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Last active May 1, 2019 20:10
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  • Save apples/ec368c286c33ab97295e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save apples/ec368c286c33ab97295e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#define DECL_ERASURE_MEMBER_CONCEPT(ConceptName, FuncName) \
template <typename Func> \
struct ConceptName; \
template <typename R, typename... Args> \
struct ConceptName<R(Args...)> { \
template <typename Base> \
struct Virtual : Base { \
virtual R FuncName(Args...) = 0; \
}; \
template <typename Impl, typename Base> \
struct VirtualImpl : Base { \
virtual R FuncName(Args... args) override final { \
return static_cast<Impl&>(*this).get_value().FuncName(args...); \
} \
}; \
template <typename Impl> \
struct NonVirtual { \
template <typename... A> \
R FuncName(A&&... args) { \
return static_cast<Impl&>(*this).get_ptr()->FuncName(std::forward<A>(args)...); \
} \
}; \
namespace Raspberry {
template <typename, typename...>
struct BeamInheritance;
template <typename Conf, typename... Types>
using BeamInheritance_t = typename BeamInheritance<Conf, Types...>::type;
template <typename Conf>
struct BeamInheritance<Conf> {
using type = typename Conf::Base;
template <typename Conf, typename HeadConcept, typename... TailConcepts>
struct BeamInheritance<Conf, HeadConcept, TailConcepts...> {
using type = typename Conf::template Link<HeadConcept, BeamInheritance_t<Conf, TailConcepts...>>;
template <typename... Concepts>
class Any final : public Concepts::template NonVirtual<Any<Concepts...>>... {
struct AnyImplBase_BeamConf {
using Base = struct {};
template <typename Concept, typename Next>
using Link = typename Concept::template Virtual<Next>;
struct AnyImplBase : BeamInheritance_t<AnyImplBase_BeamConf, Concepts...> {
virtual ~AnyImplBase() = default;
template <typename AnyImpl>
struct AnyImpl_BeamConf {
using Base = AnyImplBase;
template <typename Concept, typename Next>
using Link = typename Concept::template VirtualImpl<AnyImpl, Next>;
template <typename T, bool B = std::is_empty<T>::value>
struct AnyImpl;
template <typename T>
struct AnyImpl<T,false> final : BeamInheritance_t<AnyImpl_BeamConf<AnyImpl<T>>, Concepts...> {
T value;
AnyImpl(const T& value) : value(value) {}
AnyImpl(T&& value) : value(std::move(value)) {}
T& get_value() { return value; }
template <typename T>
struct AnyImpl<T,true> final : T, BeamInheritance_t<AnyImpl_BeamConf<AnyImpl<T>>, Concepts...> {
AnyImpl(const T& value) : T(value) {}
AnyImpl(T&& value) : T(std::move(value)) {}
T& get_value() { return *this; }
std::unique_ptr<AnyImplBase> impl_ptr;
Any() = default;
template <typename T>
Any(T&& t) : impl_ptr(std::make_unique<AnyImpl<std::remove_reference_t<T>>>(std::forward<T>(t)))
const std::unique_ptr<AnyImplBase>& get_ptr() const {
return impl_ptr;
} // namespace Raspberry
#include "catch.hpp"
#include <raspberry/raspberry.hpp>
using AnyFunc = Raspberry::Any<FuncConcept<int()>,SquareConcept<float(float)>>;
struct SomeFunc {
int func() {
return 42;
float square(float x) {
return x*x;
TEST_CASE("Objects can be stored in Any", "[raspberry]") {
AnyFunc f = SomeFunc{};
REQUIRE(f.func() == 42);
REQUIRE(f.square(12) == 144);
DECL_ERASURE_MEMBER_CONCEPT(RefDetectConcept, ref_detect);
using AnyRefDetector = Raspberry::Any<RefDetectConcept<void(int)>>;
struct RefDetector {
int value = 0;
void ref_detect(int x) {
value = x;
TEST_CASE("Objects are copied by default", "[raspberry]") {
RefDetector rd;
REQUIRE(rd.value == 0);
AnyRefDetector ard = rd;
REQUIRE(rd.value == 0);
REQUIRE(rd.value == 0);
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