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Last active September 29, 2015 13:37
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my objc codestyle


See original in Ray Wenderlich code style guide


Functions are not ifs

Put bracket on next line for functions.


- (void)someMethod 
  if ([smth boolValue]) {
    // then something

Not Preferred:

- (void)someMethod {
  if ([smth boolValue]) {
    //Do something important

NSInteger not int

Use NSInteger, instead of int; NSUInteger vs unsigned int; etc


- (void)someMethodWithInteger:(NSInteger)myInt

Not Preferred:

- (void)someMethodWithInteger:(int)myInt

No empty lines and spaces needed

Don't use more than one empty line, no spaces in method name. It pollutes code and makes it hard to read.


- (void)someMethodWithInt:(NSInteger)myValue
  if(someCondition) {
    [someObject someMethod];

Not Preferred:

/////// my super duper function /////

- (void)  someMethodWithInt  :  (NSInteger)  myValue

  if    (someCondition){
    [ someObject   someMethod  ];


Document your code

If your code intended to be shared with other - is a public API => write docs when possible.


 A class method for creating new entities.
 @returns Returns en entity with given integer number.
 id entry = [MyClass createNewEntryWithInteger:147];
 Example above returns object of class MyClass.
+ (void)createNewEntryWithInteger:(NSInteger)entryInteger

Not Preferred:

+ (void)createNewEntryWithInteger:(NSInteger)entryInteger

Use pragma mark correctly

There are several ways to use pragma mark correctly, please use them.


#pragma mark - this puts hline before and after -
#pragma mark - this puts hline before
#pragma mark this puts hline after -
#pragma mark just bold text

Not Preferred:

#pragma mark -=dont do this please=-
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