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Created October 17, 2023 13:23
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40k wargaming model base SCAD
base_diameter = 60;
base_ellipse_width = 35; // set to 0 to keep as circle
base_height = 4.3;
base_top_diameter_difference = 4;
wall_thickness = 1.5;
top_thickness = 1.5;
text_size = 4;
text_heigth = 1.2;
// NOTE: if you are creating an ellipse (oval), use an even number of magnets
magnet_count = 4 ; // Set to 0 to remove altogether
magnet_diameter = 4;
magnet_thickness = 1.5;
magnet_well_wall_thickness = 2.5;
magnet_tolerance = 0.0; // Use this to compensate for 3d printer inaccuracy
model_smoothness = 120; // A higher number means smoother curves but takes longer to render and adds more geometry
// Calculated parameters
bottom_radius = base_diameter / 2;
top_radius = bottom_radius - (base_top_diameter_difference / 2);
magnet_distance_from_centre = (top_radius - wall_thickness) * 0.66;
// 1. Create the basic base shape by subtracting one cone from another
difference() {
if (base_ellipse_width > 0) {
resize([base_diameter,base_ellipse_width]) cylinder(
h = base_height, //height
d1 = (base_diameter - base_top_diameter_difference), //top
d2 = base_diameter, //bottom
$fn = model_smoothness
} else {
h = base_height, //height
d1 = (base_diameter - base_top_diameter_difference), //top
d2 = base_diameter, //bottom
$fn = model_smoothness
translate([0, 0, top_thickness]) // shift inner cone up by the top thickness
if (base_ellipse_width > 0) {
resize([base_diameter,base_ellipse_width]) cylinder(
h = base_height + 1, //add 1mm of extra height to ensure a clean subtraction
r1 = ((base_diameter - base_top_diameter_difference) / 2) - wall_thickness, //top
r2 = bottom_radius - wall_thickness, //bottom
$fn = model_smoothness
} else {
h = base_height + 1, //add 1mm of extra height to ensure a clean subtraction
r1 = ((base_diameter - base_top_diameter_difference) / 2) - wall_thickness, //top
r2 = bottom_radius - wall_thickness, //bottom
$fn = model_smoothness
// 2. Add the text to the centre of the base
translate([0, 0, top_thickness])
if (base_ellipse_width > 0) {
linear_extrude(height = text_heigth) {
font = "Arial:style=Bold",
halign = "center",
valign = "center",
size = text_size,
$fn = model_smoothness
} else {
linear_extrude(height = text_heigth) {
font = "Arial:style=Bold",
halign = "center",
valign = "center",
size = text_size,
$fn = model_smoothness
// 3. (optional) Add the magnet holders
if(magnet_count > 0) {
magnet_angle_increment = 360 / magnet_count;
ratio = base_ellipse_width > 0 ? base_ellipse_width / base_diameter : 1;
for(a = [1:magnet_count]) {
angle = a * magnet_angle_increment;
center_dist = (angle > 300 || angle < 60) || (angle < 240 && angle > 120) ? magnet_distance_from_centre * ratio: magnet_distance_from_centre;
echo("rotation angle", angle,"distance",center_dist);
rotate([0, 0, angle])
translate([0, center_dist, top_thickness])
difference() {
h = base_height - top_thickness,
d = (magnet_diameter + magnet_well_wall_thickness),
$fn = model_smoothness
translate([0, 0, base_height - top_thickness - magnet_thickness - magnet_tolerance])
top_thickness + magnet_tolerance + 1, //add 1mm of extra height to ensure a clean subtraction
d = magnet_diameter + magnet_tolerance,
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