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Last active August 23, 2023 17:59
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Terraform module hierarchy
import networkx as nx
from pyparsing import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pprint
import sys
import re
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
workspace = Path(".")
workspace = Path(sys.argv[1])
# Scan and read .tf files
repos = [d for d in workspace.iterdir() if d.is_dir() and"onscale-terraform-")]
def find_git_sources(tf_file):
print(f"Scanning {tf_file}")
with'r') as f:
content =
# Parser for the source attribute
source_parser = Suppress("source") + Suppress("=") + QuotedString(quoteChar='"')("source_value")
# Search for sources in content
sources_found = [tokens['source_value'] for tokens, start, end in source_parser.scanString(content) if "onscale" in tokens.source_value.lower() and "git@" in tokens.source_value]
print(f"Sources found: {sources_found}")
# Print the matching content along with the file path
if sources_found:
pprint(f"File: {tf_file}\nMatching content: {sources_found}\n{'-'*60}")
return sources_found
git_sources = {}
for repo in repos:
git_sources[] = []
for tf_file in repo.rglob('*.tf'):
if not any(x in for x in [".terraform", ".git", ".infracost"]):
# Extract the repository name from the source string
def extract_repo_name(source_string):
match ='OnScale/(.+)\.git', source_string)
return if match else None
# 3. Create the graph using networkx
G = nx.DiGraph()
for repo, sources in git_sources.items():
for source in sources:
target_repo_name = extract_repo_name(source)
if target_repo_name: # only add if we could extract a name
print(f"Adding edge {repo} -> {target_repo_name}")
G.add_edge(repo, target_repo_name)
G_recur = G.copy()
def get_node_orderings(lvl):
global G_recur
leaf_configs = [x for x in G.nodes() if len(list(G.successors(x)))==0]
print(f"## Level {lvl}:")
for l in leaf_configs:
print(f"* {l}")
if len(list(G.nodes())):
get_node_orderings(lvl + 1)
print(f"## Level 0:")
for repo in repos:
if not in list(G.nodes):
print(f"* {}")
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