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Created August 17, 2019 21:23
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Insteon RF decoding in Go
package main
import (
var frameStartN = []byte(`0011000101010101`)
var frameStartP = []byte(`1100111010101010`)
var preamble = []byte(`10101010`)
var byteIntro = []byte(`11`)
func main() {
// This program is expecting the "ASCII binary" format produced by the
// reciever tools in
sc := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
for sc.Scan() {
line := sc.Bytes()
if len(line) == 0 || line[0] == '#' {
fmt.Printf("packet {\n")
framesRaw := findRawFrames(line)
for _, frameRaw := range framesRaw {
bytesRaw, err := tokenizeFrame(frameRaw)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf(" unable to tokenize frame: %s\n", err)
bytes, err := decodeBytes(bytesRaw)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf(" unable to decode bytes: %s\n", err)
msg, err := ParseMessage(bytes)
if msg != nil {
var suffix string
if err != nil {
suffix = fmt.Sprintf(" # ERROR: %s", err)
fmt.Printf(" message {\n from %s\n to %s\n command %#v\n user data %x\n hops left %d/%d\n }%s\n", msg.From, msg.To, msg.Command, msg.UserData, msg.HopsRemaining, msg.MaxHops-1, suffix)
} else {
fmt.Printf(" # ERROR: %s", err)
func findRawFrames(line []byte) [][]byte {
remain := line
var ret [][]byte
// Does it contain the positive start sequence?
prev := bytes.Index(remain, frameStartP)
if prev < 0 {
// Does it contain the inverted start sequence?
prev = bytes.Index(remain, frameStartN)
if prev < 0 {
// No frames at all then, I guess.
return ret
// If we found the negative start sequence then we'll invert
// our whole payload so that everything is positive for the
// rest of our work here.
remain = remain[prev:] // skip to the beginning of the first frame
markerLen := len(frameStartP)
for {
next := bytes.Index(remain[markerLen:], frameStartP)
if next < 0 {
ret = append(ret, remain)
next += markerLen
ret = append(ret, remain[:next])
remain = remain[next:]
return ret
// tokenizeFrame splits a given frame into its constituent tokens:
// checks for but skips the packet start header
// checks for by skips the preamble: 10101010
// returns elements representing individual bytes, still in full 28-bit representation each
func tokenizeFrame(frame []byte) ([][]byte, error) {
if !bytes.HasPrefix(frame, frameStartP) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("frame does not start with the frame start marker")
remain := frame
if len(remain) >= 7 && remain[5] == '1' && remain[6] == '1' {
remain = remain[5:]
var ret [][]byte
i := 0
for len(remain) > 0 {
if !bytes.HasPrefix(remain, byteIntro) {
// Some trailing garbage, then
if len(remain) < 28 {
return ret, fmt.Errorf("not enough bits left for byte %d", i)
ret = append(ret, remain[:28])
remain = remain[28:]
return ret, nil
func decodeBytes(tokens [][]byte) ([]byte, error) {
ret := make([]byte, len(tokens))
for i, token := range tokens {
if len(token) != 28 {
return ret, fmt.Errorf("token %d has incorrect length %d (should be 28 bits)", i, len(token))
if !bytes.HasPrefix(token, byteIntro) {
return ret, fmt.Errorf("token %d is missing introducer", i)
dataBitsManch := token[2+10:] // skip the introducer and the index value
dataBits, err := demanchester(dataBitsManch) // skipping the 11 introducer
if err != nil {
return ret, fmt.Errorf("token %d invalid: %s", i, err)
for shift, asciiBit := range dataBits {
if asciiBit == '1' {
ret[i] |= 1 << uint(shift)
return ret, nil
func demanchester(manch []byte) ([]byte, error) {
ret := make([]byte, len(manch)/2)
for i := range ret {
manchOfs := i * 2
pair := manch[manchOfs : manchOfs+2]
if pair[0] == pair[1] {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid Manchester sequence %#v %#v", pair[0], pair[1])
ret[i] = pair[1]
return ret, nil
// in-place inversion of ASCII binary
func invertASCIIBin(bin []byte) {
for i, c := range bin {
switch c {
case '0':
bin[i] = '1'
case '1':
bin[i] = '0'
func decodeASCIIBin(bin []byte) []byte {
ret := make([]byte, len(bin)/8)
for i := range ret {
bitOffset := i * 8
bits := bin[bitOffset : bitOffset+8]
for shift, bit := range bits {
switch bit {
case '1':
//ret[i] |= 0x80 >> uint(shift)
ret[i] |= 1 << uint(shift)
return ret
type Message struct {
From, To DeviceID
Command Command
HopsRemaining int
MaxHops int
// For extended messages only. nil for standard messages.
