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Last active May 21, 2024 08:40
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  • Save aphix/fdeeefbc4bef1ec580d72639bbc05f2d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aphix/fdeeefbc4bef1ec580d72639bbc05f2d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Better Airline Club + Cost Per PAX Combined & Improved
// ==UserScript==
// @name Better Airline Club + Cost Per PAX Combined & Improved
// @namespace
// @version 1.1.2
// @description Enhances and airline management game (protip: Sign into your 2 accounts with one on each domain to avoid extra logout/login). Install this script with automatic updates by first installing TamperMonkey/ViolentMonkey/GreaseMonkey and installing it as a userscript.
// @author Aphix/Torus (original "Cost Per PAX" portion by Alrianne @
// @match https://*
// @icon
// @downloadURL
// @updateURL
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// ---- BEGIN of Section where user is expected to tweak things to make it how they like -------
var MIN_PLANES_TO_HIGHLIGHT = 500; // Changes which planes get the gold shadow/highlight on plane purchase table (not affected by filters in table header)
var REMOVE_MOVING_BACKGROUND = true; // perf enhancement, less noisy (gradients & transparency are still expensive in 2024, and my GPU has AI work to better spend it's time on)
// Default filter values for plane purchase table header:
var DEFAULT_MIN_PLANES_IN_CIRCULATION_FILTER = 50; // Changes default minimum number of planes in circulation to remove from plane purchase table
// ---- END of Section where user is expected to tweak things to make it how they like -------
// Plugin code starts here and goes to the end...
// Feel free to leave a comment on the gist if you have any questions or requests:
// Want to donate? Don't. Buy yourself some ETH. If that works out nice and you want to pay it back later then find me on github.
function reportAjaxError(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
console.error("AJAX error: " + textStatus + ' : ' + errorThrown);
// throw errorThrown;
function _request(url, method = 'GET', data = undefined) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
type: method,
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
data: data ? JSON.stringify(data) : data,
dataType: 'json',
success: resolve,
error: (...args) => {
function getFactorPercent(consumption, subType) {
return (consumption.capacity[subType] > 0)
? parseInt(consumption.soldSeats[subType] / consumption.capacity[subType] * 100)
: null;
function getLoadFactorsFor(consumption) {
var factor = {};
for (let key in consumption.capacity) {
factor[key] = getFactorPercent(consumption, key) || '-';
return factor;
function _seekSubVal(val, ...subKeys) {
if (subKeys.length === 0) {
return val;
return _seekSubVal(val[subKeys[0]], ...subKeys.slice(1));
function averageFromSubKey(array, ...subKeys) {
return => _seekSubVal(obj, ...subKeys)).reduce((sum, val) => sum += (val || 0), 0) / array.length;
function _populateDerivedFieldsOnLink(link) {
link.totalCapacity = link.capacity.economy + + link.capacity.first
link.totalCapacityHistory = link.capacityHistory.economy + + link.capacityHistory.first
link.totalPassengers = link.passengers.economy + + link.passengers.first
link.totalLoadFactor = link.totalCapacityHistory > 0 ? Math.round(link.totalPassengers / link.totalCapacityHistory * 100) : 0
var assignedModel
if (link.assignedAirplanes && link.assignedAirplanes.length > 0) {
assignedModel = link.assignedAirplanes[0]
} else {
assignedModel = "-"
link.model = assignedModel //so this can be sorted
link.profitMarginPercent = link.revenue === 0
? 0
: ((link.profit + link.revenue) / link.revenue) * 100;
link.profitMargin = link.profitMarginPercent > 100
? link.profitMarginPercent - 100
: (100 - link.profitMarginPercent) * -1;
link.profitPerPax = link.totalPassengers === 0
? 0
:link.profit / link.totalPassengers;
link.profitPerFlight = link.profit / link.frequency;
link.profitPerHour = link.profit / link.duration;
function plotHistory(linkConsumptions) {
function getShortModelName(airplaneName) {
var sections = airplaneName.trim().split(' ').slice(1);
return sections
.map(str => (str.includes('-')
|| str.length < 4
|| /^[A-Z0-9\-]+[a-z]{0,4}$/.test(str))
? str
: str[0].toUpperCase())
.join(' ');
function getStyleFromTier(tier) {
const stylesFromGoodToBad = [
//'color:#B30E0E;text-shadow:0px 0px 2px #CCC;',
'color:#FF3D3D;font-weight: bold;',
// 'color:#FF3D3D;text-decoration:underline',
return stylesFromGoodToBad[tier];
function getTierFromPercent(val, min = 0, max = 100) {
var availableRange = max - min;
var ranges = [
].map(multiplier => (availableRange * multiplier) + min);
var tier;
if (val > ranges[0]) {
return 0;
} else if (val > ranges[1]) {
return 1;
} else if (val > ranges[2]) {
return 2;
} else if (val > ranges[3]) {
return 3;
} else if (val > ranges[4]) {
return 4;
return 5;
async function loadCompetitionForLink(airlineId, link) {
const linkConsumptions = await _request(`airports/${link.fromAirportId}/to/${link.toAirportId}`);
$("#linkCompetitons .data-row").remove()
$.each(linkConsumptions, function(index, linkConsumption) {
var row = $("<div class='table-row data-row'><div style='display: table-cell;'>" + linkConsumption.airlineName
+ "</div><div style='display: table-cell;'>" + toLinkClassValueString(linkConsumption.price, "$")
+ "</div><div style='display: table-cell; text-align: right;'>" + toLinkClassValueString(linkConsumption.capacity)
+ "</div><div style='display: table-cell; text-align: right;'>" + linkConsumption.quality
+ "</div><div style='display: table-cell; text-align: right;'>" + linkConsumption.frequency + "</div></div>")
if (linkConsumption.airlineId == airlineId) {
$("#linkCompetitons .table-header").after(row) //self is always on top
} else {
if ($("#linkCompetitons .data-row").length == 0) {
