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Created November 17, 2022 20:09
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did, synth, and synthetic did in CVXR
library(CVXR); library(data.table)
# %% functions
# reshape panel data from long to wide for factor models / outcomes
panelMatrices = function(dt, unit_id, time_id, treat, outcome) {
dt =
# function to extract first column, convert it to rownames for a matrix
matfy = function(X) {
idnames = as.character(X[[1]])
X2 = as.matrix(X[, -1])
rownames(X2) = idnames
# reshape formula
fmla = as.formula(paste0(unit_id, "~", time_id))
# treatment matrix
kv = c(unit_id, time_id, treat)
W = matfy(dcast(dt[, ..kv], fmla, value.var = treat))
# outcome matrix
kv = c(unit_id, time_id, outcome)
Y = matfy(dcast(dt[, ..kv], fmla, value.var = outcome))
# move treated units to bottom of W and Y matrix
treatIDs = which(rowSums(W) > 1)
W = rbind(W[-treatIDs, ], W[treatIDs, , drop = FALSE])
Y = rbind(Y[-treatIDs, ], Y[treatIDs, , drop = FALSE])
N0 = nrow(W) - length(treatIDs)
T0 = min(which(colSums(W) > 0)) - 1
list(W = W, Y = Y, N0 = N0, T0 = T0)
# %% optimisation functions
ε = 1e-6
σ = \(Y, N0, T0) sd(apply(Y[1:N0, 1:T0], 1, diff))
# return w minimizing ||Aw - b||^2 + ζ^2 n || w ||^2 if intercept=FALSE
# | w minimizing ||Aw + w0 - b||^2 + ζ^2 n || w ||^2 if intercept=TRUE
# here n = length(b)
simplexLeastSquares = function(A, b, ζ = 0, intercept = FALSE, solv = 'MOSEK') {
w = CVXR::Variable(ncol(A))
constraints = list(sum(w) == 1, w >= 0)
if (intercept) {
w0 = CVXR::Variable(1)
objective = sum((A %*% w + w0 - b)^2) + ζ^2 * length(b) * sum(w^2)
} else {
objective = sum((A %*% w - b)^2) + ζ^2 * length(b) * sum(w^2)
cvx.problem = CVXR::Problem(CVXR::Minimize(objective), constraints)
cvx.output = CVXR::solve(cvx.problem, solver = solv)
sC = function(Y, N0, T0, ζ.ω = 1e-6 * σ(Y, N0, T0)) {
N = nrow(Y); T = ncol(Y); N1 = N - N0; T1 = T - T0;
ω = simplexLeastSquares(t(Y[1:N0, 1:T0]),
colMeans(Y[(N0 + 1):N, 1:T0, drop = FALSE]),
ζ = ζ.ω,
intercept = FALSE
estimate = t(c(-ω, rep(1 / N1, N1))) %*% Y %*% c(-rep(0, T0), rep(1 / T1, T1))
dID = function(Y, N0, T0) {
N = nrow(Y); T = ncol(Y); N1 = N - N0; T1 = T - T0;
estimate = (t(c(-rep(1 / N0, N0), rep(1 / N1, N1))) %*%
Y %*%
c(-rep(1 / T0, T0), rep(1 / T1, T1))
sDiD = function(Y, N0, T0,
ζ.ω = ((nrow(Y) - N0) * (ncol(Y) - T0))^(1 / 4) * σ(Y, N0, T0)) {
N = nrow(Y); T = ncol(Y); N1 = N - N0; T1 = T - T0;
λ = simplexLeastSquares(Y[1:N0, 1:T0],
rowMeans(Y[1:N0, (T0 + 1):T, drop = FALSE]),
ζ = ε * σ(Y, N0, T0),
intercept = TRUE
ω = simplexLeastSquares(t(Y[1:N0, 1:T0]),
colMeans(Y[(N0 + 1):N, 1:T0, drop = FALSE]),
ζ = ζ.ω,
intercept = TRUE
estimate = t(c(-ω, rep(1 / N1, N1))) %*% Y %*% c(-λ, rep(1 / T1, T1))
# %% data
prop99 = fread("california_prop99.csv")
setup = panelMatrices(prop99,
unit_id = "State", time_id = "Year",
treat = "treated", outcome = "PacksPerCapita"
# %%
sDiD(setup$Y, setup$N0, setup$T0) %>% print
sC(setup$Y, setup$N0, setup$T0) %>% print
dID(setup$Y, setup$N0, setup$T0) %>% print
# %%
(sdid_ests = list(
synthdid::synthdid_estimate(setup$Y, setup$N0, setup$T0),
synthdid::sc_estimate(setup$Y, setup$N0, setup$T0),
synthdid::did_estimate(setup$Y, setup$N0, setup$T0)
# %%
lapply(sdid_ests, plot)
# %%
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