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Created March 6, 2018 05:38
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#!/usr/bin/env node
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const arrow = "➞";
const cwdFile = (name) => {
return path.join(process.cwd(), name);
const loadFile = (name) => {
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(cwdFile(name)));
const backup = () => {
const file = cwdFile('QuestProgress.json');
const newFile = cwdFile('QuestProgress.json.' +;
console.log(`Backing up ${file} => ${newFile}`);
fs.copyFileSync(file, newFile);
const sync = (from, to, dryRun) => {
const nameToUuid = Object.values(loadFile('NameCache.json')["nameCache:9"]).reduce((names, value) => {
names[value["name:8"]] = value["uuid:8"];
return names;
}, {});
const questIdToName = Object.values(loadFile('QuestDatabase.json')["questDatabase:9"]).reduce((quests, quest) => {
quests[quest["questID:3"]] = quest["properties:10"]["betterquesting:10"]["name:8"];
return quests;
}, {});
const fromUuid = nameToUuid[from];
const toUuid = nameToUuid[to];
if(!fromUuid) throw new Error(`Player ${from} not found!`);
if(!toUuid) throw new Error(`Player ${to} not found!`);
const questProgressObject = loadFile('QuestProgress.json');
const questsToSync = Object.values(questProgressObject["questProgress:9"]).filter(quest => {
const completed = Object.values(quest["completed:9"]);
return completed.some(completer => completer["uuid:8"] === fromUuid) &&
!completed.some(completer => completer["uuid:8"] === toUuid);
if(!questsToSync.length) {
console.log(`No quests to sync from ${from} (${fromUuid}) to ${to} (${toUuid}).`);
if(dryRun) {
console.log(`A sync from ${from} (${fromUuid}) to ${to} (${toUuid}) would sync the following quests:`);
questsToSync.forEach(quest => {
const id = quest["questID:3"];
console.log(` ${arrow} ${padQuestId(id)}: ${questIdToName[id]}`);
console.log(`Syncing quests from ${from} (${fromUuid}) to ${to} (${toUuid})...`);
questsToSync.forEach(quest => {
const id = quest["questID:3"];
console.log(` ${arrow} ${padQuestId(id)}: ${questIdToName[id]}`);
const oldCompleted = quest["completed:9"]
const completed = Object.values(oldCompleted);
const completerFrom = completed.find(completer => completer["uuid:8"] === fromUuid);
const completerTo = {
"claimed:1": 0,
"uuid:8": toUuid,
"timestamp.4": Math.max(...( => completer["timestamp:4"]))) + 1
const newCompleted = completed.reduce((obj, completer, index) => {
obj[index + ":10"] = completer;
return obj;
}, {});
quest["completed:9"] = newCompleted;
fs.writeFileSync(cwdFile('QuestProgress.json'), JSON.stringify(questProgressObject, null, 2));
const padQuestId = (id) => {
const pad = " ";
return (pad + id).slice(-pad.length);
const args = process.argv;
if(args[2] === 'backup') {
if(args[2] === 'sync-dry') {
sync(args[3], args[4], true);
if(args[2] === 'sync') {
sync(args[3], args[4], false);
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