$("#linkCompetitons").append("<div class='table-row data-row'><div style='display: table-cell;'>-</div><div style='display: table-cell;'>-</div><div style='display: table-cell;'>-</div><div style='display: table-cell;'>-</div><div style='display: table-cell;'>-</div></div>")
assignAirlineColors(linkConsumptions, "airlineId")
plotPie(linkConsumptions, null, $("#linkCompetitionsPie"), "airlineName", "soldSeats")
return linkConsumptions;
function _isFullPax(link, key) {
return link.passengers[key] === link.capacity[key];
function _getPricesFor(link) {
var linkPrices = {};
for (var key in link.price) {
if (key === 'total') continue;
linkPrices[key] = link.price[key] - 5;
// linkPrices[key] = link.price[key] - (_isFullPax(link, key) ? 0 : 5);
return linkPrices;
async function _doAutomaticPriceUpdateFor(link) {
var priceUpdate = {
fromAirportId: link.fromAirportId,
toAirportId: link.toAirportId,
assignedDelegates: 0,
airplanes: {},
airlineId: link.assignedAirplanes[0].airplane.ownerId,
price: _getPricesFor(link),
model: link.assignedAirplanes[0].airplane.modelId,
rawQuality: link.rawQuality
for (var p of link.assignedAirplanes) {
if (!p.frequency) continue;
priceUpdate.airplanes[] = p.frequency;
const updateResult = await _request(`/airlines/${priceUpdate.airlineId}/links`, 'PUT', priceUpdate);
//load history
async function loadHistoryForLink(airlineId, linkId, cycleCount, link) {
const linkHistory = await _request(`airlines/${airlineId}/link-consumptions/${linkId}?cycleCount=${cycleCount}`);
if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(linkHistory)) {
disableButton($("#linkDetails .button.viewLinkHistory"), "Passenger Map is not yet available for this route - please wait for the simulation (time estimation on top left of the screen).")
disableButton($("#linkDetails .button.viewLinkComposition"), "Passenger Survey is not yet available for this route - please wait for the simulation (time estimation on top left of the screen).")
if (!$("#linkAverageLoadFactor").length) {
$("#linkLoadFactor").parent().after(`<div class="table-row" style="color:#999">
<div class="label" style="color:#999"><h5>Avg. Load Factor:</h5></div>
<div class="value" id="linkAverageLoadFactor"></div>
if (!$("#linkAverageProfit").length) {
$("#linkProfit").parent().after(`<div class="table-row" style="color:#999">
<div class="label" style="color:#999"><h5>Avg. Profit:</h5></div>
<div class="value" id="linkAverageProfit"></div>
//if (!$("#doAutomaticPriceUpdate").length) {
// $("#linkLoadFactor").parent().after(`<div class="table-row" style="color:#999">
// <div class="button" id="doAutomaticPriceUpdate">Auto Manage</div>
// </div>`)
const averageLoadFactor = getLoadFactorsFor({
soldSeats: {
economy: averageFromSubKey(linkHistory, 'soldSeats', 'economy'),
business: averageFromSubKey(linkHistory, 'soldSeats', 'business'),
first: averageFromSubKey(linkHistory, 'soldSeats', 'first'),
capacity: {
economy: averageFromSubKey(linkHistory, 'capacity', 'economy'),
business: averageFromSubKey(linkHistory, 'capacity', 'business'),
first: averageFromSubKey(linkHistory, 'capacity', 'first'),
var latestLinkData = linkHistory[0]
$("#linkHistoryPrice").text(toLinkClassValueString(latestLinkData.price, "$"))
if (latestLinkData.totalLoadFactor !== 100) {
let originalLink = link;
$("#doAutomaticPriceUpdate").click(() => {
} else {
$("#linkLoadFactor").text(toLinkClassValueString(getLoadFactorsFor(latestLinkData), "", "%"))
$("#linkAverageLoadFactor").text(toLinkClassValueString(averageLoadFactor, "", "%"))
const dollarValuesByElementId = {
linkProfit: latestLinkData.profit,
linkAverageProfit: Math.round(averageFromSubKey(linkHistory, 'profit')),
linkRevenue: latestLinkData.revenue,
linkFuelCost: latestLinkData.fuelCost,
linkCrewCost: latestLinkData.crewCost,
linkAirportFees: latestLinkData.airportFees,
linkDepreciation: latestLinkData.depreciation,
linkCompensation: latestLinkData.delayCompensation,
linkLoungeCost: latestLinkData.loungeCost,
linkServiceSupplies: latestLinkData.inflightCost,
linkMaintenance: latestLinkData.maintenanceCost,
for (const elementId in dollarValuesByElementId) {
$('#'+elementId).text('$' + commaSeparateNumber(dollarValuesByElementId[elementId]));
if (latestLinkData.minorDelayCount == 0 && latestLinkData.majorDelayCount == 0) {
} else {
$("#linkDelays").text(latestLinkData.minorDelayCount + " minor " + latestLinkData.majorDelayCount + " major")
if (latestLinkData.cancellationCount == 0) {
} else {
enableButton($("#linkDetails .button.viewLinkHistory"))
enableButton($("#linkDetails .button.viewLinkComposition"))
return linkHistory;
async function loadLink(airlineId, linkId) {
const link = await _request(`airlines/${airlineId}/links/${linkId}`)
$("#linkFromAirport").attr("onclick", "showAirportDetails(" + link.fromAirportId + ")").html(getCountryFlagImg(link.fromCountryCode) + getAirportText(link.fromAirportCity, link.fromAirportCode))
//$("#linkFromAirportExpectedQuality").attr("onclick", "loadLinkExpectedQuality(" + link.fromAirportId + "," + link.toAirportId + "," + link.fromAirportId + ")")
$("#linkToAirport").attr("onclick", "showAirportDetails(" + link.toAirportId + ")").html(getCountryFlagImg(link.toCountryCode) + getAirportText(link.toAirportCity, link.toAirportCode))
//$("#linkToAirportExpectedQuality").attr("onclick", "loadLinkExpectedQuality(" + link.fromAirportId + "," + link.toAirportId + "," + link.toAirportId + ")")
if (link.assignedAirplanes && link.assignedAirplanes.length > 0) {
$('#linkAirplaneModel').text(link.assignedAirplanes[0] + "(" + link.assignedAirplanes.length + ")")
} else {
$("#linkCurrentPrice").text(toLinkClassValueString(link.price, "$"))
$("#linkDistance").text(link.distance + " km (" + link.flightType + ")")
$("#linkQuality").html(getGradeStarsImgs(Math.round(link.computedQuality / 10)) + link.computedQuality)
if (link.future) {
$("#linkCurrentDetails .future .capacity").text(toLinkClassValueString(link.future.capacity))
$("#linkCurrentDetails .future").show()
} else {
$("#linkCurrentDetails .future").hide()
const plotUnit = $("#linkDetails #switchMonth").is(':checked') ? window.plotUnitEnum.MONTH : window.plotUnitEnum.QUARTER
