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Forked from R-ohit-B-isht/
Created April 22, 2024 04:42
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Playbook: Visualizing the History of a Git Repository with Gource


This playbook provides guidance on using Gource to visualize the history of a Git repository. It covers installing Gource, generating visualizations, customizing visual output, and sharing the visualization.



1. Install Gource

1a. Installation: Install Gource on your machine according to the official installation instructions.

2. Generate Visualization

2a. User Prompt: Before running Gource, prompt the user to specify the path to the Git repository they want to visualize.

2b. Navigate to Repository: Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of the Git repository you want to visualize.

2c. Run Gource: Execute the following command to generate a visualization of the repository's history:


This command generates a default visualization of the repository's history.

3. Customize Visualization (Optional)

3a. Customize Output: Explore various options to customize the visual output according to your preferences. You can customize parameters such as colors, scaling, speed, and file types.

3b. Example Customization: For example, to set the background color to black and display file names, you can use the following command:

gource --background-colour 000000 --file-idle-time 0

Explore the documentation for more customization options:

4. Export Visualization

4a. Export Video: Export the visualization as a video file using Gource's built-in video export functionality. You can specify parameters such as frame rate and output resolution (use 60 fps and 1080p if not specified).

4b. Example Export Command: To export the visualization as a video with 60 frames per second and 480p resolution, use the following command:

gource -640×480 -o - | ffmpeg -y -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i - -vcodec libx264 -preset medium -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 1 -threads 0 -bf 0 gource.mp4

5. Share Visualization

5a. Share Video: Share the exported video file or upload it to a video sharing platform to showcase the visualization of the repository's history.

5b. Share Live Visualization: - Host the visualization via ngrock. - Ensure users can access them without encountering errors or unavailability. - Check if the hosted files are accessible by attempting to download or open each file.

Advice and Pointers

  • Optimize Export Settings: Adjust export settings such as frame rate and resolution to balance video quality and file size.

Additional Resources

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