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Last active April 18, 2017 23:13
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import os, itertools
from subprocess import run
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool
from functools import partial
def create_command_list(cli_program= " ", invocation=" ", script_name = " ", *args):
Constructs a list of arguments to be passed to cli_program and/or script name with the invocation specified. to be passed to run_in_parallel below
example use:
create_command_list('RScript', 'simulation.R', ' ', distributions)
commands = []
combinations = list(itertools.product(*args))
for combination in combinations:
arguments = " ".join(combination)
command = cli_program + invocation + script_name + ' ' + arguments
return commands
def run_in_parallel(working_directory,commands, nprocesses=2):
runs commands constructed using create_command_list in parallel by spawning number of processes specified in nprocesses separately
pool = Pool(nprocesses)
for i, returncode in enumerate(pool.imap(partial(run,shell=True),commands)):
print(i, 'command executed, Returned', returncode )
if __name__ == '__main__':
commands = create_command_list('stata',' ', ' ', files,yvars,xvars)
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