const cycleCount = plotUnit.maxWeek;
const [
] = await Promise.all([
loadCompetitionForLink(airlineId, link),
loadHistoryForLink(airlineId, linkId, cycleCount, link),
return {
async function _updateLatestOilPriceInHeader() {
const oilPrices = await _request('oil-prices');
const latestPrice = oilPrices.slice(-1)[0].price;
if (!$('.topBarDetails .latestOilPriceShortCut').length) {
$('.topBarDetails .delegatesShortcut').after(`
<span style="margin: 0px 10px; padding: 0 5px" title="Latest Oil Price" class="latestOilPriceShortCut clickable" onclick="showOilCanvas()">
<span class="latest-price label" style=""></span>
const tierForPrice = 5 - getTierFromPercent(latestPrice, 40, 80);
if (tierForPrice < 2) {
} else {
$('.topBarDetails .latest-price')
.attr({style: getStyleFromTier(tierForPrice)});
setTimeout(() => {
}, Math.round(Math.max(durationTillNextTick / 2, 30000)));
function commaSeparateNumberForLinks(val) {
const over1k = val > 1000 || val < -1000;
const isNegative = (val < 0);
if (val !== 0) {
const withDecimal = Math.abs(over1k ? val / 1000 : val);
const remainderTenths = Math.round((withDecimal % 1) * 10) / 10;
val = Math.floor(withDecimal) + remainderTenths;
while (/(\d+)(\d{3})/.test(val.toString())) {
val = val.toString().replace(/(\d+)(\d{3})/, '$1'+','+'$2');
const valWithSuffix = over1k ? val + 'k' : val;
return isNegative ? '(' + valWithSuffix + ')' : valWithSuffix;
function launch(){
window.plotUnitEnum = {
"MONTH": {
"value": 1,
"maxWeek": 104,
"weeksPerMark": 4,
"maxMark": 28
"value": 2,
"maxWeek": 208,
"weeksPerMark": 8,
"maxMark": 52
window.commaSeparateNumberForLinks = commaSeparateNumberForLinks;
var cachedTotalsById = window.cachedTotalsById = {};
window.cachedTotalsById = cachedTotalsById;
window.loadAirplaneModelStats = async function loadAirplaneModelStats(modelInfo, opts = {}) {
var url
var favoriteIcon = $("#airplaneModelDetail .favorite")
var model = loadedModelsById[]
if (activeAirline) {
url = "airlines/" + + "/airplanes/model/" + + "/stats",
} else {
url = "airplane-models/" + + "/stats"
if (opts && opts.totalOnly && model.in_use && model.in_use !== -1) {
if (opts && opts.totalOnly && cachedTotalsById[]) {
model.in_use = cachedTotalsById[];
const stats = await _request(url);
if (opts && opts.totalOnly) {
cachedTotalsById[] = model.in_use =;
$('#airplaneCanvas .total').text(
cachedTotalsById[] = model.in_use =;
if (stats.favorite === undefined) {
} //remove all listeners
if (stats.favorite.rejection) {
$("#setFavoriteModal").data("rejection", stats.favorite.rejection)
} else {
if (modelInfo.isFavorite) {
favoriteIcon.attr("src", "assets/images/icons/heart.png")
$("#setFavoriteModal").data("rejection", "This is already the Favorite")
} else {
favoriteIcon.attr("src", "assets/images/icons/heart-empty.png")
$("#setFavoriteModal").data("model", model)
window.updateCustomLinkTableHeader = function updateCustomLinkTableHeader() {
if ($('#linksTableSortHeader').children().length === 15) {
$('#linksCanvas .mainPanel').css({width: '62%'});
$('#linksCanvas .sidePanel').css({width: '38%'});
$('#canvas .mainPanel').css({width: '62%'});
$('#canvas .sidePanel').css({width: '38%'});
const widths = [
2, //tiers, 1st
const sum = widths.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0);
if (sum !== 100) {
console.warn(`Column widths to not add up to 100: ${sum} (${widths.join(',')}) -- ${sum < 100 ? 'Remaining' : 'Over by'}: ${sum < 100 ? 100 - sum : sum - 100}%`)
<div class="cell clickable" style="width: ${widths[14]}%" data-sort-property="tiersRank" data-sort-order="descending" onclick="toggleLinksTableSortOrder($(this))" title="Aggregated Rank">#</div>
<div class="cell clickable" style="width: ${widths[0]}%" data-sort-property="fromAirportCode" data-sort-order="descending" onclick="toggleLinksTableSortOrder($(this))">From</div>
<div class="cell clickable" style="width: 0%" data-sort-property="lastUpdate" data-sort-order="ascending" id="hiddenLinkSortBy"></div> <!--hidden column for last update (cannot be first otherwise the left round corner would not work -->
<div class="cell clickable" style="width: ${widths[1]}%" data-sort-property="toAirportCode" data-sort-order="descending" onclick="toggleLinksTableSortOrder($(this))">To</div>
<div class="cell clickable" style="width: ${widths[2]}%" data-sort-property="model" data-sort-order="ascending" onclick="toggleLinksTableSortOrder($(this))">Model</div>
<div class="cell clickable" style="width: ${widths[3]}%" align="right" data-sort-property="distance" data-sort-order="ascending" onclick="toggleLinksTableSortOrder($(this))">Dist.</div>
<div class="cell clickable" style="width: ${widths[4]}%" align="right" data-sort-property="totalCapacity" data-sort-order="ascending" onclick="toggleLinksTableSortOrder($(this))">Capacity (Freq.)</div>
<div class="cell clickable" style="width: ${widths[5]}%" align="right" data-sort-property="totalPassengers" data-sort-order="ascending" onclick="toggleLinksTableSortOrder($(this))">Pax</div>
<div class="cell clickable" style="width: ${widths[6]}%" align="right" data-sort-property="totalLoadFactor" data-sort-order="ascending" onclick="toggleLinksTableSortOrder($(this))" title="Load Factor">LF</div>
<div class="cell clickable" style="width: ${widths[7]}%" align="right" data-sort-property="satisfaction" data-sort-order="ascending" onclick="toggleLinksTableSortOrder($(this))" title="Satisfaction Factor">SF</div>
<div class="cell clickable" style="width: ${widths[8]}%" align="right" data-sort-property="revenue" data-sort-order="ascending" onclick="toggleLinksTableSortOrder($(this))">Revenue</div>
<div class="cell clickable" style="width: ${widths[9]}%" align="right" data-sort-property="profit" data-sort-order="descending" onclick="toggleLinksTableSortOrder($(this))">Profit</div>
<div class="cell clickable" style="width: ${widths[10]}%" align="right" data-sort-property="profitMargin" data-sort-order="ascending" onclick="toggleLinksTableSortOrder($(this))">Gain</div>
