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Created September 28, 2022 22:46
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# Made with <3 by Vincent Grato,
# comments start with a hash symbol (the pound sign)
# comments are not cude, they are a way to address the programmer
you can create multiline comments with something called a Docstring, here it's the three quotes above and a number of lines below
Programming is often more than one language
if I use `these special forward quotes`, I'm doing something in code
if I use `$ command` those quotes with a $ at the front, I'm coding in bash
if I use `>>> something_or_other`, with the >>> at the front, I'm coding in python
!!! if you aren't seeing this file in multiple colors, go get a text editor like sublime or atom or vs code to work in. Syntax highlighting is super important !!!
!! less important, but still nice: rainbow parens, rainbow csv, line numbers !!
python install
ideally already!
in terminal try:
if you get something like:
Python 3.10.6 (main, Aug 10 2022, 11:40:04) [GCC 11.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
you good
python2 is still floating around. it's enough different to be not guaranteed compatable, but sometimes you can't tell. Try to use 3 these days.
if nothing is installed. Anaconda is a good way to get a working python install
Running Stuff
you can run the file in terminal by `cd`ing into the directory with this file and running:
`$ python3`
I do normally run my programs from the terminal as a command with arguments
there is also something called the Read Eval Print Loop that I use as an exploration tool
from bash
# Variables and data types
# variables are named containers of data that you can read and write to
# there are tons of built in data types and you can import various libraries and of course build whatever custom types you'd need
# some common ones:
variable_names_are_in_snake_case = True
flag = False
undefined_maybe_nil_wu_unask__ = None
an_integer = 12
a_float = 3.14
hello_string = "this is a string of text, obligatory Hello World!"
worth_noting = 3.14 # like, the number of length 3.14
is_not_the_same_as = '3.14' # cuz this one's a string, which has a length of 4 symbols
list_literal = [1, 'abc', 0]
read_only_file_pointer = open('some_file.txt', 'r')
# data types are a complex topic, some languages really care about them, others seem to want to pretend they don't exist
# I think python strikes a happy middle ground, if maybe a little looser than I'd prefer in terms of assuring you're getting what you expect, but this is kind of a nuanced topic
# bottom line, most variables stay one type in the run of a program. There are subtle incompatabilities between data types that are often ambiguous or absurd
# Things like:
# if I have a list ab = [1, 2, 3]
# does it make more sense that `ab + 3` would return [1, 2, 3, 3] appending a three, [1, 2, 3] ignoring cuz three is already a member, or [4, 5, 6], incrementing each element by 3?
# if you tried to run that and got no such flie some_file.txt: `touch some_file.txt` in terminal
# there is another type of variable called a global that is GENERALLY_FROWNED_UPON_BUT_USEFUL_IN_CERTAIN_CONTEXTS
GLOBAL = '/some/config/file/or/binary/or/timezone'
# {} curly braces define a dictionary, also called a hash, map, hashmap or dict
an example:
>>> ab = {}
>>> ab[1] = 'apple'
>>> ab[0] = 'orange'
>>> ab['foo'] = 'bar'
>>> ab
{1: 'apple', 0: 'orange', 'foo': 'bar'}
>>> ab[1]
# Quick note on sources for learning
# in the python3 repl, look at the output for:
# >>> help(range)
# This is python's built in documentation system, I reach for it before the internet often
# most of the websites out there that aren't straight docs or stack overflow are hot garbage
# really good docs (worth breezing through but don't get bogged down in):
# Trey Hunner's stuff is a genuine echo of what was beautiful about the old web
# check out the builtins:
# range can be used to generate a list
one_to_ten = range(0, 10)
# print(12345, [one_to_ten, True])
# the function print outputs values to the screen, even if they're compound data structures like a list of lists
# There are a lot of good libraries you can import that come standard with python
import argparse # bash is the one true programming language
import itertools # fucking cool
import functools # also cool, but in a harder to use way
import multiprocessing # and then I got bugs. I added concurrency, way faster. But like,
import time # a delightfully philisophical nightmare of a read: falsehoods programmers believe about time
import math # mega calculator
import csv # the one true data type. Effectively a spreadsheet where each row has the same type in a given column. Really important to be able to read and write these as a programmer
import numpy as np # mega mega calculator
import sympy # mega mega calculator, now complete with Math, the programming language
import mingus # music theory mega calculator
import svgwrite # Draw images with mathematical perfection for art at any scale cuz information theory. See: 3blue1brown on youtube
import pymidi # Write playable midi files!
# Most projects are a dozen to a few dozen files imported this way. You can organize functional units that can be dependent on each other's functionality
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