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be gay, do crimes

Kyle Kingsbury aphyr

be gay, do crimes
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aphyr / bifurcan-lazy-union.clj
Last active December 12, 2024 18:48
Lazy views over n merged Bifurcan collections, assuming disjoint keys for sets/maps.
(ns bifurcan-lazy-union
(:require [bifurcan-clj [core :as b]
[list :as bl]
[map :as bm]
[set :as bs]]
[dom-top.core :refer [loopr]]
[potemkin :refer [definterface+]])
(:import (io.lacuna.bifurcan ISet
## Clean new node
[x] Shut down Mastodon
[x] Shut down ES
[x] Shut down Redis
[x] Delete ES data
[x] Delete Redis data
[x] Delete Postgres data
## Prep new node
aphyr / multi-dimension.clj
Created December 21, 2021 20:31
loopr single-accumulator reductions
user=> (-> '(dt/loopr [sum 0] [x xs, y ys] (recur (+ sum x y))) macroexpand pprint)
(let* [sum 0
sum (clojure.core/reduce
(clojure.core/fn reduce-x-2690 [sum x]
(clojure.core/reduce (clojure.core/fn reduce-y-2692 [sum y]
(. clojure.lang.Numbers (add (. clojure.lang.Numbers (add sum x)) y)))
aphyr /
Created October 12, 2020 22:10
Minikanren in Lisp in Prolog
:- use_module(library(pairs)).
:- use_module(library(reif)).
not_in_list(K, L) :-
if_((L = []),
([X | More] = L,
dif(K, X),
not_in_list(K, More))).
aphyr /
Created October 12, 2020 22:08
Another Lisp interpreter, in Prolog
/* Bind updates a state given a list of binding names and a list of
corresponding values. The special binding form &(args) binds `args` to all
remaining arguments. Used to update contexts for e.g. function evaluation. */
bind(S, S, [], []).
/* Varargs */
bind(S1, S2, [&(Var)], Vals) :-
S2 = S1.put(Var, Vals).
bind(S1, S3, [Var | Vars], [Val | Vals]) :-
aphyr /
Created October 12, 2020 22:06
Prolog implementation of McCarthy's metacircular lisp interpreter, following pg's explication
:- use_module(library(reif)).
axiom([quote, X], X).
axiom([atom, X], R) :-
axiom(X, XR),
((atomic(XR), R = t, !) ;
(compound(XR), R = [])).
axiom([eq, X, Y], R) :-
aphyr / download.txt
Last active January 9, 2020 19:20
clj-ssh errors
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching clause: 
at clj_ssh.ssh$scp_sink.invokeStatic(ssh.clj:981) ~[classes/:na]
at clj_ssh.ssh$scp_sink.invoke(ssh.clj:977) ~[classes/:na]
at clj_ssh.ssh$scp_from.invokeStatic(ssh.clj:1094) ~[classes/:na]
at clj_ssh.ssh$scp_from.doInvoke(ssh.clj:1044) ~[classes/:na]
(defn converger
"Generates a convergence context for n threads, where values are converged
when (converged? values) returns true."
[n converged?]
(atom {; The convergence function
:converged? converged?
; What threads are involved?
:threads []
; And what values did they most recently come to?
:values (vec (repeat n ::init))}))
aphyr / banned-friends.rb
Created June 12, 2019 15:48
A small script to list which of the people you follow are visible in public twitter autocomplete searches.
# This script tells you which of your friends (people you follow) are
# auto-completable in public twitter user searches, e.g. by typing
# @username" into the search box. It takes four arguments for twitter
# API credentials: consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, and
# access_token_secret. You can create an twitter API app at
# Output is a tab-separated list of accounts, one per line, where the
T1 = {:type :ok, :f :txn, :value [[:r 132 [1 2]] [:append 134 2] [:r 127 [1 2 3 6]]], :process 13, :time 174587090574, :index 2314}
T2 = {:type :ok, :f :txn, :value [[:append 132 3] [:r 133 [1]] [:append 134 1] [:r 132 [1 2 3]]], :process 14, :time 174415701895, :index 2300}
T3 = {:type :ok, :f :txn, :value [[:append 134 4] [:r 127 [1 2 3 6]]], :process 14, :time 174480602924, :index 2308}
- T1 < T2, because T1 did not observe T2's append of 3 to 132.
- T2 < T3, because T3 appended 4 after T2 appended 1 to 134.
- However, T3 < T1, because T1 appended 2 after T3 appended 4 to 134: a contradiction!