<div class="cell clickable" style="width: ${widths[11]}%" align="right" data-sort-property="profitPerPax" data-sort-order="ascending" onclick="toggleLinksTableSortOrder($(this))">$/🧍</div>
<div class="cell clickable" style="width: ${widths[12]}%" align="right" data-sort-property="profitPerFlight" data-sort-order="ascending" onclick="toggleLinksTableSortOrder($(this))">$/✈</div>
<div class="cell clickable" style="width: ${widths[13]}%" align="right" data-sort-property="profitPerHour" data-sort-order="ascending" onclick="toggleLinksTableSortOrder($(this))">$/⏲</div>
$('#linksTable .table-header').html(`
<div class="cell" style="width: ${widths[14]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${widths[0]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${widths[1]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${widths[2]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${widths[3]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${widths[4]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${widths[5]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${widths[6]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${widths[7]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${widths[8]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${widths[9]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${widths[10]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${widths[11]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${widths[12]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${widths[13]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
window.loadLinksTable = async function loadLinksTable() {
const links = await _request(`airlines/${}/links-details`);
$.each(links, (key, link) => _populateDerivedFieldsOnLink(link));
var selectedSortHeader = $('#linksTableSortHeader .cell.selected')
var colorKeyMaps = {};
window.updateLinksTable = function updateLinksTable(sortProperty, sortOrder) {
var linksTable = $("#linksCanvas #linksTable")
loadedLinks = sortPreserveOrder(loadedLinks, sortProperty, sortOrder == "ascending")
function getKeyedStyleFromLink(link, keyName, ...args) {
if (!colorKeyMaps[keyName]) {
colorKeyMaps[keyName] = new WeakMap();
} else if (colorKeyMaps[keyName].has(link)) {
return colorKeyMaps[keyName].get(link);
var data = => l[keyName]);
var avg = data.reduce((sum, acc) => sum += acc, 0) / loadedLinks.length;
var max = Math.max(;
var min = Math.max(Math.min(, 0);
var tier = getTierFromPercent(link[keyName], args[0] !== undefined ? args[0] : min, args[1] || (avg * .618));
if (!link.tiers) {
link.tiers = {};
link.tiers[keyName] = tier;
var colorResult = getStyleFromTier(tier);
colorKeyMaps[keyName].set(link, colorResult);
return colorResult;
$.each(loadedLinks, function(index, link) {
var row = $("<div class='table-row clickable' onclick='selectLinkFromTable($(this), " + + ")'></div>")
var srcAirportFull = getAirportText(link.fromAirportCity, link.fromAirportCode);
var destAirportFull = getAirportText(link.toAirportCity, link.toAirportCode);
// COMMENT one set or the other to test both:
// Truncated
row.append("<div class='cell' title='"+ srcAirportFull +"'>" + getCountryFlagImg(link.fromCountryCode) + ' ' + srcAirportFull.slice(-4, -1) + "</div>")
row.append("<div class='cell' title='"+ destAirportFull +"'>" + getCountryFlagImg(link.toCountryCode) + ' ' + destAirportFull.slice(-4, -1) + "</div>")
// OR
// Original/Full airport names
//row.append("<div class='cell'>" + getCountryFlagImg(link.fromCountryCode) + ' ' + srcAirportFull + "</div>")
//row.append("<div class='cell'>" + getCountryFlagImg(link.toCountryCode) + ' ' + destAirportFull + "</div>")
// OR
// Reversed, IATA/ICAO first w/ truncation
//row.append("<div class='cell' style='text-overflow: ellipsis;overflow: hidden;white-space: pre;' title='"+ srcAirportFull +"'>" + getCountryFlagImg(link.fromCountryCode) + ' ' + srcAirportFull.slice(-4, -1) + ' | ' + srcAirportFull.slice(0, -5) + "</div>")
//row.append("<div class='cell' style='text-overflow: ellipsis;overflow: hidden;white-space: pre;' title='"+ destAirportFull +"'>" + getCountryFlagImg(link.toCountryCode) + ' ' + destAirportFull.slice(-4, -1) + ' | ' + destAirportFull.slice(0, -5) + "</div>")
row.append("<div class='cell' style='text-overflow: ellipsis;overflow: hidden;white-space: pre;'>" + getShortModelName(link.model) + "</div>")
row.append("<div class='cell' align='right'>" + link.distance + "km</div>")
row.append("<div class='cell' align='right'>" + link.totalCapacity + " (" + link.frequency + ")</div>")
row.append("<div class='cell' align='right'>" + link.totalPassengers + "</div>")
// row.append("<div style='"+getKeyedStyleFromLink(link, 'totalLoadFactor', 0, 100)+"' class='cell' align='right'>" + link.totalLoadFactor + '%' + "</div>")
const lfBreakdown = {
economy: link.passengers.economy / link.capacity.economy,
business: /,
first: link.passengers.first / link.capacity.first,
lfBreakdownText = link.totalLoadFactor === 100
? '100'
: [lfBreakdown.economy,, lfBreakdown.first].map(v => v ? Math.floor(100 * v) : '-').join('/')
row.append("<div style='"+getKeyedStyleFromLink(link, 'totalLoadFactor', 0, 100)+"' class='cell' align='right'>" + lfBreakdownText + '%' + "</div>")
row.append("<div style='"+getKeyedStyleFromLink(link, 'satisfaction', 0, 1)+"' class='cell' align='right'>" + Math.round(link.satisfaction * 100) + '%' + "</div>")
row.append("<div style='"+getKeyedStyleFromLink(link, 'revenue')+"' class='cell' align='right' title='$"+ commaSeparateNumber(link.revenue) +"'>" + '$' + commaSeparateNumberForLinks(link.revenue) + "</div>")
row.append("<div style='"+getKeyedStyleFromLink(link, 'profit')+"' class='cell' align='right' title='$"+ commaSeparateNumber(link.profit) +"'>" + '$' + commaSeparateNumberForLinks(link.profit) +"</div>")
//row.append("<div style='color:"+textColor+";' class='cell' align='right'>" + (link.profitMargin > 0 ? '+' : '') + Math.round(link.profitMargin) + "%</div>")
