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Created December 19, 2019 20:27
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(defn converger
"Generates a convergence context for n threads, where values are converged
when (converged? values) returns true."
[n converged?]
(atom {; The convergence function
:converged? converged?
; What threads are involved?
:threads []
; And what values did they most recently come to?
:values (vec (repeat n ::init))}))
(defn await-converger-change
"Wait for a converger's state to change. Might return for no reason."
(LockSupport/park c))
(defn signal-converger-change!
"Let a converger know that its state has changed."
(doseq [t (:threads @c)]
(LockSupport/unpark t)))
(defn stable?
"A converger state is stable when no value is initial or evolving."
(not-any? #{::init ::evolving} (:values c)))
(defn divergent?
"A converger state is divergent when any values are initial, or some
non-evolving values don't pass the convergence test."
(or (some #{::init} (:values c))
(let [vs (remove #{::evolving} (:values c))]
(and (seq vs)
(not ((:converged? c) vs))))))
(defn converged?
"A converger state is converged when it is stable and non-divergent."
(and (stable? c)
(not (divergent? c))))
(defn evolve!
"Takes a converger, an evolve function, an initial value, and a thread index
i. Takes the previous value for this thread (or the initial value), clears it
from the converger, and calls (evolve value) to generate value', finally
updating the converger with value'."
[converger evolve init i]
(let [value (atom nil)]
; Get the current value and clear it from the converger
(swap! converger (fn [c]
(let [v (nth (:values c) i)
v (if (= ::init v) init v)]
(reset! value v))
(assoc-in c [:values i] ::evolving)))
; Evolve
(let [value' (evolve @value)]
(swap! converger #(assoc-in % [:values i] value'))
(info @value '-> value'))
; Let other threads know the values have changed
(signal-converger-change! converger)
(defn converge!
"Takes a converger, an initial value, and a function which evolves values
over time.
When `converge` is called, evaluates `evolve` repeatedly, starting with the
initial value; each successive invocation receives the result of the previous
invocation. Returns a value only when (converged? [v1 v2 ...]) returns
Always invokes evolve at least once; the initial state doesn't count as
[converger init evolve]
; Acquire our unique thread index
(let [i (-> (swap! converger update :threads conj (Thread/currentThread))
(loop []
(cond ; If we're converged, return our value
(converged? @converger)
(-> converger deref :values (get i))
; If we're divergent, evolve
(divergent? @converger)
(do (info i "evolving")
(evolve! converger evolve init i)
; Otherwise, wait for something to change
(do (info i "waiting")
(await-converger-change converger)
15:25:34.414 [real-pmap 0] INFO - 0 evolving
15:25:34.414 [real-pmap 1] INFO - 2 evolving
15:25:34.414 [real-pmap 2] INFO - 1 evolving
15:25:34.425 [real-pmap 0] INFO - [0] -> [0 1]
15:25:34.425 [real-pmap 1] INFO - [1] -> [1 1]
15:25:34.425 [real-pmap 2] INFO - [2] -> [2 0]
15:25:34.426 [real-pmap 2] INFO - 1 evolving
15:25:34.426 [real-pmap 1] INFO - 2 evolving
15:25:34.426 [real-pmap 0] INFO - 0 evolving
15:25:34.426 [real-pmap 1] INFO - [1 1] -> [1 1 0]
15:25:34.426 [real-pmap 0] INFO - [0 1] -> [0 1 1]
15:25:34.426 [real-pmap 1] INFO - 2 evolving
15:25:34.426 [real-pmap 0] INFO - 0 evolving
15:25:34.426 [real-pmap 1] INFO - [1 1 0] -> [1 1 0 1]
15:25:34.426 [real-pmap 0] INFO - [0 1 1] -> [0 1 1 1]
15:25:34.426 [real-pmap 1] INFO - 2 waiting
15:25:34.426 [real-pmap 0] INFO - 0 waiting
15:25:34.426 [real-pmap 1] INFO - 2 waiting
15:25:34.427 [real-pmap 2] INFO - [2 0] -> [2 0 1]
:vs [[0 1 1 1] [1 1 0 1] [2 0 1]]
Ran 1 tests containing 2 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
(deftest converge-test
; We're going to append random numbers to arrays until their final number is the same
(let [n 3
c (converger n (fn [colls] (apply = (map peek colls))))
vs (dt/real-pmap (fn [i]
(converge! c [i] (fn [coll]
(Thread/sleep (rand-int 2))
(conj coll (rand-int 2)))))
(range n))]
(prn :vs vs)
; Starts with initial values
(is (= (range n) (map first vs)))
; Ends with same value
(is (apply = (map peek vs)))))
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