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Last active May 1, 2019 19:41
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T1 = {:type :ok, :f :txn, :value [[:r 132 [1 2]] [:append 134 2] [:r 127 [1 2 3 6]]], :process 13, :time 174587090574, :index 2314}
T2 = {:type :ok, :f :txn, :value [[:append 132 3] [:r 133 [1]] [:append 134 1] [:r 132 [1 2 3]]], :process 14, :time 174415701895, :index 2300}
T3 = {:type :ok, :f :txn, :value [[:append 134 4] [:r 127 [1 2 3 6]]], :process 14, :time 174480602924, :index 2308}
- T1 < T2, because T1 did not observe T2's append of 3 to 132.
- T2 < T3, because T3 appended 4 after T2 appended 1 to 134.
- However, T3 < T1, because T1 appended 2 after T3 appended 4 to 134: a contradiction!
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