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Last active June 10, 2021 00:23
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Sublime Text 2 Plugin Examples
from os.path import splitext, basename, dirname, join
import sublime_plugin
class AutoBuild(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_post_save(self, view):
file_path = view.file_name()
working_dir = dirname(file_path)
file_name, file_type = splitext(basename(file_path))
redir = False
if file_type == '.coffee':
cmd = ["/usr/local/bin/coffee", "-c", file_path]
elif file_type == '.less':
output_file = join(working_dir, file_name + '.css')
cmd = ["/usr/local/lib/node_modules/less/bin/lessc",
elif file_type == '.sass':
output_file = join(working_dir, file_name + '.css')
cmd = ["/usr/local/bin/sass", file_path, output_file]
elif file_type == '.scss':
output_file = join(working_dir, file_name + '.css')
cmd = ["/usr/local/bin/scss", file_path, output_file]
return []
# finally execute our command
view.window().run_command("exec_redir", {"cmd": cmd, "quiet": True,
"redir": redir})
#coding: utf8
#################################### IMPORTS ###################################
# Std Libs
import operator
import os
import sys
# Sublime Libs
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
# Zen Coding libs
from zencoding.parser.abbreviation import ZenInvalidAbbreviation
from zencoding import resources as zcr
# Dynamic Snippet Base Class
from dynamicsnippets import CommandsAsYouTypeBase
import zencoding
import zencoding.actions
from sublimezen import ( expand_abbr, editor, css_sorted,
css_property_values, multi_selectable,
find_css_property, find_tag_name,
find_attribute_name, css_prefixer, find_css_selector)
from zencoding.html_matcher import last_match
################################### CONSTANTS ##################################
PACKAGE_NAME = os.path.basename(os.getcwdu())
ZEN_GRAMMAR = "Packages/%s/ZenCoding.tmLanguage" % PACKAGE_NAME
HTML = 'text.html - source'
XML = 'text.xml'
HTML_INSIDE_TAG_ANYWHERE = 'text.html meta.tag'
HTML_INSIDE_TAG = ( 'text.html meta.tag - string - '
'meta.scope.between-tag-pair.html '
HTML_INSIDE_TAG_ATTRIBUTE = 'text.html meta.tag string'
HTML_NOT_INSIDE_TAG = 'text.html - meta.tag'
CSS = 'source.css, source.scss'
CSS_SELECTOR = 'meta.selector.css, source.css - meta, source.scss - meta'
CSS_PREFIXER = ', meta.selector.css'
CSS_ENTITY_SELECTOR = 'meta.selector.css entity.other.attribute-name'
ZEN_SCOPE = ', '.join([HTML, XML, CSS])
#################################### AUTHORS ###################################
__version__ = '1.5.0a'
__zen_version__ = '0.7'
__authors__ = ['"Sergey Chikuyonok" <>'
'"Вадим Макеев" <>',
'"Nicholas Dudfield" <>']
################################### SETTINGS ###################################
zen_settings = sublime.load_settings('zen-coding.sublime-settings')
sublime.OP_EQUAL : operator.eq,
sublime.OP_NOT_EQUAL :,
def eval_op(op, operand, operand2):
return OPMAP[op](operand, operand2)
class ZenSettings(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_query_context(self, view, key, op, operand, match_all):
if key.startswith('zen_setting'):
return eval_op(op, operand, zen_settings.get(key.split('.')[1]))
##################################### TODO #####################################
Anything referencing `css_sorted` should be updated to be recalculated on zen-
codings.sublime-settings change)
Installation Docs
#################################### LOGGING ###################################
def debug(f):
if zen_settings.get('debug'):
# sublime.log_commands(True)
frame = sys._getframe(1)
if 'debug' in frame.f_code.co_name : frame = sys._getframe(2)
line = frame.f_lineno
print 'debug:ZenCoding.%s:%s:' % (__name__, line), f
def oq_debug(f):
debug("on_query_completions %s" % f)
################################ MY ZEN SETTINGS ###############################
def load_settings(force_reload=False):
if not zcr.user_settings or force_reload:
my_zen_settings = zen_settings.get('my_zen_settings')
if my_zen_settings is not None:
debug('loading my_zen_settings from zen-settings.sublime-settings')
zcr.set_vocabulary(my_zen_settings, zcr.VOC_USER)
assert zcr.vocabularies[zcr.VOC_USER] is my_zen_settings
if int(sublime.version()) >= 2092:
lambda: load_settings(force_reload=1))
################################### ARBITRAGE ##################################
######################## REMOVE HTML/HTML_COMPLETIONS.PY #######################
def remove_html_completions():
import sublime_plugin
for completer in "TagCompletions", "HtmlCompletions":
import html_completions
cm = getattr(html_completions, completer)
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
debug('Unable to find `html_completions.HtmlCompletions`')
completions = sublime_plugin.all_callbacks['on_query_completions']
for i, instance in enumerate (completions):
if isinstance(instance, cm):