row.append("<div style='"+getKeyedStyleFromLink(link, 'profitMarginPercent', 0, 136.5)+"' class='cell' align='right'>" + (link.profitMargin > 0 ? '+' : '') + Math.round(link.profitMargin) + "%</div>")
row.append("<div style='"+getKeyedStyleFromLink(link, 'profitPerPax')+"' class='cell' align='right' title='$"+ commaSeparateNumber(link.profitPerPax) +"'>" + '$' + commaSeparateNumberForLinks(link.profitPerPax) + "</div>")
row.append("<div style='"+getKeyedStyleFromLink(link, 'profitPerFlight')+"' class='cell' align='right' title='$"+ commaSeparateNumber(link.profitPerFlight) +"'>" + '$' + commaSeparateNumberForLinks(link.profitPerFlight) + "</div>")
row.append("<div style='"+getKeyedStyleFromLink(link, 'profitPerHour')+"' class='cell' align='right' title='$"+ commaSeparateNumber(link.profitPerHour) +"'>" + '$' + commaSeparateNumberForLinks(link.profitPerHour) + "</div>")
if (selectedLink == {
const tiersRank = link.tiersRank = Object.keys(link.tiers).reduce((sum, key) => sum + link.tiers[key] + (key === 'profit' && link.tiers[key] === 0 ? -1 : 0), 0);
row.prepend("<div class='cell'>" + link.tiersRank + "</div>")
if (tiersRank < 2) {
row.css({'text-shadow': '0 0 3px gold'});
if (tiersRank > 27) {
row.css({'text-shadow': '0 0 3px red'});
window.refreshLinkDetails = async function refreshLinkDetails(linkId) {
const airlineId =
$("#linkCompetitons .data-row").remove()
// load link
const linkDetailsPromise = loadLink(airlineId, linkId); // not awaiting yet so we can kickoff the panel open animation while loading
hideActiveDiv($("#extendedPanel #airplaneModelDetails"))
const { link, linkCompetition, linkHistory } = await linkDetailsPromise; // link details loaded if needed for something later
function _addAllianceTooltipsToMap(airportMarkers) {
//now add extra listener for alliance airports
$.each(airportMarkers, function(key, marker) {
marker.addListener('mouseover', function(event) {
var baseInfo = marker.baseInfo
$("#allianceBasePopup .city").html(getCountryFlagImg(baseInfo.countryCode) + "&nbsp;" +
$("#allianceBasePopup .airportName").text(baseInfo.airportName)
$("#allianceBasePopup .iata").html(baseInfo.airportCode)
$("#allianceBasePopup .airlineName").html(getAirlineLogoImg(baseInfo.airlineId) + "&nbsp;" + baseInfo.airlineName)
$("#allianceBasePopup .baseScale").html(baseInfo.scale)
var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ maxWidth : 1200});
var popup = $("#allianceBasePopup").clone()
//infoWindow.setPosition(event.latLng);, marker);
map.allianceBasePopup = infoWindow
marker.addListener('mouseout', function(event) {
$("#worldMapCanvas").data("initCallback", function() { //if go back to world map, re-init the map
updateLinksInfo() //redraw all flight paths
window.setTimeout(addExitButton , 1000); //delay otherwise it doesn't push to center
window.showAllianceMap = async function showAllianceMap() {
var alliancePaths = []
$('body .loadingSpinner').show()
const result = await _request(`alliances/${}/details`);
$('body .loadingSpinner').hide()
$.each(result.links, function(index, link) {
var allianceBases = []
$.each(result.members, function(index, airline) {
if (airline.role != "APPLICANT") {
$.merge(allianceBases, airline.bases)
window.lastAllianceInfo = {
updateAirportBaseMarkers: () => {
var markers = updateAirportBaseMarkers(allianceBases, alliancePaths);
$(document).ready(() => setTimeout(() => launch(), 1000));
// Begin Cost per PAX
// Begin Cost per PAX
// Begin Cost per PAX
// Begin Cost per PAX
console.log("Plane score script loading");
function calcFlightTime(plane, distance){
let min = Math.min;
let max = Math.max;
let speed = plane.speed * (plane.airplaneType.toUpperCase() == "SUPERSONIC" ? 1.5 : 1);
let a = min(distance, 300);
let b = min(max(0, distance-a), 400);
let c = min(max(0, distance-(a+b)), 400);
let d = max(0, distance-(a+b+c));
let time_flight = a / min(speed, 350) + b / min(speed, 500) + c / min(speed, 700) + d / speed;
return time_flight * 60;
function calcFuelBurn(plane, distance){
let timeFlight = calcFlightTime(plane, distance);
if (timeFlight > 1.5){
return plane.fuelBurn * (405 + timeFlight);
} else {
return plane.fuelBurn * timeFlight * 5.5;
let initialAirplaneModelStatsLoading = true;
window.updateAirplaneModelTable = function(sortProperty, sortOrder) {
let distance = parseInt($("#fightRange").val(), 10);
let runway = parseInt($("#runway").val(), 10);
let min_capacity = parseInt($("#min_capacity").val(), 10);
let min_circulation = parseInt($("#min_circulation").val(), 10);
let owned_only = document.getElementById("owned_only").checked;
let use_flight_total =document.getElementById("use_flight_total").checked;
for (let plane of loadedModelsOwnerInfo) {
plane.isOwned = ((plane.assignedAirplanes.length + plane.availableAirplanes.length + plane.constructingAirplanes.length) !== 0);
if(plane.range < distance || plane.runwayRequirement > runway) {
plane.cpp = -1;
plane.max_rotation = -1;
var plane_category = -1;
switch (plane.airplaneType.toUpperCase()) {
case 'LIGHT':
case 'SMALL' :plane_category=1;break;
case 'REGIONAL' : plane_category=3;break;
case 'MEDIUM' : plane_category=8;break;
case 'LARGE' : plane_category=12;break;
case 'EXTRA LARGE' :
case 'X_LARGE' : plane_category=15;break;
case 'JUMBO' : plane_category=18;break;
case 'SUPERSONIC' : plane_category=12 ;break;
let flightDuration = calcFlightTime(plane, distance) ;
let price = plane.price;
if( plane.originalPrice){
price = plane.originalPrice;
let maxFlightMinutes = 4 * 24 * 60;
let frequency = Math.floor(maxFlightMinutes / ((flightDuration + plane.turnaroundTime)*2));
let flightTime = frequency * 2 * (flightDuration + plane.turnaroundTime);
let availableFlightMinutes = maxFlightMinutes - flightTime;
let utilisation = flightTime / (maxFlightMinutes - availableFlightMinutes);
let planeUtilisation = (maxFlightMinutes - availableFlightMinutes) / maxFlightMinutes;
let decayRate = 100 / (plane.lifespan * 3) * (1 + 2 * planeUtilisation);
let depreciationRate = Math.floor(price * (decayRate / 100) * utilisation);