UserData []byte
func ParseMessage(bytes []byte) (*Message, error) {
if len(bytes) < 10 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("too short to be an Insteon message")
msg := &Message{}
flags := bytes[0]
mt := MessageType(flags >> 5)
extended := (flags & 16) != 0
cmd1 := bytes[7]
cmd2 := bytes[8]
msg.MaxHops = int(flags & 0x3)
msg.HopsRemaining = int((flags >> 2) & 0x3)
msg.Command = NewCommand(mt, extended, cmd1, cmd2)
msg.To = DecodeDeviceID(bytes[1:4])
msg.From = DecodeDeviceID(bytes[4:7])
if mt.IsBroadcast() {
// Broadcast messages have the addresses inverted so that a
// battery-powered device can see the from address first and more
// quickly go back to sleep if they can see the message is not addressed
// to a broadcast group they participate in.
msg.To, msg.From = msg.From, msg.To
var wantCRC byte
if extended && !mt.IsAcknowledgement() {
if len(bytes) < 25 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("extended flag is set but too short to be extended (got %d bytes, but need at least 25)", len(bytes))
msg.UserData = bytes[9:22]
wantCRC = bytes[23]
} else {
wantCRC = bytes[9]
if got, want := messageMainCRC(bytes), wantCRC; got != want {
return msg, fmt.Errorf("invalid message CRC (got %d, but want %d)", got, want)
return msg, nil
func messageMainCRC(bytes []byte) byte {
if len(bytes) < 1 {
return 0 // invalid; flags byte isn't present
extended := (bytes[0] & 16) != 0
if extended {
if len(bytes) > 23 {
bytes = bytes[:23]
} else {
if len(bytes) > 9 {
bytes = bytes[:9]
var r byte
for _, c := range bytes {
r ^= c // xor
x := (r ^ (r << 1))
x = x & 0x0F
r ^= (x << 4)
return r
type MessageType byte
const (
DirectMessage MessageType = 0x0
DirectMessageACK MessageType = 0x1
DirectMessageNACK MessageType = 0x5
BroadcastMessage MessageType = 0x4
AllLinkBroadcastMessage MessageType = 0x6
AllLinkCleanupMessage MessageType = 0x2
AllLinkCleanupMessageACK MessageType = 0x3
AllLinkCleanupMessageNACK MessageType = 0x7
func (t MessageType) IsBroadcast() bool {
switch t {
case BroadcastMessage, AllLinkBroadcastMessage:
return true
return false
func (t MessageType) IsAcknowledgement() bool {
switch t {
case DirectMessageACK, DirectMessageNACK, AllLinkCleanupMessageACK, AllLinkCleanupMessageNACK:
return true
return false
func (t MessageType) Acknowledgement() MessageType {
switch t {
case DirectMessage:
return DirectMessageACK
case AllLinkCleanupMessage:
return AllLinkCleanupMessageACK
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot ACK %#v", t))
func (t MessageType) AcknowledgementOf() MessageType {
switch t {
case DirectMessageACK, DirectMessageNACK:
return DirectMessage
case AllLinkCleanupMessageACK, AllLinkCleanupMessageNACK:
return AllLinkCleanupMessage
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%#v is not an acknowledgement message type", t))
func (t MessageType) NonAcknowledgement() MessageType {
switch t {
case DirectMessage:
return DirectMessageNACK
case AllLinkCleanupMessage:
return AllLinkCleanupMessageNACK
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot NACK %#v", t))
func (t MessageType) Cleanup() MessageType {
switch t {
case AllLinkBroadcastMessage:
return AllLinkCleanupMessage
panic(fmt.Sprintf("no cleanup message type for %#v", t))
func (t MessageType) IsCleanup() bool {
switch t {
case AllLinkCleanupMessage:
return true
return false
func (t MessageType) CleanupOf() MessageType {
switch t {
case AllLinkCleanupMessage:
return AllLinkBroadcastMessage
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%#v is not a cleanup message type", t))
func (t MessageType) GoString() string {
switch t {
case DirectMessage:
return "DirectMessage"
case DirectMessageACK:
return "DirectMessageACK"
case DirectMessageNACK:
return "DirectMessageNACK"
case BroadcastMessage:
return "BroadcastMessage"
case AllLinkBroadcastMessage:
return "AllLinkBroadcastMessage"
case AllLinkCleanupMessage:
return "AllLinkCleanupMessage"
case AllLinkCleanupMessageACK:
return "AllLinkCleanupMessageACK"
case AllLinkCleanupMessageNACK:
return "AllLinkCleanupMessageNACK"
// Should never get here, because the above cases cover all possible
// 3-bit combinations.
