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Created August 6, 2021 20:15
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tmux proof of concept for opening up a split pane window session with a series of synchronized commands
# proof of concept: scripted tmux
# opens a 2 pane tmux session with rainbows fortunes
# marks the window status red because the panes are synchronized
# and then closes it all down
main() {
tmux new-session \;\
setw -g window-status-current-format '#{?pane_synchronized,#[bg=red],}#I:#W' \;\
setw -g window-status-format '#{?pane_synchronized,#[bg=red],}#I:#W' \;\
split-window -vd\;\
rename-window "🔮zsh - fortunes" \;\
set-window-option synchronize-panes on \;\
send-keys 'fortune | cowsay | lolcat' C-m \;\
send-keys 'sleep 10' C-m \;\
send-keys 'exit' C-m;
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