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Created April 3, 2014 17:07
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// Package float10 implements decimal floating point numbers
// using uint64 to hold the coefficient.
package float10
import "strconv"
import "errors"
import "strings"
import "math"
// value is -1^sign * coef * 10^exp
// zeroed value = 0
type Float10 struct {
coef uint64
sign int8
exp int8
const (
INF_EXP = math.MaxInt8
var (
Zero = Float10{}
Inf = Float10{exp: INF_EXP}
MinusInf = Float10{sign: NEGATIVE, exp: INF_EXP}
// Parse convert a string to a Float10
func Parse(s string) (Float10, error) {
if len(s) < 1 {
return Zero, errors.New("cannot convert empty string to Float10")
if s == "0" {
return Zero, nil
var f Float10
i := 0
if s[i] == '+' {
} else if s[i] == '-' {
f.sign = NEGATIVE
before := spanDigits(s[i:])
i += len(before)
after := ""
if i < len(s) && s[i] == '.' {
after = spanDigits(s[i:])
i += len(after)
after = strings.TrimRight(after, "0")
coef, err := strconv.ParseUint(before+after, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return Zero, errors.New("invalid number (" + s + ")")
f.coef = coef
exp := 0
if i < len(s) && (s[i] == 'e' || s[i] == 'E') {
e, err := strconv.ParseInt(s[i:], 10, 8)
if err != nil {
return Zero, errors.New("invalid exponent (" + s + ")")
exp = int(e)
if coef == 0 {
return Zero, nil
exp -= len(after)
if exp < -127 || exp >= 127 {
return Zero, errors.New("exponent out of range (" + s + ")")
f.exp = int8(exp)
return f, nil
// spanDigits returns the number of leading digits
func spanDigits(s string) string {
i := 0
for i < len(s) && '0' <= s[i] && s[i] <= '9' {
return s[:i]
// String converts a Float10 to a string.
// It will avoid scientific notation
// adding up to 4 zeroes at the end or 3 zeroes at the beginning.
// If the exponent is 0 it will print the number as an integer.
func (f Float10) String() string {
if f == Zero {
return "0"
sign := ""
if f.sign == NEGATIVE {
sign = "-"
if f.exp == INF_EXP {
return sign + "inf"
sexp := ""
exp := int(f.exp)
digits := strconv.FormatUint(f.coef, 10)
if 0 <= exp && exp <= 4 {
// decimal to the right
digits += strings.Repeat("0", exp)
} else if -len(digits)-4 < exp && exp <= -len(digits) {
// decimal to the left
digits = "." + strings.Repeat("0", -exp-len(digits)) + digits
digits = strings.TrimRight(digits, "0.")
} else if -len(digits) < exp && exp <= -1 {
// decimal within
i := len(digits) + exp
digits = digits[:i] + "." + digits[i:]
digits = strings.TrimRight(digits, "0.")
} else {
// use exponent
sexp = "e" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(exp), 10)
return sign + digits + sexp
// operations ------------------------------------------------------------------
func (f Float10) Neg() Float10 {
if f == Zero {
return Zero
} else {
return Float10{f.coef, f.sign ^ 1, f.exp}
func Cmp(x Float10, y Float10) int {
switch {
case x == y:
return 0
case x == MinusInf, y == Inf:
return -1
case x == Inf, y == MinusInf:
return 1
switch d := Sub(x, y); {
case d == Zero:
return 0
case d.sign == NEGATIVE:
return -1
return +1
func Add(x Float10, y Float10) Float10 {
switch {
case x == Zero:
return y
case y == Zero:
return x
case x == Inf:
if y == MinusInf {
return Zero
} else {
return Inf
case x == MinusInf:
if y == Inf {
return Zero
} else {
return MinusInf
case y == Inf:
return Inf
case y == MinusInf:
return MinusInf
case x.sign != y.sign:
return usub(x, y)
return uadd(x, y)
func Sub(x Float10, y Float10) Float10 {
switch {
case x == Zero:
return y.Neg()
case y == Zero:
return x
case x == Inf:
if y == Inf {
return Zero
} else {
return Inf
case x == MinusInf:
if y == MinusInf {
return Zero
} else {
return MinusInf
case y == Inf:
return MinusInf
case y == MinusInf:
return Inf
case x.sign != y.sign:
return uadd(x, y)
return usub(x, y)
func uadd(x Float10, y Float10) Float10 {
sign := x.sign
align(&x, &y)
if x.coef == 0 {
return Float10{y.coef, sign, y.exp}
coef := x.coef + y.coef
if coef < x.coef || coef < y.coef { // overflow
coef = x.coef + y.coef
return result(coef, sign, int(x.exp))
func align(x *Float10, y *Float10) (flipped int8) {