debug('on_query_completion: removing: %s' % cm)
del completions[i]
# The funky loader
if debug: debug('on_query_completion: callbacks: %r' % completions)
sublime.set_timeout(remove_html_completions, 2000)
########################## DYNAMIC ZEN CODING SNIPPETS #########################
class ZenAsYouType(CommandsAsYouTypeBase):
default_input = 'div'
input_message = "Enter Koan: "
grammar = ZEN_GRAMMAR
def filter_input(self, abbr):
return expand_abbr(abbr, super_profile='no_check_valid')
except Exception:
"dont litter the console"
class WrapZenAsYouType(CommandsAsYouTypeBase):
default_input = 'div'
input_message = "Enter Haiku: "
grammar = ZEN_GRAMMAR
def run_command(self, view, cmd_input):
ex = expand_abbr(cmd_input, super_profile='no_check_valid')
p = editor.get_profile_name() + '.no_check_valid'
if not ex.strip():
raise ZenInvalidAbbreviation('Empty expansion %r' % ex)
except Exception:
return False
view.run_command (
abbr=cmd_input, profile_name=p))
################################ RUN ZEN ACTION ################################
class RunZenAction(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
last_matches = []
def run(self, view, contexter, kw):
matches = []
for i, selection in enumerate(contexter):
args = kw.copy()
if self.last_matches and not i >= len(self.last_matches):
zencoding.run_action(args.pop('action'), editor, **args)
self.last_matches = matches
################################# ZEN MNEMONIC #################################
class ZenCssMnemonic(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
" Insert css snippets from QuickPanel"
def is_enabled(self, **args):
return len(self.window.active_view().sel()) == 1
def run(self, prop_value=False):
window = self.window
view = window.active_view()
if prop_value:
pos = view.sel()[0].b
prop = find_css_property(window.active_view(), pos)
forpanel = sorted((css_property_values.get(prop) or {}).items())
contents = lambda i: forpanel[i][1]
# TODO expand while selector matches
" - punctuation"
# Then insert snippet over top of selection
forpanel = css_sorted
contents = lambda i: expand_abbr(forpanel[i][0])
def done(i):
if i != -1:
view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': contents(i)})
display = [[v,k] for k,v in forpanel]
window.show_quick_panel(display, done)
################################### CONTEXTS ###################################
class ZenListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def correct_syntax(self, view):
return view.match_selector( view.sel()[0].b, ZEN_SCOPE )
def css_selectors(self, view, prefix, pos):
elements = [ (v, v) for v in
sorted(HTML_ELEMENTS_ATTRIBUTES.keys()) if v != prefix]
if view.syntax_name(pos).strip() in ('source.scss', 'source.css'):
return elements
selector = find_css_selector(view, pos)
oq_debug('css_selectors selector: %r' % selector)
if ':' in selector:
prefix = selector.rsplit(':', 1)[-1]
return [ ( prefix, (':' + p), p.replace('|', '$1') ) for p in
not prefix or p.startswith(prefix[0].lower() ) ]
elif selector.startswith('.'):
return []
# return []
return [(selector, v, v) for v in
set(map(view.substr, [
r for r in view.find_by_selector('source.css '
'meta.selector.css entity.other.attribute-name.class.css')
if not r.contains(pos)] ))]
return elements
def css_property_values(self, view, prefix, pos):
prefix = css_prefixer(view, pos)
prop = find_css_property(view, pos)
print `prop`
# These `values` are sourced from all the fully specified zen abbrevs
# `d:n` => `display:none` so `display:n{tab}` will yield `none`
values = css_property_values.get(prop)
if values and prefix and prefix in values:
oq_debug("zcprop:val prop: %r values: %r" % (prop, values))
return [(d, '%s\t(%s)' % (v, d), v) for d,v in sorted(values.items())]
# Look for values relating to that property
# Remove exact matches, so a \t is inserted
values = [v for v in CSS_PROP_VALUES.get(prop, []) if v != prefix]
if values:
debug("zenmeta:val prop: %r values: %r" % (prop, values))
return [(v, v, v) for v in values]
# return [(v, '%s\t(%s)' % (v, v), v) for v in values]
def html_elements_attributes(self, view, prefix, pos):
tag = find_tag_name(view, pos)
values = HTML_ELEMENTS_ATTRIBUTES.get(tag, [])
return [(v, '%s\t@%s' % (v,v), '%s="$1"' % v) for v in values]
def html_attributes_values(self, view, prefix, pos):
attr = find_attribute_name(view, pos)
values = HTML_ATTRIBUTES_VALUES.get(attr, [])
return [(v, '%s\t@=%s' % (v,v), v) for v in values]
def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
if ( not self.correct_syntax(view) or
zen_settings.get('disable_completions', False) ): return []
black_list = zen_settings.get('completions_blacklist', [])
# We need to use one function rather than discrete listeners so as to
# avoid pollution with less specific completions. Try to return early
# with the most specific match possible.
oq_debug("prefix: %r" % prefix)