let maintenance = plane.capacity * 100 * utilisation;
let airport_fee = (500 * plane_category + plane.capacity * 10) * 2;
let crew_cost = plane.capacity * (flightDuration / 60) * 12 ;
let inflight_cost = (20 + 8 * flightDuration / 60) * plane.capacity * 2;
plane.max_rotation = frequency;
plane.fbpf = calcFuelBurn(plane, distance);
plane.fbpp = plane.fbpf / plane.capacity;
plane.fbpw = plane.fbpf * plane.max_rotation;
plane.fuel_total = ((plane.fbpf * 0.08 + airport_fee + inflight_cost + crew_cost) * plane.max_rotation + depreciationRate + maintenance);
plane.cpp = plane.fuel_total / (plane.capacity * plane.max_rotation);
plane.max_capacity = plane.capacity * plane.max_rotation;
plane.discountPercent = (plane.originalPrice) ? Math.round(100 - (plane.price / plane.originalPrice * 100)) : 0;
if (!plane.in_use) {
plane.in_use = -1;
loadAirplaneModelStats(plane, {totalOnly: true}).then(() => {
// This could probably be in a debounce but I'm cool with this for a final reload once stats are done.
if (!initialAirplaneModelStatsLoading) {
if (window.cachedTotalsById && Object.keys(window.cachedTotalsById).length === loadedModelsOwnerInfo.length) {
initialAirplaneModelStatsLoading = false;
plane.shouldShow = ((plane.cpp === -1)
|| (plane.max_capacity < min_capacity)
|| (plane.range < distance)
|| (plane.runwayRequirement > runway)
|| (plane.in_use < min_circulation && !plane.isOwned)
|| (owned_only && !plane.isOwned)) === false;
if (!sortProperty && !sortOrder) {
var selectedSortHeader = $('#airplaneModelSortHeader .cell.selected')
sortProperty ='sort-property')
if (sortProperty === 'capacity') {
sortProperty = 'max_capacity';
} else if (sortProperty === 'cpp' && use_flight_total) {
sortProperty = 'fuel_total';
sortOrder ='sort-order')
//sort the list
loadedModelsOwnerInfo.sort(sortByProperty(sortProperty, sortOrder == "ascending"));
var airplaneModelTable = $("#airplaneModelTable")
var cppValues = loadedModelsOwnerInfo.filter(l => l.shouldShow).map(l => l.cpp);
var cppMax = Math.max(...cppValues);
var cppMin = Math.max(Math.min(...cppValues), 0);
$.each(loadedModelsOwnerInfo, function(index, modelOwnerInfo) {
if (!modelOwnerInfo.shouldShow) {
var row = $("<div class='table-row clickable' style='"+ (modelOwnerInfo.isOwned ? "background: green;" : '') +"' data-model-id='" + + "' onclick='selectAirplaneModel(loadedModelsById[" + + "])'></div>")
if (modelOwnerInfo.isFavorite) {
row.append("<div class='cell'>" + + "<img src='assets/images/icons/heart.png' height='10px'></div>")
} else {
row.append("<div class='cell'>" + + "</div>")
row.append("<div class='cell' style='text-overflow: ellipsis;text-wrap: nowrap;overflow: clip;' title='""'>" + + "</div>")
row.append("<div class='cell' align='right'>" + commaSeparateNumber(modelOwnerInfo.price) + "</div>")
row.append("<div class='cell' align='right'>" + modelOwnerInfo.capacity + " (" + (modelOwnerInfo.capacity * modelOwnerInfo.max_rotation) + ")</div>")
row.append("<div class='cell' align='right'>" + modelOwnerInfo.range + " km</div>")
row.append("<div class='cell' align='right'>" + modelOwnerInfo.fuelBurn + "</div>")
row.append("<div class='cell' align='right'>" + modelOwnerInfo.lifespan / 52 + " yrs</div>")
row.append("<div class='cell' align='right'>" + modelOwnerInfo.speed + " km/h</div>")
row.append("<div class='cell' align='right'>" + modelOwnerInfo.runwayRequirement + " m</div>")
row.append("<div class='cell' align='right'>" + modelOwnerInfo.assignedAirplanes.length + "/" + modelOwnerInfo.availableAirplanes.length + "/" + modelOwnerInfo.constructingAirplanes.length + "</div>")
row.append("<div class='cell' align='right'>" + modelOwnerInfo.max_rotation + "</div>")
row.append("<div class='cell' align='right' style='"+ getStyleFromTier(getTierFromPercent(-1*modelOwnerInfo.cpp, -1*cppMax, -1*cppMin)) +"' title='"+commaSeparateNumber(Math.round(modelOwnerInfo.fuel_total))+"/total ("+commaSeparateNumber(Math.round(modelOwnerInfo.cpp * modelOwnerInfo.capacity))+"/flight)'>" + commaSeparateNumber(Math.round(modelOwnerInfo.cpp)) + "</div>")
let discountTier;
if (modelOwnerInfo.discountPercent > 40) {
discountTier = 0;
} else if (modelOwnerInfo.discountPercent > 10) {
discountTier = 1;
} else if (modelOwnerInfo.discountPercent > 0) {
discountTier = 2;
} else {
discountTier = 3;
row.append("<div class='cell' align='right' style='"+ getStyleFromTier(discountTier) +"' >" + modelOwnerInfo.discountPercent + "</div>")
row.append("<div class='cell' style='"+ (modelOwnerInfo.in_use >= MIN_PLANES_TO_HIGHLIGHT ? "text-shadow: gold 0px 0px 3px;" : '') +"' align='right'>" + modelOwnerInfo.in_use + "</div>")
if (selectedModelId == {
const columnWidthPercents = [
if (columnWidthPercents.reduce((sum, val) => sum += val, 0) !== 100) {
console.warn('Column widths do not equal 100%, widths:', columnWidthPercents);
$("#airplaneModelSortHeader").append("<div class=\"cell clickable\" title=\"Max flight rotations (uses user-set distance above)\" data-sort-property=\"max_rotation\" data-sort-order=\"ascending\" onclick=\"toggleAirplaneModelTableSortOrder($(this))\" align=\"right\">⏲</div>");
$("#airplaneModelSortHeader").append("<div class=\"cell clickable\" title=\"Cost Per Pax\" data-sort-property=\"cpp\" data-sort-order=\"ascending\" onclick=\"toggleAirplaneModelTableSortOrder($(this))\" align=\"right\">$/🧍</div>");
$("#airplaneModelSortHeader").append("<div class=\"cell clickable\" title=\"Discount Percent (influcenced by demand & brand loyalties)\" data-sort-property=\"discountPercent\" data-sort-order=\"descending\" onclick=\"toggleAirplaneModelTableSortOrder($(this))\" align=\"right\">%🔽</div>");
$("#airplaneModelSortHeader").append("<div class=\"cell clickable\" title=\"Total number in circulation (all players, game wide)\" data-sort-property=\"in_use\" data-sort-order=\"ascending\" onclick=\"toggleAirplaneModelTableSortOrder($(this))\" align=\"right\">#✈</div>");
const headerCells = document.querySelectorAll('#airplaneModelSortHeader .cell');
for (var i = 0; i < headerCells.length; i++) {
