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Type safe NotificationCenter
struct Notification<T> {
let name: NSNotification.Name
private let notificationData = "_notificationData"
extension NotificationCenter {
func post<T>(_ notification: Notification<T>, object: Any? = nil, data: T) {
post(name:, object: object, userInfo: [notificationData: data])
func addObserver<T>(for notification: Notification<T>, object obj: Any? = nil, queue: OperationQueue? = .main, using block: @escaping (T) -> Void) -> NSObjectProtocol {
return addObserver(forName:, object: obj, queue: queue) { n in
block(n.userInfo![notificationData] as! T)
enum Foo {
case int(Int)
case str(String)
extension Notification {
static var foo: Notification<Foo> { return .init(name: .init(#function)) }
let x = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(for: .foo) { foo in
}, data: .int(1)), data: .str("wooo")), data: .int(42))
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