) * sig1 + mu1
pop2 = jran.normal(pop2_key, shape=(npts,)) * sig2 + mu2
return pop1, pop2, frac1
@partial(jjit, static_argnames=["npts_pred"])
def predict_pdf(params, ran_key, pdf_abscissa, npts_pred):
"""Toy model prediction for the pdf at the input abscissa"""
pop1, pop2, frac1 = mc_double_gaussian(params, ran_key, npts_pred)
pred_kde_pop1 = gaussian_kde(pop1.T)
pred_kde_pop2 = gaussian_kde(pop2.T)
pred_pdf_pop1 = pred_kde_pop1.pdf(pdf_abscissa)
pred_pdf_pop2 = pred_kde_pop2.pdf(pdf_abscissa)
return frac1 * pred_pdf_pop1 + (1 - frac1) * pred_pdf_pop2
def build_loss_func(ran_key, target_data, ncells):
ran_key : jax.random.PRNGKey
target_data : ndarray of shape (ndim, npts)
ncells : int
Number of points at which to evaluate the target PDF
loss_func accepts (params, ran_key) returns MSE loss
npts_data = len(target_data)
# precompute kde model of data
# returned loss_kern will treat this kde model as fixed data
data_kde = gaussian_kde(target_data)
# randomly select points at which to predict pdf
# do this by drawing samples from a KDE model of the data
# this eliminates the need to hand-tune bin edges
target_abscissa = data_kde.resample(ran_key, (ncells,))
# evaluate pdf of the target data at the randomly generated abscissa
target_pdf = data_kde.pdf(target_abscissa)
def loss_func(params, pred_key):
pred_pdf = predict_pdf(params, pred_key, target_abscissa, npts_data)
return _mse(pred_pdf, target_pdf)
return loss_func
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