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Last active February 24, 2019 12:43
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  • Save apkelly/f40cf370d89e5ae0938c6258bdec1912 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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companion object {
private const val PROJECT = "devnibbles"
private const val LOCATION = "us-central1"
private const val MODEL = "ICN3704829353327390855"
private const val ACCESS_TOKEN = "<insert token here>"
fun classifyUsingRetrofit(faceId: Int, imageBytes: ByteArray) {
launch(errorHandler) {
// Show loading indicator while we wait for the request.
mResult.value = LoadingResource(null)
// Build the body of our request, essentially the image to be classified.
val body = CloudAutoMLModel(
// Define the authentication credentials and make the API request
val response = getRESTService().classify(
if (response.payload?.isNotEmpty() == true) {
// We have a prediction!
var predictedName: String? = null
response.payload.forEach { entry ->
// TODO: Check that score is within a valid threshold.
if (entry.displayName != null) {
predictedName = entry.displayName
if (predictedName != null) {
// We had an actual name returned
mResult.postValue(SuccessResource(Pair(faceId, predictedName!!)))
} else {
// No name was returned, this is an unknown face.
mResult.postValue(ErrorResource(null, Pair(-1, "Not recognised (001)")))
} else {
// There were no payloads returned, possible error or unknown face.
mResult.postValue(ErrorResource(null, Pair(-1, "Not recognised (002)")))
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