return fmt.Sprintf("MessageType(0x%02x)", byte(t))
// Command is a packed combination of MessageType and two command bytes, which
// uniquely identify one of the commands in the Insteon command table.
// Only 20 bits of the value are actually used; the most significant 12 bits
// are always zero.
type Command uint32
var (
ProductDataRequest = NewCommand(DirectMessage, false, 0x02, 0x00)
FXUsernameRequest = NewCommand(DirectMessage, false, 0x02, 0x01)
DeviceTextStringRequest = NewCommand(DirectMessage, false, 0x02, 0x02)
GetInsteonEngineVersionRequest = NewCommand(DirectMessage, false, 0x0d, 0x00)
Ping = NewCommand(DirectMessage, false, 0x0f, 0x00)
Beep = NewCommand(DirectMessage, false, 0x30, 0x00)
LightStatusRequest = NewCommand(DirectMessage, false, 0x19, 0x00)
AllLinkRecall = NewCommand(AllLinkBroadcastMessage, false, 0x11, 0x00)
AllLinkAlias2High = NewCommand(AllLinkBroadcastMessage, false, 0x12, 0x00)
AllLinkAlias1Low = NewCommand(AllLinkBroadcastMessage, false, 0x13, 0x00)
AllLinkAlias2Low = NewCommand(AllLinkBroadcastMessage, false, 0x14, 0x00)
AllLinkAlias3High = NewCommand(AllLinkBroadcastMessage, false, 0x15, 0x00)
AllLinkAlias3Low = NewCommand(AllLinkBroadcastMessage, false, 0x16, 0x00)
AllLinkAlias4High = NewCommand(AllLinkBroadcastMessage, false, 0x17, 0x00)
AllLinkAlias4Low = NewCommand(AllLinkBroadcastMessage, false, 0x18, 0x00)
func AssignToAllLinkGroup(groupNumber byte) Command {
return NewCommand(DirectMessage, false, 0x01, groupNumber)
func RemoveFromAllLinkGroup(groupNumber byte) Command {
return NewCommand(DirectMessage, false, 0x02, groupNumber)
func EnterLinkingMode(groupNumber byte) Command {
return NewCommand(DirectMessage, false, 0x09, groupNumber)
func EnterUnlinkingMode(groupNumber byte) Command {
return NewCommand(DirectMessage, false, 0x10, groupNumber)
func GetInsteonEngineVersionResponse(version byte) Command {
return NewCommand(DirectMessage.Acknowledgement(), false, 0x0d, version)
func NewCommand(mt MessageType, ext bool, cmd1, cmd2 byte) Command {
var extBit Command
if ext {
extBit = 1 << 16
return Command(Command(mt)<<17 | extBit | Command(cmd1) | Command(cmd2)<<8)
func (c Command) MessageType() MessageType {
return MessageType(c >> 17)
func (c Command) Extended() bool {
return (c & 0x100) != 0
func (c Command) Cmd1() byte {
return byte(c)
func (c Command) Cmd2() byte {
return byte(c >> 8)
func (c Command) GoString() string {
switch c.MessageType() {
case AllLinkCleanupMessageACK, DirectMessageACK:
return c.AcknowledgementOf().GoString() + ".Acknowledgement()"
case AllLinkCleanupMessageNACK, DirectMessageNACK:
return c.AcknowledgementOf().GoString() + ".NonAcknowledgement()"
case AllLinkCleanupMessage:
return c.CleanupOf().GoString() + ".Cleanup()"
switch c {
case ProductDataRequest:
return "ProductDataRequest"
case FXUsernameRequest:
return "FXUsernameRequest"
case DeviceTextStringRequest:
return "DeviceTextStringRequest"
case Beep:
return "Beep"
case Ping:
return "Ping"
switch c & 0xf00ff { // Zero out the cmd2 byte
case AssignToAllLinkGroup(0):
return fmt.Sprintf("AssignToAllLinkGroup(0x%02x)", c.Cmd2())
case RemoveFromAllLinkGroup(0):