# A mapping of scopes, sub scopes and handlers, first matching of which
# is used.
(CSS_SELECTOR, self.css_selectors),
(CSS_VALUE, self.css_property_values),
(HTML_INSIDE_TAG, self.html_elements_attributes),
(HTML_INSIDE_TAG_ATTRIBUTE, self.html_attributes_values) )
pos = view.sel()[0].b
# Try to find some more specific contextual abbreviation
for sub_selector, handler in COMPLETIONS:
h_name = handler.__name__
if h_name in black_list: continue
if ( view.match_selector(pos, sub_selector) or
view.match_selector(pos -1, sub_selector )):
c = h_name, prefix
oq_debug('handler: %r prefix: %r' % c)
oq_debug('pos: %r scope: %r' % (pos, view.syntax_name(pos)))
completions = handler(view, prefix, pos)
oq_debug('completions: %r' % completions)
if completions:
if h_name == 'css_selectors':
return completions
return completions#, # NO_BUF | NO_PLUG)
do_zen_expansion = True
html_scope_for_zen = ("text.html meta.tag "
"-meta.scope.between-tag-pair.html "
if view.match_selector(pos, 'text.html'):
if view.match_selector(pos, html_scope_for_zen):
do_zen_expansion = False
if do_zen_expansion:
# Expand Zen expressions such as `d:n+m:a` or `div*5`
abbr = zencoding.actions.basic.find_abbreviation(editor)
oq_debug('abbr: %r' % abbr)
if abbr and not view.match_selector( locations[0],
result = expand_abbr(abbr)
oq_debug('expand_abbr abbr: %r result: %r' % (abbr, result))
if result:
return (
[(abbr, result, result)],
# 0,
except ZenInvalidAbbreviation:
# If it wasn't a valid Zen css snippet, or the prefix is empty ''
# then get warm and fuzzy with css properties.
# TODO, before or after this, fuzz directly against the zen snippets
# eg `tjd` matching `tj:d` to expand `text-justify:distribute;`
if ( view.match_selector(pos, CSS_PROPERTY) and
not 'css_properties' in black_list ):
# Use this to get non \w based prefixes
prefix = css_prefixer(view, pos)
properties = sorted(CSS_PROP_VALUES.keys())
# 'a'.startswith('') is True! so will never get IndexError below
exacts = [p for p in properties if p.startswith(prefix)]
if exacts: properties = exacts
else: properties = [ p for p in properties if
# to allow for fuzzy, which will
# generally start with first letter
p.strip('-').startswith(prefix[0].lower()) ]
oq_debug('css_property exact: %r prefix: %r properties: %r' % (
bool(exacts), prefix, properties ))
return ([ (prefix, v +'\t'+'zen:css_properties', '%s:$1;' % v) for v in properties ],
return []
def check_context(view):
abbr = zencoding.actions.basic.find_abbreviation(editor)
if abbr:
try: result = expand_abbr(abbr)
except ZenInvalidAbbreviation: return None
if result:
return abbr, result
def on_query_context(self, view, key, op, operand, match_all):
# TODO: is_zen, honour match_all, so that the extracted prefix is
# the same on all sides
if key == 'is_zen':
debug('checking iz_zen context')
context = ZenListener.check_context(view)
if context is not None:
abbr, result = context
if match_all == True:
n = len(abbr)
for sel in view.sel():
a = view.substr(sublime.Region(sel.b-n, sel.b))
if not a == abbr:
return False
view.settings().set("zen_abbrev_cache", [abbr, result])
debug('is_zen context enabled')
return True
debug('is_zen context disabled')
return False
class ExpandZenAbbreviationOnTab(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
This command is for when, on `<tab>`, you want to expand abbreviations in
contexts that on_query_completion will not, namely when the characters
preceding the cursor are word separators.
The default zen actions are not multi select aware.
def run(self, edit):
view = self.view
settings = view.settings()
abbr, result = settings.get("zen_abbrev_cache")
n = len(abbr)
for sel in view.sel():
view.erase(edit, sublime.Region(sel.b-n, sel.b))
view.run_command('insert_snippet', {"contents": result})
class SetHtmlSyntaxAndInsertSkel(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit, doctype=None):
view = self.view
syntax = zen_settings.get( 'default_html_syntax',
'Packages/HTML/HTML.tmLanguage' )
view.run_command( 'insert_snippet',
{'contents': expand_abbr('html:%s' % doctype)} )
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