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Last active May 15, 2024 16:55
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CI/CD Build Tools and Testing

Build Tools and Testing

Build Manager

Goal - centralized UI, and scheduler, for managing automated builds

Build Runner

Goal - automated build runners.

Build Tasks

Goal - automatically call build runners

Static Analysis

Dependency Check

Goal - all code should use secure components.

OWASP Dependency Check (java, python, ruby, php, node.js, Swift)
Snyk (java, python, ruby, node.js)
Gemnasium (java, python, ruby, node.js)
OSSIndex (java, python, ruby, node.js)
Java - dependency-check-maven
Python - dependency-check, pyup
Ruby - bundle-audit, Hakiri
Javascript - RetireJS

Code Formatting

Goal - all code should look the same.

Java - Google Java Format
Python - autopep8, black
Ruby - rubocop, rufo
Javascript - prettier

Code Linting

Goal - all code should be easy to maintain.

Java - checkstyle, findbugs, Google error-prone
Python - pylint, flake8
Ruby - rubocop
Javascript - eslint, jslint, jshint

Code Complexity

Goal - code should not be unncessesarily complicated.

McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity
SonarCube (Java, Python, Ruby, Node.js, Javascript)
PMD (Java, Python, Ruby, Javascript)
Java - ???
Python - radon
Ruby - Ruby Critic
Javascript - eslint, jshint

Code Documentation

Goal - all code should be easy to understand.

Java - javadoc, checkstyle
Python - pydocstyle
Ruby - rubocop
Javascript - jsdoc

Unit Testing w/ Mocks

Goal - code should function as expected, in isolation.

Integration Testings, Server-side, w/ Mocks

Goal - code should function as expected, with immediate dependencies

Integration Testing, Client-side, w/ mocks

Goal - code should behave consistently, only on the browser / mobile app, offline

Javascript - Mocha
jQuery - QUnit
Angularjs - Jasmine + angularjs-mocks
React - React-unit, Jest, Enzyme

Code Security

Goal - all code should be written securely
SonarCube (Java, Python, Ruby, Node.js, Javascript)
PMD (Java, Python, Ruby, Javascript)
Java - spotbugs
Python - bandit
Ruby - Brakeman
Javascript - mustache-security


Image Builder

Goal - build local VMs, Linux Containers, or Cloud VMs.
Packer - Virtualbox, VMWare, Hyper-V, AWS AMI, Azure VM, Google Image

Local VM

Goal - automatically deploy local VMs.

Vagrant - Virtualbox, VMWare, Hyper-V

Local Linux Container

Goal - deploy a linux container.


Container Orchestrator

Goal* - orchestrate container deployment.

Container Dependency Check

Goal - ensure containers have secure components.

Artifactory JFrog XRay
coreos claire
cilium - container network security
sysdig falco - Kubernetes

Cloud Deployment

Goal - deploy remote cloud resources.

AWS Cloudformation
Azure Resource Manager
Google Deployment Manager
Terraform (AWS, Azure, GCE)

Provision Runner

Goal - automate running provision in multiple environments
Ansible - Molecule
Chef - Kitchen


Goal - install and configure services.


Infrastructure Testing

Goal - environments should be installed consistently.
Ruby - serverspec
Python - testinfra, goss
Ruby - inspec (Chef)

BDD Testing, Infrastructure (ops devs)

Goal: environment should behave consistently.
Python - infrataster (HTTP, pgsql, redis)
Terraform - Terragrunt

Dynamic Analysis

Integration Testing, Server-side

Goal - code should behave consistently, on the server.

BDD Testing, Integration, Server-side (server devs)

Ruby - cucumber, rspec
Python - behave
Java - jbehave

Integration Testing, Client-side, headless

Goal - code should behave consistently, only in the browser / mobile app, quickly.

Javascript - CasperJS + PhantomJS
AngularJS - Karma, Protractor

BDD Testing, Integration, Client-side (ui devs)

Goal - systems should behave consistently, on the client-side

Javascript - cucumber.js
jQuery - ???
Angularjs - Jasmine
React - react-cucumber

BDD Testing, e2e in a Browser (project managers)

Goal - systems should behave consistently, end-to-end, w/ Selenium

Java - Cucumber-jvm + Cucumber-junit
Python - Lettuce

Performance Testing

Goal - systems should be performant and reliable.

BDD Testing, Security (security)

Goal - systems should behave securely, end-to-end.

Ruby - Gauntlt
Python - Mittn
Java - BDD-Security


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