headerCells[i].style = `width: ${columnWidthPercents[i]}%`
$('#airplaneModelTable .table-header').html(`
<div class="cell" style="width: ${columnWidthPercents[0]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${columnWidthPercents[1]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${columnWidthPercents[2]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${columnWidthPercents[3]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${columnWidthPercents[4]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${columnWidthPercents[5]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${columnWidthPercents[6]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${columnWidthPercents[7]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${columnWidthPercents[8]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${columnWidthPercents[9]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div>
<div class="cell" style="width: ${columnWidthPercents[10]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div><!-- New columns -->
<div class="cell" style="width: ${columnWidthPercents[11]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div><!-- New columns -->
<div class="cell" style="width: ${columnWidthPercents[12]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div><!-- New columns -->
<div class="cell" style="width: ${columnWidthPercents[13]}%; border-bottom: none;"></div><!-- New columns -->
$("#airplaneCanvas .mainPanel .section .table .table-header:first").append(`
<div class="cell detailsSelection">Distance: <input type="text" id="fightRange" value="${DEFAULT_MIN_FLIGHT_RANGE_FILTER}" /></div>
<div class="cell detailsSelection">Runway length: <input type="text" id="runway" value="${DEFAULT_RUNWAY_LENGTH_FILTER}" /></div>
<div class="cell detailsSelection">Min. Capacity: <input type="text" id="min_capacity" value="${DEFAULT_MIN_CAPACITY_FILTER}" /></div>
<div class="cell detailsSelection">Min. Circulation: <input type="text" id="min_circulation" value="${DEFAULT_MIN_PLANES_IN_CIRCULATION_FILTER}" /></div>
<div class="cell detailsSelection" style="min-width: 160px; text-align:right">
<label for="owned_only">Owned Only <input type="checkbox" id="owned_only" /></label>
<label for="use_flight_total">Flight Fuel Total <input type="checkbox" id="use_flight_total" /></label>
$("#airplaneCanvas .mainPanel .section .detailsGroup .market.details").attr({style: 'width: 100%; height: calc(100% - 30px); display: block;'});
$('[data-sort-property="totalOwned"]').attr({style: 'width: 6%;'});
var newDataFilterElements = [
for (var el of newDataFilterElements) {
//* Link Cost Preview
let _updatePlanLinkInfo = window.updatePlanLinkInfo;
let _updateTotalValues = window.updateTotalValues;
let activeLink;
let idFrom = -1;
let idTo = -1;
let airportFrom;
let airportTo;
let _modelId = -1;
let observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
document.getElementById('planLinkServiceLevel'), {
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ['value']
window.updateTotalValues = function(){
window.updatePlanLinkInfo = function(linkInfo){
activeLink = linkInfo;
for (let model of activeLink.modelPlanLinkInfo){
for (let airplane of model.airplanes){
airplane.airplane.frequency = airplane.frequency;
if (idFrom != linkInfo.fromAirportId){
idFrom = linkInfo.fromAirportId
url:"airports/" + linkInfo.fromAirportId,
async : false,
success: function(result){airportFrom = result},
if (idTo != linkInfo.toAirportId){
idTo = linkInfo.toAirportId
url:"airports/" + linkInfo.toAirportId,
async : false,
success: function(result){airportTo = result},
let _updateModelInfo = window.updateModelInfo;
window.updateModelInfo = function(modelId) {
if (_modelId != modelId){
_modelId = modelId;
let model = loadedModelsById[modelId];
let linkModel = activeLink.modelPlanLinkInfo.find(plane => plane.modelId == modelId);
//console.log({loadedModelsById, model, linkModel})
let serviceLevel = parseInt($("#planLinkServiceLevel").val());
let frequency = 0;
let plane_category = 0;
switch (model.airplaneType.toUpperCase()) {
case 'LIGHT':
case 'SMALL' :plane_category=1;break;
case 'REGIONAL' : plane_category=3;break;
case 'MEDIUM' : plane_category=8;break;
case 'LARGE' : plane_category=12;break;
case 'EXTRA LARGE' :
case 'X_LARGE' : plane_category=15;break;
case 'JUMBO' : plane_category=18;break;
case 'SUPERSONIC' : plane_category=12 ;break;
default: console.error("CPP E1:updateAirplaneModelTable unknown airplane type: " + model.airplaneType);
let baseSlotFee = 0;
switch (airportFrom.size){
case 1 :
case 2 : baseSlotFee=50;break;
case 3 : baseSlotFee=80;break;
case 4 : baseSlotFee=150;break;
case 5 : baseSlotFee=250;break;
case 6 : baseSlotFee=350;break;
default: baseSlotFee=500;break;
switch (airportTo.size){
case 1 :
case 2 : baseSlotFee+=50;break;
case 3 : baseSlotFee+=80;break;
case 4 : baseSlotFee+=150;break;
case 5 : baseSlotFee+=250;break;
case 6 : baseSlotFee+=350;break;
default: baseSlotFee+=500;break;
let serviceLevelCost = 1;
switch (serviceLevel) {
case 2:serviceLevelCost=4;break;
case 3:serviceLevelCost=8;break;
case 4:serviceLevelCost=13;break;
case 5:serviceLevelCost=20;break;
let basic = 0;
let multiplyFactor = 2;
if (airportFrom.countryCode == airportTo.countryCode) {
if (activeLink.distance <= 1000) {
basic = 8;
} else if (activeLink.distance <= 3000) {
basic = 10;
} else {
basic = 12;
} else if ( =={
if (activeLink.distance <= 2000) {
basic = 10;
} else if (activeLink.distance <= 4000) {
basic = 15;
} else {
basic = 20;
} else {
if (activeLink.distance <= 2000) {
basic = 15;
multiplyFactor = 3;
} else if (activeLink.distance <= 5000) {
basic = 25;
multiplyFactor = 3;
} else if (activeLink.distance <= 12000) {
basic = 30;
multiplyFactor = 4;
} else {
basic = 30;
multiplyFactor = 4;
let staffPerFrequency = multiplyFactor * 0.4;
let staffPer1000Pax = multiplyFactor;
let durationInHour = linkModel.duration / 60;
let price = model.price;
if( model.originalPrice){
price = model.originalPrice;
let baseDecayRate = 100 / model.lifespan;
