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Date: April 25, 2019
April 19-20, 2019
Toronto, Canada
How was it, Mike?
- Big news: Crux
- Condition Systems in an Exceptional Language
- The Joy of Clojure
- Swell
- Slingshot
- Wingman
- cl-restart
- Algebraic Effects(-ish Things) in Clojure
- conditions
- The Curious Case of Clojure Contrib
- The Completely Ordinary Case of Clojure Contrib
- Contrib
- Zach Tellman on The REPL
Five weekends (from Rosetta Code)
The month of October in 2010 has five Fridays, five Saturdays, and five Sundays.
- Write a program to show all months that have this same characteristic of five full weekends from the year 1900 through 2100 (Gregorian calendar).
- Show the number of months with this property (there should be 201).
- Show at least the first and last five dates, in order.
Feel free to comment to submit your own solutions to the REPL!