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be gay, do crimes

Kyle Kingsbury aphyr

be gay, do crimes
View GitHub Profile
# From rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:333
# Ulysses forgets standard library, complains instead:
# Search for a file in load_paths matching the provided suffix.
def search_for_file(path_suffix)
path_suffix = path_suffix + '.rb' unless path_suffix.ends_with? '.rb'
load_paths.each do |root|
path = File.join(root, path_suffix)
return path if File.file? path
class API::Comment < Sequel::Model(:group_audits)
# Comments, as we're interested in them, are review_videos and add_videos.
reviews = API::Comment.filter(:group_audits__action => 'review_video')
adds = API::Comment.filter(
{:group_audits__action => 'add_video'} &
(:length.sql_function(:group_audits__text) > 0)
set_dataset reviews.union(adds).opts[:from].first.expression
function(v, keydata) {
user = JSON.parse(v.values[0].data);
user.source = [keydata];
user.key = v.key;
return [user];
POST /mapred HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 795
X-Riak-Clientid: Lr5XMw==
{"inputs":[["tablet_feeds","kyletest2"]],"query":[{"map":{"arg":{"limit":32,"offset":0},"language":"javascript","keep":false,"source":"\n function(v, keydata, opts) {\n o = JSON.parse(v.values[0].data);\n items = o.items.slice(opts.offset, opts.offset + opts.limit);\n return {\n return ['tablet_feed_items', item]\n });\n }\n "}},{"map":{"language":"javascript","keep":false,"source":"\n function(v) {\n o = JSON.parse(v.values[0].data);\n o.key = v.key;\n return [o];\n }\n "}},{"reduce":{"language":"javascript","keep":true,"source":"\n function(items) {\n return items.sort(function(a, b) {\n return(a.created_at < b.created_at);\n })\n }\n "}}]}HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Server: MochiWeb/1.1 WebMachine/1.7.2 (parti
(10:54:19 PM) Loren Bruns: The VLT (Very Large Telescope), when configured in optical interferometry mode with all 4 telescopes working together, gives it an angular resolution that can resolve an object of what scale on the moon?
(10:54:30 PM) Aphyr: oooh, interferometry
(10:54:42 PM) Aphyr: Let's go with... rubix hypercube.
(10:55:15 PM) ***Aphyr actually does some math
(10:55:35 PM) Aphyr: OK, 4 8 meter telescopes
(10:55:55 PM) Aphyr: in interferometry mode they are 25x finer resolution limit
(10:56:21 PM) Loren Bruns: Oh, you're actually looking things up.
(10:56:26 PM) Aphyr: the diffraction limit for an 8.2 meter mirror is...
(10:56:26 PM) Aphyr: uhh
(10:56:38 PM) Loren Bruns: I just figured you would guess and I would tell you.
$ git pull
Warning: fetch updated the current branch head.
Warning: fast-forwarding your working tree from
Warning: commit 44c6b4dde98f6c7c07cca7f23ae14900fd73ad19.
Already up-to-date. Yeeah!
The riak-users list receives regular questions about how to secure a riak
cluster. I'd like to take a step back and discuss what application security means in general, and talk about what layers you can implement various security policies at.
You can skip this, but it may be a helpful primer.
Consider an application composed of agents (Alice, Bob) and a datastore (Store). All events in the system can be parameterized by time, position (whether the event took place in Alice, Bob, or Store), and the change in state. Of course, these events do not occur arbitrarily; they are connected by causal links (wires, protocols, code, etc.)
[pom.xml] generating file
[deps] Fetching dependencies...
Downloading: classlojure/classlojure/0.6.2/classlojure-0.6.2.pom from repository clojure at
Unable to locate resource in repository
[INFO] Unable to find resource 'classlojure:classlojure:pom:0.6.2' in repository clojure (
Downloading: classlojure/classlojure/0.6.2/classlojure-0.6.2.pom from repository clojure-snapshots at
Unable to locate resource in repository
[INFO] Unable to find resource 'classlojure:classlojure:pom:0.6.2' in repository clojure-snapshots (
Downloading: classlojure/classlojure/0.6.2/classlojure-0.6.2.pom from repository clojars at
Unable to locate resource in repository
(defproject ustate "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
:description "A state aggregation daemon"
:tasks [protobuf.tasks]
:dependencies [
[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.1"]
[classlojure "0.6.1"]
[clojure-protobuf "0.4.6"]]
:dev-dependencies [
[cake-protobuf "0.5.0-alpha5"]]
:tasks [protobuf.tasks]
pp e
#<struct Riak::Client::Pool::Element object=[], owner=#<Thread:0x9e30248 run>>
pp @pool
#<Set: {#<struct Riak::Client::Pool::Element
owner=#<Thread:0x9e30248 run>>}>
pp e.hash