if x.exp == y.exp {
if x.exp > y.exp {
*x, *y = *y, *x // swap
flipped = 1
for y.exp > x.exp && y.shiftLeft() {
for y.exp > x.exp && x.shiftRight() {
// returns true if it was able to shift (losslessly)
func (f *Float10) shiftLeft() bool {
if !mul10safe(f.coef) {
return false
f.coef *= 10
// don't decrement past min
if f.exp > math.MinInt8 {
return true
const HI4 = 0xf << 60
func mul10safe(n uint64) bool {
return (n & HI4) == 0
// NOTE: may lose precision and round
// returns false only if coef is 0
func (f *Float10) shiftRight() bool {
if f.coef == 0 {
return false
roundup := (f.coef % 10) >= 5
f.coef /= 10
if roundup {
f.coef++ // can't overflow
// don't increment past max
if f.exp < math.MaxInt8 {
return true
func result(coef uint64, sign int8, exp int) Float10 {
switch {
case exp >= INF_EXP:
return inf(sign)
case exp < math.MinInt8 || coef == 0:
return Zero
return Float10{coef, sign, int8(exp)}
func usub(x Float10, y Float10) Float10 {
sign := x.sign
sign ^= align(&x, &y)
if x.coef < y.coef {
x, y = y, x
sign ^= 1 // flip sign
return result(x.coef-y.coef, sign, int(x.exp))
func Mul(x Float10, y Float10) Float10 {
sign := x.sign ^ y.sign
switch {
case x == Zero || y == Zero:
return Zero
case x.IsInf() || y.IsInf():
return result(0, sign, INF_EXP)
if bits.Nlz(x.coef)+bits.Nlz(y.coef) >= 64 {
// coef won't overflow
if int(x.exp)+int(y.exp) >= INF_EXP {
return result(0, sign, INF_EXP)
return result(x.coef*y.coef, sign, int(x.exp)+int(y.exp))
// drop 5 least significant bits off x and y
// 59 bits < 18 decimal digits
// 32 bits > 9 decmal digits
// so we can split x & y into two pieces
// and multiply separately guaranteed not to overflow
xlo, xhi := x.split()
ylo, yhi := y.split()
exp := x.exp + y.exp
r1 := result(xlo*ylo, sign, int(exp))
r2 := result(xlo*yhi, sign, int(exp)+9)
r3 := result(xhi*ylo, sign, int(exp)+9)
r4 := result(xhi*yhi, sign, int(exp)+18)
return Add(r1, Add(r2, Add(r3, r4)))
// makes coef as small as possible (losslessly)
// i.e. trim trailing zero decimal digits
func (f *Float10) minCoef() {
for f.coef > 0 && f.coef%10 == 0 {
// makes coef as large as possible (losslessly)
// i.e. trim leading zero decimal digits
func (f *Float10) maxCoef() {
for f.shiftLeft() {
func (f *Float10) split() (lo, hi uint64) {
const HI5 = 0x1f << 59
for f.coef&HI5 != 0 {
const NINE = 1000000000
return f.coef % NINE, f.coef / NINE
func Div(x Float10, y Float10) Float10 {
sign := x.sign ^ y.sign
switch {
case x == Zero:
return Zero
case y == Zero || x.IsInf():
return inf(sign)
case y.IsInf():
return Zero
if x.coef%y.coef == 0 {
// divides evenly
return result(x.coef/y.coef, sign, int(x.exp)-int(y.exp))
if x.coef%y.coef == 0 {
// divides evenly
return result(x.coef/y.coef, sign, int(x.exp)-int(y.exp))
return longDiv(x, y)
func longDiv(x Float10, y Float10) Float10 {
// shift y so it is just less than x
xdiv10 := x.coef / 10
for y.coef < xdiv10 && y.shiftLeft() {
exp := int(x.exp) - int(y.exp)
rem := x.coef
ycoef := y.coef
coef := uint64(0)
// each iteration calculates one digit of the result
for rem != 0 && mul10safe(coef) {
// shift so y is less than the remainder
for ycoef > rem {
rem, ycoef = shift(rem, ycoef)
coef *= 10
if ycoef == 0 {
// subtract repeatedly
for rem >= ycoef {
rem -= ycoef
// round final digit
if 2*rem >= ycoef {
return result(coef, x.sign^y.sign, exp)
// shift x left (preferably) or y right
func shift(x, y uint64) (x2, y2 uint64) {
if mul10safe(x) {
x *= 10
} else {
roundup := (y % 10) >= 5
y /= 10
if roundup {
return x, y
func (f Float10) IsInf() bool {
return f.exp == INF_EXP
func inf(sign int8) Float10 {
switch sign {
return Inf
return MinusInf
panic("invalid sign")
// Nlz returns the number of leading zero bits
// Algorithm from Hacker's Delight by Henry Warren
func Nlz(x uint64) int {
if x == 0 {
return 64
n := 1
if (x >> 32) == 0 {
n = n + 32
x = x << 32
if (x >> 48) == 0 {
n = n + 16
x = x << 16
if (x >> 56) == 0 {
n = n + 8
x = x << 8
if (x >> 60) == 0 {
n = n + 4
x = x << 4
if (x >> 62) == 0 {
n = n + 2
x = x << 2
n = n - int(x>>63)
return n
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