return fmt.Sprintf("RemoveFromAllLinkGroup(0x%02x)", c.Cmd2())
case EnterLinkingMode(0):
return fmt.Sprintf("EnterLinkingMode(0x%02x)", c.Cmd2())
case EnterUnlinkingMode(0):
return fmt.Sprintf("EnterUnlinkingMode(0x%02x)", c.Cmd2())
case LightStatusRequest:
return "LightStatusRequest"
case AllLinkRecall:
return "AllLinkRecall"
case AllLinkAlias1Low:
return "AllLinkAlias1Low"
case AllLinkAlias2Low:
return "AllLinkAlias2Low"
case AllLinkAlias2High:
return "AllLinkAlias2High"
case AllLinkAlias3Low:
return "AllLinkAlias3Low"
case AllLinkAlias3High:
return "AllLinkAlias3High"
case AllLinkAlias4Low:
return "AllLinkAlias4Low"
case AllLinkAlias4High:
return "AllLinkAlias4High"
return fmt.Sprintf("NewCommand(%#v, 0x%02x, 0x%02x)", c.MessageType(), c.Cmd1(), c.Cmd2())
// IsAcknowledgement returns true if the reciever is an acknowledgement of
// some other command.
func (c Command) IsAcknowledgement() bool {
return c.MessageType().IsAcknowledgement()
// Acknowledgement returns the acknowledgement command corresponding to the
// reciever, which must not already be an acknowledgement command and must
// not be a general broadcast command, or this method will panic.
func (c Command) Acknowledgement() Command {
mt := c.MessageType().Acknowledgement()
return c.newMessageType(mt, false)
// AcknowledgementOf returns the command that the given command is acknowleding.
// Will panic if the command is not an acknowledgement command.
func (c Command) AcknowledgementOf() Command {
mt := c.MessageType().AcknowledgementOf()
return c.newMessageType(mt, false)
// NonAcknowledgement returns the non-acknowledgement command corresponding to
// the reciever, which must not already be an acknowledgement command and must
// not be a general broadcast command, or this method will panic.
func (c Command) NonAcknowledgement() Command {
mt := c.MessageType().NonAcknowledgement()
return c.newMessageType(mt, false)
// IsCleanup returns true if the reciever is a cleanup of some other command.
func (c Command) IsCleanup() bool {
return c.MessageType().IsCleanup()
// Cleanup returns the cleanup command corresponding to the reciever, which
// must be an ALL-Link broadcast command or this method will panic.
func (c Command) Cleanup() Command {
mt := c.MessageType().Cleanup()
return c.newMessageType(mt, c.Extended())
// CleanupOf returns the command that the given command is cleaning up.
// Will panic if the command is not a cleanup command.
func (c Command) CleanupOf() Command {
mt := c.MessageType().CleanupOf()
return c.newMessageType(mt, false)
func (c Command) newMessageType(mt MessageType, ext bool) Command {
return NewCommand(mt, ext, c.Cmd1(), c.Cmd2())
type DeviceID [3]byte
func DecodeDeviceID(bytes []byte) DeviceID {
if len(bytes) != 3 {
panic("incorrect device id slice length")
var ret DeviceID
for i, v := range bytes {
ret[i] = v
return ret
func (id DeviceID) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%02X.%02X.%02X", id[2], id[1], id[0])
func (id DeviceID) GoString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("ParseDeviceID(%q)", id.String())
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