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Created April 19, 2015 20:17
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  • Save apoleshchuk/2df7681e9fae7f745c1b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save apoleshchuk/2df7681e9fae7f745c1b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
module.exports = function(grunt) {
'use strict';
var path = require('path');
grunt.registerMultiTask('build-icons', 'Collect font icons by common.deps.js and build font', function() {
var options = this.options({
block: 'icon',
mod: 'font',
origin: 'svg',
ext: '.svg',
webfont: {
font: 'icon_font',
hashes: false,
startCodepoint: 0x00c4,
templateOptions: {
baseClass: 'icon',
classPrefix: 'icon_',
mixinPrefix: 'icon-'
copy: {
process: function (content) {
return content.replace(
/url\((.*?)\)/g, 'url(get-abs-url($1))'
"url(s('%s?#$2', unquote(get-abs-url('$1'))))"
var cwd = process.cwd();
var targetName = [,].join('_');
this.files.forEach(function(file) {
var deps = file.src.reduce(function(deps, filePath) {
var splitPath = filePath.split(path.sep);
var bundlePath = splitPath.slice(0, splitPath.length - 2).join(path.sep);
var levelsDir = [cwd, bundlePath, '.bem'].join(path.sep);
var levelsPath = [levelsDir, 'levelPaths.js'].join(path.sep);
var levels = require(levelsPath) {
return path.resolve(levelsDir, level);
return deps.concat(require([cwd, filePath].join(path.sep)).deps.filter(function(dep) {
return dep.block == options.block && dep.mod == options.mod && dep.val;
})).map(function(dep) {
dep.levels = levels;
return dep;
}, []);
var iconList = deps.reduce(function(iconList, dep) {
var iconPath = dep.levels.reduce(function(lastPath, levelPath) {
var iconPath = path.join(levelPath, dep.block, '_' + dep.mod, options.origin, dep.val + options.ext);
if (grunt.file.isFile(iconPath)) {
return iconPath;
return lastPath;
}, false);
if (iconPath) {
return iconList;
}, []);
grunt.verbose.writeln('Icons ' + iconList.join().cyan + ', dest ' + file.dest.cyan + '.');
var fontDir = path.dirname(file.dest);
grunt.config('webfont.' + targetName, {
options: options.webfont,
src: iconList,
dest: fontDir
grunt.config('copy.' + targetName, {
options: options.copy,
files: [
src: path.join(fontDir, options.webfont.font + '.css'),
dest: file.dest
});['webfont:' + targetName, 'copy:' + targetName]);
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