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Created November 25, 2022 18:59
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// E4.
// Write a function that takes two parameters: an array and a Number;
// The function returns the index of
// the element's first occurence in the array;
function findPositionOfNumberInArray(array, number) {
// iterate over the array -> for loop
// compare the item of each position in the array to the <givenNumber>
// -> equality operator ===
// -> if statement
// return the position of the current item
// -> return
// If the number is not in the array, return the value -1
// If the number appears multiple times, return an array with all positions
let a = [15, 16, 17, 15];
let returned = findPositionOfNumberInArray(a, 17);
console.log(returned); // Should print 2
returned = findPositionOfNumberInArray(a, 16);
console.log(returned); // Should print 1
// E5. Check if a string contains a letter
// Write a function that takes two parameters: a string and a number;
// The function returns
// true if the letter is in the string
// false if the letter is NOT in the string
function containsLetter (inputString, letter){
// E6.
// Write a function that takes two parameters: an array and a Number;
// The function returns the index of the element's last occurence in the array;
// If the number is not in the array, return the value -1
function findLastPositionOfNumberInArray(array, number) {
// E7.
// Write a function that takes two array objects as parameters;
// 7.a Return the total count of elements:
// how many numbers are in both arrays
function countArrayElements(array1, array2){
let a1=[10, 11, 12]
let a2=[4]
value = countArrayElements(a1,a2);
console.log("The two arrays contain " + value + " elements"); // 4
// 7.b Merge the two arrays and return a single array with their contents
function concatenateArrays(array1, array2){
// let's think in english:
// add array2 to array1 -> push() function - DOES NOT WORK
// iterate through array2
// for each value in array2, do: array1.push(value)
// return array1
let a11=[10, 11, 12]
let a22=[4, 6]
// array3 = concatenateArrays(a11, a22);
// console.log(array3); // [10, 11, 12, 4, 6]
let a3 = concatenateArrays(a11, a22);
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