let maintenance = 0;
let depreciationRate = 0;
for (let row of $(".frequencyDetail .airplaneRow")) {
let airplane = $(row).data("airplane");
let freq = parseInt($(row).children(".frequency").val());
let futureFreq = freq - airplane.frequency;
let flightTime = freq * 2 * (linkModel.duration + model.turnaroundTime);
let availableFlightMinutes = airplane.availableFlightMinutes - (futureFreq * 2 * (linkModel.duration + model.turnaroundTime));
let utilisation = flightTime / (airplane.maxFlightMinutes - availableFlightMinutes);
let planeUtilisation = (airplane.maxFlightMinutes - availableFlightMinutes) / airplane.maxFlightMinutes;
let decayRate = 100 / (model.lifespan * 3) * (1 + 2 * planeUtilisation);
depreciationRate += Math.floor(price * (decayRate / 100) * utilisation);
maintenance += model.capacity * 100 * utilisation;
frequency += freq;
if (frequency == 0){
let maxFlightMinutes = 4 * 24 * 60;
frequency = Math.floor(maxFlightMinutes / ((linkModel.duration + model.turnaroundTime)*2));
let flightTime = frequency * 2 * (linkModel.duration + model.turnaroundTime);
let availableFlightMinutes = maxFlightMinutes - flightTime;
let utilisation = flightTime / (maxFlightMinutes - availableFlightMinutes);
let planeUtilisation = (maxFlightMinutes - availableFlightMinutes) / maxFlightMinutes;
let decayRate = 100 / (model.lifespan * 3) * (1 + 2 * planeUtilisation);
depreciationRate += Math.floor(price * (decayRate / 100) * utilisation);
maintenance += model.capacity * 100 * utilisation;
let fuelCost = frequency;
if (linkModel.duration <= 90){
fuelCost *= model.fuelBurn * linkModel.duration * 5.5 * 0.08;
fuelCost *= model.fuelBurn * (linkModel.duration + 405) * 0.08;
let crewCost = model.capacity * durationInHour * 12 * frequency;
let airportFees = (baseSlotFee * plane_category + (Math.min(3, airportTo.size) + Math.min(3, airportFrom.size)) * model.capacity) * frequency;
let servicesCost = (20 + serviceLevelCost * durationInHour) * model.capacity * 2 * frequency;
let cost = fuelCost + crewCost + airportFees + depreciationRate + servicesCost + maintenance;
let staffTotal = Math.floor(basic + staffPerFrequency * frequency + staffPer1000Pax * model.capacity * frequency / 1000);
$('#airplaneModelDetails #FCPF').text("$" + commaSeparateNumber(Math.floor(fuelCost)));
$('#airplaneModelDetails #CCPF').text("$" + commaSeparateNumber(Math.floor(crewCost)));
$('#airplaneModelDetails #AFPF').text("$" + commaSeparateNumber(airportFees));
$('#airplaneModelDetails #depreciation').text("$" + commaSeparateNumber(Math.floor(depreciationRate)));
$('#airplaneModelDetails #SSPF').text("$" + commaSeparateNumber(Math.floor(servicesCost)));
$('#airplaneModelDetails #maintenance').text("$" + commaSeparateNumber(Math.floor(maintenance)));
$('#airplaneModelDetails #cpp').text("$" + commaSeparateNumber(Math.floor(cost / (model.capacity * frequency))) + " * " + (model.capacity * frequency));
$('#airplaneModelDetails #cps').text("$" + commaSeparateNumber(Math.floor(cost / staffTotal)) + " * " + staffTotal);
$("#airplaneModelDetails #speed").parent().after(`
<div class="table-row">
<div class="label">&#8205;</div>
<div class="table-row">
<div class="label">
<h5>-- Costs --</h5>
<div class="table-row">
<div class="label">
<h5>Fuel cost:</h5>
<div class="value" id="FCPF"></div>
<div class="table-row">
<div class="label">
<h5>Crew cost:</h5>
<div class="value" id="CCPF"></div>
<div class="table-row">
<div class="label">
<h5>Airport fees:</h5>
<div class="value" id="AFPF"></div>
<div class="table-row">
<div class="label">
<h5>Depreciation (wip):</h5>
<div class="value" id="depreciation"></div>
<div class="table-row">
<div class="label">
<h5>Service supplies:</h5>
<div class="value" id="SSPF"></div>
<div class="table-row">
<div class="label">
<h5>Maintenance (wip):</h5>
<div class="value" id="maintenance"></div>
<div class="table-row">
<div class="label">
<h5>Cost per PAX:</h5>
<div class="value" id="cpp"></div>
<div class="table-row">
<div class="label">
<h5>Cost per staff:</h5>
<div class="value" id="cps"></div>
<div class="table-row">
<div class="label">&#8205;</div>
$('body').attr({style:'background: rgb(83, 85, 113);'});
console.log("Plane score script loaded");
Copy link

aphix commented Dec 6, 2022

How come there is such a difference between the Airplane table CPP and the CPP when editing a flight.

When the flight is real it factors in the condition of the plane, I believe.

How is the profit per flight hour calculated?

See lines 105 & 106:
It's just profit / duration (but it should also factor in turnaround time, realistically).

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aphix commented Dec 23, 2022

Updated to how I run it at this point (saves GPU).

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the new planes introduced a few days ago are not showing while using the latest script

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aphix commented Mar 9, 2024


Updates to plane purchase table:

  • Added auto-tiering colors to cost-per-pax (stratified by what is currently visible based on filters)
  • Added auto-reloading all the planes once game-wide ownership details are populated (finally!)
  • Added %OFF column (discount percentage) for purchase of each plane (since "price" column only shows current/reduced price)

General changes:

  • Linked to this gist for updates, comments, and for download
  • Added some tooltips/title-text to column headers in case stuff wasn't obvious (it wasn't)
  • Moved some parts that users might want to tweak to the top and added some comments/variables to clarify


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aphix commented Mar 9, 2024

the new planes introduced a few days ago are not showing while using the latest script

Got any examples for me to look for?

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aphix commented May 4, 2024

Updated the "%OFF" to "%🔽" in the aircraft table header since it fit better

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